Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery'
AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70546] |
Fri, 13 December 2002 14:45  |
Andrew Taylor
Boodskappe: 42 Geregistreer: October 2002
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Hier is die nuws...
Outrage as Black Reporter says 'Thank God for Slavery'
A black American author has sparked anger and controversy among black
nationalists "by repudiating his African roots and thanking God his
ancestor was enslaved."
"Keith Richburg has been shunned and insulted for daring to reject the
Afro-centric idealism which is an article of faith in black America.
In 'Out Of America', published in February,1997, (hardcover, 288
'Basic Books,' ISBN: 0465001874), after he spent three years reporting
from Africa for the Washington Post, Mr Richburg hurls down a
challenge to black American leaders to stop deceiving themselves and
the 35 million (black) descendants of slaves, that Africa is Eden on
"I'm tired of lying,' he writes. 'And I'm tired of all the ignorance
and hypocrisy and the double standards I hear and read about Africa,
much of it from people who've never been there, let alone spent three
years walking around amid the corpses.
"Talk to me about Africa and my black roots and my kinship with my
African brothers and I'll throw it back in your face, and then I'll
rub your nose in the images of the rotting flesh.'
"Richburg spent three years covering the continent's senseless
violence, corruption, bloody and incessant cruelties--machete-wielding
Hutu militiamen, a cholera epidemic in Zaire, famine in Somalia, civil
war in Liberia, disease, dirt, dictatorships, killer children, AIDS,
"Had my ancestor not made it out of here,' Richburg muses, 'I might
have ended up in that crowd...maybe I would have been one of those
bodies, washing over the waterfall in Tanzania or maybe my son would
have been set ablaze by soldiers. Or I would be limping now from the
torture I received in some rancid police cell...'
Afrocentrism 'has become fashionable for many blacks, Richburg notes.
'It cannot work for me. I have been here, I have lived here and seen
Africa in all its horror.'
"Mr Richburg's every word is an assault on the group identity politics
which have taken hold among black intellectuals and leads, critics
say, to a Balkanisation of American society. Thinking about his slave
forebear, transported in chains to the Caribbean and thence to South
Carolina, Mr Richburg writes: "Thank God my ancestor got out, because,
now, I am not one of them [Africans]. In short, thank God I am an
"Borders, a Washington D.C. book shop, was packed this month for a
lecture by Mr Richburg at which hecklers accused him of racial
betrayal. 'One man demanded to know if the author had a white
girlfriend,' said Mary Ann Brownlow, who organised the lecture.
"When Mr Richburg appeared on a talk show on Black Entertainment
Television, Randall Robinson, leader of the TransAfrica lobby group
and one of America's most prominent blacks, refused to join the
"Jackie Clark, producer of the show, said: 'We African-Americans have
this vision of Africa as the motherland which we see in this wonderful
but people who have lived there can burst this bubble. It takes
courage to say things you know are going to outrage people, but I
think Richburg wishes he were white.'
"Out Of America is a gruesomely detailed account of barbarism and
corruption across the continent, particularly in Somalia and Rwanda.
The author pulls no punches in condemning it, and no...myth is spared.
When sketching how his ancestor was enslaved, he says it was first
'probably by a local chieftain.' The suggestion that African blacks
were slave owners is anathema in America...
"Mr Richburg, who is now working for the Washington Post in Hong Kong,
says he is not condoning the evil of slavery, but insists that
condemning it should not blind blacks to the fact that good has
emerged from it..."
Reviews of Richburg's Out of America:
E.G. Long: "Africa is a painful reality. Over the past 21 years, I
have lived and worked in five African countries: Kenya, Tanzania,
Zambia, Zaire and Nigeria. ..There is nothing in Richburg's book that
I could contradict. I too, experienced the horror, and hopelessnesss
of that continent. I read 'Out of America' in one sitting... "
Steve Wishnevsky: "This is the voice missing from the current race
'dialogue.' Mr. Richburg is a courageous writer and clear
observer...His is an authentic voice and should be listened to
closely. America is the only land where the descendants of Africans
have anything approaching freedom and economic opportunity."
H. Luther: "So much of what you hear about Africa lately is from
people who have never been there. People who want to romanticize what
is in fact chaos and disaster...Richburg has written what he has seen,
he has presented reality with great integrity. It is a must read. " --
Peter Watson
Andrew (Taylor)
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70549 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70546] |
Fri, 13 December 2002 17:54   |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Andrew Taylor wrote:
> Hier is die nuws...
> Outrage as Black Reporter says 'Thank God for Slavery'
> "Keith Richburg has been shunned and insulted for daring to reject the
> Afro-centric idealism which is an article of faith in black America.
> In 'Out Of America', published in February,1997, (hardcover, 288
Ek dink wat Keith Richburg te sê het, is een ding.
Maar dat jy, Andrew Taylor, vyf jaar nadat die boek
uitgekom het, die anti-Afrika sentiment daar vanuit
Engeland wil sit en versprei, dit dink ek is skandelik
en skadelik. Noudat jy in Engeland sit, los vir Afrika
uit. Of gaan bestudeer hoe Afrika nou nog moet ly onder
die masjinasies van die witvolk wie se voorvadere uit
Europa in Afika kom aas het. Veral daar in Wes-Afrika
waar wit huursoldate aan albei kante van 'n burgeroorlog
veg, 'n burgeroorlog wat heelwaarskynlik sy wortels het
in die diamantbedryf. En jy weet waarheen daardie paadjie
Tant Hessie van die Derde Republiek
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70550 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70549] |
Fri, 13 December 2002 19:34   |
Andrew Taylor
Boodskappe: 42 Geregistreer: October 2002
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 17:54:13 GMT, "" wrote:
> Andrew Taylor wrote:
>> Hier is die nuws...
>> Outrage as Black Reporter says 'Thank God for Slavery'
>> "Keith Richburg has been shunned and insulted for daring to reject the
>> Afro-centric idealism which is an article of faith in black America.
>> In 'Out Of America', published in February,1997, (hardcover, 288
> Ek dink wat Keith Richburg te sê het, is een ding.
> Maar dat jy, Andrew Taylor, vyf jaar nadat die boek
> uitgekom het, die anti-Afrika sentiment daar vanuit
> Engeland wil sit en versprei, dit dink ek is skandelik
> en skadelik. Noudat jy in Engeland sit, los vir Afrika
> uit. Of gaan bestudeer hoe Afrika nou nog moet ly onder
> die masjinasies van die witvolk wie se voorvadere uit
> Europa in Afika kom aas het. Veral daar in Wes-Afrika
> waar wit huursoldate aan albei kante van 'n burgeroorlog
> veg, 'n burgeroorlog wat heelwaarskynlik sy wortels het
> in die diamantbedryf. En jy weet waarheen daardie paadjie
> lei.
> Tant Hessie van die Derde Republiek
Well Aunty, give me a little time to translate this and I'll come back
to this.
Ek het nie Afrikaans vir fyftig jaar praat...
Andrew (Taylor)
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70555 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70549] |
Fri, 13 December 2002 20:19   |
Boodskappe: 2948 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Jaaaaa, maar dis tyd dat die wêreld die waarheid weet. Dit gaan flippen
sleg hier in Afrika. So ek's bly hulle begin die sentiment versprei. Hy's
nie die eerste een nie, en hy sal ook nie die laaste een wees nie. Almal
romantiseer Afrika, maar die feit van die saak is daar is niks romanties is
aan moord, doodslag, hongersnood, werkloosheid, oorlog en geweld nie.
Jammer om dit te sê, maar Afrika ly nie a.g.v. die masjienasies van die
witvolk nie.
Hou tog nou op om witmense vir alles te blameer. Een van die dae gaan die
kat kleintjies kry en dan's dit ook ons skuld. Apartheid is nou meer as 10
jaar iets van die verlede (iets waaroor ek bly is), en nog steeds word alles
op ons geblammeer. Een of ander tyd moet swartes begin om verantwoording te
aanvaar vir die stront wat hulle aanjaag. Alles kan nie vir ewig ons skuld
bly nie.
En aangesien jy so mooi vir Andrew vertel dat hy moet ophou om so skandelik
sy neus in ons sake te steek in hier in Afrika, kan jy maar gerus practice
wat jy preach. Jy's al langer as 20 jaar uit die land, en nog steeds sit jy
jou bek en rek oor ons. Wanneer laas wat jy hier? Het jy enige idee hoe
dit met ons hier gaan? Wat die prys van kos is deesdae? Die prys van
Petrol? Wat dink jy wat kos 'n woonstel hier? Hoe gereeld ons sonder krag
sit? Hoe gereeld daar gestaak word oor die grootste klomp strooi? Het jy
enige idee hoe dit voel om so te sê in 'n tronk te leef, sodat jy tog net
die baddies kan buite hou? Het jy enige idee wat se struggle ons nou mee
besig is? Of sit jy nog vas in die apartheid-struggle? Ons het daai een
gewen, nou moet ons nog net die moord, honger, werkloosheid en
verkragtings-struggle wen, dan leef ons in Eden.
In Zimbabwe het hulle nie kos of petrol nie want Mugabe stoor al die petrol
en kos wat van die Rooikruis af kom. Dis nie net die droogte daar wat
veroorsaak dat daar nie kos is nie. Alle boere is verbied om te plant.
Petrol is op met 70% in Zimbabwe, maar die pompe het vandag finaal
drooggeloop, die res van die petrol word deur Mugabe en sy trawante gestoor.
Gaan moer vir Tony Blair oor sy kop, dis mos alles sy skuld!!! Daar is al
20 jaar lank nie meer 'n wit regering in Zimbabwe nie.
In Libië is hulle besig om mekaar stelselmatig uit te roei met burgeroorlog.
Altwee kante dink hulle is reg en altwee kante is ewe barbaars. As die
rebelle bv 'n regeringsoldaat dood maak, eet hulle hom op dat daar van hom
net bene oorbly. Hulle eet hom letterlik op, maar dis seker die wrede
Amerikaners se skuld, wat dit durf waag het om 'n klomp bevryde slawe na
hulle eie Eden, toe te stuur.
> Ek dink wat Keith Richburg te sê het, is een ding.
> Maar dat jy, Andrew Taylor, vyf jaar nadat die boek
> uitgekom het, die anti-Afrika sentiment daar vanuit
> Engeland wil sit en versprei, dit dink ek is skandelik
> en skadelik. Noudat jy in Engeland sit, los vir Afrika
> uit. Of gaan bestudeer hoe Afrika nou nog moet ly onder
> die masjinasies van die witvolk wie se voorvadere uit
> Europa in Afika kom aas het. Veral daar in Wes-Afrika
> waar wit huursoldate aan albei kante van 'n burgeroorlog
> veg, 'n burgeroorlog wat heelwaarskynlik sy wortels het
> in die diamantbedryf. En jy weet waarheen daardie paadjie
> lei.
> Tant Hessie van die Derde Republiek
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70556 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70549] |
Fri, 13 December 2002 20:28   |
Andrew Taylor
Boodskappe: 42 Geregistreer: October 2002
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 17:54:13 GMT, "" wrote:
> Andrew Taylor wrote:
>> Hier is die nuws...
>> Outrage as Black Reporter says 'Thank God for Slavery'
>> "Keith Richburg has been shunned and insulted for daring to reject the
>> Afro-centric idealism which is an article of faith in black America.
>> In 'Out Of America', published in February,1997, (hardcover, 288
> Ek dink wat Keith Richburg te sê het, is een ding.
> Maar dat jy, Andrew Taylor, vyf jaar nadat die boek
> uitgekom het, die anti-Afrika sentiment daar vanuit
> Engeland wil sit en versprei, dit dink ek is skandelik
> en skadelik. Noudat jy in Engeland sit, los vir Afrika
> uit. Of gaan bestudeer hoe Afrika nou nog moet ly onder
> die masjinasies van die witvolk wie se voorvadere uit
> Europa in Afika kom aas het. Veral daar in Wes-Afrika
> waar wit huursoldate aan albei kante van 'n burgeroorlog
> veg, 'n burgeroorlog wat heelwaarskynlik sy wortels het
> in die diamantbedryf. En jy weet waarheen daardie paadjie
> lei.
> Tant Hessie van die Derde Republiek
Like most Afrikaaners, you can't understand that some Rooineks can
actually be very pro your culture, and your race. You automatically
asume that anything said or written by an Anglo Saxon must, in
principle, be against your race.
This saddens me. However, fortunately I do know enough Afrikaaners in
Londn who do not think so.
Don't always be on the defensive, there are plenty of people out there
who are not against your race and are willing to hope that things get
better for you.
I am not referring to the right wing loonatics out there who you need
to avoid, but those who understand what South Africa is all about.
I wish I could write this in jou taal, but I have forgotten all I
learned at my Afrikaans boarding school back in 1947!
Andrew Taylor
Andrew (Taylor)
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70559 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70556] |
Fri, 13 December 2002 23:08   |
Boodskappe: 2948 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Tant Hessie (Goudina) isn't a South African anymore - she left the country
20 years ago and now lives in Canada. Just because she speaks Afrikaans, it
doesn't make her a South African. If you haven't lived or worked in a
country for 20 years, you cannot claim to be part of that country anymore.
That's just my opinion, maybe I'm wrong - but I'm still in South Africa,
thus part of Africa, thus entitled to say that the continent won't last much
longer if something isn't done about the severe problems we face.
"Andrew Taylor" wrote:
> Like most Afrikaaners, you can't understand that some Rooineks can
> actually be very pro your culture, and your race. You automatically
> asume that anything said or written by an Anglo Saxon must, in
> principle, be against your race.
> This saddens me. However, fortunately I do know enough Afrikaaners in
> Londn who do not think so.
> Don't always be on the defensive, there are plenty of people out there
> who are not against your race and are willing to hope that things get
> better for you.
> I am not referring to the right wing loonatics out there who you need
> to avoid, but those who understand what South Africa is all about.
> I wish I could write this in jou taal, but I have forgotten all I
> learned at my Afrikaans boarding school back in 1947!
> Andrew Taylor
> Andrew (Taylor)
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70561 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70556] |
Sat, 14 December 2002 00:12   |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Andrew Taylor wrote:
> Like most Afrikaaners, you can't understand that some Rooineks can
> actually be very pro your culture, and your race. You automatically
> asume that anything said or written by an Anglo Saxon must, in
> principle, be against your race.
> Don't always be on the defensive, there are plenty of people out there
> who are not against your race and are willing to hope that things get
> better for you.
> I wish I could write this in jou taal, but I have forgotten all I
> learned at my Afrikaans boarding school back in 1947!
I assume translating the Afrikaans in my post
was too much for you, so I will answer you in
English. But I want to make it clear that I
resent it that you chose to post your anti-black
blather on the Afrikaans newsgroup. I suppose you
live in England now. So do not use the Afrikaans
newsgroup to spread your racist opinions.
And don't patronise me. I have been a Canadian
citizen for thirty years, but I recognize a whitey
when I come across one. So I am asking you again,
do not use the Afrikaans newsgroup for your whitey
And ask yourself seriously why you still find it
necessary to rant and rave against Africa, when you
do not live there any more. Do you feel threatened
in England, where people probably don't take you
as seriously as you want to be taken? It was wonderful
in South Africa, where your type probably hoped that
you were superior to both the Africans and the
Afrikaners. ( If only you knew how deeply your type was
despised by both Afrikaners and Africans.)
I will not answer you in English again. Don't
try to start a conversation on this newsgroup, unless
it is in Afrikaans.
Tant Hessie van die Algonquins.
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70562 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70555] |
Sat, 14 December 2002 00:30   |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Elaine wrote:
Een of ander tyd moet swartes begin om verantwoording te
> aanvaar vir die stront wat hulle aanjaag. Alles kan nie vir ewig ons skuld
> bly nie.
Gelukkig het die nuwe bedeling alreeds gesorg
dat Suid-Afrika 'n demokratiese staat geword
het. En die huidige regering volg 'n bedaarde
en suksesvolle ekonomiese beleid, anders as die
vorige regime wat tonne geld verspil het om 'n
nasionaal-sosialistiese staat op die been te
bring. Word wakker. Jy lewe in 'n verligte
Westerse staat. Waar die nageslagte van die
slawe wat deur beide Nederland en Engeland in
die land ingebring is,vir die eerste keer burgers
in die volle sin van die woord is. Geen whitey
opinies van jou kan hierdie feite negeer nie.
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70563 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70555] |
Sat, 14 December 2002 00:37   |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Elaine wrote:
Het jy enige idee hoe
> dit met ons hier gaan? Wat die prys van kos is deesdae? Die prys van
> Petrol? Wat dink jy wat kos 'n woonstel hier? Hoe gereeld ons sonder krag
> sit?
Jy praat strooi. Ek dink julle het minder
kraguitings as ons hier in Ontario. Ons
korrespondeer ELKE DAG met een van my susters
in Pretoria, en my man se suster in Durban, en
nog nie een dag was daar 'n kraguiting wat hulle
verhinder het om vir ons epos te stuur nie.Ek
dink ook dat daar meer stakings hier in Noord-
Amerika is as julle in SA het. Dis net jou whitey
gevoel dat die swartes nie mag staak nie, wat vir
jou so opstandig maak. Word wakker, jy lewe nou
nie meer in die ou wit laertjie nie.
Tant Hessie de toi-toi
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70564 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70555] |
Sat, 14 December 2002 00:40   |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Elaine wrote:
> In Libië is hulle besig om mekaar stelselmatig uit te roei met burgeroorlog.
> Altwee kante dink hulle is reg en altwee kante is ewe barbaars. As die
> rebelle bv 'n regeringsoldaat dood maak, eet hulle hom op dat daar van hom
> net bene oorbly. Hulle eet hom letterlik op, maar dis seker die wrede
> Amerikaners se skuld, wat dit durf waag het om 'n klomp bevryde slawe na
> hulle eie Eden, toe te stuur.
Ek dink, my liewe Elaine, dat jy weer jou
koerante moet gaan lees. Daar is nie 'n
burgeroorlog in Libië nie. Ek kan jou verseker
daar is nie een nie.
Tant Hessie Ghadafi
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70569 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70563] |
Sat, 14 December 2002 02:40   |
Boodskappe: 2948 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Nee, dis nie my whitey gevoel dat MENSE nie mag staak nie, dis my ekonomiese
gevoel, want elke dag wat daar gestaak word, word daar geld verloor. Toe ek
op Technikon was, het die swart studente gereeld gestaak. Daar was erge
geweld en verkragtings gewees tydens die stakings. Swart studente wat nie
wou saam staak nie, is geintimideer totdat hulle maar saam gestaak het.
Hoekom het die swart studente gestaak? Omdat hulle gedruip het, en weer
hulle vakke moes oordoen. Dit was nie aanvaarbaar nie, hulle wou almal
deurkom sonder om te werk vir 'n slaagpunt. Hulle het ook gereeld gestaak
as hulle punte weerhou is omdat hulle rekeninge nie betaal is nie. Om orde
te herstel is hulle punte "losgemaak", maar die wit studente wat nie kon
betaal nie s'n is nie. Ons klasse is ontwrig en ons moes een semester deur
die naweke gaan eksamen skryf a.g.v. stakings
Het ek gesê ek soek apartheid terug? Nee, ek wys maar net uit dat die dae
wat jy alles op aparthei kan blameer verby is, dis al. Ek's bly apartheid
is iets van die verlede, en ek's bly ons is almal equal, maar is dit my
skuld as 'n swarte nie werk kan kry nie, net omdat ek wit is? Is dit my
skuld as hy nie matriek kan deurkom nie, omdat ek wit is? Is dit my skuld
as hy nie sy universiteitgeld kan betaal nie, omdat ek wit is? Is dit my
skuld as hy nie 'n mooi kar kan koop nie, omdat ek wit is? Is dit my skuld
as 'n swarte 'n ander swarte doodmaak, omdat ek wit is? Is dit my skuld as
'n swarte 'n vrou (wit of swart) verkrag, omdat ek wit is?
Die swartes van 30 en jonger het nie meer 'n verskoning as dinge nie hulle
way gaan nie. Die wat sit en skreeu dis apartheid se skuld dat hy nie 'n
mooi huis of kar het nie, is te donners sleg om te werk vir wat hy wil hê.
Dis hulle wat wil hê alles moet sommer goedsmoets in hulle skote val. Die
wat sê dis apartheid se skuld dat daar VIGS is, is te stupid om 'n kondoom
te gebruik. Die wat sê dis apartheid se skuld dat daar soveel geweld is dra
ten to one by tot die geweld.
Aan die ander kant van die coin, het ons ook wittes hier wat staak,
geweldadig, lui en te stupid is om kondome te gebruik. Maar ek hoor nie dat
hulle sê dis apartheid se skuld nie.
My laertjie is nie heeltemal wit nie. Ek het 'n Kleinboy (ek lieg nie, dis
regtig sy naam), wat hier by ons inwoon, 'n bruin hond, 'n wit en swart
hond, my man, wat nogal blas is, en ekke!!! So ek's nog polities korrek
ook, meer kleur as wit.
> dink ook dat daar meer stakings hier in Noord-
> Amerika is as julle in SA het. Dis net jou whitey
> gevoel dat die swartes nie mag staak nie, wat vir
> jou so opstandig maak. Word wakker, jy lewe nou
> nie meer in die ou wit laertjie nie.
> Tant Hessie de toi-toi
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70575 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70556] |
Sat, 14 December 2002 06:19   |
Oom Gert
Boodskappe: 38 Geregistreer: September 2002
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Dear Mr. Taylor
I beg of you to please ignore the sorry statements of that old prune in
Canada (Gloudina) as she is not representative of the majority of the
readers on this newsgroup. She has some issues related to the past history
of South Africa which she had the misfortune to file under a misguided
heading and is now pursuing her hatred against whites by defending
everything black to the utmost which sometimes is borderline insane.
The state of Africa is in deep trouble and those who recognize the
shortcomings of this beautiful hell hole is too hastily branded racists. The
fact of the matter is that the issues confronting the Africa of today is
related to culture and not at all to skin color. Africa is in the
predicament it is in because the leaders of Africa implement methods of rule
that is suited for the village, but not an industrious country. This will
change in time, but the process of change is hampered by the likes of
Gloudina in Canada. She herself has probably adapted to the western culture,
for she seems to be living quite comfortably in Canada. If she were to live
according to the African culture she so avidly defends, she would surely be
dependant on state welfare.
Yes, this is an Afrikaans newsgroup and postings should be done preferably
in Afrikaans, but if you cannot speak Afrikaans and still would like the
opinions of those who do speak it, I can see no fault on your part for
posting in the language you are most comfortable in. I actually look forward
to reading your future posts.
Oom Gert
"Andrew Taylor" skryf in boodskap
> On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 17:54:13 GMT, "" wrote:
>> Andrew Taylor wrote:
>>> Hier is die nuws...
>>> Outrage as Black Reporter says 'Thank God for Slavery'
>>> "Keith Richburg has been shunned and insulted for daring to reject the
>>> Afro-centric idealism which is an article of faith in black America.
>>> In 'Out Of America', published in February,1997, (hardcover, 288
>> Ek dink wat Keith Richburg te sê het, is een ding.
>> Maar dat jy, Andrew Taylor, vyf jaar nadat die boek
>> uitgekom het, die anti-Afrika sentiment daar vanuit
>> Engeland wil sit en versprei, dit dink ek is skandelik
>> en skadelik. Noudat jy in Engeland sit, los vir Afrika
>> uit. Of gaan bestudeer hoe Afrika nou nog moet ly onder
>> die masjinasies van die witvolk wie se voorvadere uit
>> Europa in Afika kom aas het. Veral daar in Wes-Afrika
>> waar wit huursoldate aan albei kante van 'n burgeroorlog
>> veg, 'n burgeroorlog wat heelwaarskynlik sy wortels het
>> in die diamantbedryf. En jy weet waarheen daardie paadjie
>> lei.
>> Tant Hessie van die Derde Republiek
> Like most Afrikaaners, you can't understand that some Rooineks can
> actually be very pro your culture, and your race. You automatically
> asume that anything said or written by an Anglo Saxon must, in
> principle, be against your race.
> This saddens me. However, fortunately I do know enough Afrikaaners in
> Londn who do not think so.
> Don't always be on the defensive, there are plenty of people out there
> who are not against your race and are willing to hope that things get
> better for you.
> I am not referring to the right wing loonatics out there who you need
> to avoid, but those who understand what South Africa is all about.
> I wish I could write this in jou taal, but I have forgotten all I
> learned at my Afrikaans boarding school back in 1947!
> Andrew Taylor
> Andrew (Taylor)
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70576 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70561] |
Sat, 14 December 2002 06:21   |
Oom Gert
Boodskappe: 38 Geregistreer: September 2002
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Jy het berading nodig Gloudina. Ek is eerlik en ernstig as ek dit sê. 'n
Goeie sielkundige is wat jy nodig het. Gaan sien net een en vat van die goed
wat jy geskryf het saam. Ek is seker daar is hulp vir jou.
skryf in boodskap
> Andrew Taylor wrote:
>> Like most Afrikaaners, you can't understand that some Rooineks can
>> actually be very pro your culture, and your race. You automatically
>> asume that anything said or written by an Anglo Saxon must, in
>> principle, be against your race.
>> Don't always be on the defensive, there are plenty of people out there
>> who are not against your race and are willing to hope that things get
>> better for you.
>> I wish I could write this in jou taal, but I have forgotten all I
>> learned at my Afrikaans boarding school back in 1947!
> I assume translating the Afrikaans in my post
> was too much for you, so I will answer you in
> English. But I want to make it clear that I
> resent it that you chose to post your anti-black
> blather on the Afrikaans newsgroup. I suppose you
> live in England now. So do not use the Afrikaans
> newsgroup to spread your racist opinions.
> And don't patronise me. I have been a Canadian
> citizen for thirty years, but I recognize a whitey
> when I come across one. So I am asking you again,
> do not use the Afrikaans newsgroup for your whitey
> crap.
> And ask yourself seriously why you still find it
> necessary to rant and rave against Africa, when you
> do not live there any more. Do you feel threatened
> in England, where people probably don't take you
> as seriously as you want to be taken? It was wonderful
> in South Africa, where your type probably hoped that
> you were superior to both the Africans and the
> Afrikaners. ( If only you knew how deeply your type was
> despised by both Afrikaners and Africans.)
> I will not answer you in English again. Don't
> try to start a conversation on this newsgroup, unless
> it is in Afrikaans.
> Tant Hessie van die Algonquins.
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70595 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70575] |
Sat, 14 December 2002 14:30   |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Oom Gert wrote:
Africa is in the
> predicament it is in because the leaders of Africa implement methods of rule
> that is suited for the village, but not an industrious country.
Sien, du Plessis, nou moor jy weer die
Engelse taal. En jy moedig Engelsmanne
aan om in Engels op ons Afrikaanse
nuusgroep in Engels te kom skryf. Sies
vir jou. Dis mense soos jy wat sal maak
dat Afrikaans uitsterf.
Tant Hessie the industrious
in an industrial age.
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70616 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70561] |
Sun, 15 December 2002 04:47   |
Boodskappe: 2211 Geregistreer: February 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Andy. This old lady has left Africa more than 20 years ago.
She is supposed to be Afrikaans-speaking, but she detests Afrikaners and
that is why she left South Africa. She has lost contact with the present
conditions in South Africa.
skryf in boodskap
> Andrew Taylor wrote:
>> Like most Afrikaaners, you can't understand that some Rooineks can
>> actually be very pro your culture, and your race. You automatically
>> asume that anything said or written by an Anglo Saxon must, in
>> principle, be against your race.
>> Don't always be on the defensive, there are plenty of people out there
>> who are not against your race and are willing to hope that things get
>> better for you.
>> I wish I could write this in jou taal, but I have forgotten all I
>> learned at my Afrikaans boarding school back in 1947!
> I assume translating the Afrikaans in my post
> was too much for you, so I will answer you in
> English. But I want to make it clear that I
> resent it that you chose to post your anti-black
> blather on the Afrikaans newsgroup. I suppose you
> live in England now. So do not use the Afrikaans
> newsgroup to spread your racist opinions.
> And don't patronise me. I have been a Canadian
> citizen for thirty years, but I recognize a whitey
> when I come across one. So I am asking you again,
> do not use the Afrikaans newsgroup for your whitey
> crap.
> And ask yourself seriously why you still find it
> necessary to rant and rave against Africa, when you
> do not live there any more. Do you feel threatened
> in England, where people probably don't take you
> as seriously as you want to be taken? It was wonderful
> in South Africa, where your type probably hoped that
> you were superior to both the Africans and the
> Afrikaners. ( If only you knew how deeply your type was
> despised by both Afrikaners and Africans.)
> I will not answer you in English again. Don't
> try to start a conversation on this newsgroup, unless
> it is in Afrikaans.
> Tant Hessie van die Algonquins.
Re: AMERICA: Black writer says 'ThankGod for slavery' [boodskap #70634 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70626] |
Sun, 15 December 2002 15:41   |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Oom Gert wrote:
> Dit is in alle geval 'n "cheap shot" Gloudina om op my spelling te fokus
> instede daarvan om op my kritiek te reageer.
Tant Hessie van die Derde Republiek
se taalkomitee doen net haar werk.
Ons wil nie moordenaars van die
Afrikaanse taal in die Derde Republiek
toelaat nie, tensy hulle ore het om
te hoor.
Die Ruiter in die Dag
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