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JC Smit: meineedige getuie teen die 'Boeremag'

Fri, 06 February 2004 16:06

Is dit al wat hulle teen die beskuldigdes het? Of het hulle nog ander
getuienis gefabriseer. Blykbaar kan JC Smit met moord weg kom, as hy
maar net 'getuig' soos die veiligheidspolisie dit wil he.

From SCA-News



In the so-called Boeremag trial, cross-examination of the main
witness, police spy CJ Smit, has turned the court room into a
story-teller competition, as Smit's testimony about a plan to
'overthrow the (Azanian) state' was challenged by Advocate Harry
Prinsloo, counsel for for the accused Mike Du Toit. Asked how he
thought one could carry out a wide-ranging plan to take over the
country with so little money, Smit told the court about 'a certain
Oom Jan from Bethlehem', who allegedly told someone else that he
would give a field of sunflowers, - but the accused would have to
harvest it themselves. Another person in the Free State had offered to
donate 200 sheep, he said. Smit also mentioned Mike du Toit's
retirement package, and the sale of bullets....

Counsel for the defence put it to Smit that the accused would deny
that a so-called coup plot had ever been discussed at any of the
meetings testified about by Smit. Smit was forced to concede that the
"meetings" - many of them around "braaivleis" fires - were never
formal and usually took the form of open discussions. He also conceded
that nothing concrete had ever been done and no absolute final acts of
terror had been described in his presence. He admitted that the
meetings had just been "a lot of talking". But he remained adamant
that a document setting out a detailed coup plan had been discussed at
just about every one of those occasions, including an alleged meeting
at a striptease club in Pretoria....

Meanwhile, police spy Johan Smit's cross-examination has led to other
interesting developments. Smit, who claims he infiltrated the inner
circle of the nationalist Boer organisation, is still being
cross-examined by the different advocates representing the more than
20 Boers accused of planning to set up a Boer Republic. In a revealing
turn of events last week, Smit admitted that previous written evidence
he had signed was in fact false, and that he 'only scanned' what a
security policeman had actually written down, before signing it. He
conceded that he had never read through the statement word by word
before testifying, although he signed it as correct. "That was my
memory then, but I've noticed last night on reading my statement that
there were a few mistakes...," he said.

Smit also changed tack on what he had earlier alleged were plans
to take over the country's radio stations. While expanding on his
earlier evidence that targets identified as part of an alleged coup
plan included the SABC, Radio Jakaranda and Radio Pretoria, Smit said
that 'later' it was decided to retain Radio Pretoria for propaganda
purposes... To a question by Judge Eben Jordaan on how the SABC
would have been destroyed, Smit said: "Well, the place had to be blown
up... It would definitely not have been a job for one or two guys. It
would not have been humanly possible. I don't know how they would have
done it."

Smit's testimomony on what the Boeremag was planning to blow up
or take over includes, so far, the SABC, the SA National Defence
Force's operational headquarters in Pretoria, the fuel depot at
Watloo, 4 Reconnaissance Unit headquarters at Swartkops, military
aircraft like the Rooivalk helicopters, and many other 'targets'.
Smit also once again touched on an alleged plan to chase all black
people out of the cities along the N1 highway to Zimbabwe.....,2172,73 484,00.html

Koeitjies & kalfies | 18 kommentare

Onse Prez se toespraak vandag

Fri, 06 February 2004 15:03

Met die parlementsopening.
Selde het iemand met soveel passie, geesdrif en gevoel 15 getikte bladsye
voorgedra sonder om een keer af te kyk.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

"Petrus " deur THOMAS DEACON

Thu, 05 February 2004 17:18

Thomas Deacon


... en terstond, als hij nog sprak,
kraaide de haan.

toe beenbek hy se vlerke klap
en bovenaardliks kraai
had peterots geskrik
en vennag van die misvuur
hy had loop lê na boeitekant
met altwee hy se hand
sy borsbeen séér geslaat
oorlat an beenbek oor verloon se ding
met hom staat loop lê praat

Prosa & poësie | 0 kommentare

Gat oor kop?

Thu, 05 February 2004 14:19

More open die Parlement ( weer).
Op RSG gaan 'n span kenners glo 'n VOORskou hou en bespreek van die
toespraak wat Onse Prez gaan maak.
Is dit nou omdat die meeste van ons hom nie kan verstaan as hy Engels praat


Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar


Thu, 05 February 2004 14:16

( Mangos)
Ek het vandag 'n heerlike resep met dit in gesien - kry die ander buite SA
nog dit?
Wil julle die resep hê? Dis 'n soort poering


Kos & resepte | 32 kommentare

" Bergtonteldoosbos " deur THOMAS DEACON

Wed, 04 February 2004 19:24

Thomas Deacon


die bergtonteldoosbos
maak lyflattige dinge
uut jou hart uut los
as jy sy droog-
word blare vat
geselstwak met jou
maters rook
dan wil jy graafbeen
van die bok se
bladlyf vat
en net soos simson
tontel uut'ie

Prosa & poësie | 3 kommentare

Die worshond

Wed, 04 February 2004 13:21

Het julle die nuwe rysadvertensie gesien met die worshond ?
Ek verkneukel my behoorlik aan sy/haar uitdrukkingsvolle gesig.
Nou hoor ek die betotteldes kla ( daar was glo 7 klagtes) en eis dat die
advertensie verwyder moet word - dit moedig glo dieremishandeling aan,
volgens hulle.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 11 kommentare

Re: Here We Go Again...

Wed, 04 February 2004 12:50

Geagte Nude Raider,

Ek moet toegee: jou verskyning hier op die nuusgroep verwek telkens
weer die nodig onrus..
Maar, soos ek die Afrikaners al 'n bietjie ken (ek is self nie 'n
Afrikaner nie), dink ek jou missie sal nie baie suksesryk word nie.
Wat jy doen is hopeloos. Jy sou beter 'n koei leer in die bome klim
dan om van 'n Afrikaner sy "settings" te verander.
Tog baie sukses maar moet ook nie vergeet nie: hoe meer 'n mens in die
kak roer hoe meer hy self gaan stink. (Ek het nie gesê Afrikaners is
kak nie maar jy verstaan die beeldspraak, nè?). My mening is dat as jy
so gaan verder doen dan gaan jy hier jou ongeluk vind.

Groete uit Vlaandere,


------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------
On 4 Feb 2004 12:14:24 -0000, Anonymous

> Well bugger me ...
> I leave you silly people for one day and what happens ... you
> start getting all sentimental and longing for the old days
> again. What is the matter with you all?
> Now you start talking about ouma se snoek (sies) but you are a
> sick lot! Can't you try and look AHEAD rather than in the dark
> past. You won't get those days back again I can assure you of
> that so why not stop being in denial and focus on the positive?
> You may even find that things improve for you in youre miserable
> lot.
> Here are a few things that will help you cope:
> 1. Start speaking English, wherever you go. To many of you in
> your new homes overseas this will be easy because it is an
> international language (unlike your own). Now that you have run
> away and become sout piele yourselves, why not enbrace this
> wonderful new language and start to learn it's mystical ways.
> 2. Dump your silly customs and the funny language you speak. No
> one in the rest of the world understands it (perhaps to a few
> Dutc and Belgians its a sort of pigin language). Encourage your
> children to hug and hold the wonderful English language - and
> see how it will open doors for you.
> 3. Stop writing poetry that harks back to aparheid - snoek,
> bokkeveld, malmesbury etc are old basions of plankdom - don't
> try and get it back - this will never happen.
> 4. Open this silly newsgroup up to non boers - they will help
> you mend your errant ways and help you move forward. These are
> normally services that you would have to pay for, but because
> there are generous people out there willing to help you, why not
> heed their knowledgeable ways and change your approach.
> Seek help all ye heather bretherin, for you can be healed.
> The only real requirement is to toss the plankdom.
> Dr. Grambar
> PhD, Psychology

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

FW se mening

Wed, 04 February 2004 11:57

FW ondersteun nou die samewerking tussen die NNP en die ANC. Een van sy
hoofmotiverings is dat die NNP sy eie standpunte handhaaf - wat verskil met
die van die ANC (!).
'n Enkel vraag - wat is die voordele wat die NNP in hierdie proses beding
het - behalwe vir sekere minderwaardige toegewings wat beperk is tot die
Wes-Kaap. As die ANC dit erns gehad het met samewerking tussen swart/wit en
bruin - dan sou regstellende-aksies lankal reeds begrawe gewees het.
FW verwys nie eens na sy eie sieninge mbt die sg "sunset"-klousule nie.
Ek het baie respek vir FW - maar ek kan hierdie standpunt van hom nie lekker
verstaan nie.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 4 kommentare

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