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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Nuus Berig
Re: Nuus Berig [boodskap #105834] Sun, 11 September 2005 16:10 na volgende boodskap
RHINO[2]  is tans af-lyn  RHINO[2]
Boodskappe: 22
Geregistreer: August 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
>> We add Billy Snettler to the names allready mentioned here in this post.
>> Die informasie hieronder is vir die stupid donners wat net will sien wat
>> hulle wil.
>> Name: Sam Dumas,Gordon Peterson,Dave Manto, Paul Kruger, Paule Naude,
>> Chris Meyer en
>> Naartjie
>> Bunker ( Dieselfde persoon met verskillende name) en dit herinder my aan
>> Nude Raider ook. Hierdie ou se trade mark is die manier wat hy bOER
>> skrywe.
>> Mugabe and Idi Amin must be your type of fuck heads that you love. Child
>> molesters, rapist and killers. So Billy Snettler or whatever your name
>> is,
>> why
>> dont you fuck off to aids ridden Idi Amin and lick his ass.You love them
>> so
>> much What did the English do in America, They killed Red Indians till
>> nearly
>> none left.
>> What did the English do in Australia, They killed Aboriginals till only a
>> handfull left and the rest they removed from their mothers What did the
>> Spanish do in South America, They killed all the Inka Indians -none left.
>> What did the Portugese do in Africa, They exported blacks to America and
>> other countries What did the Germans do in Europe, They killed millions
>> of
>> people under cover of two wars What did the muslims do, They killed many
>> people that is branded as infidels (dogs)
>> What did the Catholic Church (Italians) do, They killed many under the
>> inquition.

>> HAD
>> Except for the Boers in South Africa or aboard, if you are any of the
>> above( including the meide naiers that fled South Africa and now try and
>> shit on it from a distance) then I tell you to F--K off and go and shit
>> in
>> your own backyard , eat it and hope to get wise. Including the name
>> underneath "Billy Snettler"

"Billy Snettler" skryf in boodskap news:EXCQNY8G38606.6330671296@anonymous.poster...
> Kyk net wat die bOERE doen om hulle sterwende taal op te hou. Dis belaglik
> dat
> mense so kan aangaan. Hulle is almal befok - SKOON BEFOK.
> Wanneer sal julle god-verdomde mense julle vingers uit julle gatte uit
> trek?
> Die wereld dink julles n klomb bobbejane.
> ===============
> Mother-tongue education in a twist
> Willie Spies
> 01 September 2005 10:00
> Some significant legal and political victories for mother-tongue education
> were
> gained in the recent past. In relation to Afrikaans in particular, there
> was
> Mikro Primary School's successful defence against court action by the
> Western
> Cape department of education to enforce its language policy on the school
> governing body (SGB).
> Subsequently, promising remarks were made by President Thabo Mbeki at the
> African National Congress's national general council regarding the value
> and
> status of Afrikaans, also fuelling hopes that the government has finally
> seen
> the light as far as mother-tongue education is concerned.
> Despite these victories, a consistent and nationally acceptable
> understanding
> of mother-tongue education is still lacking. This also applies to the
> future of
> Afrikaans as a medium of instruction from primary to tertiary level.
> Afrikaans
> speakers' experience is still that Afrikaans as a medium of instruction is
> under consistent pressure from the government.
> Seemingly, the challenge remains to strike a balance between the right of
> access to education on the one side and the right to receive education
> according to religious and linguistic needs on the other. For some, the
> right
> to access heavily outweighs every other right. Constitutional Court Judge
> Albie
> Sachs was recently quoted as saying that the rights to access to
> education, the
> redress of historic imbalances and equality outweigh even the right to
> life!
> Surely the matter can't be as simple as that.
> A popular model applied by education authorities to balance access to
> education
> and language rights is that of parallel-medium education. The authorities
> take
> the view that the Afrikaans language loses nothing when a stream of
> English
> classes is presented alongside it. Yet, this view does not consider the
> medium-
> and long-term effects of such a policy.
> It is estimated that 30 formerly Afrikaans schools have became
> English-only
> over the past 10 years, after having initially converted to
> parallel-medium
> institutions. Although this figure seems to be relatively low, it is
> expected
> to escalate rapidly in the near future. This expectation is based partly
> on the
> anticipated impact of the planned changes to the South African Schools
> Act,
> which will curb the powers of SGBs, and partly on the rapidly changing
> demographics of most parallel-medium schools.
> The international tendency is that minority languages come under serious
> threat
> when having to compete with an international language in parallel- or
> dual-
> medium environments. In a recent presentation by author Herman Gilliomee,
> he
> referred to a study by JA Laponce of minority languages in education in
> Belgium, Canada and the former Soviet Union.
> Laponce wrote: "A bilingual school and university system generally has
> only the
> appearance of equality. Even when it is balanced at the level of courses
> it is
> in fact unbalanced in favour of the dominant language, which dominates the
> environment outside the school. Bilingualism in education is thus
> generally a
> bilingualism of transition, which in the long run facilitates linguistic
> assimilation."
> Justice W Thring also articulated this viewpoint in his judgement in the
> Mikro
> court case when he said: "It is contended . that the applicants will
> suffer no
> prejudice because pupils at the school who have chosen to be taught in
> Afrikaans may continue to receive their tuition in that language. I
> disagree.
> Where the governing body of a school has elected to have a single language
> as
> its medium of instruction, the introduction of a second language of
> tuition
> must inevitably have a profound influence on the modus vivendi, the
> customs,
> traditions and almost every aspect of the atmosphere which pervades the
> school."
> We believe that there is a direct relation between mother-tongue
> education,
> standards of education and academic success. The superior matric
> performance of
> the Western Cape and Northern Cape (where the majority of pupils receive
> education in their home language) is probably the clearest indication of
> this
> well-researched and globally accepted principle.
> Afrikaans schools make up less than 8% of the total number of public
> schools in
> South Africa. Yet provincial education departments target these schools to
> harass and litigate against their governing bodies at the expense of the
> taxpayer. A responsible government should take note of global
> best-practices
> and encourage, rather than frustrate, developments towards them.
> Willie Spies is an MP and the Freedom Front Plus spokesperson on youth
> affairs
Re: Nuus Berig [boodskap #105837 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #105834] Sun, 11 September 2005 16:17 Na vorige boodskap
RHINO[2]  is tans af-lyn  RHINO[2]
Boodskappe: 22
Geregistreer: August 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
"TOP_DOLLAR" skryf in boodskap news:s_YOe.9000$
> Many times I tried to understand why mail2news subscribers, act as a judge
> and condemm the good as well as the bad guys when they post any promotions
> on the news. Have you ever tried to find this scammers - no website
> available, they hide behind shonky email and some can't even spell. They
> seem to be uneducated as well, and their actions speak volumes. They seem
> to
> "SCAM" a product or promotion even without actually looking what is
> available or maybe if they do look, do not understand what it is all
> about-
> proof of the statement "uneducated". It will appear that the only way you
> can actually get this mail2news, is when you apply for a job as email
> reader
> from some or other shonky web business that actually -So I understand -
> pay
> you to read emails. Yeah
> right, you must be a very big dumphkopf(stupid) to belief they will pay
> you.
> Now they seem to have the "POWER" to condemm your business even if they do
> not understand it. Man they think they get paid to be clever, which is
> what
> they are not!
> So, be aware of this scammers and low lifes of society hiding behind the
> internet, they promote their own sites and wares on the internet under
> different business names and do not want your competition!!!! THAT IS WHY
> Please read and investigate every promotion before you act or join. There
> are people out there just like mail2news that will actually rob you. If
> there is no product but only a get rich quick scheme, be very careful.
> If it is a MLM (multilevel marketing) the best will be to find out if you
> can make more than the person that you intend to join. If yes they are on
> the level, if no, forget it. Use your imagination to con the con artist
> and
> get the answers you want out of the proposer. A working email for
> starters,
> then a telephone number and if possible a meeting. If the meeting is not
> possible because you are in another country, ask for video footage of
> seminars.
> This information is from real people to the winners out there!!!

"Billy Snettler" skryf in boodskap news:EXCQNY8G38606.6330671296@anonymous.poster...
> Kyk net wat die bOERE doen om hulle sterwende taal op te hou. Dis belaglik
> dat
> mense so kan aangaan. Hulle is almal befok - SKOON BEFOK.
> Wanneer sal julle god-verdomde mense julle vingers uit julle gatte uit
> trek?
> Die wereld dink julles n klomb bobbejane.
> ===============
> Mother-tongue education in a twist
> Willie Spies
> 01 September 2005 10:00
> Some significant legal and political victories for mother-tongue education
> were
> gained in the recent past. In relation to Afrikaans in particular, there
> was
> Mikro Primary School's successful defence against court action by the
> Western
> Cape department of education to enforce its language policy on the school
> governing body (SGB).
> Subsequently, promising remarks were made by President Thabo Mbeki at the
> African National Congress's national general council regarding the value
> and
> status of Afrikaans, also fuelling hopes that the government has finally
> seen
> the light as far as mother-tongue education is concerned.
> Despite these victories, a consistent and nationally acceptable
> understanding
> of mother-tongue education is still lacking. This also applies to the
> future of
> Afrikaans as a medium of instruction from primary to tertiary level.
> Afrikaans
> speakers' experience is still that Afrikaans as a medium of instruction is
> under consistent pressure from the government.
> Seemingly, the challenge remains to strike a balance between the right of
> access to education on the one side and the right to receive education
> according to religious and linguistic needs on the other. For some, the
> right
> to access heavily outweighs every other right. Constitutional Court Judge
> Albie
> Sachs was recently quoted as saying that the rights to access to
> education, the
> redress of historic imbalances and equality outweigh even the right to
> life!
> Surely the matter can't be as simple as that.
> A popular model applied by education authorities to balance access to
> education
> and language rights is that of parallel-medium education. The authorities
> take
> the view that the Afrikaans language loses nothing when a stream of
> English
> classes is presented alongside it. Yet, this view does not consider the
> medium-
> and long-term effects of such a policy.
> It is estimated that 30 formerly Afrikaans schools have became
> English-only
> over the past 10 years, after having initially converted to
> parallel-medium
> institutions. Although this figure seems to be relatively low, it is
> expected
> to escalate rapidly in the near future. This expectation is based partly
> on the
> anticipated impact of the planned changes to the South African Schools
> Act,
> which will curb the powers of SGBs, and partly on the rapidly changing
> demographics of most parallel-medium schools.
> The international tendency is that minority languages come under serious
> threat
> when having to compete with an international language in parallel- or
> dual-
> medium environments. In a recent presentation by author Herman Gilliomee,
> he
> referred to a study by JA Laponce of minority languages in education in
> Belgium, Canada and the former Soviet Union.
> Laponce wrote: "A bilingual school and university system generally has
> only the
> appearance of equality. Even when it is balanced at the level of courses
> it is
> in fact unbalanced in favour of the dominant language, which dominates the
> environment outside the school. Bilingualism in education is thus
> generally a
> bilingualism of transition, which in the long run facilitates linguistic
> assimilation."
> Justice W Thring also articulated this viewpoint in his judgement in the
> Mikro
> court case when he said: "It is contended . that the applicants will
> suffer no
> prejudice because pupils at the school who have chosen to be taught in
> Afrikaans may continue to receive their tuition in that language. I
> disagree.
> Where the governing body of a school has elected to have a single language
> as
> its medium of instruction, the introduction of a second language of
> tuition
> must inevitably have a profound influence on the modus vivendi, the
> customs,
> traditions and almost every aspect of the atmosphere which pervades the
> school."
> We believe that there is a direct relation between mother-tongue
> education,
> standards of education and academic success. The superior matric
> performance of
> the Western Cape and Northern Cape (where the majority of pupils receive
> education in their home language) is probably the clearest indication of
> this
> well-researched and globally accepted principle.
> Afrikaans schools make up less than 8% of the total number of public
> schools in
> South Africa. Yet provincial education departments target these schools to
> harass and litigate against their governing bodies at the expense of the
> taxpayer. A responsible government should take note of global
> best-practices
> and encourage, rather than frustrate, developments towards them.
> Willie Spies is an MP and the Freedom Front Plus spokesperson on youth
> affairs
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