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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

" Stad in die mis " deur D. J. OPPERMAN

Thu, 29 January 2004 19:58

D.J. Opperman

Stad in die mis

Met gespanne spier
loop ek deur die mis
want om my sluip 'n dier
onder wit duisternis;
ek hoor hom knor en in oop mote
waggel sy pilare-pote
en sy kantelende rug metaal;
op hoeke van die strate blink
sy oë bloedbelope,
en met sy hap sluit staal op staal.

Prosa & poësie | 0 kommentare

Re: Language of the Oppressor - Listen Up

Thu, 29 January 2004 14:05

Slat hom met Afrikaans Gloudina:)

"Molapi Singomo" skryf in boodskap news:645A5QYM38015.324525463@anonymous.poster...
> Well judging by the responses of you small-minded lot -
> particularly the fat-arsed one in Canada who's loathing of the
> superior English culture indicates the extent of her dementia -
> you need to wake up and smell the 21st century. The wagons are
> gone now, there was no "big pull", piet retief was a wanker and
> you no longer count in SAfrican terms.
> Andrew provided us with a qualified assessment of life under the
> boers - and it wasn't a pleasant one at that. Planks are known
> for their small mindedness, and attempt to impose their sick
> beliefs on others (this NG demonstrates that clearly). Think
> back to the perverted sicko's who used to watch all the porno
> movies and read the "sies" books only to tell adult SAfricans
> what they couldn't read. Yes, and the nannie gripping dominie
> from your church was in the front row of the movies gurading our
> moral standards.
> Think back on the bannings and torture ... even "removal from
> society" of anyone who dared to speak out against the wicked
> and perverted afrikaners who viewed themselves as superior
> aryans, looking down on all groups with distaste.
> It's funny though now as their false empire is in ruins - that
> these sad nationless people seek refuge in first world countries
> like Canada and whinge and whine about how badly they are done
> by. Ag shame - you lot are now the Sout Piele - hahaha ... you
> never thought that would happen did you! Your piepies are
> dangling in the sea of tears that you are crying for your lost
> land. Burbling forth poetry in the vain hope of resurrecting
> your filthy colony - tainted by your gutteral, putrid tonsil-
> decaying language that is now destined for the shit heap. No
> crying will save it now for soon nobody will want to speak it -
> even your kids who will be labled with the sins of the parents
> will reject it ... as is clearly happening right now.
> So to you god forsaken boers out there - you may as well get
> used to the idea of living next door to the English and other
> groups - they are here to stay (BTW, unlike afrikaans, English
> is an international language and is very widely spoken around
> the world). So stick your heads up your arses and get back into
> your boxes, you are second rate citizens, on a career path to
> nowhere.
> Enjoy the trip.
> Molapi Singomo
> PS - This newsgroup is open to all - not only the afrikaners.
> dead)

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

Is daar geld of nie?

Thu, 29 January 2004 13:15

Onse Prez het 80 miljoen nodig om partytjie te hou na die verkiesing.
Die Vrystaat het 100 miljoen nodig vir droogteverligting.
Miskien moet onxe Prez die paartiegeld inboet - elke boer kan sy volgende
seun na hom vernoem:)))


Ekonomie & geldsake | 1 kommentaar

Ongeluk in Kaapstad

Thu, 29 January 2004 13:01

'n Vragmotor het glo in Seepunt buite beheer geraak en in 'n taxi vasgeloop.
Klink of vier mense dood is.
Moes 'n vreeslike verkeerskonfyt veroorsaak het.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

Register vir Pedofiele

Thu, 29 January 2004 12:58

Ons gaan dit glo binnekort kry. Die regter moet glo aanbeveel of die
oortreder se naam op die lys moet verskyn by vonnisoplegging.
Nou wil ek net weet - die lot wat nou in die tronk sit - 'n regter gaan
hulle mos nie sien wanneer hulle vrygelaat word nie.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 4 kommentare

Annette, kan jy help, asb?

Thu, 29 January 2004 09:11

Ek's op soek na 'n lekker fried chicken reseppie...

Hoe nader aan Kentucky, hoe beter...


Koeitjies & kalfies | 10 kommentare

" Reën in die Bosveld " deur D.J. OPPERMAN

Wed, 28 January 2004 21:10

D.J. Opperman

Reën in die Bosveld

Lang maande lê die reënboog
in 'n miershoopgat gekrul,
blink en nat soos 'n voël se oog.

En winternagte as die steenuil fluit,
blaas 'n wit os op die rivier
dik mis teen riete en die walle uit.

Maar een middag bulk hy in die poort, swaai boos
sy horings oor die klowe,
en uit 'n miershoop vlieg die voël omhoog.

Prosa & poësie | 1 kommentaar


Wed, 28 January 2004 16:49

Er zijn weer een aantal beestjes op komst.
Gelieve geen e-mail (zeker geen bijlagen) van onbekenden te openen.

Nooit bijlagen openen waarvan de extentie .exe , .pif , .cmd
of .scr is.

Rekenaars & selfone | 9 kommentare

Re: Language of the Oppressor...

Wed, 28 January 2004 16:07

Die boere is hier om te bly. Lank nadat vigs sy tol ge-eis het sal ons nog
hier wees....

Koeitjies & kalfies | 10 kommentare

IT Hulp

Wed, 28 January 2004 11:07

Is daar 'n program op die Net beskikbaar wat jou instaat stel om te kan sien
watter persoon op ons netwerk gebruik 'n sekere IP adress (ons gebruik 'n
DHCP server)

Ons probleem is dat volgens ons ISP daar 'n persoon is wat baie verkeer op
ons stelsel genereer en dit kom van 'n spesifieke IP af. Hoe gaan soek jy
vir die ou.


Rekenaars & selfone | 6 kommentare

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