Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Nuus vir Suidwester
Nuus vir Suidwester [boodskap #104033] |
Wed, 22 June 2005 10:23 |
Ferdi Greyling
Boodskappe: 1232 Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Plundery deur wit Afrikanmers so ver terug soos 1899. Almal is maar
mense, soen....
So skryf Deneys Reitz daaroor in Commando..
We reached Pretoria by ten o'clock, and rode through the deserted
streets to our home in the Sunnyside suburb. Here disappointment
awaited us, for the place was in darkness and the house was empty. We
went to several neighbours to make inquiries. They seemed to think
that the enemy was upon them, for it was only after we had tried at
several doors that at last a shrinking figure appeared in response to
our knocking with rifle-butts, and, seeing who we were, curtly told us
that President Kruger and my father had run away, and that Pretoria
was to be surrendered to the British in the morning, after which the
door was slammed in our faces. We knew the President and my father too
well to believe that they had ignominiously run away, and the fact
that they had left Pretoria together was proof to us that they had
gone to carry on the war, so we returned home, and after stabling and
feeding our weary horses, broke open one of the doors and went inside.
We made a roaring fire in the kitchen, at which we cooked a dinner
with supplies from the pantry, and then slept in comfortable beds, a
change after the freezing nights we had endured of late.
It was nevertheless a dismal homecoming. Our younger brother had been
left stranded in a cattle-truck weak and ill, amid the chaos of a
general retreat, our other brother was missing, and for all we knew
dead, while my father was gone and our home was deserted.
We only heard later that my stepmother and the younger children had
been sent to Delagoa Bay and thence by sea up the East Coast of Africa
to Holland, where they still are.
Early next morning we set about making plans for the future. First we
saddled our horses and rode uptown to find out what was happening. The
streets were swarming with leaderless men, knowing even less of the
situation than ourselves. Of the 'A.C.C.' there was no trace, and all
was utter confusion with looting of shops and supply depots, and a
great deal of criticism of our leaders.
After commandeering provisions for our future requirements, we
returned home. The British by now were shelling the forts outside the
town, and an occasional 'over' fell in our vicinity, but we were
accustomed to gun-fire by now, and remained quietly resting until the
Towards three o'clock a gaunt figure appeared before us. It was our
missing brother Joubert, whom we had given up for lost. He said that
his horse had been killed when the 'A.C.C.' were rushed at
Kopje-Alleen a fortnight before, but he had succeeded in escaping on
foot. After tramping it for many days, he reached Johannesburg in time
to board the last outgoing train, which had just brought him to
Pretoria. As burghers now came galloping past, shouting that the
English were entering by the road above the railway station, I hurried
back on horseback to the centre of the town, where I annexed a
saddled-horse, from among several standing before a shop that was
being looted, and absconded with this remount for my brother. We now
prepared to leave, though as a matter of fact the English only
occupied Pretoria next day, but, as we did not know that the rumour
was premature, we thought it safer to get away in good time.
Die boek is op die web
by: mando/
Re: Nuus vir Suidwester [boodskap #104037 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #104033] |
Wed, 22 June 2005 11:18 |
Boodskappe: 3341 Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Ferdi Greyling" skryf in boodskap
> Plundery deur wit Afrikanmers so ver terug soos 1899. Almal is maar
> mense, soen....
----Wat jy hier beskryf, is stories uit die Boereoorlog. Die kodewoord is
'oorlog'. In 'n oorlogsituasie gebeur snaakse goed en die mens oor die
algemeen raak mal. Dinge gebeur en word gedoen wat die gewone mens onder
normale omstandighede hom nie kan indink nie. Namibië is een van die lande
wat seker die swaarste gely het onder Suid-Afrikaanse stropery. Nie net
deur sy weermag nie, ook deur sy sakelui en deesdae sommer jan alleman met
sy 4x4 en motorfietse wat nou kom kak maak in die land. Ek kan jou vir
dae aanmekaar vertel van SA ministers wat renosters en olifante uit
helikopters geskiet het.
Maar dan kom die oorlog tot 'n einde. Polities wen die een party die
beheer van die land en dan is veronderstel om die toestand in die land te
normaliseer. Orde moet verkry en behou word deur die polisie en die
regstelsel moet enigiemand wat die land se wette oortree, straf met 'n
toepaslike straf. Nie by ons in Namibië en ook by julle in SA, sal jy my
ooit oortuig dat die Swapo of ANC-regerings 'n goeie werk doen vir die
gewone burger van die land nie. Lees jy liewer boeke oor die huidige?
Re: Nuus vir Suidwester [boodskap #104039 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #104037] |
Wed, 22 June 2005 11:53 |
Ferdi Greyling
Boodskappe: 1232 Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 13:18:26 +0200, "Suidwester" wrote:
>> Plundery deur wit Afrikanmers so ver terug soos 1899. Almal is maar
>> mense, soen....
> ----Wat jy hier beskryf, is stories uit die Boereoorlog. Die kodewoord is
> 'oorlog'.
Nee. Die kode-frase is "menslike bereidwilligheid om te plunder as die
omstandighede hulle daarvoor uitleen".
Re: Nuus vir Suidwester [boodskap #104041 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #104039] |
Wed, 22 June 2005 13:06 |
Boodskappe: 3341 Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ek is baie jammer vir jou, maar ek stem nie saam nie. Sommige mense is
opgevoed en het respek vir ander mense se eiendom. Ek is een van hulle en
ek ken baie, baie mense wat presies dieselfde is. Maar ek verstaan as jy
dit nie verstaan nie....kyk waar bly jy!
"Ferdi Greyling" skryf in boodskap
> On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 13:18:26 +0200, "Suidwester"
> wrote:
> Plundery deur wit Afrikanmers so ver terug soos 1899. Almal is
> maar
>>> mense, soen....
>> ----Wat jy hier beskryf, is stories uit die Boereoorlog. Die kodewoord
>> is
>> 'oorlog'.
> Nee. Die kode-frase is "menslike bereidwilligheid om te plunder as die
> omstandighede hulle daarvoor uitleen".
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