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" I think I am the first " deur ANTJIE KROG

Thu, 04 May 2006 22:26

"I think I am the first" - Lady Anne op Tafelberg
Antjie Krog

skilder kan jy dit nie verf sal faal
in die oploop onder watervalle wat rag
van ravyn en klip onder ons
pootstamp en stuif die berg sag
in die mis alles geborge mekaar by naam
tog gaan hoekom wag
want smal lyk ineens ons grinterige loopgraaf van taal

maar jou voete minsame bergstapper
in tamatiesokke en klimstewels
beweeg rustig van klip tot klip
vir my bysiende oë word die newels
draderig ons twee figuurtjies strek langs die hang
waar net wasem fyn veeg tussen rots en wang
vlekkerige heideveld proteas soos rugsakke voëls
waar my hande ook al vat jakker

ritssluitertjies kleur. die klim wis
alles tussen ons uit saam kom die slymspoor
van tong wat die berg verwoord
dunner dun klop my bloedspriet soos ons hoër
klim jou sekure voetstap altyddeur voor my
reën wat skedelnat keel-af gly
uit Platteklipkloof boor
die eerste wind om wat smal setlaar is.

Prosa & poësie | 0 kommentare

Re: Meidag 2006

Tue, 02 May 2006 12:18

Baba Mung skryf

> Staan op! Verworpes van die wêreld
> Staan op! Uit boeie van jul waan
> So magtig dreun die stem van rede
> en 'n nuwe dag breek aan
> Ons boesems buig voor geen geloof meer
> Ons baar geen slawe vir die kerk
> Ons staan nou enig en berade
> Ons gemeenskap maak ons sterk
> Skou'-aan-skouer in die suide
> spel ons die toekoms uit
> Die internasionale
> mensdom staan gelyk
> Skou'-aan-skouer in die suide
> spel ons die toekoms uit
> Die internasionale
> mensdom staan gelyk
> Nee! Geen messias kan ons ophef
> en geen gerustheid kan ons baat
> Slegs self kan ons die kettings afgooi
> van gierigheid en haat
> Ellende, honger kom tot einde
> die aard?se diewe sal moet vort
> Soldate skaar hul by die stakings
> oorlog ewig opgeskort
> Skou'-aan-skouer in die suide
> spel ons die toekoms uit
> Die internasionale
> mensdom staan gelyk
> Skou'-aan-skouer in die suide
> spel ons die toekoms uit
> Die internasionale
> mensdom staan gelyk
> (Leila Groenewald)

Koeitjies & kalfies | 8 kommentare

"Hulle wat nooit van moord aangekla word nie" deur JOHAN VAN WYK

Mon, 01 May 2006 14:25

hulle wat nooit van moord aangekla word nie
hulle wat nooit van aanranding aangekla word nie
hulle wat professioneel die werk verrig
hulle wat die maskers van die staat dra
die heersers van die gulag-argipel
hulle wat naamloses se nommers vergeet
hulle wat die bevele gee
hulle sit spekvet saam met ons in die kerk

ons het nooit die gevangenis besoek nie

Johan van Wyk

Prosa & poësie | 2 kommentare


Mon, 01 May 2006 14:14

Daar is vanoggend 'n lang stuk in ons Globe and Mail van hoe
die Duitse regering uiteindelik toegestem het om reparasies
te betaal vir die groepmoord op die Herero in 1904. Dit was in
weerwraak op moorde van die Herero teen Duitse soldate, in
protes teen die oorneem van hulle grond en hulle beeste. Daar
is glo al in 2004 om verskoning gevra vir die moordtog teen
die Herero, maar nou het hulle glo ingestem om reparasies
ook te betaal. Dit lyk nie of die bedrag te groot is nie, maar
die prinsipe help seker. ( Daar is glo taamlike menings-
verskille oor hoe die geld uitgedeel of bestee moet word.)
Ek hoop dat daar nog altyd groepe is wat Engeland
ook vra om reparasies te betaal vir wat in die Tweede
Vryheidsoorlog gebeur het. Mens wonder egter of, as
hulle te hard vir reparasies stoot, hulle nie 'n nes van
wurms oopmaak nie. Wat verhoed die nie-blankes om
reparasies van die blankes te vra.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 6 kommentare

Tutu - vervolg ...

Sun, 30 April 2006 08:50

Miskien moet ons die laaste woord aan 'n Engelse joernalis gee - ons
joernaliste (Afrikaans) is mos nie mans genoeg om die waarheid kaalkop
te vertel nie:

"Spare us the talk of ingratitude, Desmond
"Out to Lunch" - David Bullard (Sunday Times 30.04.2006)

If you happen to have, a white skin then you bear two burdens if you
live in South Africa. The first is that you are assumed to be racist
and therefore unqualified to comment on the widespread corruption,
cronyism and incompetence that impedes our development as a nation. The
other is that you will always be thought ungrateful for the generosity
shown by your black fellow citizens who, out of the goodness of their
hearts, didn't drive you into the sea or knock your head off.
reinforced recently in a speech by Desmond Tutu on the 10th anniversary
of the setting up of the shambolic Truth and Reconciliation Commission
(TRC), which Tutu chaired. The TRC was supposed to be one of those
touchy-feely, nation-healing initiatives set up just after the election
in 1994 to help us all come to terms with ourselves. It was
unintentionally at the vanguard of reality television and many of you
will remember the harrowing scenes of people describing the most
terrible events from the apartheid era before tearfully collapsing into
the arms of the sympathetic chairman. Oprah would have loved it.
However, what the TRC never managed to do was to bring to book those
who had been responsible for such atrocities.
Most whites in South Africa were directly involved in the apartheid
regime, irrespective of whether they voted for the National Party. Like
most ordinary citizens they just wanted good schools for their kids,
hospitals, roads and a reliable electricity and water supply. In short,
they wanted a quiet life and didn't really want to get involved.
When the 1994 elections took place there was surprisingly little
right-wing resistance. The whites joined the winding queues and voted
and then settled back into the daily routine of going to work, taking
the kids to school, filling in their tax forms and all the other
mundane minutiae that make up the average suburban lifestyle.
An excited Tutu marveled that we had managed a peaceful transformation
(as did most South Africans) and dubbed us the "rainbow nation". So
what went wrong and why, 12 years after those elections, are whites
still being maligned for not showing enough gratitude? Is it really
about gratitude or is it about money?
While the TRC may have provided us with some fine theatre it was pretty
ineffectual as a body. Escape deals had obviously been cut with the
previous government and promises made not to go for those who had been
personally responsible for what happened in the last 10 years of
apartheid. Despite the public wailing and gnashing of teeth, the guilty
were allowed to retire to their farms or join the funds they had
smuggled out of the country. Examples were made of a few of the
apartheid henchmen but when it came to extracting the real truth, the
TRC was hopelessly inept.
So my message to Desmond Tutu is this. We love you dearly, you are a
giant among men, you make us laugh and you make us cry, but if you
still believe that whites have not shown enough gratitude towards
blacks then perhaps the memory of the sham of the TRC is colouring your

Koeitjies & kalfies | 20 kommentare

eens mooie Zuid Afrika

Tue, 25 April 2006 19:08

Zuid Afrika

"We reported the robbery to the police on Tuesday and only received a
response on Friday, but by then we had been robbed twice more," she

* * *

Crime out of control in absence of security

'A-Team' terrorises CBD
April 25, 2006

By Samona Murugan, Bhavna Sookha & Sherlissa Peters

Several chain stores in central Durban have been robbed on successive
days as criminals become ever more brazen because of the absence of
security guards, who are currently on strike.

Staff who have been appointed makeshift security guards have been
threatened, assaulted and stabbed in the attacks.

The effect of the security strike has also been felt at the Durban
University of Technology (DUT) - where students have become regular
victims of muggings and had their cars broken into - and in
Pietermaritzburg where businesses have temporarily shut down after
regular robberies.

In Durban, the notorious "A-Team" - a gang of women accompanied by a
few men and named for their slick operation - has returned, emboldened
by the security strike, to unleash their brand of terror on

The team of about 30 women, aged between 25 and 45 years, all armed
with knives, bursts into stores and help themselves to clothing and
other items, while staff, overwhelmed by the sheer weight of numbers,
can only stand and watch. They usually make their get-away in waiting

"We don't stand a chance against these criminals with the guards on
strike - we are outnumbered by this A-Team," said the manager of
Milady's in West Street, who did not want to be named.

The manager of Jet in West Street, who would also not be named, said:
"A cashier who was stationed at the door last Tuesday was pulled
outside and stabbed by a group of armed men thinking he was a security

Desperate times have called for desperate measures and management is
now stationed at the front entrance of most stores in the city.

A Jet staff member, who is now stationed at the door, is terrified and
fears for his life.

"I am quite scared to stand at the door. It is not even my job, but I
have to do it. We have turns to stand guard, but I feel that at any
minute I am going to be attacked," he said.

"We were hit on Tuesday and on Wednesday and there is nothing that we
can do besides step aside," said Milady's manager.

"We need police patrolling the streets. Last week, during a robbery,
Chubb Security was alerted. When they responded to the alarm, a police
officer actually gave them a parking ticket. The police should be
concerned about the crime rather than issue parking tickets in the
city," she said.

"We reported the robbery to the police on Tuesday and only received a
response on Friday, but by then we had been robbed twice more," she

Gus Brand, general manager of The Hub in West Street, said the store
had been broken into yesterday morning and several units of stock had
been taken.

"This is the second time in two weeks we have had a break-in and, with
our daily shoplifting incidents, the situation is escalating out of
control. We have closed off our store's entrance in Smith street,
which makes it a little easier to control access into and out of the
store," said Brand.

Rape case
The DUT has also been negatively affected by the strike, with recent
increases in muggings, car thefts, burglaries at residences and even a
case of rape being reported on one campus.

"The increase in crime on the campuses can be attributed to the
nationwide security strike. The majority of our security guards are on
strike," said university spokesman David Sedumedi.

Several students have embarked on a stay-away from lectures and tests
as they fear for their security.

"Cars have been broken into and stolen and students are mugged on a
daily basis. I was robbed of my cellphone and handbag last week. It is
not safe anymore," said marketing student Natasha Govender.

"Management has decided to suspend the academic programme from
yesterday, and lectures will resume on Tuesday, May 2," said DUT
spokeswoman Nomonde Mbadi.

In the CBD, an outraged yet fearful shop owner said: "The city has
become a crime-ridden place. We need visible policing on the streets,
that is the only way to stop this gang," he said.

Nicol Square Community Policing Forum's Nicky Gounden said crime was
spiralling out of control and that the police were aware of the

He confirmed that the A-Team was back in action and that they were
moving around the city centre.

"The city is not secure anymore. Crime is becoming a serious problem,"
he said.

Metro Police spokesman Alex Wright said officers were on duty in the
CBD but that they could not be expected to do the work of security

"Parking is a huge problem in the city and we have briefed our parking
enforcement officials to be on the lookout for criminals in the area,"
he said.

In Pietermaritzburg irate business people are calling for an end to
the ongoing security strike after an increasing number of robberies
and shoplifting incidents in the CBD.

Langalibalele Street cellphone shop owner Ismail Bhamjee said he had
been robbed of cellphones and accessories by brazen criminals since
the strike began.

"They walk into the shop and just demand goods from you in full view
of everyone, and we give in because you never know if they are going
to take out a gun and shoot you," he said.

Bhamjee said he had lost close to R5 000 in stock and is so
disheartened by the situation that he has closed his shop until the
strike is over.

"No one wants to shop anymore. They are too scared without the
presence of security, as they should be. Our security guards need to
come back to work," he said.

On Friday, half the businesses in Church Street closed early after
hearing rumours that a mob was running riot through the city. Police
spokesman Supt Joshua Gwala said Morkels furniture store was robbed at

He said two men were arrested and a television set recovered.

Gwala said another armed robbery took place at Access Business
Commu-nications where cash and cellphones were taken.

"The SAPS Dog Unit responded and caught two suspects while they were
still in the shop. The third suspect escaped with goods and a
firearm," he said.

Restaurant owner Gavin Delmar said his staff were robbed at gunpoint
while reporting for work on Saturday morning.

"They were all waiting outside for me to open up, when they were
confronted by three armed men and forced to hand over their wallets,
jewellery and cellphones," he said.

Delmar added that if the strike does not end soon and guards are not
back at work, he would be forced to protect his staff, customers and
premises himself, "by whatever means necessary".

Church Street businessman Jona-than Naicker said his business was
robbed of two television sets and a sound system when six armed women
and two men held him and his staff up.

"I lost more than R40 000 in assets. Surely something can be done to
protect our businesses.

"The criminals are calling the shots because they know we are
vulnerable. Our city is in a state of anarchy," he said.

Msunduzi Municipality spokesman S'khumbuzo Mpanza said the council was
aware of the problems being experienced and have already decided on a
plan of action.

"Council is taking these complaints very seriously. Measures will be
taken to alleviate the problem," he said.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Tutu bestempel blankes as ondankbaar ...

Tue, 25 April 2006 05:18

Desmond Tutu sou verlede week, tydens die 10-jarige herdenking van die
WVK blankes as ondankbaar jeens swartes bestempel. Hy sou gese het: "I
just hope that one daythere will be a way to say:"thank you for not
wanting to knock our heads off."

Hierdie is 'n tipiese opmerking wat ek ver eerder van 'n verregse
verwag het. Die onderliggend dreigement van geweld. As blanke moet jy
deurlopend dankbaar wees dat jy nie aan geweld onderwerp word nie. (Hy
is natuurlik verkeerd indien jy al die swart op wit moorde,
verkragtings, aanrandings ens. in ag neem.)

Tutu en geledere moet elke aand op hulle kniee gaan en bid dat die
blnake in die land sal voortgaan om geduldig sy belasting te betaal.

Annette het my eens gevra wat ek teen Tutu het. Ek het haar toe nie
geantwoord nie. Nou is dit nie nodig nie. Tutu is 'n tweegatjakkals -
in sy jonger dae was hy, volgens hom, 'n "card-sharp". Ek dink nie dit
het enigsins verander het nie.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 36 kommentare

" Die Klippe praat " deur P.J. PHILANDER

Sat, 22 April 2006 01:28

P.J. Philander

Gaan tot die keper en skraap
die patina vir spore uit die Kaap
tot die waarheid duidelik bo
op die rotse is van die Erongo.

Sedert die Rijger, Goede Hoop en Drommedaris
bewaar julle valse stukke by die argivaris.
In die wande ingegraveer
is ons baasskap verewig teen wind en weer.

Die bruin, wit en swart figure
moes julle saamgestel het op die binnemure;
pas op vir die dag as ons hatig en sku
op julle kasteel en wonings nader tree.

Vir die baasjagter raak die spore
van die gekwestes mos nooit verlore
en die ou fonteine nog gister brak
kan in swaar tye tog soet raak.

Net ons soos dier en plant
ken al die drinkplekke in die sand;
sal tot die einde met klou, tand
en bitter wortels bly in die land.

Intussen kook ons potte
gif vir die klomp veldrotte;
vervloek dié wat ons stryd
om 'n bestaan by die wortels byt

en wag tot die grootwild op 'n dag
die hoogtes moet verlaat en oornag
in die laagtes tussen dorings...
dan kry elke graf sy koedoehorings!

Prosa & poësie | 1 kommentaar

Hotel Rwanda

Sat, 22 April 2006 01:23

Ek sopas Hotel Rwanda vir die eerste keer gesien.
Ek weet dat groot dele daarvan in SA verfilm was.
Watter dele en waar?


TV, flieks & vermaak | 8 kommentare

Huisskoonmaak in die Withuis

Thu, 20 April 2006 00:47

Mens wonder of enigiets wat hulle in die Withuis kan doen, kan
help om hulle bas te red. En mens gee ook nie eintlik om nie.
Maar dit laat mens darem sidder dat hierdie klomp soveel mag
in hulle hande het. Dat hulle oorloë kan maak, oorloë waarin
lande soos Kanada stadig maar seker ingetrek word ( soos
in Afghanistan) en vanwaar die body bags ook nou maar begin
terugkom, al is sommige van die gevalle friendly fire.
Wat Kanada die meeste vrees, is dat die groot skulde
wat die Bush-administrasie aangaan, sal lei tot die ineenstorting
van die Amerikaanse dollar. Dit sal drastiese gevolge hê vir
Kanada. Dis daarom dat die Hoof van Kanada se Reserwebank
aktief begin beroep doen op die Amerikaners om hulle fiskale
huis in orde te kry.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 5 kommentare

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