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1054 resultate gevind
1 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 24 Februarie 2000 00:00 «» deur: A.S. Pris
Re: Dutchmen = Boere in SAFrica
…sprach (Squirrel) -> The Dutchmen in a similar vein also had a derogatory term for the -> english - "Soutpiele", signifying the English speakers apparent -> strong ties with England, whilst at the same time viewing -> themselves as true South Africans. -> -> The English speakers of course provided the brains and the -> financial skills required to develop South Africa to a thriving -> nation only to have it destroyed by the nepotistic, …
2 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Sa, 29 Januarie 2000 00:00 «» deur: christopher f
Re: Afrikaans
… is that there is. My sense is, however, also, that Afrikaans is the language of the future in southern Africa, rather than English. Perhaps this is an expression of blind faith or of hope. But I think it is also more than that. Yes, everyone speaks English as a second language. Yet I believe nonetheless that Afrikaans is the language, rather than English, which will unite southern Africa. Call me a hopeless optimist. I don't care. Afrikaans is the future. And this Yank would graag give up his…
3 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Vr, 28 Januarie 2000 00:00 «» deur: christopher f
Re: Afrikaans
…of the countryside. But other forces were also at work in SA. The task is to identify them in a way which makes sense in a socio-linguistic context. Interestingly enough, that same force is presently at work in Norway, where the government has been trying for decades to reshape "official" Norwegian and make is more distinct from the old official Norwegian, which was indistinguishable from bureaucratic Danish. The process is ongoing, and results in Norway having two official languages: …
4 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 05 November 1999 00:00 «» deur: Francois de Wet
Buitlandse belegings in gedrang
…Africa." Without elaborating, he also said that legislation was being drawn up to "transform" his department, in keeping with the policy outlined in the white paper. . Sapa-AP (London 3/11) reports that outgoing secretary general of the Commonwealth, Chief Emeka Anyaoku of Nigeria, stated that globalization has expanded the gap between rich and poor which in turn increases intolerance and xenophobia. He added that while globalization has improved trade and communications between rich and …
5 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 19 Oktober 1999 00:00 «» deur: Leendert van Oostrum
Re: Leendert the Eristic
…" the Boers. Condescendingly colonising also this news group with your imperialist language and ideas You arrant fool! (To say it in the politest way.) Did you really believe that you could come and overwhelm the "dirty Boers" with your half baked theories, lifted from the self serving imperialist cogitations that comprise your so-called "standard histories"? And make us grateful for being forced to converse with you in your own language to get a truth or two through your thick …
6 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 14 Oktober 1999 00:00 «» deur: Leendert van Oostrum
Re: Bantu Education and the Railways
…of your conclusions must, therefore, also be suspended. > > Well, Bantu Education was used for a similar purpose to the "civilized > labour" policy of the Railways. From the 1950s, it provided sheltered > employment to many lower middle class whites who could not find jobs in the > white school system. Can you show that these people belonged to what you quaintly choose to term "lower middle class" ? (What, precisely, does "lower middle class" mean in terms …
7 Forum: Rekenaars & selfone «» Gepos op: Di, 05 Oktober 1999 00:00 «» deur: Me
Re: Programmatuur
…stuff to keep track of all my stuff and I also included the option to use Rands as wel as guilders, I also use it when working out transactions between South Africa and Holland. What exactly do you want or need the program to incorperate ? Do you want it ti be browser based or GIU based ? Mark Krokkie skryf in boodskap news:7tdds5$ork$ > Watter "desktop" programmatuur dink julle het julle nodig om jou totaal en > al jou rekenaar ten volle te benut in die "huis&…
8 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 29 September 1999 00:00 «» deur: Thorsten Müller
Re: Kan Afrika opstaan?
…go down) is difficult, because the unions also have an eye on the inflation rate. Thus, even if the unemployment rate rises, you will hardly ever see the wages go down in a welfare economy. If the demand for manpower rises dramatically however, the wages should go up -- but only if it gets very difficult to find the right people. If, let's say, a country which used to have a high unemployment rate can easily find workers for the new jobs it has created, the unemployment rate will go down, but maybe not as…
9 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 15 September 1999 00:00 «» deur: lou[1]
Re: Voorvaders
… have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. ACT 24:21  Except it be for this one voice, that I cried standing among them, Touching the resurrection of the dead I am called in question by you this day. ROM 6:5  For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: CO1 15:12  Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among …
10 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 05 September 1999 00:00 «» deur: reisiger
Urine terapie en vigs
…Holy Water. References to Urine Therapy is also found in almost all the volumes of Ayurveda. By putting urine drops in the nostrils and or by drinking it through the nose, instant relief can be obtained in sinusitis and other nasal problems and especially instant relief is obtained in common cold. It can be safely and beneficialy used as conditioner for hair, shaving cream, antiseptic lotion for cuts and wounds, eye wash for all eye troubles, aphrodisiac in impotency. It not only makes the complexion …
11 Forum: Rekenaars & selfone «» Gepos op: Sa, 12 Junie 1999 00:00 «» deur: Willem-Jan Markerink
Re: Nuwe Virus - Pasop!
…ves, each time it is executed. The worm will also search the mapped drives for Windows installations and copy itself to the Windows directory, and then modify the WIN.INI file. This will infect systems without e-mail clients. This continues to occur until the worm is removed. You may receive this worm as a file attachment named "zipped_files.exe". When run, this executable will copy itself to your Windows System directory with the filename "Explore.exe", or your Windows directory with …
12 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 25 Mei 1999 00:00 «» deur: th...
Re: Speak English by all means...
…my posts have related - although some were admittedly pretty far flung. "Primarily, postings in Afrikaans (also in 'alternative' Afrikaans), Dutch and English can be expected. However, postings in any other language are also welcome to facilitate the exchange of information with the largest possible audience." So... before telling someone to skoert for not sending Afrikaans replies to English messages, read the FAQ and the charter. Thomas L. Rochestro…
13 Forum: Rekenaars & selfone «» Gepos op: Do, 06 Mei 1999 00:00 «» deur: Fizzer
Re: Aan almal........
…spread world-wide very quickly. There's also a persistent rumor about a 'PWA-cracked copy' of Windows 98 which would be infected by the CIH virus but Data Fellows has been unable to confirm this. Later on, CIH was available by accident from several commercial websites, including the Origin Systems website where a download related to the popular Wing Commander game was infected. What makes the CIH case really serious is that the virus activates destructively. When it happens the virus overwrites…
14 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 29 April 1999 00:00 «» deur: Daniel
Re: My apologies Niklaas...
…does not per implication imply that one also has to forfeit your culture and background. I am proud to be an Afrikaans speaking African, and I guess I will always be that, but I am also doing my best to become a true Aussie. Ek klink 'n glasie op jou en jou verskoning aan die nuusgroep! Jan le Roux Perth ICQ 21792471 Squirrel skryf in boodskap news:f701a55fac253c95c16c566612a893de@anonymous.poster... > OK, perhaps I was too hasty condemning the groups that form, as > you …
15 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 30 Maart 1999 00:00 «» deur: R. Willis
Re: Verkiesing - to AMAC
… homeland are regarded as traitors - this is also the message I get from having observed the correspondents in this newsgroup. I'm glad to see that there are open-minded South Africans in South Africa. My whole family still live there in various parts of the country so I watch with interest all developments there - hence my participation in this Ng. We now settled in Brisbane but also lived in Melbourne (due to my hubbie's work commitments) and in New Zealand where we were very unhappy as South Africans …
16 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 29 Maart 1999 00:00 «» deur: Fred Els
Reply to squirrel
…es. I now live in another country where they also cling to the past and celebrate their uniqness. Yes ,they also settled a new country and fought their way to the top of the pile ,and now sing it out that they are a superior race. They suffered hardships and kept going forward ,bringing and suporting their culture from the old country. Just as the afrikaner sing and celebrate the old country values. But together my old homeland and my new homeland fought with the allies in the second world war against …
17 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 12 Maart 1999 00:00 «» deur: Leendert van Oostrum
Swede steriliseer vir rassesuiwerheid
… eugenics foresee an improved human race, it also was appealing to Social Democrats, who were beginning to see that Sweden's welfare state would be costly and wanted to limit the number of people who would have to be supported, the newspaper said. By JIM HEINTZ, The Associated Press Vir nog 'n paar van die bronne, haal ek net die mees pertinente paragrawe aan, en gee die URL: Involuntary sterilization, of course, no longer enjoys any sort of vogue, …
18 Forum: Rekenaars & selfone «» Gepos op: Do, 11 Februarie 1999 00:00 «» deur: Jean-Pierre Botha
Die Happy99-virus
…support engineer of Data Fellows. It also keeps a list of the spammed e-mail addresses and newsgroups in a separate file called LISTE.SKA. Patch available Because the original version of winsock32.dll is preserved in backup form as WSOCK32.SKA, newsgroup posters say they've been able to restore their machines without much difficulty. Data Fellows has a patch that recognizes the worm. It poses no risk to data, but can be more than a nuisance to network administrators. "If you have…
19 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 03 Februarie 1999 00:00 «» deur: ferdinand
Die in Europa....weer
… of Swiss glaciers. Skiing in the Alps could also soone be a thing of the past. "Last year was particularly extreme," saide Swiss glaciologist Martin Hoelzle of the Federal Technical Collegee in Zurich. "In August we had a metre of meltage at 3,300 metres Ze it hasn‘t happened like that since 1966." The phenomenon evene affected the neve areas where the snow normally does not melt ine summer. Glaciers are permanent ice fields but are subject toe constant change through fresh snowfall…
20 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 24 Desember 1998 00:00 «» deur: hel...
'n Afrikaanse Snuffelaar vir Kersfees :)
…History and Plug-In window * Forms: also includes predefined values for filling in forms * Newsgroups: For online reading only (secure news also supported). * Email: send mail only, mailboxes for outgoing mails present - a link to external email applications exists * Frames: (Can be turned on and off). * Logging: (Can be turned on and off). * Proxies: supported but no URL proxies yet. * Cookies: can be turned it off. No selection possible. * Multiple Windows * Individual …
21 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 16 November 1998 00:00 «» deur: Thorsten Müller
Re: foto's
…to express certain aspects, this will also have an impact on the way you look at these things, of course all this happens pretty much on a subconscious level, but it's there. To a German it's important by what means you entered an area, but he doesn't really care when and how exactly the action took place in time. An English speaker will have a slightly different opinion about this. The Japanese language differentiates very much between persons of different gender, age or their rank in society, something …
22 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 29 September 1998 00:00 «» deur: TafelBoer
Re: SA 'vredesoperasie' in Lesotho
…loot property. A dawn to dusk curfew has also been implemented in Maseru. CURRENT SITUATION The CTF commander has had a meeting with members of the business forum to discuss their interests and needs which will further be addressed at the JOC. The Butha Buthe police station, which was occupied by rebels, has been secured and recommenced its policing functions. The CTF is still maintaining high visibility patrols in Maseru. This is an indication of the gradual normalisation of the situation in Lesotho. …
23 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 24 April 1998 00:00 «» deur: lkool
…is for you. Prospective emigrants will also find the newsletter useful. It's informative and an important resource for any SALOSA. Rainbow Settlers is available by email or fax (in certain cases). It is distributed FREE and goes to South Africans in many countries, including Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, UK and Switzerland. The contents include: Where to buy South African groceries / products (rusks, boerewors, biltong...), SALOSA businesses in other countries, Where are they now?: notices looking …
24 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 01 April 1998 00:00 «» deur: Petfly
SA buys Mozambique
….A bought Mozambique for 40 Billion. This is also a way of ensuring a win in the next eletion as there is still plenty of hungry children and plenty that die in shaks every year. It will not be so easy to convince voters this time according to a PAC spokesman. It will also help McBride who's fate has always been determined by the ANC and not the law. Who owns Mozambique at this time....who is gonna receive the 40 billion....his girlfriend??? or the people....... Is it really so easy to give up your freedom…
25 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Wo, 18 Maart 1998 00:00 «» deur: Henri Burger
Re: help with definitions?
…quot;, it'll mean a GRAIN of wheat. It could also refer to the > post from a rifle's sights, and as a verb it means "to aim". It all depends on the context. 'Korrel' could also be a single berry from a bunch of grapes. To 'korrel'(verb) means to pick a single berry, or a few, without eating the whole bunch, which is not considered good manners. 'Korrel' could also be a curly tuft of hair. >> What is a location dog? > > A dog belonging to someone who lives in a (normally black…
26 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 27 Februarie 1998 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
Re: klapperkop
…which break with a sharp snap, also fruits of these species esp. Nymania capensis. (Afr. from Dutch klapper for rattle. (2) The fruit of Strychnos pungens and S. spinosa called also wooden orange and monkey orange. Afr. from Dutch klapper coconut. By die verklaring van “klappertert” (a tart filled with a sweetened coconut mixture) dui hulle die afkoms van klapper in Afrikaans as afkomstig van Maleis “kelapa” (coconut.) Waar “klapperkop” dus…
27 Forum: Rekenaars & selfone «» Gepos op: Wo, 10 September 1997 00:00 «» deur: Infoman
Re: Afrikaanse woordeboek
…is included in Word for Windows 6.0, it also has the function that enables you to add words from your own environment to your customized dictionary. By doing this your spellchecker will eventually contain all the words you may wish to use. A new version for Windows '95 is currently under construction. For only R49.95 you can buy a copy of the Afrikaans spellchecker which is available on order from the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education. For more information: Email: …
28 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: So, 01 Junie 1997 00:00 «» deur: Colin
Re: Afrikaans
…from a position of knowledge. You might also find it of interest that I can communicate with people in Belgium and the Netherlands where my English is not as welcome. I also find your approach somewhat hypocritical. You claim you were forced to learn their language at school and yet you use English in an Afrikaans forum, thereby forcing others to read your (and my) English. Remember, Afrikaans is the language chosen as the medium of communication by very many South Africans of various backgrounds and by …
29 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Di, 27 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: Koos[1]
Re: Afrikaans
On Mon, 26 May 1997 08:57:08 -0500, bleah wrote: matter concerns kitchen dutch, it gets posted here[/color] > too.>> We know you post where you like. You also don't mind where you show you small soul, mean spirit and low intelligence. ....but you are scared to give your real name. So here we have you: Insulting. Racist. Stupid. And a coward. (Did you also know kids like that when you were young?...or WERE you that kid?)
30 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: Di, 27 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
Idioom: Hy praat soos 'n DAGGA-ROKER.
…Khoi "daxa-b" but today it is also used for Indian hemp and for the "bhang" or hashish introduced to the Cape by the Dutch from their possessions in the Far East. The word dagga is also used for any of several species of "Leonotis" which were chewed and used medicinally and cosme- tically by the Khoikhoin. Besides smoking the leaves various native tribes employ the leaves' young tops as a remedy for fevers, anthrax, dysentery etc. Leonotis is found as a weed round …
31 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 23 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: At de Lange
New Spelling
…will resieve this news with joy. Also, the hard 'c' will be replaced with 'k'. Not only will this klear up konfusion, but typewriters kan have one less letter on the keyboard. There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome 'ph' will be replaced by f. This will make words like 'fotograf' 20 per sent shorter. In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. …
32 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Wo, 21 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: devil...
Re: Afrikaans
…gave afrikaans a very negative image, also amongst its original speakers, the Cape Coloureds and Malays. Now, in the New SA, the language is once again reclaimed by its nonwhite speakers. There is also renewed academic interest in countries as far afield as Russia and Hungary. Radio Moscow even broadcasts a half an hour per day in afrikaans, if I am not mistaken. After Xhosa, and Zulu, it remains the language understood by most people in South Africa. bleah, do us a favour and get your facts right …
33 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Wo, 21 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: Pieter Immelman
Re: Afrikaans
…gave afrikaans a very negative image, also amongst its original speakers, the Cape Coloureds and Malays. Now, in the New SA, the language is once again reclaimed by its nonwhite speakers. There is also renewed academic interest in countries as far afield as Russia and Hungary. Radio Moscow even broadcasts a half an hour per day in afrikaans, if I am not mistaken. After Xhosa, and Zulu, it remains the language understood by most people in South Africa. Yes, languages unfortunately associate themselves …
34 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Wo, 21 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: devil...
Re: Afrikaans
…gave afrikaans a very negative image, also amongst its original speakers, the Cape Coloureds and Malays. Now, in the New SA, the language is once again reclaimed by its nonwhite speakers. There is also renewed academic interest in countries as far afield as Russia and Hungary. Radio Moscow even broadcasts a half an hour per day in afrikaans, if I am not mistaken. After Xhosa, and Zulu, it remains the language understood by most people in South Africa. bleah, do us a favour and get your facts right …
35 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 14 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: ThotmesIII
Re: Thotmes
…enemies. 19th dynasty military expansion is also represented in art by surrendering enemies/captives being shown as holding their bows above themselves , symbolically placing themselves beneath the dominance of the victorious Egyptian king. See the image of the captive Libyan in the mural of Seti I, temple of Amun, Karnak. ** **Vira, vira, vira...I am NOT wrong on this. Yes, Nubia was ALSO called the name Kush or Cush, but as I stated: The Egyptians referred to this land as Ta-Sety. The Egyptian word …
36 Forum: Prosa & poësie «» Gepos op: Ma, 28 April 1997 00:00 «» deur: Izak Bouwer
Re: Leipold Gedig Versoek: Gloudina
…the "Manchester Guardian." He became a medical doctor, but also practised journalism. He wrote short poems about the beauty of nature, but also longer very dark poems, describing the aftermath of the Anglo- Boer War. In the First World War he was physician to General Botha. Shortly before the Second World War he wrote a cycle of scathing anti-Nazi poems that has never appeared in book form. His most popular book in English is "The Bushveld Doctor" (1937). Gloudina Bouwer…
37 Forum: Musiek & liriek «» Gepos op: Vr, 18 April 1997 00:00 «» deur: Izak Bouwer
'n Lied vir BEGINNER-STUDENTE van Afrikaans
…die. The noun for "death" here is also used as a verb. (Alternate word for "doodgaan" is "sterwe" which is linguistically related to the English word "starve" but is just a more dignified alternative to "doodgaan." The word "starve" in Afrikaans would be "hongerly, uithonger." my jare: my years, the years of my life gaan verby: go by, pass This song has five verses. The conversation is between a man called Jan, who is …
38 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: Di, 08 April 1997 00:00 «» deur: Izak Bouwer
IDIOOM : Rooinek
…they go to Europe, feel frequently more at home in England than in the Netherlands, where their efforts to make themselves understood in Afrikaans will quite often be met with a blank stare. Most Afrikaners will also quite frequently interlace their Afrikaans with English words and phrases, a habit that I notice is increasing not only in the Afrikaans of the writers on this newsgroup, but also in written Afrikaans. Would this be part of the picture in the New South Africa? Gloudina Bouwer…
39 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: So, 23 Maart 1997 00:00 «» deur: Izak Bouwer
Idioom: BUNDU
…the word "bundu" (which is also extensively used in SA English) with forested areas. I was therefore surprised to learn that the word comes from the Shona word for "grasslands." Although the languages of the various black tribes of southern Africa did not exert as much influence on the vocabulary of Afrikaans as did the Khoisan group of languages, there are many words from these languages in common use all over South Africa. Here are a few widely used ones: bonsella/…
40 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: Ma, 17 Maart 1997 00:00 «» deur: KLAASVAKIE
Re: Idioom: OUMEIDE
… water. However, nobody could be blamed for also finding it racially repulsive. Now in the original Dutch word "meid" there is no such racial connotation. The Dutch "meid" and the English "maid" come from the same Germanic root. It is a sad reflection on the racially structured class society that developed in South Africa over the centuries that the word "meid" came to have the meaning of "being non-white." Both in English, Dutch and …
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