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1054 resultate gevind
1 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 28 April 2008 20:42 «» deur: Daun Johnson
Re: Ou Dave, so oop en toe
…doors and on to the surrounding earth. It also took viewers to a stormwater outlet at Addington Beach, where "vagrants" were washing themselves and their clothes, watched by occupants of an eThekwini "law enforcement" vehicle. The city's head of water and sanitation, Neil MacLeod, was interviewed and said he was not aware of the overflowing toilets at North Beach. He was told by Carte Blanche that laboratory tests had shown the water at Addington Beach had 5 260 counts of human …
2 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 23 April 2008 12:18 «» deur: Ferdi
Re: Onsigbare Krag
…closed timelike curves and wormholes could also be a result of collisions of particles," Aref'eva says. The possibilities this raises are being taken seriously by some physicists. "This is an interesting paper," says J. Richard Gott of Princeton University in New Jersey, who suggested as long ago as 1991 that accelerating particles could be a route to time travel. In a paper published at the time in Physical Review Letters, he suggested that if super-energetic particles were aimed so that …
3 Forum: Prosa & poësie «» Gepos op: So, 16 Maart 2008 12:09 «» deur: duif
Re: " Dave " en die sterwe van Afrikaans
… sisters, Nandipha, 21, and Nobuhle, 20, had also been hit on the head with a hammer and a sharp instrument had been used to remove their genitals from their bodies. The three family members will be buried next Saturday. They are not the only victims. At least six other women have been killed in a similar fashion in less than three months. It is believed body parts are sold to traditional medicine practitioners at the Bizana market to make strong muti. Two men have appeared in the Bizana magistrate's …
4 Forum: Prosa & poësie «» Gepos op: So, 16 Maart 2008 11:59 «» deur: duif
Re: " Dave " en die sterwe van Afrikaans
…structures in all areas have now also called on people to be wary of the syndicate. The Bergvliet, Kreupelbosch and Meadowridge Neighbourhood Watch said it was important to obtain the relevant identification from those who presented themselves as city officials. The organisation said home owners should also make sure their children and housekeepers refrained from allowing city officials into the residence, before confirming it with the relevant city department. The city's manager for public lighting, …
5 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 07 Maart 2008 17:57 «» deur: duif
Waar is die basuinblasers nou
…boyfriend, her family and relatives were also at the scene. Police attempted to arrest one of the protesters after he had parked his vehicle on both lanes on Old Main Road, blocking traffic flow and the entrance into the police station. After talking to police, the man was not arrested. Other demonstrators, most of them men, stood in the centre of the road and brought traffic to a standstill. A larger group or protesters had earlier gathered outside the Pinetown Magistrate's Court, threatening to kill …
6 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 15 Februarie 2008 15:25 «» deur: Jim Again
Re: Wat is die verskil tussen 'n mens en 'n dier?
… and instrument, and the beasts of the field also I have gi- ven him to serve him." Hierbo word verwys na 'wilde diere' wat koning Nebukad- nesar dien. Ons weet dat dit nie moontlik is vir enige vier- voetige wilde diere om 'n koning te kan dien nie. Jona 3: 8 : "Maar mens en dier moet 'n rougewaad om hê, en hulle moet ernstig tot God roep, en elkeen moet hom van sy verkeerde weg bekeer en van die onreg wat aan sy hande kleef." Amplfd Bible : "But let man and beast be …
7 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 04 Desember 2007 06:27 «» deur: Riaan
Re: Baie stil
…let you down and you will not let me down also," he said. He also accused multinational companies operating in Zimbabwe of colluding with the West to encourage an uprising against his rule. "They withhold products to try to make people turn against their government," Mugabe said, accusing some shopowners of making huge profits from overcharging. Economic crisis Although Mugabe has managed to deter political opponents, analysts say he faces a threat from the economy - seen by the World …
8 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 11 Oktober 2007 10:05 «» deur: Riaan
Wat sal Gloudina hiervan sê
…rtunately, everything costs money. There are also literally multiple tons of lawyers and DIY groups that can help, but again, they expect you to throw out bucks on the chance you might be able to immigrate. Trust no one, get everything in writing, immigration brokers or politicians and their hunchback bell-ringing lobbyists, they're all crooks and only in it for the money. There are no guarantees that anyone in particular would be allowed to immigrate. There are additional requirements such as …
9 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 04 Oktober 2007 13:39 «» deur: Riaan
Uit die mond van 'n SWART MAN nogal
…positive, according to the U.N. South Africa also leads the world in violent crime. There are more murders and rapes (per capita) in South Africa than anywhere on the globe. To cover up, Mandela and his successors have created new forms of censorship in order to hide the mess. South Africa's Jesse Jackson, Desmond Tutu, recently asked for American aid, following the mass exodus, since 1994, of more than half of South Africa's commercial farmers. This has cut food production down by 60 percent. The reason …
10 Forum: Geloof & kerksake «» Gepos op: Wo, 12 September 2007 09:30 «» deur: Ferdi
Re: Lees hier, en lees later weer en weer...
…is highly probable that God exists. It is also important for us to note that merely having a possible alternative explanation does not defeat the argument. What one needs is a more probable alternative explanation. For example, most people believe the earth is a sphere; but a small minority still insist the earth is flat. Should the "spheroids" abandon their theory just because the "flat-earthers" have come up with an alternative? Of course not. The only way this would be necessary is …
11 Forum: Geloof & kerksake «» Gepos op: Vr, 07 September 2007 16:53 «» deur: duif
Lees hier, en lees later weer en weer...
…is highly probable that God exists. It is also important for us to note that merely having a possible alternative explanation does not defeat the argument. What one needs is a more probable alternative explanation. For example, most people believe the earth is a sphere; but a small minority still insist the earth is flat. Should the "spheroids" abandon their theory just because the "flat-earthers" have come up with an alternative? Of course not. The only way this would be necessary is …
12 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 27 Augustus 2007 08:09 «» deur: Daun Johnson
Soos Geskryf
… *** Iran shuts 'Western' barber shops Men also are subject to scrutiny over their clothing Iranian police have closed more than 20 barbers' shops in the capital Tehran. The authorities say the barbers were encouraging un-Islamic behaviour by offering Western hairstyles, tattooing and also eyebrow-plucking for men. Fashion police Tehran police try to encourage women to adopt more conservative dress. *** Iran's Hangmen Work Overtime to Silence …
13 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 05 Julie 2007 08:52 «» deur: news[4]
Die wet/Regs vraag: fault these 'heads of arguments'
…as owing at the summons issue date, also exceeded the claim.' This new ground had not been alleged at the magistrate hearing nor in the Plaintiff's papers. A Supreme Court of Appeal applicant who applied for a mandamus, attempting to force the residents of a black township to pay their municipal, costs contrary to the revolutionary protest promoted by the ANC before *they* took power, received the following finding in, Kempton Park..Metrolpolitan..v Kelder 51/98 (31 March 2000): ] The council, as has been…
14 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 18 April 2007 09:47 «» deur: Vuur
Re: Sien julle dit al
15 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 27 Maart 2007 06:17 «» deur: Vuur
…in the fourth quarter of 2006 the country also had a huge, unhealthy, structurally dangerous, unprecedented - and call it other names if you like - deficit of an annualised R143bn, or 7.8% of SA's gross domestic product. In the past, especially when we were still isolated from the rest of the world's money markets, a 3% deficit on the GDP made me so nervous that I exchanged the broking industry for farming. Bull market of '69 That fear of a current account deficit dates from 1969. For those who don't …
16 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 26 Maart 2007 15:09 «» deur: Vuur
Re: Zuma to meet Afrikaners
…for his stance on the issues. He has also refused to take a public HIV test. William Gumede, author of Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC, said it was clear Zuma's strategists were "refashioning" his political image. Gumede said Zuma's star had temporarily dimmed in the sense that even in the ANC the focus was now on finding a compromise presidential candidate, and more dramat-ically, a woman. He said Zuma's weakness so far had been his association with "narrow ethnic …
17 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 21 Maart 2007 00:46 «» deur: Jim Again
Boerevryheid - Die Sataniese Konneksie
…we Christians know is Satan. Lucis Trust also knows that it is Satan, but for public con- sumption they say that the "ruler of the world" is Sanat (a scrambling of Satan) Kumara. They also predict there will be a Christ Consciousness and the Christ (being actually the Anti-Christ) will be revealed. The book "Externalization of the Hierarchy" teaches re- peatedly (see pages 511-512, 514) that the 3 vehicles to bring in the New Age will be the Masonic Lodges, (ob- viously not everyone …
18 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 16 Maart 2007 11:29 «» deur: http://www.jahtruth.n
De La Rey fans: Die oranje en blou moet omgedraai word.
… his new body, as not only their (your?) but also Gibraltar's; the entire Brit-ish People's; the U.S.A.'s; their historical allies' and the Commonwealth's and Ireland's True and Rightful King - JAH (Ezekiel 21:26-27). P.S. In the meantime please read my Books and Booklets; open your spiritual "eyes"; learn the "New Song" and remember to watch this space. JAH The next step will be the hardest for everyone on Planet Earth to come to terms with; after 2000 years of expectantly waiting, …
19 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 03 Maart 2007 17:45 «» deur: Daun Johnson
kan hulle mense wees?
…and gained entry into the house. It is also believed that Mr Downs was confronted by the suspects whilst he was asleep, since he was living alone in the house. It is believed that the house was ransacked and household appliances were stolen,” said Gwala, adding that the motive for the incident is believed to be robbery. A television set was taken, and police believe some other items were stolen too. Investigating officer Detective Inspector Bonisiwe Maphumulo told Weekend Witness yesterday that the area …
20 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 03 Maart 2007 17:36 «» deur: Daun Johnson
kan dit 'n mens wees?
…and gained entry into the house. It is also believed that Mr Downs was confronted by the suspects whilst he was asleep, since he was living alone in the house. It is believed that the house was ransacked and household appliances were stolen," said Gwala, adding that the motive for the incident is believed to be robbery. A television set was taken, and police believe some other items were stolen too. Investigating officer Detective Inspector Bonisiwe Maphumulo told Weekend Witness yesterday …
21 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 19 Februarie 2007 14:37 «» deur: Vuur
Die ANC het die 1994-ooreenkoms verbreek. Flip Buys: Gevra: vryheid en ruimte vir álmal
…being some of them. Oh ja, and there was also Colin a.k.a The Foreskin Bandit, a squinted-eyed Xhosa youngster who was also part of the crew of lighteys that hung out there. But anyway, back to Alan and I yakking away as the mighty ocean pounded away on the beaches. So I asked him, "Alan what does umlungu mean?" Alan pointed to the foaming froth on the sands that the Indian Ocean spewed forth with all its debris and replied, "There, that's umlungu ~ it's sea-froth." So …
22 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 17 Februarie 2007 16:46 «» deur: Vuur
Hierdie kom van die ANCYL:
…their skins, culture or language, they are also poisoning their little children about a vice that we have hoped to burry since the advent of democracy in 1994. There is nothing in our constitution that prescribes reserves for a particular language, culture or race. Here language is clearly used as façade to advance the racist agenda of these Afrikaner right wingers. Thus these parents who seek to create racist castles for their little ones at schools, cannot help but seek to perpetuate a racism demon that…
23 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 14 Februarie 2007 07:56 «» deur: Vuur
Re: Oom Paul
…Paris from the air. The First Boer War, also known as the "First War of Independence", started in 1880, and the British forces were defeated in the decisive battle at Majuba in 1881. Once again, Kruger played an important role in the negotiations with the British, which led to the restoration of the Transvaal's independence under British suzerainty. On 30 December 1880, at the age of 55, Kruger was elected President of the Transvaal. One of his first aims was the revision of the Pretoria …
24 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 06 Februarie 2007 12:29 «» deur: RommelPotterij
Re: Vrye meselaars
…Canadian Brethren. Parcels of drugs have also been sent by Masons who are Medical Doctors living in Israel and Costa Rica. Individual Drug Prescriptions from Cuba are filled by Masons who are Medical Doctors in Costa Rica and then sent to Cuba. We have also sent an electric wheel chair. And we have had 25 pairs of prescription eyeglasses made. ================================== Ik zie hierin alleen dat zij heel goed voor hun eigen groepje zorgen. Als jij een van ons bent, dan zorgen we voor je. Niet een…
25 Forum: Ekonomie & geldsake «» Gepos op: Di, 06 Februarie 2007 12:22 «» deur: Vuur
Re: FNB - Lekker stil ne
…of many others. His 13-year-old brother also died in the attack. A woman died 30 minutes after arriving at the hospital. Four others who died were Russian sailors who were visiting the church for the first time. Another Russian sailor had both his legs ripped off when a grenade fell into his lap, and his right arm had to be amputated. Both of his eardrums burst. He was earning money as a sailor in order to pay for his wedding on his return to Russia. Desmond Tutu barged into the church building and lied…
26 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 31 Januarie 2007 08:26 «» deur: TJ
News from OppiKoppi Productions - Tuks RAG 2007
… their guitar chords and homegrown SA tunes, also happening at the Tuks RagFarm. Saturday 3 February Hatfield Square&Plaza will host the annual Tuks Rag After Party with Koos Kombuis, Love Jones and Karma. The ticket price for 31 January is R30, including one free drink on entry before 19h30. On 2 February patrons will pay R50, also including one free drink on entry before 19h30 to get the party started. The entrance fee for the after party on 3 February will be R20. Tickets will be available at the …
27 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 20 Januarie 2007 00:59 «» deur: bouer
Genadendal - Die Moraviese Sending in SA
… a great pear tree in the garden. There was also an old woman, Magdalena, whom Schmidt had baptised, whose acquaintance they made. She was able to show them a Bible (on display in museum), kept in a leather bag, which had been given to her years ago by Schmidt. The missionaries listened with amazement when she asked her daughter to read a portion of the New Testament to them. When the work in Baviaans Kloof was resumed, the missionaries and the members of their congregation had to cope with a number of …
28 Forum: Geloof & kerksake «» Gepos op: Vr, 05 Januarie 2007 18:46 «» deur: Waaierstertmuis
Oor ongeloof en geloof (Torreke)
… such certainty. This is embarrassing. It is also dangerous—and we should stop making apologies for it. 2. Religion is useful: The argument that religion is useful is also problematic—and many of its problems are enunciated daily by bomb-blasts. Can anyone seriously argue that it is a good thing that millions of Muslims currently believe in the metaphysics of martyrdom? Is it really so useful that many Jews imagine that the Creator of the universe gave them a patch of desert on the Mediterranean? How …
29 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 20 Junie 2006 10:07 «» deur: Torreke
Re: Seer van Rensburg's Prohpechies Revealed on "Hello, Africa!"
… exceptionally brilliant military brain, but also partly because of what Siener "saw". But his ability to say what the movements of the British forces were, could also be attributed to telepathy. What could not be attributed to telepathy was his ability to correctly forecast certain people's imminent unexpected death, e.g. that of Genl. De la Rey. It is well documented that he warned De La Rey about the latter's death several weeks before De La Rey was killed by the Police. I read one of …
30 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 23 Mei 2006 07:05 «» deur: Torreke
Re: Hallo Afrika! Boervolk Elections/Verkiesing van Verteenwoordigers vir die Boerevolk.
…recognized election. Dr. Pretorious also explains the difference between an Afrikaaner and a Boer. The creation of the South African Republic in 1964 was not a Boer Republic, but a White Republic which marginalized the Boers. The Boers were further marginalized after the elections in 1994 that saw the Communist-run ANC take power. The Boervolk have never had any offical representation in either case, and the upcomming elections are part of an effort for the Boervolk to have autonomy for the first …
31 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 22 Mei 2006 14:18 «» deur: NewsGuy
Hallo Afrika! Boervolk Elections/Verkiesing van Verteenwoordigers vir die Boerevolk.
…recognized election. Dr. Pretorious also explains the difference between an Afrikaaner and a Boer. The creation of the South African Republic in 1964 was not a Boer Republic, but a White Republic which marginalized the Boers. The Boers were further marginalized after the elections in 1994 that saw the Communist-run ANC take power. The Boervolk have never had any offical representation in either case, and the upcomming elections are part of an effort for the Boervolk to have autonomy for the first time in …
32 Forum: Kos & resepte «» Gepos op: Do, 18 Mei 2006 06:53 «» deur: Peter H.M. Brooks
Re: Goeie restaurant?
…of a place in Windhoek called Joe's Bar. Also a meat fest with 'sides'. Everything is cooked in the open on large braai's - the smells were fantastic and the portions massive. -------------------------- We were in Windhoek on holiday earlier on this year (Verity hadn't seen the desert properly before) and enjoyed an evening there very much. Actually, I preferred Windhoek to Swakopmond this time, quite the opposite from my previous experience. I was also surprised at how shabby Swakopmond seemed and how …
33 Forum: Prosa & poësie «» Gepos op: Wo, 10 Mei 2006 03:19 «» deur: Jonas
Re: "Hulle wat nooit van moord aangekla word nie" deur JOHAN VAN WYK
… honor a person who killed other people. She also said that a member of the Marine Corps was NOT an example of the sort of person the University of Washington wanted to produce. What follows is Gen. Dula's letter to the University of Washington student senate leader: To: Edwards, Jill (student, UW) Subject: Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs Miss Edwards, I read of your 'student activity' regarding the proposed memorial to Col Greg Boyington, USMC and a Medal of Honor winner. I suspect you will receive a …
34 Forum: Emigrasie & buiteland «» Gepos op: So, 26 Maart 2006 16:17 «» deur: Katryn
Re: Oppad terug na SA
…are just as rampant and for which there is also no cure in sight. The half-hour they spent with me -- shuffling through my things, threatening me repeatedly and then guarding me as some of them went to pillage other rooms -- is the sort of worst-case experience that no one, even in South Africa, can imagine happening until it does. Soon after they entered, my hands and feet were tied, and I was forced to lie, in my underwear, on the bed while they argued over whether to rape me. One of the older men in …
35 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Do, 19 Januarie 2006 17:07 «» deur: Herman
off-beat in South Africa
…the hedges. However there are, as in life, also a few 'stories' you will have to look for. And ........ visitors are invited to make their own stories. A visit to Soekershof is hard to describe for it is a very personal experience as can be found out in the 'love-letter' section of the Soekershof website ( The own Soekershof nursery distinguishes itself from other (specialist) nurseries by providing visitors with sufficient custumised cultivation information. Sometimes even by …
36 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 09 Januarie 2006 16:14 «» deur: bouer
Die helde van Bloubergstrand
…under a Lieutenant Pellegrini. He also had something over 200 French marines and sailors who happened to be available at the Cape, plus a contingent of locally born men made up the Hottentot Light Infantry, a full-time regiment, and two part-time volunteer units, the light dragoons from Swellendam and the Javanese Artillery Corps, recruited from the sizeable population of freed slaves at the Cape . The villains of the piece were the Waldeckers. Janssens had expected much of them; but they were the only …
37 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 20 September 2005 08:26 «» deur: kaalbaster
… better standards!! Education to the natives also mean better protection to avoid them multiply to 80 million-plus!! This is just a minor part of their education! > > Meanwhile it is whites (including our matriculants) who > already have almost zero chance becoming part of the > marketplace! - And yet YOU LIBERALS still want to > help, feed, care, love, support and protect your beloved > black fellows, don't you?! Whites already have such a > slim chance of survival, but YOU …
38 Forum: Stokperdjies & kunsvlyt «» Gepos op: Sa, 09 April 2005 10:44 «» deur: DD
Re: Help
… Incorporates an auto pop-up Speedlight, and also features an accessory shoe, which enables the attachment of an external Speedlight when more lighting is necessary. 256-segment Matrix Metering and Matrix Auto White Balance ensure outstanding exposure and white balance control Macro shooting down to 1.2 inches TTL White Balance provides excellent, automatic measurement of any scene's white balance and makes the proper adjustment according to prevailing conditions Record video for up to one full minute with…
39 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 11 Maart 2005 08:38 «» deur: Annette
Ons Sorgsame Kliniekpersoneel
… CT, have not been suspended. The City of CT also declined to say where this happened, but the Argus found out it was at Gugulethu. The investigation started in December, and the four guilty staff has been pointed out. The city pays for this formula, and in the investigation it was found that delivery notes were also falsified. Health clinics in the Western Cape provide the following services for HIV/aids patients: 1) Freely available condoms to minimise the spread of HIV 2) Counseling and testing of HIV …
40 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 08 Februarie 2005 10:33 «» deur: Ferdi Greyling
HC Bosman
…one has got the suspicious blues. There is also the once-over blues and a considerable variety of other kinds of blues. But the recognising blues doesn't come very often, and then it is only after you have been smoking the best kind of rooibaard boom, with ears that long. When you have got the recognising blues you think you know everybody you meet. And you go up and shake hands with every person that you come across, because you think you recognise him, and you are very glad to have run into him: in this …
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