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Re: Die Jode : Die Feite ! [boodskap #113953 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #113941] Wo, 02 Mei 2007 10:05 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Koot  is tans af-lyn  Koot
Boodskappe: 218
Geregistreer: Julie 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ferdi wrote:
> Beeld 7 November 1994. Bladsy 7.
> Laat kom nou met joune, Snyman...

Sjym, as Djiem Beeld so verkeerd kan aanhaal, dink net hoe verdag is
sy 'ander 99%'!
Re: Die Jode : Die Feite ! [boodskap #114101 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #113867] Ma, 28 Mei 2007 22:53 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Jim Again  is tans af-lyn  Jim Again
Boodskappe: 246
Geregistreer: Januarie 2007
Karma: 0
Senior Lid

Liberal Jews Founded the ANC And Guided It To Power

Written on April 18th, 2004

Jews conspired to destroy the White South African
government and murder the Boer / Afrikaaner people.

In the 19th century the British fought wars to subject
the Boer states to British Rule. In 1948, the Boers took
power democratically, with the election of the National

In the 1960's the government of Hendrik Verwoerd took
power and implemented the formal separate but equal
policies in South Africa. ... These policies made South
Africa the economically strongest nation in Africa, and
gave the blacks in South Africa (and the whites) the
highest standards of living of any African nation.

H.F. Verwoerd's policies had two main opponents. One
was a Jew named Harry Oppenheimer, the other a Jew
named Anton Ruppert. - Both controlled banking mono-
polies in the country, and wanted "rights" extended to
black South Africans for the purpose of extending their
money lending business, and to conquer the whites by
the resulting division and conflict. ...Oppenheimer had
ties to the Rothschild banking family and to the US CIA,
which throughout the 1970's through 1990s supported
the overthrow of white South African rule, under the
direction of the Jew, Henry Kissinger.

Oppenheimer lobbied the Rothschilds to overthrow Ver-
woerd, who had publicly denounced the Jewish banking
monopolies in Parliament. The Rothschilds secured the
support of the Rockefeller, Carnegie and other "Anglo"
families in the United States, and had those institutions
lobby against the white government. Rockfeller influen-
ced the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its mem-
bers in the US government, in particular to oppose white

In 1963 a group of Jews founded the "African National
Congress". - The ANC was founded by Lionel Bernstein,
Bob Hepple, Dennis Goldberg, Arthur Goldreich, Hazel
Goldreich and James Kantor ; with a few African front
men ; -- Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki
(father of Thabo Mbeki), Raymond Mhlaba, and Ahmed

In this, the ANC followed the model the Jews, establish-
ed when they founded the NAACP in the United States,
with the exception that the ANC was a much more vio-
lent and openly communist organization. These Jews and
their African National Congress received funding and sup-
port from both the Soviet Union and the US CIA.

In particular, Ruth First, the Jewish wife of Jewish Soviet
KGB Colonel, -- Joe Slovo, a leader of the South African
Communist Party, was primarily responsible for funneling
funds to the African National Congress.

In 1966 the CIA financed the assassination of President
Verwoerd, through their "lone nut" operative Demetrio
Tsafendas, a Greek immigrant to South Africa. In parti-
cular, Oppenheimer's South African Foundation funneled
CIA money to Hendrik Van Den Bergh of the South Afri-
can Security Police and John Vorster, the Minister of
Justice - who were the men who recruited Tsafendas
to assassinate Verwoerd.

By the 1970's the Jewish campaign to subvert South
Africa was having no significant effect. The economy
was unaffected by sanctions and communist unrest
was minimal, -- though much was made of it in the
Jewish owned elements of the international press.

In 1978 the CIA recruited Pik Botha, the South African
foreign minister, as a spy, and used him to subvert the
South African government from within, - working with
Samuel Huntington and Chester Crocker, Botha was
ASsigned to systematically undermine and alter the
attitudes of the South African government regarding
black rule.

Botha recruited Minister of Sports Piet Koornhof, and
Head of Military Intelligence, General Tienie Groenewald,
to the Jewish-led CIA operation. Groenewald in particular,
passed on the names of Afrikanner nationalist and white
rights activists to MI6 and the CIA, and arranged for acts
of violence and harassment, COINTELPRO style, against
Boer activists in the country.

In the late 1970s and the early 1980s the banking families,
Oppenheimer in particular, began to speculate in the Rand
for the purpose of devaluing the currency. Inflation rose to
7 percent and growth fell to 3 percent, with inflation reach-
ing 16 percent in the early 1980s.

In 1989 a Freemason with ties to B'nai B'rith (the Jewish
Masonic Fraternity which controls the ADL) was elected
President of South Africa. - Presient Frederik W. De Klerk
was a Jewish-backed candidate with ties to the interna-
tional Zionist establishment. ... De Klerk worked for, and
eventually achieved, the Jewish goal of liberalism and e-
quality, through black rule in South Africa.

In the year 2004, South Africa's central bank is run by a
Jew named Gill Marcus, - with the black frontman named
Tito Mboweni taking instructions. Trevor Manuel, a Jew,
is the Minister of Finance. Alec Erwin, a Jew, is the Minis-
ter of Trade and Industry. Helena Dolny, the Jewish ex-
wife of KGB Colonel Joe Slovo (a Jew), runs the Land Bank.
Ronnie Kasrils, a Jew, is the Minister of Water Affairs and
Forestry (In 2007 he is the Head of Intelligence). Louise
Tager, a Jew, is chairman of the railway system, Spoornet.
Michael Katz, a Jew, is the chief consultant on taxation.
Meyer Kahn, a Jew, is the managing director of the police
service. Three Jews, namely Richard Goldstone, Arthur
Chaskalson, and Albert Sachs, - all sit on the bench of
the South African Supreme Court (and Constitutional

What has happened in South Africa (under the name of
so-called "democracy" and "diversity"), has been the Je-
wish takeover of that country. ...And as with all African
governments, South Africa is now a failed nation.

It is poor, it is crime ridden, and it is not safe to walk
the streets. - A typical third world Jewish Ghetto.

The Jews wage war on anyone who opposes their total
domination of the world's economy. ...They also work to
make sure they control the Governments (and economics)
of every single country in the world.

Jews use whatever tools they can -- phony, invented,
tailored allegations of "racism", - or pleas for so-called
"democracy" - to win the stupid, thoughtless, ignorant,
naïve (and liberal) non-Jews to their liberal cause.

All celebrated communist, socialist, "democratic" and/or
liberal (anti-racist) groups in the world are Jewish-run
and are financed with Jewish money.
Re: Die Jode : Die Feite ! [boodskap #114365 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114101] Sa, 25 Augustus 2007 10:56 Na vorige boodskap
Alwyn Van Rooyen  is tans af-lyn  Alwyn Van Rooyen
Boodskappe: 49
Geregistreer: Januarie 1999
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Good grief ! Man all guns! The Jews are coming!! HA HA HA
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