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1054 resultate gevind
1 Forum: Geloof & kerksake «» Gepos op: So, 24 Oktober 2004 14:53 «» deur: bouer
Re: Hart en Siel
…ooi, op te som wat die skakel sê wat vir jou van belang is. Dan kan mense sien waaroor gepraat word. Miskien het jou skakel wel na Hamer se boek verwys. ( The God Gene: How faith is Hardwired into our Genes.) Time magazine sê dat hy die volgende beweer. "Hamer not only claims that human spirituality is an adaptive trait, but he also says he had located one of the genes responsible, a gene that just happens to also code for production of the neurotransmitters that regulate our moods." Gloudina…
2 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 26 Augustus 2004 19:12 «» deur: iguru
english and spanish courses
I just found a new resource for finding English and Spanish courses in the UK, Ireland and Spain. That website also provides online advisors to help people find the best match of courses for their needs. If you have some other good resources please let me know. Thanks. I am also looking for good education portals. John Cuteaux
3 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 07 Augustus 2004 16:25 «» deur: Just-me
Man 'burnt' in hospital
… as totally dependent on a wheelchair. He is also mentally handicapped. "On Sunday night two black members of the hospital staff took him for a bath. They put him into a bath filled with piping hot water and he suffered serious burns on his feet and back," Coetzee said. "When I told then I was burning, they said I might just as well burn to death, they couldn't care less," said Vorster. Paramedics transferred Vorster from the Leratong hospital to the Yusuf Dadoo hospital in …
4 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 28 Julie 2004 15:33 «» deur: Ferdi Greyling
Re: Wysheid van Tony Leon
…Mr. Andrei Kozlov is able to join us. I also look forward to hearing from Dame Pauline Neville-Jones. It is vital to engage Russian leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS and the establishment of the East-West Institute's Working Group Against HIV/AIDS is most welcome. Today's session devoted to HIV/AIDS is very timely, coming on the heels of two recent meetings the State Department recently organized in Kiev and Moscow on this very issue. At those meetings, our embassy in Kiev and our embassy in Moscow…
5 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 28 Mei 2004 15:19 «» deur: Ferdi Greyling
Re: Vir Suidwester
…of Appeal ruled on Thursday. The State also has to pay him market-related compensation and find alternative land for the squatters. Agri SA, which entered the litigation as a "friend of the court" welcomed the order as creating a "win-win" situation. Agri SA president Japie Grobler said: "This is not about a particular group scoring points. We are of course thrilled with the judgment, but it involves a win-win situation at a far higher level." "This …
6 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 15 Mei 2004 14:24 «» deur: Frikkie Potgieter[2]
Antwerpse studente: "Mandela mede-verantwoordilik vir plaasaanvalle"
…members including the smallest babies also often are tortured, raped and killed in these appalling deeds carried out by groups of young African male attackers against these families. Genocide Watch warns that these attacks bear all the hallmark of a rapidly nearing genocide of this minority group. "The fact that relatively few, if any, valuable items are stolen from homesteads during these attacks proves that these are not primarily motivated by robbery as is being consistently claimed by the SA …
7 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 24 Maart 2004 16:05 «» deur: Lorinda
Van duistere sameswering :-)
…plenty of ammunition, US newspapers have also highlighted the fact that current Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was a wrestling partner of Carlucci's at Princeton and the two have remained close friends ever since" Aan die een kant dink mens dat sameswering teoriee so funksioneer (dit maak konnekies tussen dinge, en gee dit dan 'n spesifieke interpretasie), maar dan alle sameswering teoriee is nie noodwendig verkeerd nie. En dat die Carlyle groep baie goed doen uit wereld konflik, is seker. Nog 'n…
8 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 08 Maart 2004 14:28 «» deur: Annette
'n Nuwe beuelblaser vir ons:))
…for being so helpful and hospitable, but also to put on record something I haven't seen anywhere aelse in the world. The most noticeable was the attitude of Capetonians in their tolerance to the different sectors and persuasions of society. I found this tolerance si refreshing in the 21st century, as this very very credible and mature attitude can be found in no other country in the world, including Britain. The friendliness and honesty shown me is a far cry from what I find in my own country. This …
9 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 11 Februarie 2004 01:38 «» deur: Katryn
Re: Van rigtings wat tel (laaaank)
…Public Opinion: - "Public opinion is also influenced by private interest groups and the news media" -"Typically groups with the most access to financial and organizational resources have the greatest influence on public opinion" Die hele aborsie issue is juis so saak. Ek haal verder aan (selfde bladsy) The notion of right- to- life was developed and heavily promoted by conservative politicians who saw the issue of abortion as a means of uniting Catholic and Protestant conservatives and…
10 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: Sa, 07 Februarie 2004 05:12 «» deur: Anonymous-Remailer
Re: Afrikaans - die taal wat uitsterf?
…of advancement. The language itself is also not very highly regarded in first world countries (South Africa itself is Third World), and is furthermore tainted by the legacy of apartheid which was predominantly driven by afrikaans speaking South Africans. The teaching of afrikaans is largely frowned upon in South African schools and appears to have been begrudgingly included by the progressive ANC government to appease the deposed but rather vocal afrikaner minority in that country. Signs on products, …
11 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 23 Januarie 2004 14:02 «» deur: Anonymous-Remailer
…up' with the noun thumbsuck. It has also developed new senses of established English words, e.g. cubbyhole 'glove compartment', just now 'in a while', location 'black residential area', motivation 'project proposal', robot 'traffic-light'; has retained old-fashioned British English words, e.g. geyser 'water heater', bioscope 'cinema'; and has created new expressions, e.g. bundu-bash 'drive (or walk) through wild countryside', interleading (doors, rooms) 'interconnecting', securocrat 'military …
12 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 06 Januarie 2004 13:29 «» deur: Anonymous-Remailer
Just to Qualify
…people of similar interest (which could also happen to be SAfricans), but the problem lies in the Afrikaners who want to perpetuate the dominance of others through the establishment of Broederbond" type groups in foreign countries. Many of then arrive and just sit at home and moan about how bad the place is, but steadfastly refuse to assimilate into any aspects of their new culture. This is not good for anyone associated with South Africans (and we are indeed limped together, with Zimbabweans also), …
13 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 05 Desember 2003 14:54 «» deur: Frikkie Potgieter[2]
'There was never any mention of the k-word'
…pull them apart," he said. Nosipho also allegedly told the teacher to "f-k off" when he told them to stop fighting. The girls then fell on the floor hitting and scratching each other. Dresses were up in the air and their underwear was exposed. While the white girl was on top of the black girl, someone in the crowd also then screamed there was faeces on the ground. "I assumed that one of the girls had soiled their underwear but I did not look closely enough to notice which one it was…
14 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 11 November 2003 06:29 «» deur: TJ
Maak vi' ons lig moet hierie woorde soes moet kerse
…the content and meaning of the poems, but also confront the fact that language itself is in use. A kind of conversation is created that exists independently of the verse. A type of monologue wherein the spiritual is experienced through the impetus taken from sound. Since many of the poems are recorded in a historical context, (that of the praise singers for example) attention is paid to the traditional grounding out of which the business is created. Sometimes an exaggerated style is used, which both …
15 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 14 Oktober 2003 12:36 «» deur: TJ
Kaapse kultuur, toerisme en die ekonomie
…institutions," she said, "but also to architects, urban regeneration practitioners, investment and planning agencies and any other parties seeking creative ways to capitalise on the economic potential of our cultural assets." The series will lead up to an international conference in 2004 which will also continue some of the debates from the earlier 2002 Liverpool Cultural Impact conference ( Cultural Impact will be launched on Monday 20 October at 6pm at Artscape On…
16 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 10 Oktober 2003 21:26 «» deur: Frikkie Potgieter[2]
SA Forces Talkline / SA Magte Gesêlsgroep
… any Army / Police around the World.There is also a chat room where we can get together and swop stories. Members are welcome to visit the page and join the chat room. To join, just send a blank e-mail to the following address: Weermag-subscribe@topica.comJoin us and discuss matters with well-known men like Col Wynand du Toit, Col. Willem Ratte and a number of senior officers in the SANDF and SAPS. There are also a number of Special Force members and Koevoet members in the group. …
17 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 12 September 2003 17:48 «» deur: Namaqua
Re: Penkop B, a lidwoord en spelling
…er. "Primarily, postings in Afrikaans (also in 'alternative' Afrikaans), Dutch and English can be expected. However, postings in any other language are also welcome to facilitate the exchange of information with the largest possible audience." Sal ons nou maar PB se taal gebruik as alternatief aanvaar? Wat fan hin refirendim? Namaqua "Namaqua" skryf in boodskap news:bjsmp3$i82$ > Asof Penkop B (PB van hier af aan) se polemiek nou nie genoeg is om …
18 Forum: Sport & ontspanning «» Gepos op: Wo, 10 September 2003 06:18 «» deur: Jan VarkBoer
Ferrari Formula `1
…to change the tyres when they wore out. It also took all the corners at maximum speed, as the brakes were non-existent. On the way to victory the new "Ama - Ferrari - Ferrari" team also managed to hi-jack several competitors cars and pick up 35 passengers at some notoriously dangerous spots, including blind rises as well as the chicane. The 15,000 spectators rocked, boogied and cheered the minibus to victory as it blasted six thousand watts of rap music for all 77 laps. We can be proud of yet …
19 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 24 Augustus 2003 17:47 «» deur: sorites
Re: Afrikaans demon language? was Zuid-Afrikaans de Taal van de Demon ?
… names on buildings and road signs that are also shown in Afrikaans. For instance, lower courts, known as Magistrates courts, have that description on the outside of the building in English, Afrikaans and the predominant local Africa language. Afrikaans is therefore definitely not a forbidden language, but one of the 11 official languages South Africa has. As a matter of interest, the Revenue Department (Income Tax etc.) issue all their brochures, books of instructions mainly in English and …
20 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 24 Augustus 2003 10:20 «» deur: Johan N Potgieter
Re: Zuid-Afrikaans de Taal van de Demon ?
…history. For us, the Dutch the Afrikaans has also another meaning. A lot of Dutch people emigrated in the 17th century, and afterwards. When we come to SA we're pleasant suprised to hear and read Afrikaans. And recognize a lot of things we also have, typically things from Holland. After the ending of Apartheid, SA was politial correct again, and now we are discovering the history of this amazing country. However, I can imagine that the black ruling Government want to change names as Pretoria, …
21 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 17 Augustus 2003 00:57 «» deur: Willem-Jan Markerink
Seniele Mandela
…Peruvian named Javier Perez de Cuellar. He also conceived it as his job to ask for "more time" (without ever specifying more time for what) and incurred much American criticism for doing so. Are Peruvians white or black? Or neither? Does the epidermis count in such matters? The Burmese U Thant was a ditherer par excellence as secretary-general, but he enjoyed wide respect for his philosophical bearing and manner. Kurt Waldheim basked in support from all factions during his period of pointless …
22 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 15 Augustus 2003 10:04 «» deur: Annette
Re: Uitlokking: Skuldig of nie?
…make this mountain their home, hikers will also experience one of the richests concentrations of birdlife in Southern Namibia. These mountains also support a healthy Leopard population - always a possibility of catching a glimpse of this elusive, nocturnal predator. Due to its remoteness and the fact that ONLY ONE GROUP booking is allowed at any given time, this hike lends itself ideally as a Naturist/Nudist activity. Kry 'n groep bymekaar, gaan kyk, en laat ons weet:)) Annette .na> skryf in …
23 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 20 Julie 2003 14:05 «» deur: eas...
Re: meningsopname
…the ability to understand science is also genetically determined. Both by race and gender. See it you can understand this: It is a fact (and still mentionable, without fear of the politically-correct police) that: "for all human races, males are taller than females". This fact does not exclude the possibility of: "'n Interessante "eksperiment" in Londen", that you found a female that was taller than a male. Again emphasising the statistical nature of the fact: the (in)…
24 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 04 Julie 2003 08:27 «» deur: michael beukes
Re: Vr Annette......
…can you also port on this. Lloyd from which bews server are you posting ? Also Annette pls reply Thanks "Lloyd De Jongh" skryf in boodskap news:Xns93AE5F9A1FD55MWNewsMaster@ > Good day > > As far as I can determine from the posts, Annette has been posting and > receiving replies consistently and successfully. > > What is the problem you experience? > > > "Suidwester" wrote in > > >> Steeds…
25 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 09 Junie 2003 18:37 «» deur: Cellus Purfluxius
Re: Esperanto (Re: Petitie Tweede Kamer over voertaal in het hoger en wetenschappelijk onderwijs)
…vey. If man and wife speak Esperanto the children will also learn Esperanto, and in all the cases that I know of also the language of the place where they are living. I recall having heard an interview with an Esperanto-speaking child in a Swedish family and that child spoke Esperanto with a very clear Swedish accent. As for Interlingua it is a contact language, and the users of Interlingua are not trying to creat a kind of ethnic group as I have the impression that some Esperantists are doing. Cellus P…
26 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 26 Februarie 2003 13:29 «» deur: Adamstor
Vyfde valskerm
…Africa, and the Queen of all of Africa. I am also the most dedicated woman in the world, a member of parliament, and president of the ANC Women's League". She takes one of the parachutes and jumps. The third passenger, Thabo Mbeki, says " I am the President of the Republic of South Africa. I have a huge responsibility in world politics in general and in African politics in particular; Zimbabwe needs me. And apart from that, I am the most intelligent President in the history of the country and I …
27 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: Di, 25 Februarie 2003 22:20 «» deur: Katryn
Die baba en die badwater
…as a folkloric leitmotif, and there is also the first illustration of the expression as a woodcut depicting quite literally a woman who is pouring her baby out with the bath water.1 Murner also cites the phrase repeatedly in later works and this rather frequent use might be an indication that the proverbial expression was already in oral currency towards the end of the fifteenth century in Germany. There is no doubt that the proverbial text gained rapid and universal acceptance in the satirical and …
28 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 15 Februarie 2003 14:47 «» deur: Sterrenkijker
Aksie Boekestorm (vir Tobie)
…institutions of the two countries. It was also shown on our tv how those books were torn and burnt. Could that be the reason for the lack of Afrikaans books in the Nederlands?" ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- Hallo, Tobie, Ek het inderdaad iets gevind oor daardie gebeurtenis.. Loer asseblief op: m Daar staan 'n paragraaf oor die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut ('n …
29 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 11 Februarie 2003 01:29 «» deur: Marcelo Bruno
Standard Dutch vs Afrikaans ?
… uneducated) Brazilian Portuguese (BP) which also shows extensive regularization, e.g. much simplified verbal inflection and agreement rules, partial loss of nominal number agreement, loss of subjunctive mood, loss of reflexive verbs, etc...Yet, one does not commonly refer to spoken BP as a separate language in the same way one refers to Afrikaans. I guess one obvious difference is that, while Afrikaans is a standardized language with official status in South Africa, spoken BP of course is not. In fact, …
30 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 16 Januarie 2003 20:37 «» deur: DiDi[1]
Re: Donkerwerk
… thieves not only play with their lives, but also cause millions of rands worth of damages to the underground electrical cables. “The length of cable this man stripped would have earned him about R150 from a scrap metal dealer, but in the process he caused damages of nearly R5 000.” Mr Spies said the theft of copper cables was also the cause of the horrific train accident in Kwa Zulu/Natal earlier this year. An Eskom transformator which was damaged in Khutsong recently, resulted in a three day power …
31 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 14 Januarie 2003 18:56 «» deur: pete[3]
Die Zim soustrein
… the country and were not in a hurry to get the country out of its crisis. President Robert Mugabe reportedly has his groceries flown in from London every month, while many politicians frequently stock up on supplies during trips to South Africa. Moyo also criticised the Sunday Times, saying the report was "unacceptable for African journalism and the civilised world". The Herald also said it believed British intelligence was behind the "plot" which resulted in the Sunday Times report…
32 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 31 Desember 2002 04:51 «» deur: Ron McGregor
How many dictionaries make a Tower of Babel, or, what to do when the table is rocking.
…aries!! > LOL You could. But you could also take the view that, if anything worthwhile is said, anywhere or anytime by anyone, then it will be picked up, translated and passed on in the many languages of the world. This is why, even though Confucius was Chinese, Socrates was Greek, and Voltaire was French, their sayings live for ever, in English and many other languages. Frankly, if Thabo Mbeki were to confine himself to speaking Xhosa, I wouldn't have to listen, and the outside world wouldn't be …
33 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 17 Desember 2002 21:43 «» deur: bobby's girl
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery'
…ep: "Primarily, postings in Afrikaans (also in 'alternative' Afrikaans), Dutch and English can be expected. However, postings in any other language are also welcome to facilitate the exchange of information with the largest possible audience." Wat Afrikaans op die ou end sal laat oorleef, is die bydraes van ALLE Suid-Afrikaners, en dié wat wil, sal wel die moeite doen om Afrikaans te leer indien hulle welkom genoeg gemaak word (soos Andrew nou al duidelik ook bewys het). Ek glo dat almal wat …
34 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 09 November 2002 12:41 «» deur: W
Re: 11 van die 11 de om 11:00
…pun). I recall as well my school years also remembering the importance of this day. But, as with many traditions and time, the poppy day theme seems to have fallen away. So, if over the weekend you come across someone peddling poppies for a few of your loose coins, take the time to stop and remember the fallen of the Great War! The tradition of "Remembrance" day is that on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month people, across the globe, stop and observe a moments silence for those that…
35 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Wo, 06 November 2002 23:47 «» deur: NoS...[2]
Re: What means the following word?
…a term of endearment for soembody whom one also respects or fears. But it is used in a spesific way. Thus grandchildren may refer to a grandfather as "oubaas" or an owner of a business may be refered to as "oubaas" by the workers - usually not where he can hear. Calling somebody "oubaas" to his face usually is either and old racist term with wich one indicates that you bow down before this man or it is a term of endearment that does not carry that much respect and/or fear. …
36 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 31 Oktober 2002 16:50 «» deur: Sterrenkijker
Re: Difference between Afrikaans and Flemish
…Holland the situation is similar (Dutch is also a collection of Dutch dialects). But due to the fact that this country had a cultural and political unity a few hundred years before Flanders could acheive the same more uniformity has come under these dialects. Nowadays Flemish has turned to Dutch so far that it is now almost the same as far as the official relations between individuals is concerned. The use of the typical Flemish dialects however is still vivid in family circle, among friends and in the …
37 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 12 Oktober 2002 08:41 «» deur: Andrew Taylor
Re: Afrikaans leer
…sbaden. > > Groete, > Arthur > Also, he could go to the Flanders area of Belgium. The Flemish speak a dialect of Afrikaans which is much more nearer to Afrikaans than the Nederland people. Although I am led to believe there is a part in the North that is also near to Afrikaans. Perhaps the team can help me? I want a computer based course to improve my Afrikaans, ut has been over fifty years since I spoke it. I can understand a lot but when I try to speak or write it I am lost. Are there any…
38 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 22 September 2002 10:10 «» deur: Wouter Plaasvark
Mad Dogs and Englishwomen
…sleepless nights". The Matongas, who also have a spacious house in a prosperous suburb of Harare, were "resettled" on the farm last month, for which they had to pay nothing. There were, however, extraordinary scenes at Mupandagutu Farm when the Matongas arrived at the gate to "reclaim her land". Mr Schultz had been arrested by the police for defying the eviction order only minutes before. "Mrs Matonga was screaming at me: 'Get off our land: we are taking back what you stole …
39 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 16 Augustus 2002 13:19 «» deur: Max[1]
Uit die argiewe
…marry Prince Charles. At school, you were also allowed to watch Fergie marry Andrew. *You frequented the corner-shop because they had 'cool' games like "Pac Man", "Donkey Kong", "Dig Dug", "Space Invaders", "Asteroids", "Lady Bug", Moon Patrol" and "Defender". *You owned a Rastafarian jersey, and said things like "yeah, mun". *You remember the deaths of Princess Grace, John Lennon, Bob Marley, Karen Carpenter, Rock …
40 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 16 Augustus 2002 00:09 «» deur: Anoniem
… See plaas-, jaap en gawie. Also Australian term for a S. African (acc. to some also Brit.) Ek neem aan "japie" is ook 'n woord in Nederlands wat dieselfde beteken ('n agteraf persoon.) Ek wonder egter hoe dit in Australië beland het. Daar was baie Australiese soldate in die Tweede Boere-oorlog in SA, so hulle kon dit daar opgetel het. Maar hoekom het…
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