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1054 resultate gevind
1 Forum: Musiek & liriek «» Gepos op: So, 06 Julie 2008 11:35 «» deur: bouer
Uit die argiewe - SARIE MARAIS
… opposite the farm of C.W.Robertson also called Welgegund. 2)SARIE MARAIS en die dossier In 1962 skryf Tobie Brümmer 'n artikel "Was sy Sarie Marais?", in Die Byvoegsel tot Die Burger (13 Januarie 1962). Sy navorsing het hom gelei na 'n dossier, saamgestel deur J.P. Toerien in sy soeke na die waarheid oor die legendariese Sarie Marais. Hierdie dossier word by NALN bewaar en bevat al die briewe en dokumente wat Brümmer gebruik het om die volgende artikel te skryf. Wie was Sarie Marais…
2 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 30 Junie 2008 10:40 «» deur: Ferdi
Kyk wat het John Vorster nou weer gedoen!
… 13,5 percent (from 12 761 to 14 481); car hijackings are up 4,4 percent (from 13 599 to 14 201 cases) and truck hijackings have spiked 39,6 percent. The increases in these subcategories are of an "extreme concern", police said. On Monday morning it was revealed that murder was down 4,7 percent and robbery aggravating had declined 7,4 percent. It was also noted that 66 percent of robbery aggravating consisted of street or public robberies, while house robberies made up 12,2 percent…
3 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 27 Junie 2008 06:15 «» deur: Riaan
… a large banner or as a bumper sticker. I've also seen bumper stickers which read "Thank God I am a Black Man" and "The Days Of The Whites Are Numbered". What could this possibly mean? Some self-appointed experts postulated that an impatient group of blacks wanted to start their anti-White ethnic cleansing campaign prematurely, and the regime needed to communicate to them that the time was not right, hence the "Not Yet Uhuru" messages which kept on appearing everywhere. Today…
4 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 25 Junie 2008 15:21 «» deur: Torreke[1]
Re: Steven Hatfill
…built the V-2, led by Wernher von Braun, also fell into American hands. With its radar-absorbing carbon impregnated plywood skin and swept- back single wing, the 1944 Horten Ho 229 was arguably the first stealth aircraft. The Stealth bomber The Stealth bomber: Based on a 1944 German design The US military made one available to Northrop Aviation, the company which would produce the $2bn B-2 Stealth bomber - to all intents and purposes a modern clone of the Horten - a generation later. Cruise missiles are…
5 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 23 Junie 2008 14:53 «» deur: Torreke[1]
Re: Opinies van Impimpis van die apartheidsvarke
…night and spoke for about 40 minutes. They also made plans to go hunting in June. Botha said he had commented on the fact that Du Plessis had sounded "a bit strained and stressed." "This morning he died. Apparently, according to his son, of a heart-attack." Botha praised Du Plessis as a man who made a tremendous contribution to South Africa. Although Du Plessis served three years of a nine year prison term in Pretoria Central Prison for company fraud, he always retained his self-esteem …
6 Forum: Ekonomie & geldsake «» Gepos op: Ma, 23 Junie 2008 12:13 «» deur: Ferdi
Nuwe apartheidsvarke is aan die woel!
…be improved through policy changes. SA also performed dismally in important areas such as physical security. In the sub- category for the business cost of crime and violence, for example, it ranked 113th out of 118. In the market access cate-gory, the report rates both SA's tariff and nontariff barriers to trade as competitive disadvantages. On the efficiency of import-export procedures, SA had competitive disadvantages for the time it takes to import , the documentation needed to import and the cost to…
7 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 20 Junie 2008 08:43 «» deur: Torreke[1]
Re: Terug van my kursus
… audit be conducted among the managers, and also those in local economic development, the truth will be shocking. Dilapidation is evident in a town which was once a capital city, governed with order and proficiency. Sewerage spills and burst water pipes have become the norm. Unfortunately, maladministration and lack of candid governance is highly contagious in Mthatha. It runs from one government department to the next, and includes not only municipalities but parastatals. Evidently, broad-…
8 Forum: Nuus «» Gepos op: Do, 19 Junie 2008 10:37 «» deur: Torreke[1]
Re: Brown terug in Polsmoor sonder sy medikasie...
…attorney Joe Weeber. " "Weeber also told the court that Brown had not received the medication he needed while in custody at the Goodwood prison. Brown was to be moved from Goodwood to the Pollsmoor Prison, where he would be held in the "safer" environment of the prison hospital, the court heard. Brown's main concern was for his safety, and his counsel asked the court to ensure his safety at Pollsmoor. Remanding the case, Steyn did not respond to the request for him to ensure Brown's…
9 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 18 Junie 2008 12:43 «» deur: Ferdi
Re: Kyk wat doen die apartheidsvarke nou!
…mail that goes to mailbags NOT sorted by caring folk! 3. We are unable to send parcels to my wife's parents in SA as any parcel is 'lost'. And any envelope with anything bulkier than a letter also does not get through to them. And that is the case at two different post offices in recent years. The strange thing is that this was not the case until about four or five or so years ago (I am guessing a bit here). Prior to that everything sent was received by my in-laws. Then suddenly, bang, it changed…
10 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 13 Junie 2008 14:51 «» deur: Daun Johnson
Sardines shoals netted in Margate
…on Friday morning in anticipation of the sardine run. Lifeguards told Sapa people were seen carrying crates and stocking them up with the fish. Two days ago, shoals were also netted at Ramsgate and Southbroom. "We expect the sardines to be in Durbs by Monday," Anderson-Reade said. - Sapa SBTW inligting ter wille van julle Transvalers... die sardiens is nie geblik nie, hoor. Hulle is nog in visvorm soos op die label van die FiveStar blikkie en die sardiens is nie gepiekel of gekerrie nie…
11 Forum: Nuus «» Gepos op: Ma, 09 Junie 2008 17:05 «» deur: Daun Johnson
‘Dronk’ dokter teen 213 km/h betrap_'Drunk' doc walks free
…213km/h - 93 km/h above the limit. At the time of his arrest, police said he was so drunk that he could barely stand when asked to get out of his black Mercedes-Benz. He also allegedly resisted arrest, telling the police that he was a doctor and that they could not arrest him, according to Joburg metro police spokesperson superintendent Wayne Minnaar. Read the full story in the print edition of The Star. 80609170838219C172960…
12 Forum: Nuus «» Gepos op: Wo, 28 Mei 2008 16:18 «» deur: Daun Johnson
Re: Nog nuus oor die voorbeeldige Afrikaners tussen die swart barbare
…on the M19 on Tuesday when the incident took place. "Fourteen shots were fired at him and it was unclear whether the suspects were in another vehicle at the time or whether they were on the ground," he said. The female passenger also sustained gunshot wounds to her legs and was reportedly in a stable condition in hospital. Police found AK47 cartridges at the scene but no arrests have yet been made. "We are not sure if this was related to taxi violence," Mngomezulu said. - Sapa…
13 Forum: Prosa & poësie «» Gepos op: Vr, 16 Mei 2008 06:00 «» deur: Torreke[1]
Re: " Bitterbessie Dagbreek " deur INGRID JONKER
…it from other major religions, and that's also what seems to make it so appealing to the ultra-rational, scientifically trained Western mind. The only steadfast rule about Buddhism is that you accept the teachings of the Buddha (we'll get into these teachings later). The interesting difference is that rather than submitting to a Supreme Being in whom you must believe (lest ye face lightning bolts, fire and brimstone, an eternity spent with Courtney Love), you instead accept the teachings because they're …
14 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 10 Mei 2008 22:59 «» deur: bouer
Biografie van Neil Turok
…that the hotel was near the beach. It also helps that Turok is an amazing and passionate man whose enthusiasm is contagious. In AIMS, the professors and students live together, which means that there are impromptu tutorials at 1am. There’s a strong emphasis on skills that are relavent to Africa, including epidemeology and financial mathematics. He walks us through the life stories of a few of his students - they’ve ended up in amazing places, many getting Masters and PhDs around Africa, the US and Europe…
15 Forum: Geloof & kerksake «» Gepos op: Di, 06 Mei 2008 11:39 «» deur: Ferdi
Re: NASA en God
…of Christ, on Sunday, September 22, 4000BC. However, he said that the calendar calculations showed that September 22 was actually a Monday, and not a Sunday, and that the error was probably because of Joshua's missing day. Totten also makes reference to the Hezekiah story in 2 Kings and argues that this accounts for another missing 20 minutes or so. Totten's calculations sound suspiciously familiar to the NASA story. The bottom line seems to be that there is a lot still missing about 'the Missing Day…
16 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 06 Mei 2008 07:01 «» deur: Torreke[1]
Re: Vir Torreke
…of the earth. He who descended is he who also ascended far above all the heavens."475 The Apostles' Creed confesses in the same article Christ's descent into hell and his Resurrection from the dead on the third day, because in his Passover it was precisely out of the depths of death that he made life spring forth: Christ, that Morning Star, who came back from the dead, and shed his peaceful light on all mankind, your Son who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.476 Paragraph 1. Christ Descended …
17 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 01 April 2008 08:45 «» deur: Torreke[1]
SA se skandalige stilswye oor Zimbabwe
…stations such as South Africa's were also banned. Our children will learn that police inside the polling booths "assisted" Zimbabweans to vote. They will read that these same police had, for 10 years, put a stop to any kind of democratic activity by the opposition or civil society. They will learn that, only a year before these elections, the same police officers destroyed the homes of thousands in President Robert Mugabe's inhumane "Operation Murambatsvina". Our children will …
18 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 19 Maart 2008 07:14 «» deur: duif
Re: Electricity bill may rise by 24%
…to South Africa's neighbours, but they are also being subjected to power shedding, Public Enterprises Minister Alec Erwin said on Tuesday, as the country braced itself for a possible 53 percent hike in the price of electricity. The National Energy Regulator (Nersa) confirmed that Eskom had officially applied for a 53 percent tariff hike. "Eskom has applied for a revision of the price for 2008/9 from 14,2 percent to 53 percent increase... or a 60 percent nominal increase," Nersa said. The energy…
19 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 12 Maart 2008 19:25 «» deur: duif
City storm damage
…to affect flight schedules. Motorists also had to negotiate a string of defective traffic lights including the entire length of Edwin Swales Drive, the intersection of Berea and Musgrave roads, West Street, Smith Street and Commercial Road. Motorists travelling on the roads this morning were advised to be aware of strewn refuse, mud, debris and missing manhole covers. Deputy head of Metro Police Steve Middleton said it was likely the N2 would be opened by this afternoon. He said eThekwini engineers were…
20 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 04 Maart 2008 04:14 «» deur: Torreke[1]
Suidwester, Swart Simon en ander ouens wat van karre en fisika en sulke goete weet....
…for petrol.... but here in Durban we are also paying higher, up to R7.35 per litre. But my line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years now, so here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every litre. Here at the Marian Hill Pipeline where I work in Durban, we deliver about 4 million litres in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline. One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel, and petrol, LRP and Unleaded. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 litres. 1) Only buy …
21 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 02 Maart 2008 20:23 «» deur: duif
vir Elke Deelnemer en Verbyganger...
…variety of colors and patterns. There is also the deeper and hidden level of reality, the hidden image, that contains the real meaning of the stereogram. The Parable of the Stereogram ************************* The last thing fish would ever discover is water. Fish live, move, and have their being in water, but it is invisible to them. What is the last thing that human beings are likely to discover? It is that they are surrounded by and live in the Kingdom of God. Whatever surrounds us becomes ordinary …
22 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 16 Februarie 2008 06:31 «» deur: duif
Die Nasionaliste van 1893 en vroeër
…gold and uranium supplies. There was also a fear that South Africa might take more direct action against Bechuanaland, through economic sanctions or a military incursion. The British government therefore launched a parliamentary enquiry into Khama's fitness for the chieftainship. Though the investigation reported that he was in fact eminently fit for the rule of Bechuanaland, "but for his unfortunate marriage", the government ordered the report suppressed (it would remain so for thirty years), …
23 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 30 Januarie 2008 18:21 «» deur: Torreke
Special vir ANCloudina - die doodtrap van die skerpioene(2)
…a "comprehensive response" once it had studied the report. As far as I can gather, we are still waiting. Then there is the shadowy Chancellor House, an ANC front company that is the beneficiary, it is difficult to believe, of a R20bn Eskom contract. That deal, too, would be something into which the Scorpions could sink their claws. We will never know what the cadres have looted. But with the Scorpions we stood at least a slim chance of curbing them. Stephen Mulholland also writes for Finweek…
24 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 30 Januarie 2008 18:10 «» deur: Torreke
Special vir ANCloudina - die doodtrap van die skerpioene
… of saying they will be dissolved). We have also asked for legal opinion regarding the possible judicial remedies we can pursue should we deem parliamentary processes insufficient to prevent the ANC's despicable scheme. The UDM NEC resolved that we will not hesitate to seek redress through the courts if it is necessary, just as we did with the floor-crossing, when we took the matter to the highest court in the land and exposed the ANC's expediency. We warned then of the dire consequences and were …
25 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 25 Januarie 2008 16:00 «» deur: duif
Re: Die fan strike die "outhouse"...
…rapes of the other victim. Half of this 16-year sentence and two sentences of eight years for robbing each of the missionaries, ten years for the attempted murder of the missionary who was shot, and five years for the unlawful possession of a pistol, were ordered to run concurrently with the 20-year rape sentence. They were sentenced to three eight-year terms, all to run concurrently, and two further eight-year terms also to run concurrently with each other. The effective sentence is 44 years. - Sapa…
26 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 18 Januarie 2008 05:43 «» deur: Riaan
Vat so
…to subject him to media trial, they also at local government level officially and publicly call for and incite further black race hatred knowing full well how this can escalate. Let whites not be under any illusion that the so-called terrorist war against them, portrayed as an "Armed struggle" ended in 1994. It has in fact continued, and in every act of black on white violence and every farm murder since then, been intensified. Let there be no illusion that the ANC terrorists will not use any …
27 Forum: Wiele «» Gepos op: Wo, 16 Januarie 2008 12:57 «» deur: Torreke
Re: Enjins
…of the pistons - and most of them also have inperfect mechanical balance as a direct consequence of the reciprocal movement. Neither of these unwanted phenomena occurs in engines having only rotary motion, so it is not surprising that the pages of power-unit history are studded with designs that eliminate reciprocation. Of this host of brainchildren, only two - the continuous-combustion gas turbine and the intermittent-combustion rotary-piston engine - have survived to be significant in the car field.&…
28 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 30 November 2007 09:26 «» deur: Koot
Re: Baie stil
… teen 'n pace gebou het, maar hoe > die NP onder Verwoerd dit met drakoniese maatreel GESTOP het. Die > munisipale bou-projekte het dood tot stilstad gekom. > > My bron? Obie Oberholzer wat verlede jaar oorlede was en vir dekades > Jhb gerun het. Hy het dit alles deurgemaak. > > > koste besekrm nie, is ook nie sy sout werd nie!!! > > Die Selebi-issue is sleg ja, maar dit maak NIE die wetteloosheid in > townships onder PW goed nie!! > ALBEI is sleg. Also true…
29 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 12 November 2007 07:49 «» deur: PietR
Re: Opheffing
…great influence on the neighbouring tribes also, who altogether possess between 3000 and 4000 guns." ----Maar net so sal jy lees dat in die tydperk het die stamme baie rondgetrek. Die Duitsers het van Swakopmund se kant af gekom en het die ou fortjie so 50km uit Windhoek geou juis omdat hulle Jonker Afrikaner daar verwag het. Toe vind hulle dit verlate en dis toe dat hulle met die Alte Feste begin het. Meeste van SWA se sogenaamde gebiede waar sekere volkere gebly het, het ook maar …
30 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 11 November 2007 18:22 «» deur: Jottie
Re: Opheffing
…great influence on the neighbouring tribes also, who altogether possess between 3000 and 4000 guns." > Logika gewys, weet jy hoe swaar is kopererts? Die enigste > plek in die land waar dit voorkom is in die Tsumebomgewing. Dit is miskien die enigste plek waar dit vandag gemyn word. So paar voorbeelde van waar, wanneer en deur wie koper voorheen gemyn is: - Matchless myn (1856) vanwaar 'n man genaamd Anderson vir die Engelse Walvisch Bay Mining Company erts per ossewa oor Remhoogte …
31 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 16 Oktober 2007 20:26 «» deur: ArchangelMicha...
Re: Excellence of Friday-Prayers (Jumu'ah)...Regularity is required...Time of Messiah
…clearly caused by a dose of the clap. This also caused him to retreat into moralistic denial hence the preoccupation with punishment and sex. His crazy outpourings were subjected to the spindoctoring attentions of his successors - hence the schism amongst his sons and nephews. There is still offence regarding the area of the Satanic verses that were "abrogated" by Al Eiliah aka Allah. Apparently Allah is so all powerful that he is above the restraint of personal integrity. He can deliver …
32 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 14 Oktober 2007 09:13 «» deur: Ferdi
Steeds oor Suid-Afrika
…none of these allegations. This newspaper also published allegations that Tshabalala- Msimang was a drunk and a thief. This story has not been refuted by the minister nor any other government official. Instead, the minister of Health has abused public funds by getting two of her generals to publish wasteful, unintelligible advertisements in various newspapers to allege that it is a crime to access personal medical records. No one has said a word about the public interest. Instead, the case was handed to …
33 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 14 Oktober 2007 08:52 «» deur: Moira de Swardt
Dis hoe dit was, die Steve Hofmeyr storie.
… he is performing his own Afrikaans work and also when he sings his favourite songs from artists such as Neil Diamond. He has a very natural, unforced and friendly feel to him when he is being himself. Here we had a mixture of Hofmeyr being himself and playing himself. It was not a bad mixture, but I prefer him being himself. The sets and costuming were clever and nothing particularly jarred. This revue with the cumbersome title can be seen at the Opera, State Theatre, Pretoria during October and …
34 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 04 Oktober 2007 12:18 «» deur: Ferdi
Xolela Mangcu oor Mbeki en SA
… with his own legal problems later. Mbeki is also probably aware that he is running out of time, which may explain his impatience with Pikoli. We often forget that Mbeki has only 18 months before he steps down as president after the April 2009 elections. In fact, his demise may even be sooner. Six months before those elections, the African National Congress (ANC) has to compile a list of its MPs, and, by law, Mbeki would not be on top of it. Even though I have my doubts about it, some people say that …
35 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 03 Oktober 2007 12:33 «» deur: Torreke
Now showing: Mbeki's reality TV
…own barefoot Premier Nosimo Balindlela has also "miraculously" survived incredibly shaky tenures - first as MEC for Education and later as MEC for Sport, Arts and Culture, only to go on to win the surprise reward from Mbeki - premiership. Despite being voted the worst performing Premier in South Africa in a 2004 SABC/Markinor opinion poll, Balindlela retains an indemnity necklace. Why the double standards? The answer seems to lie in the ANC's "principles and procedures for the nomination …
36 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 01 Oktober 2007 15:44 «» deur: duif
Re: Gloudina....
…t; godsdiens nie. Niemand dien Buddha nie. knip > > Gloudina Maar jy kan darem maar lekker lieg! How has the geography of religion evolved over the centuries, and where has it sparked wars? Our map gives us a brief history of the world's most well-known religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Selected periods of inter-religious bloodshed are also highlighted. Want to see 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds? Ready, Set, Go!…
37 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 24 September 2007 09:38 «» deur: Ferdi
Re: Hoe sal Kanada dit hanteer?
…hooch in seedy parts of Cape Town. She had also thrown tantrums and made bizarre demands on staff. We reported this knowing that this most disastrous and most mollycoddled member of the Cabinet would probably be protected. When we reported on the circumstances surrounding her liver operation and on the fact that she had a theft conviction, this newspaper was accused of having a nefarious “agenda”. An agenda? To reveal that this medical practitioner was once convicted of stealing from a patient who …
38 Forum: Geloof & kerksake «» Gepos op: Do, 20 September 2007 09:13 «» deur: Ferdi
Hei, Torreke...
…is no wonder that Calvin thought he could also force the citizens of Geneva to all become the elect. Not becoming one of the elect was punishable by death or expulsion from Geneva. Calvin exercised forced regeneration on the citizens of Geneva because that is what his theology teaches. Michael Servetus, a Spaniard, a physician, a scientist and a Bible scholar was born in Villanova in 1511. He was credited with the discovery of the pulmonary circulation of the blood from the right chamber of the heart …
39 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 30 Julie 2007 13:06 «» deur: duif
Re: Amerikaanse politiek
…a unanimous resolution.) South Africa has also wasted its opportunity to stand as a clarion voice for human rights at the U.N. On the Security Council, it has regularly sided with Russia and China -- the two powerful, veto-wielding nations that are consistent obstacles to the defense of liberty. In its first substantive vote on the council, South Africa sided with those two states against a nonbinding resolution condemning the human rights abuses of the Myanmar military junta. Archbishop Desmond Tutu …
40 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Vr, 13 Julie 2007 22:21 «» deur:
Re: Comparative Afrikaans / Dutch / Low Saxon translation
…your version, the better I like it. Thanks also > for the implicit corrections. > > One thing: "This side of the truth, / You may not see, my son" you > render as "Hierdie kant van die waarheid / mag jy dalk nie sien nie, > my seun". I understand that "mag" here indicates possibility, rather > than (a lack of) permission? I.e., "perhaps you cannot see this side > of the truth", rather than "you had better not see this side of the >…
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