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Hartlik welkom! Op hierdie webtuiste kan Afrikaanse mense lekker in hul eie taal kuier, lag en gesellig verkeer. Hier help ons mekaar, komplimenteer mekaar, trek mekaar se siele uit, vertel grappe en vang allerhande manewales aan. Lees asb ons aanhef en huisreëls om op dreef te kom.

Adjective endings in Afrikaans

Do, 01 April 2004 11:48

Hello again,

Could anyone in this group kindly explain to me the rules for
adjective endings in Afrikaans ? Reading through your messages, it
would appear to me that predicative adjectives have zero endings
whereas attributive adjectives add -e to the stem. However, I have
seen a couple of attributive adjectives (i.e. adjectives placed before
the noun they modify) without the -e ending. Is that phenomenon
reminiscent of the Dutch gender system or a result of non-gender
related phonetic rules ?

Thank you for your assistance. I apologize if my questions on
Afrikaans grammar are not pertinent to this group.

Best regards,

Marcelo G. S. Bruno

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Oor clichés

Ma, 29 Maart 2004 22:12

Wat dink julle is die mees irriterende cliché in Engels?

Dit is: 'At the end of the day'

Nou wonder ek wat sou die mees irriterende cliché wees in Afrikaans?
Ek kan nie juis agterkom as mens so deur die boodskappe lees nie, en
dié wat mens wel raaksien, is direkte vertalings van die Engelse
Maar nou ja, (aan die einde van die dag) is dit seker nie so
belangrik nie, dit was maar net interessant.

Die navorsing is gedoen deur 'n groep wat hulleself die
Plain English Campaign. Die groep is in 1979 gestig.
" an independent group that campaigns against clichés, jargon, and
obfuscation, particularly in official and public documents.
Led by John Lister, it surveyed more than 5,000 English-speaking
people in 70 countries to determine the most annoying clichés of all

The Most Irritating Clichés:
At the end of the day
At this moment in time
The constant use of "like," as if it were a form of punctuation
With all due respect

Irritating Cliché Runners-Up:

address the issue
ballpark figure
bear with me
between a rock and a hard place
blue-sky thinking
bottom line
crack troops
glass half full (or half empty)
I hear what you're saying
in terms of
it's not rocket science
move the goal posts
on a weekly basis
singing from the same hymn sheet
the fact of the matter is
thinking outside the box
to be honest with you
touch base

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

Wie is in beheer van die plek?

So, 28 Maart 2004 12:21

Daar is 'n baie interessante artikel in die Observer vandag oor die
boek deur Anthony Sampson (Hy het Mandela se biografie geskryf) "Who
runs this place" "An anatomy of Britain in the 21st century". Dit gaan
oor die afgang van die ou "Establisment" in Engeland en die invloed
van die ou kolonies en immigrante (ook Suid-Afrikaners) en veral
Skotte. Ek stem nie met al sy gevolgtrekkings saam nie, ek dink daar
is 'n paar dinge wat buite rekening gelaat word, (maar dit is net 'n
uitreksel, mens sou seker die hele boek moet lees om regverdig te
wees), dit is egter steeds interessant.

Dit was te lank om hier te plaas, maar julle kan dit hier lees:,6903,1179333,0 0.html


Koeitjies & kalfies | 2 kommentare

kliënte Dienste/Verbruikerskollom

Wo, 24 Maart 2004 20:41

03/23/2004 03:09 PM ID: 38108
Official Complaint Made For Prostitute Not Doing Her Best
Adrian Lonut Craciunoiu of Romania filed a complaint with the
consumer protection officials after receiving poor services from a
He went on to say "She didn't do her best and even scratched me
because she missed some of her teeth."

The consumer protection authority admitted it was the strangest
complaint they have ever received. "This case is a little bit
difficult because prostitution is illegal in Romania. But I am going
to talk to the police and look for a way to solve it."

Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

Amerikaners en Vermetelheid

Wo, 24 Maart 2004 19:08


Wie kan mij helpen aan een tutorial. wel van de versie 7.0NL ( als ik
het goed heb)
Hartelijk dank

Mi no udresand wat de fok u takin bout! Plese spik enguish so wi cun
udresand OK. Dish wis an merican nusgoup dumas!
Aan "Frank" > dit bekom je met ongehoord simultaan posten

To "somebody" > Why do you reply in crosspost!!
and speak 'spik' whe (and even you) can't do that here, only write :-)
if you read this, its because i understand 'Mi udresand' your "Good"
'enguish' ;-)
and 'dumas!', this is not an 'merican nusgoup'
Relax man.

Btw, i think this isnt american newsgroup.
R u calling him dumbass only coz he not speak english?
Nice culture!

No, it is a self-centered, greedy, obnoxious and shameful
culture. When I came to the United States my command of
the Englisch language was not the best. I respected the
fact that I was a guest, a foreigner, in another country. The
Americans had different customs, spoke their own language.
I studied, adapted, learned and RESPECTED them. Now I
am American by having EARNED the privlige and honour.
I respect all different cultures, habits, beliefs, languages
and customs of others. Sadly, many people do not.

Frau Himmel
Still trying to outrun the death grip clutches of The Strangler
You still need work on your spelling wurstatem.

BTW: Try this link ...just be careful of viruses and spyware
when you prowl around these sites.
I believe this NG is Dutch and that's exactly what he was speaking.

Maybe we should watch our 'crossposting' I saw this message in an
speaking/written ng...
jass ma 2.2 pennies worth incl gst
Ims thory, pis fogib mi! I na wunu bis a vigit!

Koeitjies & kalfies | 3 kommentare

Van duistere sameswering :-)

Wo, 24 Maart 2004 16:05


Daar was ook 'n artikel oor die Bush Sr / Carlyle storie in die Observer
hier laas jaar. Daar is allerhande interessante konneksies, soos

"Carlyle has a glittering array of ex-politicians and big league bankers on
its board. Former secretary of state James Baker is managing director while
ex-secretary of defence Frank Carlucci is chairman. George Bush senior is an
adviser. John Major heads up its European operations. To give the conspiracy
theorists plenty of ammunition, US newspapers have also highlighted the fact
that current Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was a wrestling partner of
Carlucci's at Princeton and the two have remained close friends ever since"

Aan die een kant dink mens dat sameswering teoriee so funksioneer (dit maak
konnekies tussen dinge, en gee dit dan 'n spesifieke interpretasie), maar
dan alle sameswering teoriee is nie noodwendig verkeerd nie. En dat die
Carlyle groep baie goed doen uit wereld konflik, is seker.

Nog 'n aanhaling uit die artikel:

"Carlyle - whose high-profile investors include George Soros and Saudi
Arabia's Prince Alwaleed bin Talal - refutes suggestions it profits from
war. Co-founder William Conway even went on record saying 'no one wants to
be a beneficiary of 11 September.'

This may be true, but unfortunately for the Carlyle Group its investments
are beneficiaries of this new era of multilateral conflict. Indeed, a case
can be made that even those companies Carlyle wouldn't class as defence
investments - and which aren't examined by Briody - have benefited.

Last month it bought CSX Lines, an ocean carrier firm that specialises in
shipping heavy equipment. One of its biggest customers is the US military.
Late last year it bought Firth Rixson, a specialist engineering firm that
makes aerospace parts. It also has a 33 per cent stake in Qinetiq, the
government's Defence Evaluation and Research Agency.

Whatever Carlyle says, its image as being at the apex of what Eisenhower
termed the 'military industrial complex' endures".

Daar was selfs sprake hier dat daar onderhandeling met die Carlyle groep is
om die (konserwatiewe) Telegraph koerant hier uit hulle finansiele
moeilikheid te help.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 0 kommentare

If-clauses and Modals in West Germanic languages

Wo, 24 Maart 2004 10:06


I'm intererested in comparing the use of modal verbs in different
West Germanic languages. I would appreciate then if you could possibly
translate the following sentences respectively into *standard*
Afrikaans, Dutch (Netherlandic), and German. The sentences are

1) If it rains, I will drive to school.

2) If it doesn't rain, I will walk to school.

3) If it rained, I would drive to school.

4) If it didn't rain, I would walk to school.

5) If it had rained, I would have driven to school.

6) If it hadn't rained, I would have walked to school.

7) If it had rained, I would have had to drive to school.

8) If it hadn't rained, I would have been able to walk to school.

9) If it hadn't rained, I could have walked to school.

10) I should have walked to school.

11) I should have driven to school.

12) I must drive to school because it is raining.

13) When it rains, cars must be parked inside the building.

14) The car must have been parked outside the building despite the

15) If it had rained, all cars would have had to be parked inside the

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe | 10 kommentare

Vryheid van Spraak/sensuur?

Wo, 24 Maart 2004 02:11

Lorinda, ek lees netnou dat die boek "House of Bush, House of
Saud" van Craig Unger, verban is in Engeland?

"We've had to withdraw it for legal reasons," says an editor at Secker
& Warburg, a U.K. division of Random House. "We expected we would be
able to publish it with a degree of risk. But regrettably in the final
analysis we decided we could not.

Unger's literary agent Elizabeth Sheinkman stresses the decision had
nothing to do with the book's quality and that Secker & Warburg
editors "were very excited about" the manuscript. "But they were
concerned that it could be very costly for them," she says. "In the
process of having it legally vetted they were ultimately advised it
would be dangerous to publish the book. Or rather, the likelihood of
Random House [U.K.] being sued by the Saudis was too likely for them
to go forward."

Weet jy iets hiervan?

Terloops, nou die dag stuur 'n vriendin vir my 'n baie interessante
skakel wat handel oor pers vryheid. Volgens hulle lys lê Engeland
22ste. Suid Afrika is 26ste.
Amerika is 17de en Kanada is 5de!! ;-)
Finland, Ysland, Noorweë en hoera vir Roely, Nederland, is die eerste
4 lande met die mees vrye pers.
Nogal interessant, nè?

Koeitjies & kalfies | 9 kommentare

spamiste en entoesiïste

Di, 23 Maart 2004 18:01


STORAGE NO. HSX58 International
WAREHOUSE LOC. A4 Merchandise
MAXVALUE USD $2,741.88 Awards Center


Dave Du Plessis

entoesiaste sou nie rym:-)

Wil jy nie daardie pakkie vir my gan haal nie assebliéf, Katryn.
Klink my of dit by julle erens opgeeindig het.


Koeitjies & kalfies | 14 kommentare

Richard Clarke

Ma, 22 Maart 2004 21:52

Katryn, kry Clarke se uitlatings publisiteit in die VSA?
Vanaf die BBC vandag:
Mr Clarke said: "When we talked about bombing the al-Qaeda infrastructure in
Afghanistan, Donald Rumsfeld said there were no good targets in Afghanistan:
Let's bomb Iraq."

Mr Clarke countered that Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks.

"That didn't seem to make much difference" to Mr Rumsfeld, he added.

Koeitjies & kalfies | 6 kommentare

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