Re: White DISPOSSESSION of Black Liberty and Land... [boodskap #9359] |
Fri, 16 May 1997 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 3 Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
ThotmesIII wrote:
> A theme always dominant since the 18th Century, is the theme of white
> dispossession of Black liberty and land; in other words, the gradual
> extension of European or locally immigrant-white control or ownership over
> all exploitable SOURCES OF WEALTH, and even,
And we're to blame because our forefathers were better warriors, farmers
and businessmen that your forefathers? Maybe a nation that allowed itself
to be subjected for all these centuries deserved it, someone said?
> These new landholders (burghers) found the solution to their problem of
> production was solved with their evil intent of turning the local Africans
> (Khoisan or Hottentots) into their slaves. Little by little they thrust
> inland for more land and labor. They formed what then became their
> ingrained habit of subjecting or expropriating any AFRICANS they found in
> their way. Africans found themselves increasingly deprived of their best
> land, and often enough of all their land.
Ooh. Tough! Same with the Spaniards in South America, British and French in
America, British in Australia, India, China, etc. This seems to be (drum roll)
A Fact of Life. Funny, my guilt glands aren't working any more...
> No matter how much you blame TODAY what the South African Blacks do, you
> cannot hide other factors in their lives of YESTERDAY…
Et tu Brutus. No matter how much TODAY you blame what the South African
whites do, fact is, they're now the underdog (and the urban guerillas of the
future, if history will repeat itself again, as it has the habit of doing...)
> ThotmesIII
Vat so, boetie. En ek's nog baie lus vir jou, wag maar...
Brolloks & Bittergal
Re: White DISPOSSESSION of Black Liberty and Land... [boodskap #9360 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #9359] |
Fri, 16 May 1997 00:00 |
Wilhelm Nel
Boodskappe: 12 Geregistreer: February 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
In , (ThotmesIII) writes:
> Subj: Fw: White DISPOSSESSION of Black Liberty and Land...
> Date: 97-05-15 13:30:25 EDT
> From: (Charles W)
> To:
> Thotmes writes:
> **Understand that I view this type of dialog as completely arrogant and
> typical of "many" Europeans because what you see as a "White neighborhood"
> is nothing more than a neighborhood comprised of ALL White people...but
> definitly NOT a White neighborhood. I'm being semantical right now but
> understand that THAT country _was_ a BLACK African country comprised of
> _MAJORITY_ Black Africans so in reality, you are in a BLACK neighborhood
> (nation) you really shouldn't have a problem with a Black family next
> door.
Miskien nou nie heeltemal van toepassing op Toti se argument hierbo
nie, want hy verwys seker na die hede, maar as ek reg onthou het
Pik Botha iewers jare terug 'n stelling gemaak dat daar meer blankes
as swartmense met die draai van die eeu (1900) in Suid-Afrika was.
Enigiemand bekend met enige bronne wat so 'n stelling bevestig of