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1054 resultate gevind
1 Forum: Geloof & kerksake «» Gepos op: Wo, 29 Julie 1998 00:00 «» deur: William
…your religion seriously - go and READ about it. Hell, The Satan & The Devil was INVENTED by the christians ( after they hear about it from the Muslims) There no such thing - Go STUDY and come back ! >> May The Grace of our Lord >> Jesus Christ, The Love of God and The Fellowship of The Holy Spirit >>be with you. You should also know that the Holy trinity in not new = but is as old as the oldest religion on earth ! ( Not even that is original ) Blessed Be & Bright Blessings…
2 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 28 Julie 1998 00:00 «» deur: Frikkie Potgieter
Re: Mooi so "Madiba"
…vehicle with petrol. Mrs Greeff's car was also tampered with, but it was damaged when one of the suspects drove it into the wall of a labourer's cottage. The men then jumped into the bakkie and sped away. The vehicle was later found about 6 km from the town where it had overturned. Two labourers meanwhile had gone to seek help. The suspects were seen later at a service station in the town where they were given a lift to Worcester. The couple leaves a son, Mr Fred Greeff of Cradock, and a daughter, Mrs …
3 Forum: Kos & resepte «» Gepos op: Ma, 27 Julie 1998 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
Re: Resep: Wildemakou
…noem ons hulle nie paw-paws nie, maar papajas, nes in Afrikaans. Dis nou vir die plant Carica Papaya. Daar is glo wel 'n paw-paw, volgens ons Heritage Dictionary, genaamd Asimina triloba, "having small fleshy edible fruit, also called a custard apple." Nou wonder mens hoekom die Engelse die woord paw-paw begin gebruik het vir wat omtrent alle mense papajas noem, insluitende Afrikaners. Gloudina…
4 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 08 Julie 1998 00:00 «» deur: phx...
…home with no money down! > Serving Metro Atlanta > 404-336-1330 > > VALUETEC- Why rent the internet when you can own? > > [REF: BHQ] > > BLACK HISTORY QUIZ ANSWER > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > ANSWER: August 20, 1619 Just don't forget that the travel agent who booked that cruise was also black. Slavery was already an ancient custom long before any whites showed up in Africa. Whites bought all black slaves from other blacks…
5 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 30 Junie 1998 00:00 «» deur: M.Kruger
Die vrou se geldeenheid
…of the boy's soccer team. He's noble. He also comes to me with his Visa card twice a month to earn frequent flier miles: Prokureur vir die verdediging: " One might say you entrap him with your feminine whiles?" Prostituut: " One might. But I didn't slither up to him wearing perfume. He found me. In the yellow pages." The aanklaer se eindbetoog is kort en kragtig. Hierdie vrou het 'n wet oortree en is skuldig aan 'n misdaad. Nie so nie, is haar prokureur se mening, en motiveer dit as…
6 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 09 Junie 1998 00:00 «» deur: da Hiasl
Re: Wat dink u van een west germanse hulptaal ?
…literature is obviously no my forté. Also not my strength . >>> En mist? >> Er ik heb niet gevinden een woord voor het duitse woord "nebel" . >> "Mist" kan ik niet gebruiken voor het om dit bedoelt "shit" in Duits . > In Dutch German "mist" would be "mest", I should have remembered. This > leaves me to wonder what word you would use for that :-) "Nevel" is a good > translation of "nebel", …
7 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 16 Mei 1998 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
Oor atoombom-ontploffings
… sekere "hot spots" is waar hulle nie moet ingaan nie. "The Dene are now living in fear of their land, water and animals," verklaar hulle in een berig. "Bennet Fields, a spiritual gathering ground was also confirmed by the Government to be contaminated." So Noord-Amerika se hande is nie skoon nie. Nie net die Dene nie, maar ook soldate en mense wat naby die bo- grondse ontploffings was in die VSA het met hulle lewens betaal. En vir wat? Gloudina Bouwer…
8 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 13 Mei 1998 00:00 «» deur: SAKKIE
…in "dames en here"). Ek het op 'n ander NG afgekom wat meer politiek gerig is en dit lyk of van die besprekings heel "lewendig" raak. Miskien moet ek, Billy, Jennifer en al die ander reaktiewe klomp maar ons standpunte daar gaan stel. Ek is seker daai groep sal reageer. Jeff@thewinds & CO can also join us there. It could be an eye opener. There you will see what a wide range of South Africans think of each other, and just how tolerant (snikker) South Africans are. Sakkie…
9 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 04 Mei 1998 00:00 «» deur: Frikkie Potgieter
Web Bladsy
…`n verskil gemaak het. Maak dood die plakkers Regering ontneem blankes om te stem. daar is ook werklike Foto`s oor die Boere Oorlog. Under: The True News about South Africa The True News about South Africa Part 1,2 and 3. South African Goverment Contracts proffesional killers for protection. Would it hade made a difference. Many whites will not vote in 1999. Also see real pictures of the Boer War. Stuur asseblief julle kommentaar. Boere Groete Frikkie…
10 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 03 Mei 1998 00:00 «» deur: Kobus Pietersen
WEEK 17/98
…own’s chief of police during the regime of the Dutch at the Cape. The word “laksman” (Dutch for “hangman”) is also sometimes used to describe the bird. Gloudina Bouwer trade surplus =handelsoorskot, trade deficit = handelstekort , moeilik = difficult , voorstel=propose nuttig maak= useful poseur (frans). Iemand wat 'n rol speel/voorgee hy/sy is iets wat hulle inderwaarheid nie is nie…
11 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: Sa, 02 Mei 1998 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
IDIOOM: 'n Ou Karnallie
…"canis" dog. ) The name more frequently used in South Africa for the fiscal shrike or butcherbird is "Jan Fiskaal." The bird stores it prey of small lizards etc. by impaling them on a thorn bush or a barbed wire fence. The word "fiskaal" was borrowed from the name for Cape Town's chief of police during the regime of the Dutch at the Cape. The word "laksman" (Dutch for "hangman") is also sometimes used to describe the bird. Gloudina Bouwer…
12 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Do, 19 Maart 1998 00:00 «» deur: Nico
Re: help with definitions?
… into english, but the | >sentence could also be written like tis:"Oupa voted in it, didn't he ?". That's the | >best I can do. Help me out here, someone ! | | Agreed, there is no English word with exactly the same meaning and | intention. 'Indeed' touches on it. This is one that I battle with as well - I lecture to Americans, and to extract American English from British and South African English, takes quite an effort. But I must say, by the first week they all know what it …
13 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 27 Februarie 1998 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
Re: klapperkop
… peppercorn/peperkorrel hair - is also used of a peppery ill- tempered person...” In “Afrikaanse Idiome en ander Vaste Uitdrukkings (Botha, Kroes en Winckler) word die verklaring as volg gegee: “ ‘n koppige persoon wat graag rusie maak. A stubborn quarrelsome person.” Nou, ten spyte van die feit dat die Dictionary of South African English die woord se oorsprong in “peperkorrel” wil sien, is ek tog agterdogtig. Die Engelse woord “quarrel” is vir my te na hier in …
14 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 22 Januarie 1998 00:00 «» deur: Henri-John Kock
Misdaadsyfers (Re: Die realiteite van hongersnood)
…erned. South Africa also occupies an eleventh position with regard to reported cases of serious assault. In the case of property related crime, South Africa is in a much better position, for example occupying a 27th position as far as reported cases of breaking and entering (housebreaking) are concerned. Einde van aanhaling Ek dink bg spreek vanself. Moenie net my woord daarvoor neem …
15 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 17 November 1997 00:00 «» deur: Leendert van Oostrum
Die knusheid van die exile-verlede
…ca. For the remnants of the old elite who did return, and Slovo was their symbolic leader, it was a return in triumph but also in tragedy, for the fact was that the great change had come a little too late. Some had died in exile; many were simply too old to change countries again; others found the new South Africa a bewildering and difficult place. Having spent decades proclaiming that the reform of apartheid was a sham, that nothing had changed, it was a shock to find that a lot had indeed changed. "…
16 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: Sa, 01 November 1997 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
… probably one of the most frequently used in the Afrikaans language. Literally it means "a farmer makes a plan." However, because the Afrikaners are also sometimes called "Boere", it has developed a tangentially racial component to its meaning, especially when it is used by Afrikaners themselves. I sometimes wonder though whether this idiom did not originally come from Europe, with its basic meaning rooted in praise for the resourcefulness of the farmer. Gloudina Bouwer…
17 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: Vr, 31 Oktober 1997 00:00 «» deur: Leendert van Oostrum
Re: Idioom : SY KRUIT IS NAT wrote in article ... > Hou jou kruit droog: Sorg dat jy goed vir die stryd > voorberei is. See that you are well prepared > for the fight. > One assumes that most of these idioms were born on > South African soil during the days of the pioneers and > trekkers. It would be interesting to know whether some > of them exist also in Dutch. I'm pretty sure that the expression "keep your powder dry" also exists in English Leendert
18 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: Do, 30 Oktober 1997 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
… important. Om jou kruit te verspil: Om jou kragte te mors. To waste your efforts. Om soos kruit en vuur te wees: Om kwaaivriende te wees. To be bad friends. Hy het al sy kruit weggeskiet: Hy het al sy argumente gebruik. He has exhausted all his arguments. One assumes that most of these idioms were born on South African soil during the days of the pioneers and trekkers. It would be interesting to know whether some of them exist also in Dutch. Gloudina Bouwer…
19 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 29 Oktober 1997 00:00 «» deur: ferdinand
Re: Afrikaans studente in Amerika
…to you that many kids in the school also has other home languages. This will typically be Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana, Sotho, Portugese, Indian languages and in some cases even Italian and Russian. > It is not dying. Growing? That is a complicated question. Many young kids are not monolingual but have Afrikaans AND English as languages today. Will one dominate? Need there be a dominating one? Who knows? Kids of today will live in a different society than I did. Theirs will be one of many cultures …
20 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: Sa, 25 Oktober 1997 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
IDIOOM: Hulle tameletjie het verbrand
… much to my surprise. For me the word tameletjie describes the end product of a method of drying fruit, where the fruit is made into a pulp, then usually smeared half an inch high onto brown paper that is slightly oiled, and then left to dry. It is then usually rolled up and eaten that way. So it could also be called "fruit rolls." I do not have any idea from where the word came into Afrikaans. I would suspect from the Malay, but cannot be sure. Does anybody know? Gloudina Bouwer…
21 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 17 Oktober 1997 00:00 «» deur: Key Bored
Re: Jaapie
… Japie my skapie Ek verlang na jou There's also a bit about the kalkoentjies but I am not sure whether all our readers are over 18 A > A "Plaasjapie" (directly translated "Farm-japie") was also the name > for someone without city skills and sophistication. Among Afrikaners > "plaasjapie" was popularly used in this way. > This coupled with the fact that Afrikaners in the 1st part of this > century were very rooted in farm and country life, probably led to &…
22 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 02 Oktober 1997 00:00 «» deur: Colin[2]
Re: Whites were in SLAVERY, Whites were in SERVITUDE...
… against those different from themselves. I also question your motivation for placing this rather lengthy posting on this newsgroup. Firstly, this newsgroup is for Afrikaans cultural issues and the language you used throughout was English. Is the topic therefore Afrikaans and cultural. I think not. Secondly, there is the implication that because the newsgroup is South African (and Afrikaans) the potential readership would be more racist than any other potential readership and thus more likely to respond …
23 Forum: Musiek & liriek «» Gepos op: Ma, 22 September 1997 00:00 «» deur: vira
Re: Gesang 12? - gesang12.mid (1/1)
…explicit occasions in the New Testament in which Jesus speaks of his unequivocal resolve not to preach to non-Jews, but only "...rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Mt 10,6) [see also: Mt 15, 21-28]; he was born and grew up a Hebrew, and as a Hebrew he lived and died, absolutely determined to remain such. " Hy het die mense van Kanaan selfs honde genoem - "it is not meet to take the children's bread and cast it to the dogs" (Mt 15, 26). Groete, Vira…
24 Forum: Musiek & liriek «» Gepos op: Ma, 22 September 1997 00:00 «» deur: vira
Re: Gesang 12? - gesang12.mid (1/1)
…explicit occasions in the New Testament in which Jesus speaks of his unequivocal resolve not to preach to non-Jews, but only "...rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Mt 10,6) [see also: Mt 15, 21-28]; he was born and grew up a Hebrew, and as a Hebrew he lived and died, absolutely determined to remain such. " Hy het die mense van Kanaan selfs honde genoem - "it is not meet to take the children's bread and cast it to the dogs" (Mt 15, 26). Groete, Vira…
25 Forum: Musiek & liriek «» Gepos op: Ma, 22 September 1997 00:00 «» deur: vira
Re: Gesang 12? - gesang12.mid (1/1)
…explicit occasions in the New Testament in which Jesus speaks of his unequivocal resolve not to preach to non-Jews, but only "...rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Mt 10,6) [see also: Mt 15, 21-28]; he was born and grew up a Hebrew, and as a Hebrew he lived and died, absolutely determined to remain such. " Hy het die mense van Kanaan selfs honde genoem - "it is not meet to take the children's bread and cast it to the dogs" (Mt 15, 26). Groete, Vira…
26 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Di, 16 September 1997 00:00 «» deur:
I am looking for sources of Afrikaans language on the Internet
I am looking for sources of Afrikaans language with live pronunciation on Internet Where can I find that?? I am also very interested in SouthAfrican political life and culture, especially I am looking for info and news about Afrikaans political parties and institutions. My will is to create and mantain a solid "electronic" connection with everyone who is interested in this topics as I am too. Thanks for everybody who will contact me at
27 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Di, 12 Augustus 1997 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
Re: Afrikaans language course
…cards based upon a Java applet. Also possibly In a post a while ago Andrew Harwood of Ottawa recommended some of the following books that you will find on the Schoenhof's list: Groenewald, P. "Learn to speak Afrikaans" Publisher Shuter & Shooter Price $8.95 The author begins by using words that are the same in both English and Afrikaans. "Teach yourself …
28 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 09 Augustus 1997 00:00 «» deur: Koos[1]
Re: Nou word rassisme GEKWEEK!
…uit die Brittanica. """also spelled HYBRIS, in classical Greek ethical and religious thought, overweening presumption suggesting impious disregard of the limits governing human action in an orderly universe. It is the sin to which the great and gifted are most susceptible, and in Greek tragedy it is usually the hero's tragic flaw. Perhaps the simplest example occurs in the Persians of Aeschylus, in which the arrogance of Xerxes in building a bridge of ships across the Hellespont flaunts …
29 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 01 Augustus 1997 00:00 «» deur: cg
Re: Vrae oor Jan Smuts
…re SMUTS and SIU ! see homepage. Also of interest might be a seminar on HOLISM in BADEN BADEN Germany in August. Martin van MEURS and me will speak about the general, hitoric and prospective value and potential of HOLISM. have a look at: king/index.html Colin Garvie "To me Table Mountain is not just sticks and stones and things but a deep living experience wherein spirit holds converse with …
30 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: So, 29 Junie 1997 00:00 «» deur: Izak Bouwer
Idiomatiese Uitdrukking: FOEITOG
… interested to know whether this expression also exists in Dutch, which would indicate that it was a expression common to all Germanic languages. The expression "foeitog" can be used instead of the expression "siestog." Here the word "sies" is almost certainly from the Khoi "tsi." The word "tog" is widely used as an intensifier or modal adverb in Afrikaans: " Help my tog": please help me, I beg of you. "Dis tog…
31 Forum: Afrikaans, ons taal «» Gepos op: So, 29 Junie 1997 00:00 «» deur: Norman Darlington
Re: Foeitog
'Foei' is also found in Dutch, and is the reflex of English 'fie', though I don't know about other Germanic languages. The generally accepted etymology for the English word is that it was borrowed through Old French from Latin 'fi' (an expression of disgust), though whether the Dutch word arrived through English or otherwise I have no idea. 'Toch' is very common in Dutch, used in very much the same way as 'tog' -- Lion - Let them say!
32 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 19 Junie 1997 00:00 «» deur: vira
Dimensionele eienskappe van Taal (lank)
…meer as net die woord alleen. (There are also the 3 Mother Letters suggesting the Trinity, Aleph = 1 [the One God], Mem = 40 [see biblical refs of 40 days, etc], and Shin = 300). Hulle het dit dus lank gelede al reggekry om die twee (left and right brain, if you like) te versoen. Vandag se tegnologie doen vir ons 'n soortgelyke funksie. Die binary codes (?) van 'n komputer verander ons woorde in nommers, wat dit moontlik maak vir ons om hier op die ng met mekaar te gesels. Miskien is ons almal …
33 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 18 Junie 1997 00:00 «» deur:
Re: Afrikaans en die ANC
… to achieve, as can be witnessed at the SABC. It should also be noted that South Africans who speak the other nine official languages, excluding Afrikaans and English, have so far shown their good-will in embracing English as the lingua franca of the country."< ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- ---------------------------------------------- Enige kommentaar? -- Julie Morgan Edit email - Needed for unwanted …
34 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 08 Junie 1997 00:00 «» deur: Nick Roux
…before sending it back to you. I will also give you some updates on South African News happenings or some snippets from our history if you are interrested. A:As jy wil kan jy my eMail en ek sal jou bootskap vertaal voordat ek dit vir jou terug stuur. Ek sal jou ook op hoogte hou met nuus gebeure in Suid Afrika of stukkies van ons geskiedenis as jy belang stel. E:Do not expect to more that one or two eMail's a week though. A:Moet egter nie meer as een of twee eMails 'n week verwag nie. E:A bit about …
35 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Ma, 02 Junie 1997 00:00 «» deur: jonathan.naude
Re: Afrikaans
…hearing a few words spoken in English is also useful, isn't it? I had a pleasant surprise recently to discover, after more than 20 years in Austria and "orrstrien eenglisch" a neighbour that speaks perfect public school English -and she hails from Saudi Arabia! We all had to learn Afrikaans as kids, I found it boring at the time but looking back it was a good thing. It prepared us for the other european languages which I am sure most South Africans have no difficulty learning. Even Sabsy found …
36 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 02 Junie 1997 00:00 «» deur: Richard McRae
… as I can. The differences in expressions is also very facinating to me, but cheifly it is to be used in email correspondence. I have a very good friend who lives in SA, and I would like to be able to use some of the SA slang and phrases. If any of you could help me out, I know a _little_ Afrikaaner. I would appreciate translations, as languages are my poor suit. Since talking to my friend I have felt that the SA accent is very beautiful. Pretty much the whole culture fascinates me. Well, I have rambled …
37 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Sa, 31 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: Koos[1]
Re: Afrikaans
…22:59:25 -0500, bleah wrote: (Did you also know kids like that when you were young?...or WERE you >> that kid?) > > Oh yeah?? Well, you're ugly, and your mother dresses you funny.>>> Bleah!! You give the same ten year old unoriginal cliche to two people in in the same thread as a "sharp answer"!!? You dull boy! You know when I first saw that expression that you used? In the middle 80's as car stickers in Jhb!!! If you want to make it in the newsgroup game you have …
38 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Vr, 30 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: Jonnie
Re: Afrikaans
… I post where I like. And since the subject >>> matter concerns kitchen dutch, it gets posted here >>> too. >> Leendert van Oostrum wrote: >> "Soos 'n hond wat na sy uitbraaksel teruggaan, is 'n dwaas wat sy sotheid >> weer ophaal" >> >> Spr 29:11 bleah wrote: > Oh yeah?? Well, you're ugly, and your mother dresses you funny. This one is funny bleah, I must give that to you. Sure you don't want to cross post to za.humor also? -- …
39 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Do, 29 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: XOLI
Re: Afrikaans
…phabets; You can for instance let go of those insults that are beaming with congestion inside your small chest-- that way this discussion could get even more exciting as it's now starting to bore me. Your insults are safe with me Cranko boy (and this goes also to everybody else who is as sick as Cranko is), just let me not be given a reason to feel that perhaps I should be the one to fire them first, for by that I suspect my motives might be seriously mistaken, which would itself be a blatant insult. Peace…
40 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 29 Mei 1997 00:00 «» deur: Grove Erasmus[1]
Grudge: Still hating afrikaans?
…german, nor the Japanese, the Italians and also the Russians. BUT: no-one pisses all over ANY of them You see, you are the problem. Ek is afrikaans en ek doen alles in my vemoee hoe klein ook al om vesoening te berwrkstellig. Deur swartes 'n "lift" te gee vanaf die plaas dorp toe, gee kos en klere waar ek kan. Fuckos like you try to screw us Afrikaans people. Yes, there are in fact Afrikaans people who try to do something to heal the wounds. It doesnt necasserily mean we open our houses. We …
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