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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Reaksie
Re: Reaksie [boodskap #105850] Ma, 12 September 2005 07:21
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: Augustus 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Wat probeer jy sê seunie?

"Nomen Nescio" skryf in boodskap
> Its good to see that certain posts are getting reaction. This means that the contents of the posts are being read and absorbed.
> Take for example RHINO. Strong reaction is coming from this plonker which
means he or she is really getting the message. The wanker is trying its best
to retaliate with weak words and inaccurate facts about past events. The
fact is nothing can be denied or hidden about the past. We know how those
lowlife gutteral bastards carried on. Fuck them I say they deserve every
thing they get. They got it coming to them big time.
> How they ruled the roost strutting around issueing commands and generally agravating everyone. The very noble English of course won in the end.
> Its not so much the Boers. They were hard working and fought many a galant
battle and onw reads in the grand old history books that they were an
honourable bunch.
> The shit started with those afrikaanders. They became the bunch of shit that ruined everything.
> So I vote we in future refer to that gutteral bunch of pigs as aFRIKAANERS.
> How say thee my good people.
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