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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Jesus.
Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114134] Wed, 06 June 2007 21:10 na volgende boodskap
Francois Human  is tans af-lyn  Francois Human
Boodskappe: 360
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
The poor idiot has the facts wrong. Jesus did not fight Satan at the cross.
He actually defeated him by rising from the grave. Jesus being God in human
form caused the hold that Satan and Death have over believers to dissipate.
What is left is the mere remnants of the power of Satan

Aan Ferdi kan ek net sê: ware intelligensie is om te glo, dit wat onsienlik
is en nie om met menslike slimpraatjies die teendeel te probeer bewys nie.

Ek en jy is te stupid om hierdie wereld te vertaan, dus moet ons slim genoeg
wees om inHom te glo wat die weereld laat ONTstaan het.


"Ferdi" skryf in boodskap
> On Sat, 02 Jun 2007 13:17:27 -0000, Dino wrote:
> > and now they are in a worse state than they were at first. They would
>> have been better off if they had never known about the right way. What
>> happened to them is just like the true saying, "A dog will come back
>> to lick up its own vomit. A pig that has been washed will roll in the
>> mud." 2 Peter 2:20b-21a, 22.

>> You are a dog and a pig and you refuse to bow down to the Lamb of God.
>> May God have mercy on your soul!
> Ah! The forgiving nature of fundamentalist Christians is a thing to
> behold...
Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114135 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114134] Wed, 06 June 2007 21:23 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dino  is tans af-lyn  Dino
Boodskappe: 7
Geregistreer: May 2007
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Francois Human,

Ons sal nou nou lekker saam praat, jy en ek, hoor. Dis goed. Don't
hold your breath though.

Lekker briefie dat jy vir jou maaitjie geskryf het, ne? (Look, guys,
my Afrikaans is not great, so spare me the comments, let's try and
stick to the subject).

You call me an idiot. My, my and what are you?


Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114136 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114134] Wed, 06 June 2007 21:57 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dino  is tans af-lyn  Dino
Boodskappe: 7
Geregistreer: May 2007
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Meneer Francois Human,

*The poor idiot has the facts wrong. Jesus did not fight Satan at the
*He actually defeated him by rising from the grave. Jesus being God
in human
*form caused the hold that Satan and Death have over believers to
*What is left is the mere remnants of the power of Satan

You first call me an idiot and it most probably brought you a lot of
satisfaction, yes? ( as you can see, Farticus, I'm using question
marks). How sure are you that Jesus did not fight Satan on the Cross?
Jesus fought Satan throughout His life and especially when He fasted
in the desert, prayed in the garden of Gethsemane and one of the most
momentous battles took place in the events leading up to and on to the
Cross. Yes, He was Victorious by rising from His tomb after being
three days in it. The hold that Satan and death had over us was
totally defeated, once and for all, no dissipation in this. There is
no remnants of the power of Satan, he was defeated, what remains is
our continued rebellion and unbelief in God. We are Satan now, Jesus
will come to judge us now. Don't mistaken me for one moment, Satan
does exist and does influence us still, but we are the main culprits
now, worshipping ourselves as gods with all our wealth, scientific and
technological acheivements and all the decadence that goes with such
folly. God gave us a way out, His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and we
ignored it.

Aan Ferdi kan ek net s?: ware intelligensie is om te glo, dit wat
is en nie om met menslike slimpraatjies die teendeel te probeer bewys

Ek en jy is te stupid om hierdie wereld te vertaan, dus moet ons slim
wees om inHom te glo wat die weereld laat ONTstaan het.

You console Ferdi and it is very encouraging and heartwarming, indeed.
Yet, you call me an idiot. You give yourself away by what you've said.
As far as I'm concerned, it is one devil consoling another. Even the
devil knows Scripture inside out, but does not understand it, that's


Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114140 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114134] Thu, 07 June 2007 09:29 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Ferdi  is tans af-lyn  Ferdi
Boodskappe: 561
Geregistreer: March 2007
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Wed, 6 Jun 2007 23:10:37 +0200, "Francois Human"

> The poor idiot has the facts wrong. Jesus did not fight Satan at the cross.
> He actually defeated him by rising from the grave. Jesus being God in human
> form caused the hold that Satan and Death have over believers to dissipate.
> What is left is the mere remnants of the power of Satan
> Aan Ferdi kan ek net sê: ware intelligensie is om te glo, dit wat onsienlik
> is en nie om met menslike slimpraatjies die teendeel te probeer bewys nie.
> Ek en jy is te stupid om hierdie wereld te vertaan, dus moet ons slim genoeg
> wees om inHom te glo wat die weereld laat ONTstaan het.
> Soois

So, as ek jou reg verstaan, se jy as 'n mens slim wil wees moet jy
ophou dink?

Hoe het jy daarby uitgekom? Het jy dalk jou logiese verstand gebruik?
Indien wel, is die konklusie wat jy bereik het mkos nie te vertrou
Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114141 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114136] Thu, 07 June 2007 16:48 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Francois Human  is tans af-lyn  Francois Human
Boodskappe: 360
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ek is al baie goed genoem, maar devil is 'n nuwe een. Sorry lat ek jou
idiot genoem het. My fout.

"Dino" wrote in message
Meneer Francois Human,

*The poor idiot has the facts wrong. Jesus did not fight Satan at the
*He actually defeated him by rising from the grave. Jesus being God
in human
*form caused the hold that Satan and Death have over believers to
*What is left is the mere remnants of the power of Satan

You first call me an idiot and it most probably brought you a lot of
satisfaction, yes? ( as you can see, Farticus, I'm using question
marks). How sure are you that Jesus did not fight Satan on the Cross?
Jesus fought Satan throughout His life and especially when He fasted
in the desert, prayed in the garden of Gethsemane and one of the most
momentous battles took place in the events leading up to and on to the
Cross. Yes, He was Victorious by rising from His tomb after being
three days in it. The hold that Satan and death had over us was
totally defeated, once and for all, no dissipation in this. There is
no remnants of the power of Satan, he was defeated, what remains is
our continued rebellion and unbelief in God. We are Satan now, Jesus
will come to judge us now. Don't mistaken me for one moment, Satan
does exist and does influence us still, but we are the main culprits
now, worshipping ourselves as gods with all our wealth, scientific and
technological acheivements and all the decadence that goes with such
folly. God gave us a way out, His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and we
ignored it.

Aan Ferdi kan ek net sê: ware intelligensie is om te glo, dit wat
is en nie om met menslike slimpraatjies die teendeel te probeer bewys

Ek en jy is te stupid om hierdie wereld te vertaan, dus moet ons slim
wees om inHom te glo wat die weereld laat ONTstaan het.

You console Ferdi and it is very encouraging and heartwarming, indeed.
Yet, you call me an idiot. You give yourself away by what you've said.
As far as I'm concerned, it is one devil consoling another. Even the
devil knows Scripture inside out, but does not understand it, that's


Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114142 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114140] Thu, 07 June 2007 16:48 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Francois Human  is tans af-lyn  Francois Human
Boodskappe: 360
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Niemand het gesê God is logies nie.

"Ferdi" skryf in boodskap
> On Wed, 6 Jun 2007 23:10:37 +0200, "Francois Human"
> wrote:
> the cross.
>> He actually defeated him by rising from the grave. Jesus being God in
>> human
>> form caused the hold that Satan and Death have over believers to
>> dissipate.
>> What is left is the mere remnants of the power of Satan

>> Aan Ferdi kan ek net sê: ware intelligensie is om te glo, dit wat
>> onsienlik
>> is en nie om met menslike slimpraatjies die teendeel te probeer bewys nie.

>> Ek en jy is te stupid om hierdie wereld te vertaan, dus moet ons slim
>> genoeg
>> wees om inHom te glo wat die weereld laat ONTstaan het.

>> Soois
> So, as ek jou reg verstaan, se jy as 'n mens slim wil wees moet jy
> ophou dink?
> Hoe het jy daarby uitgekom? Het jy dalk jou logiese verstand gebruik?
> Indien wel, is die konklusie wat jy bereik het mkos nie te vertrou
> nie?
Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114143 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114140] Thu, 07 June 2007 16:53 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
duif  is tans af-lyn  duif
Boodskappe: 590
Geregistreer: April 2007
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 11:29:39 +0200, Ferdi wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Jun 2007 23:10:37 +0200, "Francois Human"
> wrote:
> the cross.
>> He actually defeated him by rising from the grave. Jesus being God in human
>> form caused the hold that Satan and Death have over believers to dissipate.
>> What is left is the mere remnants of the power of Satan

>> Aan Ferdi kan ek net sê: ware intelligensie is om te glo, dit wat onsienlik
>> is en nie om met menslike slimpraatjies die teendeel te probeer bewys nie.

>> Ek en jy is te stupid om hierdie wereld te vertaan, dus moet ons slim genoeg
>> wees om inHom te glo wat die weereld laat ONTstaan het.

>> Soois
> So, as ek jou reg verstaan, se jy as 'n mens slim wil wees moet jy
> ophou dink?
> Hoe het jy daarby uitgekom? Het jy dalk jou logiese verstand gebruik?
> Indien wel, is die konklusie wat jy bereik het mkos nie te vertrou
> nie?

Hierdie was 'n doelbewuste poging om misleidend, of ten minste vaag en
skuilend (my eie ontwerp omdat ek nie lus is om te soek na die regte
woord nie) te antwoord.

Ek dink oor die jare het ons groep groot genoeg vriende geword om meer
openlik oor eie sieninge te wees, en nie systappendde antwoorde te gee
nie. Eintlik is dit lekker as elkeen weet presies hoe en wat die ander
lede redeneer, en dan is dit nie nodig om iemand se antwoord te lees
en wonder wat daar bedoel word nie.

Francois is openlik oor hoe hy oor dinge voel. Daar is sieninge wat ek
nie met hom deel nie, soos sy duidelike pogings om van 'n
konserwatiewe ma 'n liberalistiese denke oor te slaan, maar hy is
eerlik daaroor. Een of twee keer 'n jaar sê ons hallo vir mekaar oor
sy toonbank, en ek hou van die ou.

Riaan is straight reggsgesind en hy pobeer dit nie wegsteek nie
Hy sê presies hoe hy oor dinge voel, hy praat nie om draaie nie en gee
selfs toe dat hy miskien verkeerd redeneer, maar glo dat hy reg is en
daarom sê en glo soos hy sê en glo.

Bouwer glo die helfte van ons Bybel en die res vul sy aan met wat die
vet mannetjie sê.

Jim Again is 'n vark en hy probeer dit nie wegsteek nie.

Daar is 'n outjie wat (ek dink) uit Aus pos, en wanneer hy leer om
meer as een sin in dieselfde brief te skryf sal ons 'n opinie oor hom
ook kan vorm.

Ek is die intelligente warm presoonlikheid in Durbs wat altyd nice is
met almal en niemand skade doen nie. Die een wat nie weet hoe ek
redeneer nie, hoef dit nie te weet nie, want hy lees nie.

En jy, wat glo jy? Waarom gee jy heel dikwels hierdie tipe antwoord
maar bedek jou eie sieninge oor die betrokke onderwerp?
Wat glo jy met betrekking tot wat die Skrif leer?
Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114144 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114141] Thu, 07 June 2007 17:04 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
duif  is tans af-lyn  duif
Boodskappe: 590
Geregistreer: April 2007
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
On Thu, 7 Jun 2007 18:48:01 +0200, "Francois Human"

> Ek is al baie goed genoem, maar devil is 'n nuwe een. Sorry lat ek jou
> idiot genoem het. My fout.

Ag kom nou Francois:-(
As ek reg onthou het die pous ook die moslems om verskoning gevra.
Hy is 'n idioot en jy het nie gefouteer nie.
Jy kry geen medalje hiervoor nie.
Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114145 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114144] Thu, 07 June 2007 17:07 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Francois Human  is tans af-lyn  Francois Human
Boodskappe: 360
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid

Maar Ek sê vir julle: Elkeen wat vir sy broer kwaad is, is al strafbaar voor
die regbank. Verder, elkeen wat sy broer uitskel vir 'n gek, is strafbaar
voor die Joodse Raad;

en wie hom uitskel vir 'n idioot, is strafbaar met die helse vuur.

"Dave" skryf in boodskap
> On Thu, 7 Jun 2007 18:48:01 +0200, "Francois Human"
> wrote:
>> Ek is al baie goed genoem, maar devil is 'n nuwe een. Sorry lat ek jou
>> idiot genoem het. My fout.

> Ag kom nou Francois:-(
> As ek reg onthou het die pous ook die moslems om verskoning gevra.
> Hy is 'n idioot en jy het nie gefouteer nie.
> Jy kry geen medalje hiervoor nie.
Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114146 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114144] Thu, 07 June 2007 17:10 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Francois Human  is tans af-lyn  Francois Human
Boodskappe: 360
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Medalje? Dis nie waaroor dit gaan nie.

"Dave" skryf in boodskap
> On Thu, 7 Jun 2007 18:48:01 +0200, "Francois Human"
> wrote:
>> Ek is al baie goed genoem, maar devil is 'n nuwe een. Sorry lat ek jou
>> idiot genoem het. My fout.

> Ag kom nou Francois:-(
> As ek reg onthou het die pous ook die moslems om verskoning gevra.
> Hy is 'n idioot en jy het nie gefouteer nie.
> Jy kry geen medalje hiervoor nie.
Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114147 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114145] Thu, 07 June 2007 17:51 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
duif  is tans af-lyn  duif
Boodskappe: 590
Geregistreer: April 2007
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
On Thu, 7 Jun 2007 19:07:50 +0200, "Francois Human"

> MATTEUS 5:22
> Maar Ek sê vir julle: Elkeen wat vir sy broer kwaad is, is al strafbaar voor
> die regbank. Verder, elkeen wat sy broer uitskel vir 'n gek, is strafbaar
> voor die Joodse Raad;
> en wie hom uitskel vir 'n idioot, is strafbaar met die helse vuur.
> "Dave" wrote in message
>> On Thu, 7 Jun 2007 18:48:01 +0200, "Francois Human"
>> wrote:

>>> Ek is al baie goed genoem, maar devil is 'n nuwe een. Sorry lat ek jou
>>> idiot genoem het. My fout.

>> Ag kom nou Francois:-(
>> As ek reg onthou het die pous ook die moslems om verskoning gevra.
>> Hy is 'n idioot en jy het nie gefouteer nie.
>> Jy kry geen medalje hiervoor nie.


Interessant, as ons na die King James weergawe kyk, sê dit:
"But I say unto you, that whoever is angry with his brother without a
cause shall be in danger of the judgement: and whoosever shall say to
his brother, Ràcà, shall be in danger of the councill: but whosoever
shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

fool = (gr.) moros, a wicked reprobate, destitute of all spirituality.

En dìt, is nie wat jy of ek bedoel het met ons uitlating nie.

Maar as sal jou voorbeeld volg, en ook sê, sorry dat ek jou 'n idioot
genoem het.

Dankie vir jou aanhaling uit die Skrif.
Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114149 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114141] Thu, 07 June 2007 19:43 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dino  is tans af-lyn  Dino
Boodskappe: 7
Geregistreer: May 2007
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Meneer Francois Human,

> Ek is al baie goed genoem, maar devil is 'n nuwe een. Sorry lat ek jou
> idiot genoem het. My fout.

Vergewe my as ek vir jou 'n nuwe naam gegee het. Ek maak voute ook,
hoor. Ek is net 'n mens, ek word kwaad en alles, ek hoop dat jy ook

Ek se en doen baie wat nie reg is en ek word baie kwaad ook maar in my
haart ek het baie liefde vir almal. Dit is die waarheid.

Ek aanvaar dat dit was net 'n fout en ek hoop dat jy my voud ook
aanvaar. Dankie.


Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114151 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114143] Fri, 08 June 2007 06:13 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Riaan  is tans af-lyn  Riaan
Boodskappe: 1008
Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Dave" skryf in boodskap
> On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 11:29:39 +0200, Ferdi wrote:

> Ek dink oor die jare het ons groep groot genoeg vriende geword om meer
> openlik oor eie sieninge te wees, en nie systappendde antwoorde te gee
> nie. Eintlik is dit lekker as elkeen weet presies hoe en wat die ander
> lede redeneer, en dan is dit nie nodig om iemand se antwoord te lees
> en wonder wat daar bedoel word nie

Een ding is egter vir seker, News Groups is nie vir sissies nie. En ek
herhaal wat ek al voorheen gese het. Sekere mense kan hulle nie so goed op
papier uitdruk soos ander nie, en dit dra grootliks daartoe by dat ander
mense hom "verkeerd" verstaan. Ek se met opset "verkeerd" want ek glo in
baie gevalle word die doelbewus gedoen.

> Francois is openlik oor hoe hy oor dinge voel. Daar is sieninge wat ek
> nie met hom deel nie, soos sy duidelike pogings om van 'n
> konserwatiewe ma 'n liberalistiese denke oor te slaan, maar hy is
> eerlik daaroor. Een of twee keer 'n jaar sê ons hallo vir mekaar oor
> sy toonbank, en ek hou van die ou.

Goed opgesom hier dink ek. Het net persoonlik nog nooit vir hom gaan hallo
se nie, want ek het nie 'n idee waar om hom agter sy toonbank op te spoor

> Riaan is straight reggsgesind en hy pobeer dit nie wegsteek nie
> Hy sê presies hoe hy oor dinge voel, hy praat nie om draaie nie en gee
> selfs toe dat hy miskien verkeerd redeneer, maar glo dat hy reg is en
> daarom sê en glo soos hy sê en glo.

Se maar net wat ek sien / voel - En dit help soms ook nie my saak die feit
dat ek op die kakhuis gesit het toe diplomasie uitgedeel was nie

> Bouwer glo die helfte van ons Bybel en die res vul sy aan met wat die
> vet mannetjie sê.

Nooit gedink ek sal die antie mis nie, maar ek moet se ek verlang nogal na
haar, wonder hoekom hou sy haar so skaars.

> Jim Again is 'n vark en hy probeer dit nie wegsteek nie.

Ek geniet nogal van die ou se plasings, seker maar omdat hy ook regs oorhel

> Ek is die intelligente warm presoonlikheid in Durbs wat altyd nice is
> met almal en niemand skade doen nie. Die een wat nie weet hoe ek
> redeneer nie, hoef dit nie te weet nie, want hy lees nie.

Durbs - Daai plek waar die haai hierdie jaar gesneuwel het Dave ?

> En jy, wat glo jy? Waarom gee jy heel dikwels hierdie tipe antwoord
> maar bedek jou eie sieninge oor die betrokke onderwerp? Wat glo jy met
> betrekking tot wat die Skrif leer?

Het ook al die vraag vir Ferdi gevra, maar as ek reg kan onthou het hy dit
of nie geantwoord nie.
Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114161 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114134] Tue, 12 June 2007 14:41 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Ag sjym. Dat ** ou profeetjie nie eers kan begryp hy is op 'n Afrikaanse
nuusgroep nie.

** ( Op 'n ander forum is ek geleer dat mens uit respek NOOIT *** se naam
hardop mag skryf nie:))

Jy is BAIE disrespekvol Dino.

"Dino" wrote in message
> Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophesy
> and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.
> And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one
> thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth."
> He who testifies to these things says, " Surely I am coming quickly."
> Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be
> with you all. Amen. REVELATION 22:20-21
> +++
> Everyone, has the responsibility to find the truth for themselves.
> What is stated below, must be researched and verified, so that every
> individual can then decide to accept, or discard it as myth. The only
> truth is God the Father, the Son our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy
> Spirit. Read the Bible, pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance and our
> Lord Jesus Christ will not abandon you, but will place the truth in
> your heart.
> +++
> We must not try to copy the world, but be different to it, as the
> example set by our Teacher, our Lord Jesus Christ. Being the same as
> the world, sharing its base values, being part of the fashion trends,
> is all part of Satan's system (Sex changes that are taking place ever
> more frequently and therefore not knowing anymore who is a man or a
> woman). The Pope of Rome is one of Satan's instruments (the Papists
> have immense power and wealth, our Lord Jesus Christ was humble and
> owned nothing). Talmudists/Zionists want to rebuild Solomon's Temple
> and proclaim their own false king of the world (there is only one King
> of the Jews and Orthodox Christians and that is our Lord Jesus
> Christ). Their power base is the U.S.A (Superpower of the world). They
> contol many governments, banks, newspapers, television stations (the
> media in general), etc. We must not forget the very elusive and
> cunning Masonic Lodges which form part of Satan's means to spread anti-
> Christian and heretic information. Television and video has been one
> of the most powerful tools of Satan, which has ruined the ethics which
> sustained our youth and the family unit. With pornography in all its
> forms, men have been misled and subsequently their women, a whole
> generation of our youth and their families have been devoured by
> Satan. We have forgotten about God, the Bible and prayer and have
> allowed ourselves to go down the road to hell and have fallen into
> Satan's trap (in other words we are slaves to flesh and our desires).
> Hedonism is the aim of humanity.
> The group that is attempting to rule the world, consists of three
> member countries, U.S.A, Europe and Japan (3 presidents). Their
> central control, consists of 32 members (of the 29, 8 are Americans; 9
> from Japan; 12 from the European Union (contolled from Belgium/
> Luxembourg). Head of the 3 member group is Rockefeller (his head
> quaters is in Rhodes, Greece; his specific influence is in the U.S.A
> and E.U). Whoever does not obey the orders of this group are murdered.
> Death is the penalty for disobedience. Another Satanic "club" is
> called, Bildeberg. They can destroy any government and put a new one
> together again. They can make a country vanish and create a new one
> too. 200 members, which include intelligence agencies (CIA; BIA; BND
> (Ger.); SIB (Ital.); SPELA (Fra.)). There are members who are involved
> with NATO and hold important positions in the US administration, etc.
> They hold an extremely harsh stance against the East, especially with
> Russia because of its Christian Orthodox heritage. They exterminate/
> demolish any opposition.
> An enemy going back thousands of years is head quatered in China (the
> Himalayas/Tibet). The Seljuks come from that region, who are the
> ancestors of the Turks, who attacked and oppressed Christian Orthodoxy
> in Asia Minor and Greece. The Turks/Jews have tried many times to wipe
> out the Greeks and Christian Orthodoxy. They call the Greeks and
> Christian Orthodoxy, the people of the "Blue Trigramaton" (which is
> refering to the Holy Light that emenates from our Lord Jesus Christ's
> tomb). The roots of martial arts is that region spoken of above.
> Martial arts are Satanic and anti-Christian and yet has our youth
> spellbound under the innocent guise of sport/fitness. In the Himalayas
> there is a glass pyramid (Sambala), it has many entrances. This is
> where the White Brotherhood is based. It's aim is to destroy all the
> world's religions except its own. It has more power than the U.S.A. It
> has more resources at its disposal than all the governments in the
> world. It has infiltrated and controls many governments and
> religions (Roman Catholics, Protestants and Judaism). The First and
> Second World Wars were masterminded by them. They are going to start
> the Third World War too. The White Brotherhood works with the
> Bildeberg club and all the others. They are assisted by the Zionists.
> They created Hitler and introduced the Swastika (broken cross, that is
> what it means). Hirohito of Japan was responsible for a massive
> bloodbath, but he was not punished like the others, after the Second
> World War because he was a member of the world ruling 3 member group
> mentioned above. Grey Wolves (Turkish Muslims), are connected to the
> White Brotherhood. Only Grey Wolves members may rule Turkey. They must
> always mantain a harsh stance against Greece/Christian Orthodoxy
> (Turgut Ozal, was exterminated for his softer stance).
> The White Brotherhood want to destroy the followers of Jesus Christ.
> They call His followers, bipods or two-legged ones. Their methods are
> many: thirst, hunger on a worldwide scale. All plants and forests must
> be destroyed. Wars, so as to ensure maximum slaughter. They refer to
> humanity as a chicken breeding farm. They destroy humanity with drugs;
> they have contaminated our drinking water (it has been doctored with
> medication); our food is also contaminated and our clothes too from
> the fancy washing powders that we use (that is why everyone is getting
> ill and they don't know why). Thirst on a worldwide scale, for eg..
> Euphrates to be dried up because of Turkey, which will lead to a
> confrontation with Iran/Syria. Hunger, for eg., Russia was the world's
> wheat provider, even the U.S.A relied on her. The White Brotherhood
> ensured that Russia would starve. In Moscow young women give
> themselves for a plate of food. Homosexuality, the U.S.A being its
> banner. One can go on and on, but there will be no end then. It is
> devestating. But do not despair, if you are a follower of our Lord
> Jesus Christ because He has defeated Satan and the world.
> (This is a summarized version and a translation of a tape recording in
> Greek, from a Greek Orthodox perspective ofcourse, given to me by a
> Monk at Calvary/Golgotha in Jerusalem, Christmas, 2001. I cannot
> divulge any names, nor my own because this is a very dangerous
> subject. You will have to verify the truthfullness of the matter
> yourself. Please excuse my errors of spelling or other. May God
> forgive me if I am wrong about any of this, but I do it with honest
> intentions. God bless you. From a humble follower of our Lord Jesus
> Christ.)
> +++
> "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In
> the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have
> overcome the world." JOHN 16:33
> +++
Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114170 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114134] Thu, 14 June 2007 03:53 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dino  is tans af-lyn  Dino
Boodskappe: 7
Geregistreer: May 2007
Karma: 0
Junior Lid

> How dare you call me a sinner you sinfull person you!

I call you a sinner because that is exactly what you are. Look at the
things you write, for heaven's sake. I'm also a sinner, we all fall
short of the Grace of God (I'm not sure how it goes in the Scriptures,
anyway, it's something like that).

> Ja Boet!

Nee Boet, maar jy aanhou. Dis reg. Ek is niks, maar die Bybel lieg
nie, dis al.

Lees jou Bybel. Hoekom wil jy vir God kwaad maak? Jy het baaie "guts,"
ek moet dit vir jou se.


Re: Jesus. [boodskap #114171 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #114161] Thu, 14 June 2007 04:07 Na vorige boodskap
Dino  is tans af-lyn  Dino
Boodskappe: 7
Geregistreer: May 2007
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Hullo Annette,

> Ag sjym. Dat ** ou profeetjie nie eers kan begryp hy is op 'n Afrikaanse
> nuusgroep nie.

Ek is nie 'n profeet, hoor, en ek weet dat dis 'n Afrikaanse nuusgroep

> ** ( Op 'n ander forum is ek geleer dat mens uit respek NOOIT *** se naam
> hardop mag skryf nie:))

Ek verstaan nie, maar my Afrikaans is nie baie goed nie. Kan jy
verduidelik, asseblief. Hou aan, as ek reg verstaan, dit het iets om
te doen met Jesus se naam, reg of nie? Ek sien geen probleem, iemand
moet dit skryf, want mense wil nie waarheid weet. As jy nonsense
skryf, daan niemand het 'n probleem. Het jy gelees al die vloekwoorde
wat ander mense het geskryf, en dan jy se dat ek het geen respek.

> Jy is BAIE disrespekvol Dino.

Nee, jy is disrespekvol, want jy se net wat jy glo en wat jy glo is
verkeerd. Jy het nie met my direk gepraat nie, dis hoekom ek se wat ek
het gese.


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