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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Safety is an illusion
Safety is an illusion [boodskap #119713] Sun, 23 May 2010 16:43
Etienne Marais  is tans af-lyn  Etienne Marais
Boodskappe: 370
Geregistreer: March 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Safety is an illusion

by Peter
2010-05-21 11:30

Safety - the word on everyone’s lips is but an illusion when we run
and hide from our responsibilities for our own safety.

We think cameras, armed guards, pieces of paper, laws and police are
there to protect us from predators who care nothing of any of these
silly notions of safety.

We assure ourselves that our responsibility is removed by listening to
the seriously unhinged social engineers demented advice of bargain
with criminals; we must understand that they are decent honourable
human beings who have lives more valuable than our own.

Those violent criminals who choose to prey on the defenceless, the
aged and infirm are somehow worthy of sympathy, understanding and
protection from harm from victims. Who want to reward criminals who
murder, rape and rob by advising victims to give all to criminals in
the vain hope that uncaring gratuitously violent predators may spare
their lives if they beg in the right way.

We must give up our guns because they may harm us because we don’t
have the intelligence, skills or training to use them but criminals
who have no skills or training can use them very effectively to kill,
rape and rob us.

We introduce laws to protect criminals by disarming victims. We remove
law-abiding citizens’ best means of defence so criminals can ply their
trade with little risk of harm. We rely on the most stupid of all, gun
free signs and zones and think criminals will take note and abide.

We install cameras driving crime to other areas and other people
forcing the installation of even more cameras until the whole country
is covered in a mass of cameras and still crime will continue

Self-defence is the responsibility of every citizen. Until we
understand that the police, anti-social pro-criminal radicals or
government cannot be allowed under any circumstances or in any way to
interfere with our right and responsibility to defend property or
ourselves crime will always be a major problem.

Citizens have every right to subcontract their safety to such
ineffective interventions and agencies but must also face the
consequences of this choice and take the full responsibility for their
own decisions.

( :// 0100521
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