Having temporarily withdrawn from this NG for the last few days
to see how things progress without my valuable input I have been
apalled at what I have observed.
Gravitating to what the boers know best, the biggest following
of any thread has been two topics concerning "koeie and ooie"
AND ... better still "skaap woorde". Quite unbelievable, it's
really astounding and would shock even the most hardened NG
OK, so what else is there to be found? Some big boer telling the
group what he has been doing - visiting mammie, tannie whatever.
Who cares!!!!
And not to be forgotten is the poephol from namibia (yes the
black DO own that one too), who is whining on about a landsale
where (ag shame) the witmense got a vrot deal, and the swartes
got first option. Really, what is it that you lot don't seem to
understand about living in a black mans country? If you read
some nice English history books you would find that africa -
wherever you look, is run by black people not whites. You had
your chance and you stuffed that up good and solid. No use now
crying that you are not getting a good deal. Ga! so stupid!
Please people - can we discuss some real issues (also not
Mbeki's nare hoes and kapok in die bokkeveld) ... that is very
boring for us English to have to read. What we need to do is to
engage in lively debate about things that actually matter, and
which you have some control over. I would like to propose a
topic like "Offering English as an official language in NZ, OZ
and Singapore" ... oh sorry that's already happened .. I'll
think of something more in a sec.
Nude Raider
Questo messaggio e' stato inoltrato automaticamente
da un paio di anonymous remailer. Il mittente originale
e' sconosciuto e non identificabile. Datevi pace.
I have been approached by (Poet Laurate), die wonderwaarlikke
Dingus to contribute more in the way of gediggies, so here we
go.... (I know you'll like this one). I got the idea from the
vet tannie in Canada - dankie)
O koningin
Moeder van alle afrika
Die boere se moeder
Vat die afrikaners in die boesem in
Soen hulle vir afrika
u sterk pyramied van wonderlikheid
Kyk oor die boer se gewese volk en huil
Vir eensaamheid en gisters se lafhartigheid
Skop die klippe van die lewe
Op pad na die vuur van naby
Spoeg jou witte krom bekke
Hard in die bees se maag
Van vuil en kruipende mense voor
Julle vieslikke stem se asem ruik
Soos die hel se siekte slaag
Die moeder lag vir die bewende klomp
What after die huining sit
Bokommerd van die swak beplanning
Dromme lui kwaad vir julle
Die leeu brul die vuur aan die gang
Van die stem gaan mense vlieg
Gestoot op hoog na god se sitplek
Winnie stuur hulle reg na bo
Tande kou vir die boere kop
Hulle saak is nou by n ander tyd
Nude Raider (2004)
Questo messaggio e' stato inoltrato automaticamente
da un paio di anonymous remailer. Il mittente originale
e' sconosciuto e non identificabile. Datevi pace.
Ek moet julle vertel. Dié dorp se munisipaliteit het besluit om erwe te
verkoop en die vendusie vir twee sessies beplan. Op die eerste sessie het
net swart kopers die kans gekry om vir die duur erwe te bie en op die tweede
sessie, as daar nog van die strandfronterwe oor is, dan kon die blanke
kopers vir hulle ook 'n erfie kom koop. Toe die ding publiek raak, toe is
daar 'n horde stemme wat opgaan omdat die swart regering nou presies dit
doen wat die apartheidsregering in die ou dae gedoen het en hulle sweet nie
eers 'n druppel oor wat die politieke gevolge kan wees nie. Te onnosel
dalk om sover te dink en daar is sprake dat die spulletjie in die hof gaan
draai om die veiling nietig te verklaar omdat dit strydig met die
konstitusie van die land is.
MAAR.......daar is 'n paar meeue in die lug wat meer dinge raaksien en
hoor as wat die ou spul op die grond van bewus is. Soos byvoorbeeld die
feit dat eiendomontwikkelaars veel langer in die land is as wat die
kwasi-politici wat die reëls opstel. Byvoorbeeld, 'n erf wat op 'n regte
ope veiling vir R400 000 sou verkoop, verkoop nou op die swart veiling vir
slegs R300 000. Die ontwikkelaars was heel bereid om R400 000 vir die erf
te betaal, maar nou kry hy vir hom 'n swart koper en betaal hom sê R30 000
harde kontant om die erf vir hom op die swart veiling te koop. Nie sleg
vir 'n middag se werk vir die koper nie en die ontwikkelaar 'score' R70 000
op die erf! Nog beter was, was die feit dat op die openbare veiling dit
selfd moontlik was dat die kopers die erf se prys kon opjaag tot veel meer
as R400 000!
Wie wen nou en wie verloor? 'n Land se regering se basiese
konstitusionele plig is om toe te sien dat al sy burgers floreer en nie net
'n uitgesoekte elite groepie mense nie. Mens kan net dink hoeveel geld is
verloor deur die munisipaliteit wat nou maklik 25 - 40% minder geld gekry
het vir die erwe.....net om 'n paar swart kopers ryk te maak. Met die
ekstra geld uit die veiling kon hulle vele meer huise vir die armes en
behoeftiges gebou het......maar dis soos dit mos in Afrika werk?
.................as dit nou net nie vir daai moedswillige blêddie meeu was
wat sê dat dié idee van die nuwe apartheid in die oor van die aanvanklike
voorsteller in die Raad gefluister is en die Raad hande geklap het oor die
stukkie briljantheid van hulle 'comrade'. Wil nie bywees as die
werklikheid eendag tot hulle gaan deurdring nie, ís dit ooit gaan gebeur!
"Gord McFee" skryf in boodskap news:k5o3001u7l9h21sff92n6l7ddp76jlqchn@4ax.com...
> In , on 11 Jan 2004
> 15:30:41 -0800, david_...@onetel.net.uk (david_michael) wrote:
>> "Philip Mathews" wrote in message
>>> "david_michael" wrote in message
>>> news:b7fe1abc.0401110759.482f2fbb@posting.google.com...
>>>> It appears that the mainstream world is currently getting the
>>> message
>>>> that the Nizkor project is not quite as innocent as it portrays
>>> itself
>>>> and that there really are two sides to every story:
>>>> http://en2.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nizkor_Project
>>>> Of course we can now expect angry telephone calls to the managing
>>>> editor of this encyclopaedia from B'nai Brith, the JDL etc.,
>>>> threatening all sorts of sanctions UNLESS the article is removed. We
>>>> can further expect it to go down in due course. However, this
>>> process
>>>> will take a few days so let's savour it and archive it while it's
>>> up!
>>>> Meanwhile, let it be noted that despite the fact that I have,
>>> publicly
>>>> and in writing, accused Mr McVay of being a liar, of misrepresenting
>>>> the nature of Nizkor and of financial jiggery pokery, and despite a
>>>> year having elapsed, I have received no lawsuit from him. (Indeed, I
>>>> suspect that time limits for such a lawsuit may now have passed
>>> under
>>>> current English law, although I'm not entirely up to date on that.)
>>> It
>>>> thus appears that Mr McVay either doesn't have the balls to
>>> challenge
>>>> the contents of the McVay Files in court or that he knows damn well
>>>> that every accusation that they contain is true.
>>> Or the third alternative: Ken realizes that no one with a brain would
>>> take seriously anything said by David Michael, a mindless extremist
>>> with a personality disorder so severe he is unable to maintain
>>> relationships even with other like-minded extremists.
I see you've met Mr. Michael, whose only talent, if that's the word for it,
seems to be the old cut and run. When it comes to discussing facts, he's a
complete waste of time.
>> So you think that an encyclopaedia is 'no one with a brain', eh?
> No, he *knows* that you have found a way to pervert even an
> encyclopedia.
Just as michael *knows* that I am a City of Vancouver police officer, and
just as he *knows* I'm associated with a legal firm, the CIA, Mossad, and
In short, Mr. Michael is full of sh*t - a White gutter trash racist
incapable of doing anything of value for anyone, anywhere, except spew his
hatred, as he did on September 11, 2001, when he, a disgusting, shameful
and self-described abject failure at organizing the Hull and North
Lincolnshire unit of the British National Party,"
stated his position on the terrorist murder of about 3000 people on
September 11, 2001 in the attacks in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.
Now, however, the chickens are coming home to roost. This afternoon a
truly wonderful thing has happened: the oppressed of the earth have
turned around and have shown that they do not have to be nature's
eternal victims. They have shown that the poor, the downtrodden, and the
powerless can strike back at the very heart of the dark forces that are
oppressing them. This time it was not Palestinian children who cowered
in fear as death came from the skies -- this time it was the very fat
bankers and financiers who sustain the terroristic regime of Sharon.
This time it was those very military men who mastermind the attacks on
the women and children of Iraq. They thought they were so safe as they
planned death and destruction from their comfortable offices in the
Pentagon, and as they did their dirty deals in the World Trade Center.
Now they have been given a bloody nose that they will never forget.
Today was a glorious day. May there be many others like it.
Death to American capitalism!
Death to international finance!
David Michael
Tue, 11 Sep 2001 19:18:49 +0100
(2) When challenged with: "You applaud the terror and killing of
thousands of innocent people perpetrated by the terrorists who attacked
the Pentagon and attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center, calling
their actions "a wonderful thing," the day the attacks occurred a
"glorious day," and finishing by fervently wishing for "many more" such
days.", his response was:
"I do indeed."
Lincolnshire unit of the British National Party, I'm afraid I simply
won't have time to continue our little debates in this forum. It's a
question of directing one's efforts to the place where they will have
most effect. Good wishes to all who wish to continue the good fight
david_...@onetel.net.uk (David Michael)
24 May 2001
Islam is not our enemy. America is our enemy. We should be fighting
shoulder-to-shoulder with our Islamic friends under the slogan
'death to America!'
> The terrorists were also thieves. The planes they destroyed belonged
> to the airlines.
[David Michael]
In fact, I'd argue that as these Arab gentlemen had purchased tickets
from the airlines for good money, and since the airlines failed to
deliver them safely to their destination, their relatives should
seriously consider sueing the airlines for damages.
Ek wonder waar mens hulle 1994 verkiesingsmanifes in die hande kan kry, want
ek is seker dit is amper woord vir woord dieselfde storie.
Huise vir almal
Werkloosheid wat besweer word