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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Nog een vir die regering?

So, 02 Augustus 1998 00:00

Is daar nou nog regdenkinde mense hier en in die Buiteland wat saamstem dat
hierdie regering normaal en regverdig optree.


In the African tribes it might be an accepted practice to gain
possessions by taking it from another by force. In South Africa
however, lives a white tribe that does not take kindly to this.

We say this without fear, because there is no more place for

The government is busy stealing from whites in general, and the
Afrikaner in particular. He is doing this with the power
available to the state as a specific form of violence. Even when
this happens by means of legislation, it remains robbery and does
not differ in outcome from any other crime.

The government's behaviour is not even always legal. A blatant
example of this is the way the government took possession of all
moving and unmoving assets owned by the former Model C schools,
without compensation. This clearly in contradiction to article
25 of the constitution. The fact is that these schools were
almost without exception the property of Afrikaner communities,
making it another transgression against our people.

Article 25 is about the right to property. Among others it
prevents arbitrary deprivation. Where property is dispossessed
in public interest, the Constitution states:

The amount of compensation as well as the time and way of payment
must be just and fair and must show a balance between public
interest and the interests of those involved.

According to "Mondstuk", newspaper of the Afrikaner Teachers
Association, the government ignored all claims by model C schools
to be compensated. The department merely decided not to pay any
compensation. According to "Mondstuk" the reasons the department
gives for this step is contrary to article 25.

By doing this, the government lay claim to 11 000 schools which
do not belong to it, but is in reality private property. The fact
that the Department of Education is so crippled by mismanagement,
nepotism and all but bankrupt does not make this action less

This is clear human rights violations by the state. The
honourable thing to do would have been to leave the schools in
private ownership. The schools can be used by Afrikaner
communities who are forced by government to provide for the
private education of their children.

The taking of schools and other property is of course a part of
the ANC/SACP's policy of affirmative action which, according to
article 9(2) of the Constitution allows discrimination.

The confiscation of model C schools is not the only example of
the government robbing the private sector. The government took
possession of water and mineral rights, and the new law on land
reform gives the state the power to take possession of farms.

Affirmative action and transformation are only pleasing words for
white injustice and deprivation. It robs whites of their work,
their earnings, as well as services they pay for in tax. It robs
the Afrikaner of his language, his culture and Christian and
nationalist education.

It is a crime to force a decline in social and other services,
while Mandela earns R665 230 and almost illiterate workers earn
between R20 000 and R35 000 per month in positions for which they
are not qualified.

The Afrikaner has had enough! He is busy mobilising and fighting
back with all the constitutional means possible. If he cannot
find justice this way, he will be forced to reconsider his

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

Paasnaweek op Satara

Sa, 01 Augustus 1998 00:00

Wat het Paasnaweek op Satara gebeur wat maak dat Nick Smith nie sampioene
eet nie?

Vind uit by:

(As jy die teleurstelling kan verwerk.)


Henri Burger, Tzaneen. RSA
(e-mail: remove 'sukikaki.')

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

dekat op die net?

Sa, 01 Augustus 1998 00:00

kan iemand net asb vir my bevestig dat daardie salonblad van die afrikaner, de
kat, nie 'n net teenwoordigheid het nie, of anders is ananzi, altavista en
yahoo nie up to date nie.


-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare


Sa, 01 Augustus 1998 00:00

Deel jou mening oor misdaad in Suid-Afrika op

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

op soek na skoolmaats.

Vr, 31 Julie 1998 00:00


My naam is daniel sepulveda, 'n chilieen wat 6 jaar lank by suid afrika
gewoon het.Ek het daar skool klaargemaak en my ouers het besluit dat dit
beter wasvir my om my universiteitstudies by chili moes doen.

Wel hier is ek nou, in my 5de jaar van mechanieseingeneurswese (die
loopwaan is 6 jaar lank hier), en ek wil graag party skoolmaats find,
wat in suid afrika rondloop. Hulle voltooi die volgende vereistes:

*het in Kathu (´n myndorp in die noordkaap, by Yskor se Sishenmyn)
*Het in 1993 matriek klaargemaak
*was in die selfde klas as die twee chileene. Hulle sal beslus dit

Baie dankie vir al die hulp. Soos julle sien, afrikaans word ook hier in
chili gepraat!

Julle is almal welkom om vir my te e-mail as julle ietsie meer wil weet
oor my wonderlike land.

Daniel Sepulveda

Koeitjies & kalfies | 1 kommentaar

Re: ANC emblem?

Vr, 31 Julie 1998 00:00

Tog jammer julle slaan die spyker op sy kop.

Frikkie Potgieter wrote in message ...
Anargy, Nepotism and Corruption Party..
> Frikkie
> PGa wrote in message ...
>> Annie wrote in message
> ...
>>> inflation, protects a bunch of ......>>

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

VIRUS ALERT- (Vanaf Staatsdiens)

Vr, 31 Julie 1998 00:00

Ek neem aan dis eg.

> Original Text
> From: willem ras@chief directors@pwd hq lauren, on 31/7/1998 3:08 PM:
> To: *@*@*
> If you recieve an e-mail titled "WIN A HOLIDAY". DO NOT open it. It will
> erase everything on your harddrive. Forward this mesage to as many people
> that you know and as fast as possible.
> This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it.
> This information was announced yesterday morning by MICROSOFT. Please share
> it by anyone that might access the Internet. Once again pass this along to
> everyone in your address book so that this can be contained.
> Also do not open or even look at mail that says: "RETURNED OR UNABLE TO
> DELIVER" This virus will attach itself to your computer components and
> render them useless. Imediately delete any mail items that say this. AOL
> has said that this is a very dangerous virus and that there is no remedy
> for it at this time.Please practice precautionary measures and forward this
> to all your online friends ASAP.
> DATE: 31 JULY 1998

Rekenaars & selfone | 15 kommentare

Re: VIRUS ALERT- (Vanaf Staatsdiens)

Vr, 31 Julie 1998 00:00

Oh good, another bit of scare mail...

And people complain about the net being clogged up and slow.....

Kobus Pietersen wrote:

> Ek neem aan dis eg.
>> Original Text
>> From: willem ras@chief directors@pwd hq lauren, on 31/7/1998 3:08 PM:
>> To: *@*@*
>> If you recieve an e-mail titled "WIN A HOLIDAY". DO NOT open it. It will
>> erase everything on your harddrive. Forward this mesage to as many people
>> that you know and as fast as possible.
>> This is a new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it.
>> This information was announced yesterday morning by MICROSOFT. Please share
>> it by anyone that might access the Internet. Once again pass this along to
>> everyone in your address book so that this can be contained.
>> Also do not open or even look at mail that says: "RETURNED OR UNABLE TO
>> DELIVER" This virus will attach itself to your computer components and
>> render them useless. Imediately delete any mail items that say this. AOL
>> has said that this is a very dangerous virus and that there is no remedy
>> for it at this time.Please practice precautionary measures and forward this
>> to all your online friends ASAP.
>> DATE: 31 JULY 1998

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Nog een vir Madiba AANHANGERS?

Vr, 31 Julie 1998 00:00

You know Frikkie you have summed the situation up perfectly.

Your vision and depth of understanding is admirable.

It's only a pity that more SAfricans are as brutally honest as you are!


Koeitjies & kalfies | 4 kommentare

En sommer nog EEN?

Vr, 31 Julie 1998 00:00

Ek wil net aan julle almal vertel dat ek nie bang is vir JULLE dreigemente
nie.. Nie eens vir daardie Suid Afrikaanse neger in Amerika nie. Jammer dat
hulle Wouter Basson vroegtydig gestop het, want hy het werklik `n plan


Hierdie regering is nie net besig om alle bates te plunder nie, maar hulle
is nog skaamtelose leuenaars ook. Hiervan het die wêreld die afgelope tyd
baie bewus geword met die verskeie leuens wat vertel is rondom Mandela se
troue met sy Shangaan minares, Graca Machel.

Leuens kom net so maklik uit die mond van Parks Mankahlane, amptelike
woordvoerder van President Nelson Mandela se kantoor, as die waarheid. Dat
die President van Suid Afrika se kantoor amptelik vir die wêreld grof en
blatant kan lieg, is nie net skokkend nie, maar dit is ook 'n refleksie van
watter soort regering hier aan bewind is. Hierdie vent, Parks Mankahlane,
het self erken dat hy gelieg het, maar toe hy daarop gewys word, toe praat
hy van "our detractors" en "opponents of the government who question our
integrity". Selfs die middag voor Mandela se troue, het hierdie kalant die
pers daarvan beskuldig dat hulle valse gerugte versprei rondom Mandela se
beweerde troue.
Hoe op aarde kan enige iemand met integriteit lieg? Net Mandela en sy
trawante sal hierdie vraag kan beantwoord. Die tragiese waarheid is dat hy
gladnie van voorneme is om van hierdie leuenaar ontslae te raak nie.

Mandela self is eitlik beskuldigde nommer een. Hy sê dat Parks Mankahlane
het nie geweet van sy troue nie. Met hierdie woorde is Mandela se eie
geloofwaardigheid sterk aangetas. Parks Mankhalane was al teenwoordig op
Mandela se aanvangseremonie op Vrydag! Dit is dus duidelik dat Mandela ook
nie eintlik baie gesteld op die waarheid is nie en dat hy self ook met tye
baie ekonomies met die waarheid kan wees.

Die vraag kan nou tereg gevra word of die wêreld ooit enige iets wat Mandela
se kantoor uitreik, enigsins kan glo? Nadat die Sunday Telegraph onlangs
berig het dat Suid Afrika wapens gaan ruil vir olie met Libië, 'n terroriste
land wat sanksies teen hom het, was Mandela se amptelike leuenaar, Parks
Mankhalane, gou by om dit te ontken namens die regering.
Hoe gaan die wêreld ooit weet wanneer die President van Suid Afrika se
kantoor die waarheid praat en wanneer nie ? Ons raai aan dat alles wat deur
die President se kantoor aangekondig word, met die grootste omsigtigheid
behandel word.

Om te lieg, is deel van hierdie Kleptokratiese, Kommunistiese regering se
mondering. Minister van sport, Steve Tswete, het twee maande gelede vir die
parlement vertel dat hy 'n "eerlike leuen" goedkeur van 'n senior amptenaar
van sy departement, omdat dit vertel was onder uiterste moeilike
Dan is daar nog die geval van die regering se Adjunk-Speaker wat gelieg het
oor haar bestuurderslisensie. Hierdie is maar net enkele gevalle van 'n hele
reeks leuens.

Ons Boervolk het 'n sterk inbors vir Christelike waardes soos integriteit,
eerlikheid en die waarheid. Ons is 'n gedisiplineerde Volk met sterk
beginselwaardes en 'n sterk pligsgetrouheid met 'n besondere werk etiek. Hoe
ons nou onself onder sulke vervalling, onsedelikheid, diefstal, moord,
verkragting en van die ander walglike dinge bevind, gaan enige denkende mens
se verstand te bowe.

Ons is net deel van die Boervolk en ons kan nooit deel van 'n nasie wees
nie. Om net te oorleef in Mandela se eenheidsstaat van rampokkers, diewe en
leuenaars is nie vir ons aanvaarbaar nie. Ons het ons volkstatus bereik
deur ewige stryd en werk. Nou voel ons word vasgekeer terwyl die vyand op
ons toesak, net soos Bloedrivier. Wat help dit om 'n plaas of huis te hê en
nie 'n land waar dit in is nie? Ons wil nie net eet en slaap en werk om te
oorleef, terwyl ons nie 'n land het nie. 'n Volk sonder grond is geen Volk
nie. Ons wil ons eie Boererepubliek hê. Ons regering moet ons hartetaal ken.
Hy moet weet waarom ons hartseer is en waarom ons arm is. Ons leiers moet
saam met ons voel gedurende slegte tye en altyd saam met ons kniel in diepe
geloof en dankbaarheid voor God Almagtig.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 25 kommentare

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