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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » RAINBOW SETTLERS
RAINBOW SETTLERS [boodskap #14018] Vr, 24 April 1998 00:00
lkool  is tans af-lyn  lkool
Boodskappe: 10
Geregistreer: Desember 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
I'm re-launching Rainbow Settlers in a new, improved format. If you're a
South African Living Outside South Africa (a SALOSA!!), Rainbow Settlers
is for you. Prospective emigrants will also find the newsletter useful.
It's informative and an important resource for any SALOSA.
Rainbow Settlers is available by email or fax (in certain cases). It is
distributed FREE and goes to South Africans in many countries, including
Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, UK and Switzerland.
The contents include:
Where to buy South African groceries / products (rusks, boerewors,
SALOSA businesses in other countries,
Where are they now?: notices looking for lost friends/family,
Web sites of interest to SALOSA,
Traditional recipes,
South African restaurants in other countries,
The trading post: post your advert here - accommodation, jobs, etc...,
The watering hole: SA clubs for SALOSA,
Diary of events for SALOSA (social and sports),
South African emigrants database project,
Emigrants advice: for prospective emigrants from South Africa - what to
take, how-to's, etc...,
Your PC and Afrikaans lettering,
Adjusting to a new country,
SALOSA / Rainbow Settlers WORLWIDE telephone directory,
South African humour,
and many more articles of interest, except South African politics and
crime which is already well covered everywhere else.

If you have a business that you want to promote to other SALOSA, ask
about the affordable advertising plan.

To get your copy of Rainbow Settlers:
Send me an email and also tell me what you'd like to read about in
Rainbow Settlers. And if you want to send a copy to any other SALOSA
that you know of, please send their email too.
Thanks for your time and consideration,
A. Lehmkuhl
Write Stuff Productions
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Vorige onderwerp: Die kwessie van Zimbabwe
Volgende onderwerp: Madiba se Magic hekstegniek
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