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1054 resultate gevind
1 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 07 Mei 2005 16:41 «» deur: kosmiese messias
Hoe gelukkig is Dr. B en R F Oppenheimer en/of Vennote ? (vorentoe vernuwe-bou-groei-verstaal (bewusmaking) advies ?)
…itkomste) inisiatiew(e), (deur lg. ) . ) (Also submitted in English. ) (Ook op Engels geplaas. ) (Die selfde plasing kan binnekort verwag word. ) ('n Definitief, pro- en/of miskien (ondersteunend) Primêre en/of Sekondêre, en/of Koalisie (Vennootskap) ondersteunende Groep en/of Leier, (maklik identifiseerbare) Swaai ondersteuning media, opsioneel Insluiting van bewusmaking inisiatiewe, en/of asook Swaai ondersteuning matrikse, aangaande waarvan en/of waarna voorgestel word, om van en/of na te vernuwe-…
2 Forum: Humor & grappe «» Gepos op: Sa, 07 Mei 2005 14:54 «» deur: news[3]
Re: Jagstorie
…& kie and I think after this it's right if he also now lays bones in the light Jy weet Dave, dat ek nie met jou fight nie, ons is op goeie voet met mekaar. Maar ek dink tog dis baie onmanierlik om so onbeskof te wees oor Ferdi se gedigte. Hoe sal jy voel as mense vir jou heeltyd se jou fotos is gemors? Ek dink van Ferdi se gedigte is baie goed, en om so blatant vir iemand aan die gesig te vat oor hulle 'kuns' is regtig slegte maniere, of jy daarvan hou of nie. Do unto others . . . Ellie…
3 Forum: Humor & grappe «» Gepos op: Sa, 07 Mei 2005 05:45 «» deur: DD
Re: Jagstorie
…op die goed wat die Anti hier plak.) > LOL:-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) hahahahaha:-))))))))))))))))))))))) ROL:-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) LGMGTF:-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! Jonas, jy's skerp. skerp soos in vlym skerp:-)))))))))))))))))))))))) DD ns. as selfs die slagoffer hier nie saam lag nie het hy net so min sin vir humor as bouwer & kie and I think after this it's right if he also now lays bones in the light…
4 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 04 Mei 2005 11:08 «» deur: Schorsch
Black DJs aren't racist!
… issues" during the breakfast show. He also said white listeners often misunderstood the DJs. This explanation was however, dismissed by the commission. In its decision, the commission said the statement did not incite violence against a particular race group but that it was not based on facts. "There are limits to freedom of speech and this is an example of where a line should be drawn," said professor Henning Viljoen in the ruling. The commission viewed the incident as isolated and let…
5 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 03 Mei 2005 11:45 «» deur: Annette
Help tog maar
…sending out another update to it. You are also welcome to check back at the website as it has been redesigned recently and features Matt Brown's restart of his rugby column. This is a grass roots campaign to evaluate the maturity of the marketplace so we are relying on you, the people who play, referee, coach, administer, watch and enjoy the rugby lifestyle. This is our collective opportunity to create a home for the game we all love so please consider playing a part in reaching others like you so that …
6 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 01 Mei 2005 00:29 «» deur: kosmiese messias
How happy is Dr. B and R F Oppenheimer and/or Associates ? (forward renew-build-grow-steel advice)
…osmos, universe, and/or) world. (Service can also sometimes mean love. ) (Unity is Strength. (Members and/or) Leaders that support each other, survive together in a better ( (win-win) (combined) paradise, cosmos, universe, and/or) world. This is an attempt to build a path to the Very last and/or same Millennium, century and/or decade, with greatness, goodness and grace. ) (Become a Miracle working, magical, successful, energetic, and/or motivational and/or (fair and free) Wishes and/or desires …
7 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 01 Mei 2005 00:19 «» deur: kosmiese messias
Hoe gelukkig is Dr. B en R F Oppenheimer en/of Vennote ? (vorentoe vernuwe-bou-groei-verstaal advies)
… daarvan te vernuwe-bou-groei-verstaal. ) (Also submitted in English. ) (Ook op Engels geplaas. ) (Die selfde plasing kan binnekort verwag word. ) ('n Definitief, pro- en/of miskien (ondersteunend) Primêre en/of Sekondêre, en/of Koalisie (Vennootskap) ondersteunende Groep en/of Leier, (maklik identifiseerbare) Swaai ondersteuning media, opsioneel Insluiting van bewusmaking inisiatiewe, en/of asook Swaai ondersteuning matrikse, aangaande waarvan en/of waarna voorgestel word, om van en/of na te vernuwe…
8 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 28 April 2005 21:48 «» deur: Plato
Zim laat wild skiet vir kos...
…ordered his supporters to invade and confiscate white-owned farms in 2000. The chaotic farm invasions saw party militants storming into conservation areas - both private and state-owned - to slaughter animals. Unscrupulous South African hunters also joined in the looting, paying hefty kickbacks to politicians to go into conservation areas and shoot lions, leopards and cheetahs for trophies. Geneem vanaf art_id=vn20050427081741901C306673…
9 Forum: Rekenaars & selfone «» Gepos op: Ma, 25 April 2005 18:53 «» deur: Daun Johnson
Re: Elaine
…pixel will vary for each device. We also noted that this is because each device has its own unique way of translating the raw colour value into visual colour. To minimise the discrepancies that result from the widely differing colour characteristics of each device we use an ICC profile to inform the CMM how the colour values produced by that device should actually appear. This may be on our monitor, in print or on film output. In simple terms it is the device profile that conveys the meaning of the raw …
10 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 24 April 2005 16:59 «» deur: Drom[1]
Ontsnappende elektrone
…going to them are larger. All that smoke also tends to make them hotter, so they require a heatsink. And yes, when a power electronic circuit springs a leak, it lets out much more smoke than a logic circuit. But wait.. How does this fit in with all the device physics we have been learning all along? What about all the electrons and such? Could semiconductor theory be all wrong? Hmmm... I might be at the edge of a breakthrough... Wow!!! To be able to prove Shockley wrong! On the other hand, maybe I'm in …
11 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 11 April 2005 08:57 «» deur:
En nou begin die heilige koeie voor skoot kom... Laat ek raai FNOKOL sal gebeur!
…Trust and Nelson Mandela Children's Fund also have shares in the company. The company apparently received millions of rand to market Madiba Art. Ayob said earlier that he had acted in the interest of the Mandela family in marketing Madiba Art. He is still acting as legal representative for Mandela's daughters. However, the Mandela Children's Fund denied profiting in any way from the sale of Madiba Art. "The project was initially presented to us, but we rejected it. The fund never received money …
12 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 11 April 2005 08:51 «» deur:
Swart leerling vlieenier druip homself teen die grond vas. AA / BEE oorsaak...
…of representivity and transformation. It also emerged that another repeat-failure trainee recently tried to land without lowering his plane's wheels. The aircraft was badly damaged, but the student was not injured. It is understood that the students will again continue their flight training when the next intake of students commences theirs. Following the incident, Defence Minister Mosiuoa Lekota implied that racist instructors could be the real problem. Air Force chief Carlo Gagiano recently said four…
13 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 05 April 2005 11:34 «» deur: DiDi[1]
It's a vote for the ANC: Mugabe
…for ZANU-PF in the Zimbabwe election was also a vote for the ANC and other liberation movements in southern Africa, President Robert Mugabe said yesterday. Observer missions from neighbouring countries echoed this sentiment by endorsing the election. bla bla bla bla bla Mugabe said the victory of his party in the parliamentary elections shows the strength of political parties associated with the liberation struggle in the region. "The strong popular support is not just for us, but for the ANC, the …
14 Forum: Veiligheid & wapens «» Gepos op: Ma, 04 April 2005 08:36 «» deur: Moira de Swardt
Re: Wapenamnestie 'n mislukking?
…people. They merely tie them up. Then I also have to consider he's not going to kill your wife with *my* firearm either. I like not having that on my conscience. >> No, but nor should those children be shot. > ----Nee, maar daar moes 'n regstelsel in werking wees waar 'n halsmisdaad 'n > regverdige en afskrikkende straf kry. Lewenslank vir 'n straatkind is > hemel op aarde. >> I'm glad for you that you've never had to make a difficult choice in >> this regard. Me…
15 Forum: Veiligheid & wapens «» Gepos op: Do, 31 Maart 2005 21:05 «» deur: Norman
Re: Wapenamnestie 'n mislukking?
…ing. They need a bullet, fired from it. They also need the INTENT to kill, of a human being just like knives. > > Now add to the mix the fact that knives and hypodermic needles are > freely available without licences and at every shopping centre where > there is a general dealer and a pharmacy while criminals have to > break into the home of a licenced firearm holder and steal such a > firearm at some risk to themselves and you may change your mind that > a firearm is no more of…
16 Forum: Veiligheid & wapens «» Gepos op: Do, 31 Maart 2005 18:38 «» deur: Moira de Swardt
Re: Wapenamnestie 'n mislukking?
…bevoeg nie. Is jy 'n uitsondering? I also didn't write the above. I did do an advanced driver's course in 1983, eight years after I did my driver's licence. I haven't done the renewal of the advanced driver's course since then. >> Acknowledged. But gun accidents & tragedies don't happen if there's >> no firearm. > ----En motorongelukke sal nie gebeur nie as hulle bevoegde bestuurders agter > die stuurwiele kry nie? In watter eeu leef jy? Dis nie die vuurwapen wat >…
17 Forum: Veiligheid & wapens «» Gepos op: Wo, 30 Maart 2005 17:45 «» deur: Moira de Swardt
Re: Wapenamnestie 'n mislukking?
…beginselstandaarde deur > motorvoertuie en alkohol ook nie by jou huis te verdra nie want beide is > veel groter oorsaak van die lewensverlies as wat vuurwapens kan hoop om te > wees? I have distinctly ambivalent feelings about alcohol and was, indeed, tea-total for fifteen years. Motor vehicles are also killers, but the rate of use to the rate of fatalities is actually quite small, while the rate of use of firearms to the rate of fatalities is very, very high. Moira, the Faerie Godmother…
18 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Vr, 18 Maart 2005 23:15 «» deur: Vusi
Re: Afrikaans
…Belgiums were the colonial force in the "old" Congo (DRC). Lingala as you know is actually a language that evolved from French and Swahili - mainly to enable it's users to trade alongside the Zaire/Congo river. Ian - I would suggest that you connect to Radio Sonder Grense - also known as RSG - you should find the address easily with Google. Post an email address and one coul try to bring you in contact with Afrikaans-speaking people in Canada. (Depending of course where you are located…
19 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 12 Maart 2005 18:28 «» deur: Didi
Re: Die nuwe hoofregter
…Sash, through the Legal Resources Centre, also submitted an affidavit, asking that the judge place the department under judicial supervision to address its "endemic and abysmal failures". The minister opposed the order, saying he had inherited a bad department and the problems were not his fault. Lifeblood In his ruling yesterday, the judge said the grants and pensions were the "lifeblood of the poorest of the poor". "If you deprive people of them, then you have to accept that …
20 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 10 Maart 2005 04:22 «» deur: Annette
Oor ons Volkslied ( Engels)
…us Your family." The ANC website also gives some of the words to The Internationale, the famous workers' song. Oddly, they leave out this bit: "No saviour from on high delivers No trust we have in prince or peer Our own right hand the chains must shiver Chains of hatred, greed and fear." One wouldn't want to get into a conspiracy theory here. Although it IS almost irresistible.... oh, what the hell. My conspiracy theory is that they don't want to remind the mass of religious voters who …
21 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 23 Februarie 2005 11:06 «» deur: TJ
Reconciliation through the Arts
…of and the fight against HIV/Aids will also be underlined' In the lunch-hour concerts as well as in the evenings there will be music and drama performances, film shows and poetry readings. At the opening ceremony on the evening of Monday 14 March, Michael Moerane's famous My Country will be performed as well as works from Beethoven and Saint-Saëns. During the rest of the week the evening programme will include the following: * Contemporary South African Films - Amandla, Red Dust and Forgiveness…
22 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 12 Februarie 2005 22:56 «» deur: kosmiese messias
Die nuwe Vereenigde Nasies om te verhoog ? vorentoe bou-groei-verstaal-vernuwe advies
…enige sissende slange aan enigiemand hier geuiter word, is dit a.g.v. 'n blinke kol in die logika, wat reggestel sal word wanneer dit raakgesien is. Apologie word nou al aangeteken daarvoor. Vergewe asb.) Hoop dit help. Almal gesamentlik vir mekaar - na 'n regverdige en vrye aangename uitkoms wêreld. (Diens kan ook soms liefde beteken.) . . (Also available in English.) (Ook in Engels beskikbaar.) . (Soos geplaas onder cosmimesia @ (Die laaste plasing om laaste gelees te word…
23 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 06 Februarie 2005 19:24 «» deur: Schorsch
Dan Roodt in Business Day
… of deranged intellectual narcissism sad but also extremely amusing, "Whites needed no help" (June 30). It is very telling that Roodt should attempt to question Professor Makgoba's ability to build a sustained argument when his own eulogy to colonialism and Afrikaner nationalism is riddled with "flawed logic and simplistic argument". Afrikaners may have pulled themselves from widespread poverty amid "hostility and discrimination from English-speaking whites" but it would be …
24 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 01 Februarie 2005 04:51 «» deur: Annette
Die goeie oue tyd? ( Engels)
…against the possibilities of lawsuit, but also reveals whether the employee-to-be has any female weaknesses which would make her mentally or physically unfit for the job. 5. Stress at the outset the importance of time, the fact that a minute or two lost here and there makes serious inroads on schedules. Until this point is gotten a cross, service is likely to be slowed up. 6. Give the female employee a definite day-long schedule of duties so that they'll keep busy without bothering the management for…
25 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 25 Januarie 2005 08:36 «» deur: Annette
Japanese aansporing?
…to 3.0 million yen per person in health care. The fund also gave government-funded medical aid to 79 women in the Netherlands. Such projects ended in September 2002. Historians estimate that during World War Two as many as 200,000 women, mostly from the Korean Peninsula, were forced into sexual slavery in Japanese military brothels. It was not until 1993 that Japan acknowledged that the Imperial Army, and not private companies, was responsible for forcing women into sex slavery during World War Two…
26 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 27 Desember 2004 22:11 «» deur: kosmiese messias
Die Nuwe Suid Afrika om te verhoog ? vorentoe groei advies
…moontlik, indien wel, indien ooit, soos veronderstel om bereik te word.) (Indien enige sissende slange aan enigiemand hier geuiter word, is dit a.g.v. 'n blinke kol in die logika, wat reggestel sal word wanneer dit raakgesien is. Apologie word nou al aangeteken daarvoor. Vergewe asb.) Hoop dit help. Almal gesamentlik vir mekaar - na 'n regverdige en vrye aangename gesamentlike uitkoms wêreld. (Diens kan ook soms liefde beteken.) . . (Also available in English.) (Ook in Engels beskikbaar…
27 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 25 Desember 2004 22:19 «» deur: kosmiese messias
Die Nuwe Suid Afrika om te verhoog ? vorentoe groei advies
…, indien moontlik, indien wel, indien ooit, soos veronderstel om bereik te word.) (Indien enige sissende slange aan enigiemand hier geuiter word, is dit a.g.v. 'n blinke kol in die logika, wat reggestel sal word wanneer dit raakgesien is. Apologie word nou al aangeteken daarvoor. Vergewe asb.) Hoop dit help. Almal gesamentlik vir mekaar - na 'n regverdige en vrye aangename gesamentlike uitkoms wêreld. (Diens kan ook soms liefde beteken.) . . (Also available in English.) (Ook in Engels beskikbaar…
28 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 24 Desember 2004 14:37 «» deur: Vusi
Regstelsel in gedrang?
…there no unjust laws to apply, but they also had a great compass to steer by: our Constitution. We now have a Constitutional Court as the final arbiter. The fact that the Bench started to reflect the make-up of the population helped much to restore trust in the system. And there has been no evidence that the democratic government interfered with the judges and their decisions. Our judiciary became one of the strongest pillars of our stability. It is against this backdrop that the recent wild statements …
29 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 22 Desember 2004 22:31 «» deur: kosmiese messias
Die Nuwe Suid Afrika om te verhoog ? vorentoe groei advies
… bou-groei-vernuwe-verstaal, indien moontlik, indien wel, indien ooit, soos aangeneem.) (Indien enige sissende slange aan enigiemand hier geuiter word, is dit a.g.v. 'n blinke kol in die logika, wat reggestel sal word wanneer dit raakgesien is. Apologie word nou al aangeteken daarvoor. Vergewe asb.) Hoop dit help. Saam vir 'n beter toekoms. Almal gesamentlik vir mekaar - na 'n regverdige en vrye aangename gesamentlike uitkoms wêreld. (Ook in ander tale beskikbaar) (Also available in other languages…
30 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 17 Desember 2004 03:48 «» deur: Annette
Vir die wat Engels kan/wil lees
… know...what's Divine Intervention? 8. God also attempts to maintain a balanced level of disasters and miracles. Please rate on a scale of 1 - 5 his handling of the following: (1=unsatisfactory, 5=excellent): a. Disasters: flood 1 2 3 4 5 famine 1 2 3 4 5 earthquake 1 2 3 4 5 war 1 2 3 4 5 pestilence 1 2 3 4 5 plague 1 2 3 4 5 SPAM…
31 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 05 Desember 2004 22:04 «» deur: Ellie
Re: Verhoogde Risiko
…and destroyed. Mkhize, who in the past has also donated blood to promote the South African National Blood Service's drive for more donations, demanded that action be taken against those responsible "for perpetuating prejudices". Say it ain't so! Hoekom sou Mbeki se bloed afgewys wees wonder ek? Daar is 'n streep waar politiese korrektheid nie meer snaaks of aanvaarbaar is nie, en hierdie bloedstorie is een daarvan. Ek stem wel nie saam dat dit so …
32 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 17 Oktober 2004 10:09 «» deur: Ferdi Greyling
Re: Fisk oor Irak
…a couple of Iraqi islands in the Persian Gulf near the outlet of Shatt El Arab. Iraq was also objecting the Islamist propaganda that was transmitted from Iran to Iraq, and Iraq's government feared that there could be a revolution among the Iraqi Shi'is in the south. In 1980 Iraq expected that Iran was weak after the Iranian Revolution, so that Iraq would face little resistance when occupying Iranian territory. Ens. ens. was wat ek vinnig kon kry op die net. Was by…
33 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 17 Oktober 2004 10:09 «» deur: Ferdi Greyling
Re: Fisk oor Irak
… stemming back to 1971, when Iran occupied a couple of Iraqi islands in the Persian Gulf near the outlet of Shatt El Arab. Iraq was also objecting the Islamist propaganda that was transmitted from Iran to Iraq, and Iraq's government feared that there could be a revolution among the Iraqi Shi'is in the south. In 1980 Iraq expected that Iran was weak after the Iranian Revolution, so that Iraq would face little resistance when occupying Iranian territory. Ens. ens. was wat ek vinnig kon kry op die net. Was …
34 Forum: Prosa & poësie «» Gepos op: Sa, 16 Oktober 2004 12:43 «» deur: Ellie
Re: " Kieselguhr-kleim " deur GEORGE WEIDEMAN
…daar is geen manier dat ek dit sal kan vertaal nie ;-) "Kieselguhr, a diatomaceous earth (diatomite) is a form of silica composed of the siliceous shells of unicellular aquatic plants of microscopic size. Kieselguhr is heat resistant and has been used as an insulator, as a component in toothpaste and as an abrasive in metal polishes. In the chemical industry, it is also used as a filter to clarify syrups and sugar and as a filling material in paper, paints, ceramics, soap and detergents "…
35 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 13 Oktober 2004 19:28 «» deur: Afrikaner
Re: Lewenskostes....en ons kla?
…produced sharp focus. The camera was also able to squelch its flash at close range, making it a good choice for shooting close-up images of small objects. There is no provision for the attachment of external flash equipment. We were mostly pleased with our outdoor test shots. Images were sharp, well-exposed and richly saturated. Fuji uses more JPEG compression than other 3-megapixel resolution cameras, the file sizes for most of our samples were under a megabyte. Other cameras give you a choice of both …
36 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 11 Oktober 2004 20:22 «» deur: Afrikaner
Re: Lewenskostes....en ons kla?
…light coming Through The Lens They also share similar controls. The aperture ring. This is a narrow rotating ring on the barrel of the lens. It is generally located close to the body of the camera. The focusing ring. This will be a wider ring located near the front of the lens. The shutter control. This is usually a small dial on the top of the camera next to the winder lever. If your camera is an electronic model with a load of 'modes' then the shutter may be altered by using a thumbwheel or presssing…
37 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 15 September 2004 13:41 «» deur: Schorsch
Storm over bursary for white men
…tution" and found that the Constitution also protected citizens' freedom to make wills. Asmal filed the application in the Cape High Court last month. The registrar of UCT, Hugh Amoore, said: "It is an important test case because we believe that other bursaries or awards with conditions which are repugnant to the Constitution could be dealt with in a similar way if this application succeeds." This is not the first time Scarbrow's wishes have been found inappropriate. In 1969, UCT refused …
38 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 22 Augustus 2004 14:34 «» deur: Waaierstertmuis
…that I can see and I can know And now I also know what it is to be charged with mass guilt Once in a lifetime is enough for me No, I could not take it for a second time And that is why I am here today. The events of May 25th, the day of our protest, Put a small balance weight on the other side Hopefully, someday my contribution to peace Will help just a bit to turn the tide And perhaps I can tell my children six And later on their own children That at least in the future they need not be silent When they …
39 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 08 Augustus 2004 18:41 «» deur: Slow Eddy
Re: Al-Quaida plans to attack SA-tourists in J'burg?
…odd. And the government's reported action is also very strange, hot on the heels of a Constitutional Court decision that says they have no duty to look after you once you're outside this country. > Did you see in that case that one Henk van Zyl got the job (in the > plan) to "take Bloemfontein" after recruiting 20 helpers. There he had > to take the SABC, start broadcasting, take over the Tempe army base > and after that move to Bethlehem to take over the local commando. > No…
40 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 05 Augustus 2004 19:08 «» deur: zaphod beeblebrox
Culture!? Don't make me laugh!
…so will the forthcoming Kerry-government also be. Learn to live WITH and USE the system in your favour: dog eat dog, every man for himself and fuck the rest, is what I say. Or is it that your "culture" revolves around bitchin' and moanin'? Can't you see the old hag from Canada is just stringin' you all along? Everything she accuses you lot of, she does and much more, sometimes in the very post that she harangues you with. Sheesh, you ARE a lot of dumb motherfuckin' rockspiders! -- Zaphod …
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