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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Re: So what have we learned??

Do, 08 Januarie 2004 15:46

Wat sê jy seunie?

"Nude Raider" skryf in boodskap news:VIAO7S6237994.3677314815@anonymous.poster...
> In my exercise in trying to analyse the psyche of the afrikaners
> who frequent this NG, I ran a test.
> By posting a message that would twang at their heartstrings that
> are programmed to try and revert to the old order of minority
> domination, I was interested to see the responses from posters
> which clearly indicated whether or not they had accepted, and
> indeed embraced the "New South Africa". The answers were varied,
> but nonetheless interesting.
> A number of groups were identified:
> Firstly, there were a few that clearly longed for the "old
> order" (fat tannie in Canada who posts sentimental poems is the
> most obvious).
> Secondly, there were those who remained undecided - torn between
> disagreeing with the bantu masters (fear of retribution was
> perhaps a factor), and aligning themselves with the old
> afrikaner order of separate everything.
> Then, and the most promising, were those who RATIONALLY
> evaluated the situation and strategically aligned themselves
> with LOGICAL thought processes to reach a sensible conclusion.
> This occurred predominantly with those residing outside SAfrica,
> who perhaps have had the opportunity to reflect of the SAfrican
> situation, and compare this to a normal society where they have
> now settled.
> The lesson to be learned here is that people (SAfricans in
> particular) need to be able to adapt to new circumstances and
> environments, and to do this requires constant re-evaluation of
> the situation. By adjusting to changing circumstances, will
> ensure survival. Without that skills the boers are lost in the
> wilderness and like the wit doeke will pass into obscurity to be
> placed on the forgotten list of other failures like piet retief
> who did squat for the advancement of the afrikaner (so called)
> nation.
> Many of you posters in SAfrica (we know who you are) like to
> cling to the errant ways of the past, whilst others see fit to
> bravely challenge the system. Now if I was a SA Government
> Official (perhaps I am????) I may be tempted to blacklist you in
> my book of "traitors" to the cause and mete out boer justice by
> sidelining any endeavours and aspiration you may have. I'm sure
> that ILLYA or whatever the prick is called now, will attest to
> the job discrimination his wife suffered at the hands of the BAD
> ANC Government.
> South Africans - particularly those as outspoken and vocal as
> many of you are who still reside in SAfrica, beware the third
> force, which thanks to electronic interception laws know exacly
> what you are thinking. Be forwarned, for the days of electronmic
> freedom are drawing to a close. Careful now or you may end up as
> an "Enemy of the State".
> Nude Raider

Koeitjies & kalfies | 12 kommentare

Re: SA's Poor IT Infrastructure...

Do, 08 Januarie 2004 11:20

Skryf in Afrikaans jou kakhuis.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Help - asseblief

Do, 08 Januarie 2004 10:18

Enige goeie raad vir vrot sinus? Ek hoes die laaste paar dae lemmetjies en
die hoesgoed wat die apteker gegee het werk nie. Ek hoes tot ek naar word
en dan hoes ek nog. Die demazin het darem die drup opgedroog, maar dis ook
maar al. Die apteker het nogal gewaarsku ek moet nie meer as 2 'n dag van
die goed drink nie, maar dit werk net vir so 3 ure en dan's die afskuwelik
drup terug.
Ek is klaar deur twee bottels wit dulsies, 'n halfjack brandewyn (ek het 5
dae laas ordentelik geslaap. Ek was desperaat.), 'n bottel 4 Flu, amper 'n
pakkie Demazin en 'n bottel Linctopent.

Enige boereraad, eie ondervinding, chemiese middels, alkohol, drips,
operasies of dwelms wat dalk kan help asb.?



Gesondheid & boereraat | 24 kommentare

" Miskruier " deur D.J. OPPERMAN

Do, 08 Januarie 2004 04:17

D.J. Opperman


Ek sal teer vlerkies uit die twee stram
doppe lig en eindelik die klam
gevangenis verlaat - styg bo
die miskoek van die aarde na die vlam.

Prosa & poësie | 0 kommentare

Nude Raider se stupid antics...

Do, 08 Januarie 2004 02:55

Ek verstom my hoe tweegat jy ("Nude Raider") deurskemer, ou. Die idee van
'n NG is juis 'n verwisseling van gedagtes en opinies, maar jy val net aan
en kraak af - m.a.w. niks konstruktiefs word aan die groep gebied nie.
Probeer en ek bedoel, probeer REGTIG hard, om jou eie opninies en idees te
vorm en dit sinvol uit te druk. Dan kan ons almal lekker saam gesels en
redeneer. Anders gaan almal maar net tot die besef kom dat jy net op tone
wil trap om moeilikheid te soek, wat weer oorgaan tot nog 'n groter besef :
SA's "loss" with your departure is an even greater loss to Australia. Of in
goeie ou Afrikaans "good riddance"...

Ek is rou Afrikaans, maar wou jou net reghelp met jou Engels hier en
daar...ek plaas alternatiewe in assimilate (MIX - for boers not up on English).[/color]

So hier is 'n paar alternatiewe vir jou, Nude Raider - as jy dan regtig
Engels wil praat, doen dit reg. Meeste hiervan is basiese taalbeginsels,
ander is "plain common sense"..

> I have to agree with your assessment of the arriving boers -

> I have noted it very strongly > for the

> As far as wanting to make plank a languate to learn in NZ

> boers really think that they are important enough to have their

> world country. I would actually put afrikaans on the same

> I would actually put afrikaans on the same level
> as Black American ghetto (Rap) talk - sort of made up as it goes
> along type - always stealing words from other language (think IT
[color=blue]> technology here).

Koeitjies & kalfies | 5 kommentare

Opsoek na 'n Bollie

Do, 08 Januarie 2004 00:08

Hi daar,

Ek is nou al 'n geruime tyd opsoek na 'n Bollie. Ja, dit is die
tydskrif wat saam met die Huisgenoot verskyn het, maar ek is opsoek na
die Bollie wat apart verskyn het, voor dit deel geword het van
Huisgenoot. Dit was iets wat ek as kind baie geniet het en wil ek
graag een besit . . . enige raad, hulp, advies . . . of dalk 'n Bollie
. . .

Tot later

Boeke, tydskrifte & koerante | 2 kommentare

Sterrenkijker - A Person of Vision

Wo, 07 Januarie 2004 14:13

As an open letter to members of this NG, I would like to
acknowledge the level headed approach that "Sterrenkijker" has
taken in uniting fellow posters. I am most impressed at his
skills and abilities to focus on key issues in an objective and
honest fashion. These qualities are indeed rare in todays
society, especially in the wild confines of these NG's.

In noting some of his recent writings, I will acknowledge that
he does have a point with regard to "stirring people up", and I
shall consider this in my future postings. This I'm sure is
valid, however it would be nice if the posters who resort to the
"F-Off's (eskuus om hierdiewoorde te gebruik) and other personal
insults that are levelled at myself and others follow suite.
Obscenties are not necessary and don't contribute to sensible

One item of particular value has been Norbert's research on the
rules of the the AFR NG, and for sharing those with us. It is
really disappointing though for the nameless tannie in Canada
(and one or two others) to keep insisting that English may not
be used here. Surely people it is not that offensive that you
cannot bear to read English, after all, many of you are obliged
to speak it every day of your working lives - so it can't be
that bad. It's OK really, the English are happy to share the
language stage with you, even if many of them are not as
articulate in Afrikaans as you are in English.

To Norbert - I have to say that I admire your skills in this NG,
sticking to rules, and enlightening others to their definitions -
even if this is not the popular view of some of the posters
here. Strength of character is clearly one of your positive
personality traits which serves as a role model to others.


Nude Raider

Koeitjies & kalfies | 6 kommentare

Ons Minister is Besig

Wo, 07 Januarie 2004 10:21

Dis nou die minister van gesondheid, wat oorweeg om 'n wetgewing ter tafel
te lê om alle advertensies mbt voeding vir babas te verban.
Dus geen meer melkformules, bottels en ander verwante produkte nie.
Sy wil hê moeders moet die babas borsvoed totdat hulle 2 1/2 jaar oud is.

Dankie tog ek is in die ou tyd gebore en grootgemaak op melkpoeier - daardie
borsvoedmelk was te sleg en te flou:))

Koeitjies & kalfies | 18 kommentare

Stadiger voertuie

Wo, 07 Januarie 2004 10:17

Die AA ondersteun die voornemende besluit van die dept van vervoer om die
spoedgrens in stede van 60 na 50 km/u te verminder.
En hier dog ek dis op die groot paaie waar die spoedgrens 120 is waar al die
erge ongelukke voorkom.

Wiele | 9 kommentare

Staande Vliegtuie

Wo, 07 Januarie 2004 10:00

Os moes die afgelope vakansietyd toe mos gereeld hoor van die Britse en
Franse vliegtuie wat se vlugte na die VSA gekanselleer is.
Vreeslik snaaks vir my, want die militante Moslems is nie dom nie, en as
hulle weer 'n aanval in die VSA beplan, sal hulle beslis van minder bekende
rederye of selfs ander roetes gebruik maak.
Lekker Gogga Maak vir Baba Bang

Nietemin - ek wonder toe hoekom die Franse ook betrek, want die merikaners
is mos kwaad vir hulle oor Irak - die onthou ek van die kopdoekstorie in die skole.
Ek stem nogal saam met die Franse - die kopdokke en kadotjies vir die
kinders op skool moet waai.

Nou die dag in KanaalStap kom daar iets op my afgestap - in pikswart van kop
tot tone, en net die ogies agter brille steek uit. Dit laat mens vreeslik
ongemaklik en tot 'n mate onveilig voel as jy nie iemand se gesig kan sien nie.
Dit is nie vir my aanvaarbaar dat sulke vermommings in openbare sentrums
toegelaat word en geen ander nie.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 10 kommentare

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