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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » En nou begin die heilige koeie voor skoot kom... Laat ek raai FNOKOL sal gebeur!
En nou begin die heilige koeie voor skoot kom... Laat ek raai FNOKOL sal gebeur! [boodskap #102498] Ma, 11 April 2005 08:57 na volgende boodskap  is tans af-lyn
Boodskappe: 67
Geregistreer: Maart 2005
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
O sjoe en nou kom heilige koeie voor skoot! Kan enige iemand met die
van Mandela dan korrup wees? NOOIT!!!!!

Hier sal niks van kom nie. Ek dink egter die ou man is steeds THE
LESSER EVIL as ek moet kies tussen hom en Mbeki.

Vir Gloudina se senuwees plaas ek die stukkie in Engels.


New twist in Ayob, Madiba case
11/04/2005 09:21 - (SA)
Related Articles
# 'Madiba art' causes trouble

Abigail Isaacs

Cape Town - In a new twist to the expected legal wrangle between Ismail
Ayob, erstwhile legal representative of former president Nelson
Mandela, and the ex-president it has come to light that Mandela's
children are shareholders in the company involved in the marketing of
the so-called Madiba Art.

Ayob is accused of misleading people by pretending that Madiba Art ?
works that sell for thousands of rand - were Mandela's own sketches.

It is further alleged that Ayob stole about R30m from the Nelson
Mandela Foundation.

Mandela's children, Makaziwe, Zenani and the late Makgatho Mandela, are
shareholders in Magnifique Investment and Holding. Reports claim Ayob
registered this company in 2000, and that he is the director.

The Nelson Mandela Trust and Nelson Mandela Children's Fund also have
shares in the company. The company apparently received millions of rand
to market Madiba Art.

Ayob said earlier that he had acted in the interest of the Mandela
family in marketing Madiba Art. He is still acting as legal
representative for Mandela's daughters.

However, the Mandela Children's Fund denied profiting in any way from
the sale of Madiba Art.

"The project was initially presented to us, but we rejected it. The
fund never received money from proceeds of the sale of the sketches,"
said Sibongile Mkhabela, executive chief of the fund.

George Bizos, Madela's advocate and confidante, did not want to comment
on the matter earlier as "a legal case is pending".
Re: En Nou [boodskap #105710 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #102498] Di, 06 September 2005 19:17 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
NoS...[3]  is tans af-lyn  NoS...[3]
Boodskappe: 16
Geregistreer: Mei 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
On 6 Sep 2005 18:51:21 -0000, Anonymous-Remailer@See.Comment.Header
(Dave Manto) wrote:

> Julle werk nou in elk geval vir die swart baase,

In Afrikaans is dit "base" , Frikkie.
Re: En Nou [boodskap #105711 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #105710] Di, 06 September 2005 20:14 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Paulus de boskabouter  is tans af-lyn  Paulus de boskabouter
Boodskappe: 161
Geregistreer: April 2005
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Senior Lid
"Ferdi Greyling" skryf in boodskap
> On 6 Sep 2005 18:51:21 -0000, Anonymous-Remailer@See.Comment.Header
> (Dave Manto) wrote:
> In Afrikaans is dit "base" , Frikkie.
terwyl die swart base amper kan lees en skryf
Re: En Nou [boodskap #105799 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #102498] Vr, 09 September 2005 08:59 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
kaalbaster  is tans af-lyn  kaalbaster
Boodskappe: 108
Geregistreer: September 2005
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Dit is darem werklik teleurstellend dat Afrikaans sprekendes sulke swak
taal gebruik.
Dink jy dit was nodig gewees, of ken jy nie 'n beter manier om jouself
uit te spreek nie?
Re: En Nou [boodskap #105839 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #102498] So, 11 September 2005 16:39 Na vorige boodskap
RHINO[2]  is tans af-lyn  RHINO[2]
Boodskappe: 22
Geregistreer: Augustus 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
"TOP_DOLLAR" skryf in boodskap news:s_YOe.9000$
> Many times I tried to understand why mail2news subscribers, act as a judge
> and condemm the good as well as the bad guys when they post any promotions
> on the news. Have you ever tried to find this scammers - no website
> available, they hide behind shonky email and some can't even spell. They
> seem to be uneducated as well, and their actions speak volumes. They seem
> to
> "SCAM" a product or promotion even without actually looking what is
> available or maybe if they do look, do not understand what it is all
> about-
> proof of the statement "uneducated". It will appear that the only way you
> can actually get this mail2news, is when you apply for a job as email
> reader
> from some or other shonky web business that actually -So I understand -
> pay
> you to read emails. Yeah
> right, you must be a very big dumphkopf(stupid) to belief they will pay
> you.
> Now they seem to have the "POWER" to condemm your business even if they do
> not understand it. Man they think they get paid to be clever, which is
> what
> they are not!
> So, be aware of this scammers and low lifes of society hiding behind the
> internet, they promote their own sites and wares on the internet under
> different business names and do not want your competition!!!! THAT IS WHY
> Please read and investigate every promotion before you act or join. There
> are people out there just like mail2news that will actually rob you. If
> there is no product but only a get rich quick scheme, be very careful.
> If it is a MLM (multilevel marketing) the best will be to find out if you
> can make more than the person that you intend to join. If yes they are on
> the level, if no, forget it. Use your imagination to con the con artist
> and
> get the answers you want out of the proposer. A working email for
> starters,
> then a telephone number and if possible a meeting. If the meeting is not
> possible because you are in another country, ask for video footage of
> seminars.
> This information is from real people to the winners out there!!!

"Dave Manto" skryf in boodskap news:T3RUWNSP38601.8689930556@anonymous.poster...
> Jullet het die swartes opgefok en nou is dit regtig tyd om dinge reg te
> maak.
> Julle werk nou in elk geval vir die swart baase, en julle kruip lekker
> gat.
> Sies ga man julle is lelikke goed.
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