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1054 resultate gevind
1 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 14 Desember 2000 18:53 «» deur: Doos[1]
Future of the European Union..
…always been a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horibel mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away. By the fourth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" wiz "v". During ze fifz year ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters. After ze fifz yer ve vil hav a reali …
2 Forum: Gesondheid & boereraat «» Gepos op: Ma, 04 Desember 2000 00:00 «» deur: Ernst v Biljon
Kan 'n virus homself verander.
…a protein core underneath the capsid which also surrounds the genetic material. Some viruses may have an additional covering on the outside called an envelope. An envelope is kind of like skin around the outside of the virus. The envelope is actually a lipid bilayer (membrane) with proteins embedded within the membrane. If you examine a baseball, take it apart, you will see how some viruses are assembled. The cover of the baseball (envelope), the tightly-woven thread (capsid), and the rubber core (genetic …
3 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 04 Desember 2000 00:00 «» deur: KaapseKind
Re: Just curious
…of various skin color - other than white - also call themselves Afrikaners. Mooi bly. KaapseKind Skunk skryf in boodskap news:90giq2$rda$ > "Frik" : > >> Good Morning Lady Ice, > >> Afrikaans is the language spoken by manny >> people in South Africa. It is verry similar to >> Dutch or Vlaams. Afrikaners, is the white people >> who speak Afrikaans. You alos get a lot of >> Coloured people who speak Afrikaans. > >…
4 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 03 Desember 2000 00:00 «» deur: Mel
Re: soek raad
…rmation)... to run a system check... you can also restore msvrct.dll from your win disks. Make sure your system is clean of all virus before proceeding.. Get Innoculate here: > Wat is n DO991E80.htq file en wat is sy doel. Die file was onder > C:\windows\sys > Dit het gewys dat die file n virus in gehad het en na ek dit herstel het het > ek probleme met my rekenaar Delete that file. I don't know what an .htq file is... I don't have any such files on my …
5 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 27 November 2000 01:47 «» deur: Blommetjie
Re: Adam en Evolusie ?
…they would be driven away ; People would shout at them as at a thief." 6. "They have to reside on the very slope of torrent valleys, In holes of the dust and in rocks." 7. "Among the bushes they would cry out ; Under the nettles they would huddle together." 8. "Sons of the senseless one, also sons of the nameless one, They have been scourged out of the land."…
6 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 26 November 2000 00:00 «» deur: us...
Re: Dit is hoekom ons jongmense loop !
Also sprach -> Miskien moet jy vir ou -> Frikkie en vir Johan vastrap en hulle geneties ontleed! Oi, joi.joi. Minstens sewe persent, as julle weet wat ek bedoel.
7 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 24 November 2000 03:32 «» deur: jgj
Mel en web ontwerp (WAS Re: Groetnis)
…myself a professional | webmaster... I also state that my site is my first attempt... it has | undergone many revisions, and will be undergoing many more... | | [ Don't ask me where on my site I state this... because it is easy to | find... go look for it... ] | | So yeah I am an AMATEUR, and I freely admit this... what else do you wish to | know? Daar-oor stry ons glad nie, dit is duidelik. Hoe de hel kan 'n amateur dan mense aanraai om FrontPage te gebruik? BTW, baie van die code wat deur frontpage se …
8 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 24 November 2000 01:12 «» deur: Mel
Re: Groetnis
…myself a professional webmaster... I also state that my site is my first attempt... it has undergone many revisions, and will be undergoing many more... [ Don't ask me where on my site I state this... because it is easy to find... go look for it... ] So yeah I am an AMATEUR, and I freely admit this... what else do you wish to know? My attention is split between site design and content... and I pursue interesting, invigorating, controversial content far above fancy graphics and layout... that is what …
9 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 24 November 2000 00:00 «» deur: Mel
Re: Mel en web ontwerp (WAS Re: Groetnis)
…wish there was 1 standard... but I think also that the IE standard nets 95-98% of my visitors... I think Netscape is dead... it was the innovator ... > Dit is nie dat ek die web-tuiste afmaak as nikswerd nie, ek is seker dat dit > groot aantrek kry, jy het rede om trots te wees.(so tussen al die kak praat) Yep.. thanks... u should go browse the forums... there are some crazy ppl there... some of them actually LIKE me... that confirms their insanity, right? :-) > Ek het self in Kaapstad gebly…
10 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 21 November 2000 07:19 «» deur: jgdebeer
Prestasies van ANC regering
…to clean governance by acting swiftly and by suspending Mafereka from office immediately. Mafereka, a wealthy businessman and former taxi owner, had just returned from a trip to Switzerland and Cuba when he was arrested. Only one day earlier his bodyguard and driver had also been arrested. Mafereka was arrested for the alleged murder of a taxi operator in 1989 by an elite police unit probing taxi violence in SA. -- Afrikaner in die land van die lang wit wolk Julian & Karin de Beer Hamilton NZ…
11 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 21 November 2000 00:00 «» deur: Mel
Re: Groetnis Afrikaners
…it does not say SAIX... then its not me... also babes... this is from PTA (Pretoria - daar in die verre Noord / there in the north) I live in Green Point, Cape Town. So babes... think first before you respond to a posting done by me... there is only one MEL darlings..... Ciao sweet lover babees! :-) -------------- --------------- Yusuf is still a virgin sand-niggar! This is a South African community site. Anyone is welcome. :-) This site is about meeting people, making friends…
12 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 21 November 2000 00:00 «» deur: Frikkie Potgieter[2]
Re: Gloudina se goeie Suid Afrika....
… men. "When we found her she was tied to a chair in the lounge. Her throat was covered with scratch marks as she tried to free herself from the chord they had used to bind her. Inspector Sibongele Nkozi of the Secunda police said there was also a break-in at the school across the road from the Diedericks�s farm house. "Everything indicates that the suspects spent the night at the school. A fire was made on the school premises and a cheque from the police tea club was found lying on the floor…
13 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 19 November 2000 00:00 «» deur: us...
Re: Die Lemba's - swart Jode van Suid Afrika...
Also sprach Sue -> Ek het ook nog nie van die Wit Wolwe gehoor nie. Is hulle -> meer regs as die AWB? Die Wit Wolwe was drie morone met 'n vierkleur, een bottel Coke, drie bottel brandy en een nine mil. Die AWB is ook nie meer nie.
14 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 16 November 2000 07:20 «» deur: Elaine
Re: ! Where to find the E-mail of any South African, even those who emmigrated.
…indruk van die persoon wat die produk aanbied. Remember the site is also your advertisement and at the moment your not sending a very good picture across. Elaine Belle Model skryf in boodskap news:8uvfil$2k8$ > . > > > Where to find the E-mail of any South African, even those who emmigrated. > > ---------------------------------------------------- > >…
15 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 14 November 2000 00:00 «» deur: Dark Angel
Ten minste is SA se rowers nog nie so desperaat nie!!!
…we'll have a bit to eat. The robbers opened up a second safe, and it also contained nothing but vanilla pudding. The process continued until all the safes were opened. They found not one pound sterling, a diamond, or an ounce of gold. Instead, all the safes contained covered bowls of pudding. Disappointed, the robbers made a quiet exit, each leaving with nothing more than a queasy, uncomfortably full stomach. The newspaper headline read: "IRELAND'S LARGEST SPERM BANK ROBBED EARLY THIS MORNING"…
16 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 09 November 2000 00:00 «» deur: Eugene Terreblanche
Get this baby..
…like dirt and derided. Oh course I am referring to the evil boers (yes lower case) who's antics and criminality is now public knowledge. So to you and your MORALS ... I say you have no right to even use that word to criticise other lifestyles. Your type makes me sick to the stomach. The time is here where you have to answer to - not only the new black MASTERS ... but also to society in general. So go back to your little corner and don't you dare make any more of those statements. GA SIES! Nude Raider…
17 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 09 November 2000 00:00 «» deur: us...
Re: Vir subie
Also sprach Ja, en dit sluit nou in die mense wat in die tronk sit vir die dood van Chris Hani. En dit sluit in Wouter Basson en sy handlangers Jy gaan nog jou woorde oor Wouter Basson sluk, tantetjie.
18 Forum: Humor & grappe «» Gepos op: Sa, 04 November 2000 06:32 «» deur: a
vertaling - translation
…, brick buck, bald buck, camel horses and also more cats. Een keer was ons senuwees egter skoon op hol. One time genuine our sinews were clean on hollow. Ons het agtergekom dat 'n luiperd besig was om ons te bekruip. We aftercame that a lazy-horse was becreeping us. In 'n oomblik was ons slaggereed met ons dubbelloop haelgewere. In an uncle-tin we were slaughter ready with our double walk hail guns. Toe die luiperd agter die bos roer, skiet ons almal gelyk. When the …
19 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 01 November 2000 09:08 «» deur: ferdinand
Re: Afrikaans questions
On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 19:31:16 GMT, Marco de Innocentis wrote: > "Skrywe ek met die pen? Ja, ek skrywe met die pen" > > Why does it say "skrywe" and not "skryf" here? Older form. Means the same thing. Also, according > to this book, either...or and neither...nor translate into > Afrikaans as òf...òf and nòg...nòg. Do people still write these > with the accents nowadays? Yes.
20 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 31 Oktober 2000 19:31 «» deur: Marco de Innocentis
Afrikaans questions
…own, using a very old book written by an Englishman and published in the 1930's. One of the first lessons contains the following sentence: "Skrywe ek met die pen? Ja, ek skrywe met die pen" Why does it say "skrywe" and not "skryf" here? Also, according to this book, either...or and neither...nor translate into Afrikaans as óf...óf and nóg...n�g. Do people still write these with the accents nowadays? Thanks, Marco Sent via Before you buy…
21 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 28 Oktober 2000 21:17 «» deur: nieuwslezer[1]
if you have a homepage about south africa in afrikaans please let me know. i would like to read more afrikaans :-) (or english). i am also looking for sound fragments on the internet in afrikaans als u een home page in het afrikaans hebt laat me het dan weten. Ik zou graag wat afrikaans lezen. Hebt U soms geluidsfrgmenten on-line staan ? greetings from europe belgium flanders antwerp baie dankie
22 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 23 Oktober 2000 00:00 «» deur: De Waal Venter
Re: Vir Blommetjie - die hele rusie oor Israel
…lig en as sy nie lig was dan was sy donker also kon men mos arg'menteer net soos 'n passer al om die punt En die punt is: Jesus, want Hy's die Lig, die waarheid en die lewe So kies vandag: Lig of donker? Kies jy dié Lig, dan kies jy Jesus Kies jy die donker, dan kies jy die hel. Thys oppie Bos Blommetjie skryf in boodskap news:39f1fcab$0$ > Ons het reeds aangetoon dat Rut nie noodwendig donker was nie. > Die begin van Moab was uit Lot, en dit is alles behalwe donker…
23 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 23 Oktober 2000 00:00 «» deur: Elaine
Re: Dawn van Niekerk
… might be able to help you. Try 3rd degree (also a talk show) on another station...the url is Take a look around their site and maybe you can find someone you can contact regarding this matter. Other than that I can't be of more assistance to you. If nothing else you can make the South African public aware of this matter, and maybe there will be some sort of out cry to the government to do something about it. You'll never know what can come of an aggresive media campaign. You …
24 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 23 Oktober 2000 00:00 «» deur: Marco de Innocentis
Re: Dawn van Niekerk
Thanks a lot for your advice. Actually Dawn isn't the only South African in prison there, but she's the only Afrikaner (indeed the only white South African), that's why I only mentioned her case her. They're also not all in for drugs, but when it comes to foreigners the sentences they get are always very high. Marco Sent via Before you buy.
25 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 21 Oktober 2000 00:00 «» deur: loes&patrick
Dawn van Niekerk
…'t seem to be very interested in signing it. Also, the SA government and embassy won't sponsor anyone's requests for a royal pardon, which means all such requests are automatically denied. As a result, people like Dawn who are sentenced to 40 or more years have to serve all of them or stay there until they die. We are pinning our hopes on the SA government agreeing to an exchange treaty, which would enable Dawn and the others to be transferred to a SA prison, closer to their families and in infinitely …
26 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 20 Oktober 2000 00:00 «» deur: Ernst v Biljon
Re: Vir Blommetjie - die hele rusie oor Israel
…------------------------ -- Ruth 4:10 I have also acquired Ruth the Moabitess, Mahlon's widow, as my wife, in order to maintain the name of the dead with his property, so that his name will not disappear from among his family or from the town records. Today you are witnesses!" Ruth 4:13 So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. Then he went to her, and the LORD enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son. 14 The women said to Naomi: "Praise be to the LORD, who this day has not left you…
27 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 23 September 2000 00:00 «» deur: loes&patrick
ons geniet daagliks !
…of thread. (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? (Lev. 24:10-16). Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14) I know you have studied these things extensively; so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging. - Your devoted …
28 Forum: Humor & grappe «» Gepos op: So, 17 September 2000 00:00 «» deur: zom...
Afrikaase mop :) - Vinger
…Executables, Joke Box + 3000 Jokes! (*)ao: Britney Spears ("BOOBIES ONE MORE SIZE"), Alanis Morrissette & Lou Bega ("COMBO NO.5") parody Also SOUTH PARK wavs. NEW: (the best so far!) AXE commercial (MPG) - menu: Funny Stuff --------------------------------------------------------- -= ZOMOLA's JOKE BOX (C) -=- ZOMOLA's JOKE BOX (C) =- --------------------------------------------------------- -- |Fidonet: -= Zomola =- 2:280/1126.33 |Internet:…
29 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 10 September 2000 23:05 «» deur: Mars Boyd
Cult leader Moon's African Charity Scam
…and media to inform their citizens. Mars also pleads for the media to expose the scam and for politicians to investigate the local activities of Moon's military cult. Mars London ____________________________________________________ From Thorsteinn to members of the Moon cult (Quote) Honesty toward members Fund raising money for Africa or what? IRFF (International Relief Friendship Foundation) Japan, have in their fundraising leaflets an old picture of a primary school in …
30 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 08 September 2000 07:07 «» deur: Ernst v Biljon
Re: Die tuislande
…ship. The AT and modern medical systems were also discussed, as were oral tradition and the sense of community that have fashioned the African way of life. However, the development of the AT farming system is perhaps even more fascinating. The present sys- tem has radically evolved from its tra- ditional roots. There is no question that the issue of land ownership has hin- dered the sustain- able developmentof the system. Many members of rural households who were central to the success of the system were …
31 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 06 September 2000 18:12 «» deur: Hein Paul
Re: Die man die hoof of die baas? ( Software problems )
…nings: Divorce/Child Support". You will notice that this program runs very poorly, and comes bundled with HeartBreak 1.3. I recommend you keep Husband 1.0 , and just learn the quirks of this strange and illogical system. Having Husband 1.0 installed myself, I might also suggest you read the entire section regarding General Partnership Faults ( GPFs ). This is a wonderful feature of Husband 1.0 , secretly installed by parent company. We trust you will learn to fully enjoy this product ! - Tech Support…
32 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 01 September 2000 10:51 «» deur: hotnotsgot
Re: Afrikaans
…amount. Afrikaans is Dutch, simplified. Also known as "Kitchen Dutch"! (We're not proud af that) > How common was it for South Africans of non-Dutch European descent > to speak Afrikaans? Afrikaans is the biggest language of South Africa, but, being a traditional "white" language, it's known as the language of the suppressors. Therefor, the Black South Africans wouldn't use it. In SA there are 11 official languages, one of them being Afrikaans. Hope this answers your …
33 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 30 Augustus 2000 00:00 «» deur: Elaine
Re: Afrikaans woman imprisoned in Thailand
…not get a fair trail in the East. They're also forced to sign confessions and often photos are taken of them with drugs they never even knew they possessed. I've heard of a women who got LIFE for having one "zol" with her. Hardly a dealer if you ask me. They took pictures of her with two bags of cocaine and one bag of marijuana. Don't you think she would've been a little foolish to walk around an airport with that much drugs on her. No, no one is that stupid. And there's a lot of innocent …
34 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 24 Augustus 2000 00:00 «» deur: Baba Mung
Re: Vraag aan Riaan
…die guts . >>>> .. . guts >>>> >. . .guts . . .vocken guts . . . >>>> Vettie. Jy kan nie fokken spel nie en John Cale is 100 >>>> keer wat jy is. >>>> Het jy mooi nuwe rokke in Dublin gekoop? >>> >>> >>> >>> * Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find >> related Web Pages, Images, Audios, Videos, News, and Shopping. Smart is >> Beautiful >> >…
35 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 20 Augustus 2000 00:00 «» deur: Anoniem
…Canada. But I resent the presence of your "network" on the Afrikaans newsgroup. Especially when you do not even write your answers in Afrikaans. I suggest you take your "network" somewhere else. I also resent the bad language you use on this newsgroup. So, please skedaddle from the Afrikaans newsgroup. Skoert. Ons wil julle nie weer sien nie. Julle probeer net aandag trek. En julle is nie tegnies eers vreeslik vaardig nie. Gaan oefen erens anders. Tant Hessie teen al die bobbejane…
36 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 19 Augustus 2000 22:16 «» deur: dot
Re: Toets
ai toe ek die "subject" op my skerm sien toe dog ek jy wou iets sê oor vanmiddag se toets ....... sjoe ons moet oppas vir die sneeustorm wat oppad is!!!!! dottie Davie Davis skryf in boodskap > > > Toets nie die nuusgroep nie, maar Lou se geduld! > > DD > > > * Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find related Web Pages, Images, Audios, Videos, News, and Shopping. Smart is Beautiful
37 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 19 Augustus 2000 00:00 «» deur: Davie Davis
Toets nie die nuusgroep nie, maar Lou se geduld! DD * Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find related Web Pages, Images, Audios, Videos, News, and Shopping. Smart is Beautiful
38 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 18 Augustus 2000 00:00 «» deur: Grahame
Re: WAAROM (1)
…heelwat "waaroms". Soos die Engelse sê: Watch this space!!" Davie Davis skryf in boodskap > > > Grahame, ek is vol hoop dat die tema "Waarom(1)" opgevolg > sal word met 'n nr. 2, hetsy dit Waarom(2) of "Omdat(1) of > Omdat(2) is. > > > * Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find related Web Pages, Images, Audios, Videos, News, and Shopping. Smart is Beautiful…
39 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 17 Augustus 2000 00:00 «» deur: Davie Davis
Re: Suid Afrikaanse Vrouens
…>> Blanche 'n program oor die effek wat vroulike > hormone .... Dot sê toe: > en dan speel die nylon onderbroekies ook 'n rol > ..ietsie van verhoogde hitte > en dan gaan die ou selletjies dood of raak onvrugbaar > ... shame die arme > manne kan maar net nie wen nie!!!! definitief 'n > bedreigde spesie > dottie * Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find related Web Pages, Images, Audios, Videos, News, and Shopping. Smart is Beautiful…
40 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 16 Augustus 2000 05:42 «» deur: Chr...[1]
Re: Suid Afrikaanse Vrouens
…as verstand (g) want >> sê nou net jou vrou kliek op daai skakel, dan slaap jy >> dalk saam met die hond hahahaaha >> Christo > > Christo, die vroumens is die eienaar van 'n rofstoei skool. > Sy is op die oomblik besig om klas te gee daar en wanneer > sy terug is, sit ek heel onskuldig en koerant lees. > > * Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find related Web Pages, Images, Audios, Videos, News, and Shopping. Smart is Beautiful…
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