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1054 resultate gevind
1 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 08 Junie 1999 00:00 «» deur: th...
Re: Speak English by all means...
…Esperanto's past. By the way, this exchange of notes in Afrikaans has encouraged me to want to actively learn Nederlaans. I think I might start in 6 months or so. (For now, I want to keep working on German till after I go to Germany, and I also want to make a little more progress on Japanese before I start another language.) How does that make you feel? -- that soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans encouraged me to learn Dutch. Thomas L. Rochestro…
2 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 01 Junie 1999 00:00 «» deur: th...
Re: Speak English by all means...
…check out the following link (which also has information "over Esperanto" in Afrikaans.) > Die ontstaan en verdwyning van > tale is volgens my 'n natuurlike proses wat 'n mens nie > willekeurig kan bestuur nie. I don't understand "ontstaan en verdwyning" and the dictionaries aren't helping me much. > Tale sal meen ek kom en gaan soos > wat diere- en plante-spesies in die natuur oor die eeue kom en > gaan. I'm not sure…
3 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 29 Mei 1999 00:00 «» deur: Errol Back-Cunningham
Re: Speak English by all means...
…het. Voertsek | Hanz, voertsek Franz en al | die ander gespuis, veral | die nuwe klomp wat nog net | vyftien maande daar is. | | Wie anders praat jy nou mee hier in Minnesota - dis nou duidelik dat dit nie..... Oh sorry, who else are you talking to here in Minnesota - it is clear that it is not to me. Do you think NQ is also here? If he is, I'd like to meet him. NQ, vertel ons waar jy bly dat kan ons dalk bymekaarkom vir 'n lekker geselsie! =|:^) Johan…
4 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 28 Mei 1999 00:00 «» deur: Pijotter
Re: The wind
…the evil empirical taal. Then there is also the story about some guy smoking a pipe with the devil on table mountain. This happens when the south western wind is blowing and table mountain is covered in a blanket of clouds. (ek's seker die wat dit al gesien het sal weet waarvan ek praat) cheers Pijotter Laetitia Toanen wrote in message ... > Hi > I'm writing story about the wind around the world and i look for stories, > legends, dictums, and everything you can telle me about his. > Thank …
5 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 25 Mei 1999 00:00 «» deur: Boerseun[1]
Re: Speak English by all means...
…(by origin) Cape-Dutch. On top of that they also show their arrogance and rudeness. Is that now the way to go about regarding this language. Kom by julle hipokratiese Cape-Dutch. Julle wie alewig snert van die Boervolk praat en gehelp het om 24000 Boere kinders om die lewe te bring. Boerseun > >> So, basta, Meneer Esperanto. >> Basta = Portugees vir " stop this nonsense" >> "go away" "we are tired of your >>…
6 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 20 Mei 1999 00:00 «» deur: The Wine Works
Wyn van die Boland !!
…South Africa or abroad by ways of a very reliable courier service. There are a number of delivery options available ie. overnight or up to 7 work days. Delivery in Worcester is free of charge. THE WINE WORKS also stocks imported cigars and a wide variety of gifts for the winelover ! Contact us and we'll send you a pricelist and order form to have the "value-for-money-wines" from the Breede River Valley delivered to your door. Or visit us next time you are in Worcester ! Regards Stefan Botha…
7 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 19 Mei 1999 00:00 «» deur: Willem-Jan Markerink
Re: The Future of Afrikaans ... Indeed!!
…have had Portugese influences). Btw, what also bugs me is why English in SA never got side-tracked as much as Dutch me it looks like SA-English neither kept its old roots, nor did it see as much influence by other languages. > As if making a language official ever did anything to help preserve > it. Viz Esperanto, the "official world language"... dead as a dodo. Or try to speak Latin outside the Vatican....8-)) -- Bye, Willem-Jan Markerink The desire to understand is …
8 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 16 Mei 1999 00:00 «» deur: Willem-Jan Markerink
Re: The Future of Afrikaans ... Indeed!!
…English). > with Indian influences I > believe. English influences might be of a much later time in history, > perhaps accelerated by modern technology (as in any language). Mmm....I checked one of my books about SA, it also specifically mention influences from the Maleisian (sp?) slave population....not quite the same as Indian. -- Bye, Willem-Jan Markerink The desire to understand is sometimes far less intelligent than the inability to understand [note: 'a-one' & 'en-el…
9 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 15 Mei 1999 00:00 «» deur: Eugene Terreblanche
The Future of Afrikaans ... Indeed!!
…gather dust for quite a few years to come. So many of the Afrikaaners are fleeing the moeder land these days also and that fragmentation will impinge upon the ability to spread and indoctrinate the childred, who even in SAfrica will be subject to a barrage of "foreign" cultures, ideals and languages, for them to ultimately choose their following. As Afrikaans is not an international language, English will surge ahead in the popularity stakes, and ultimately triumph in the long term. Squirrel…
10 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 23 April 1999 00:00 «» deur: Dirty Dan
…of the International Eisteddfod. Also, the Board sincerely apologises for any inconvenience that may have been caused by the cancellation of the event. The Board pays tribute to the vision and work of the late Keith Henry Fleming (founder and president of the International Eisteddfod of SA) who passed away on 24 December 1998 after an extended period of illness. Mr Fleming was privileged, before passing away, to experience all nine of the biennial presentations of the International Eisteddfod to date…
11 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 06 April 1999 00:00 «» deur: R & BW
Re: Royleen - luister jy ? To Oom Hans & nomad
…ess) and I'll gladly tell you all about it. Also about wonderful Melbourne, so much like Cape Town where I was born. It will be my pleasure to give you our opinion of life Down Under and to help anyone who wants to know more. Our door is always open. Suffice it to say, while we were living in NZ I met a lot of South Africans there as well (by chance as I don't believe in clinging together) and I haven't met one yet who is happy there. It's not easy there Deep Down Under. Looking forward to hearing …
12 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 31 Maart 1999 00:00 «» deur: crunch (()) :c 8 |]]
Re: A bit of a hoot, what!
…squirt of Doom (also known as the message filter), will kill the 'annoying Canadian blackfly' - don't let her bug (pun intended) you........oeps, sorry, ek moes dit seker in Afrikaans skryf om hierdie ng 'suiwer' te soos Kosovo. R & BW skryf in boodskap news:4PbM2.45116$ > Gloudina, did I misunderstand? I could have sworn that you stopped speaking > Afrikaans when you left SA> Thanks everybody, I now will switch to the English-speaking …
13 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 26 Maart 1999 00:00 «» deur: Thorsten Müller
Re: Afrikaaner/Afrikaner
…"Afrikander") is used in order to distinguish it from "Afrikaner", which is the German word for an "African". I suppose that this spelling can also be found in other germanic languages that use "Afrikaner" for "African", but I'm not sure. A vowel combination like "aa" is very uncommon in German, and it looks very "Dutch" to a German speaker. I suppose that's why someone has once come up with this particular spelling. Greetings, …
14 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 16 Maart 1999 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
Re: Kanada se tuisland vir Eskimos
…of white supremacists... Mr. Gardner also wants his readers to believe that the government .... will behave like the nationa- list governments of Quebec ... there is no intention to introduce language laws ... there will be no language police walking around with rulers measuring the size of letters on commercial signs .... Mr. Gardner is worried that the Inuit ... will become dictators and oppress their minorities. [Hy maak dan 'n lys van mense in die Nunavut regering wat nie etniese …
15 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 12 Maart 1999 00:00 «» deur: Thorsten Müller
Re: Oor Hegemonie
…bedoeld met: "van duytsen bloet" in de tweede regel > van het eerste couplet. Well, didn't he come from Nassau? I don't know much about the historical background, but the place where I live was formerly known as the "Fürstentum Nassau", and I think we also have a small sculpture in Wiesbaden that shows dear ol' Wilhelmus (I tried to show it to a friend from the Netherlands last weekend, but I couldn't find it... shame!) :-) Does anybody know more about it? Greetings, Thorsten…
16 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Wo, 03 Maart 1999 00:00 «» deur: Denis
Re: I want to learn Afrikaans!
May I suggest contacting the following addresses. also, Intagoat wrote: > Does anyone know of any good 'teach yourself afrikaans' books or tapes or > other material I can get my hands on? I want to learn as much as I can > before visiting Cape Town in the summer.
17 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Wo, 03 Maart 1999 00:00 «» deur: Denis
Re: I want to learn Afrikaans!
May I suggest contacting the following addresses. also, Intagoat wrote: > Does anyone know of any good 'teach yourself afrikaans' books or tapes or > other material I can get my hands on? I want to learn as much as I can > before visiting Cape Town in the summer.
18 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Wo, 03 Maart 1999 00:00 «» deur: Denis
Re: I want to learn Afrikaans!
May I suggest contacting the following addresses. also, Intagoat wrote: > Does anyone know of any good 'teach yourself afrikaans' books or tapes or > other material I can get my hands on? I want to learn as much as I can > before visiting Cape Town in the summer.
19 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 12 Februarie 1999 00:00 «» deur: Thorsten Müller
Re: Die in Europa....weer
…as both realistic and sufficient for keeping our economies going in the long term), it would not be the ultimate solution. But on the other hand, our massive energy consumption isn't what worries me most -- ask me about increasing inequalitites in wealth distribution, as far as this is concerned I'm really pessimistic. This issue is also linked to destruction of the environment, exhaustion of resources etc. -- and by far the greatest problem we'll have to deal with in the future. Greetings, Thorsten…
20 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Do, 11 Februarie 1999 00:00 «» deur: ru...
Translation help
…anyone could offer. I am aware it's an odd request. For reassurance: My name is Norman Rush, my publisher is Alfred A. Knopf, titles of my two earlier works set in Botswana are "Whites" and "Mating." I would be delighted if you could connect me with someone who would be willing also to answer a few additional language questions as they arise. It may be relevant that the period in which this book is set is 1992. Any help will be registered in my acknowledgments! Thanks, Norman Rush…
21 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 11 Februarie 1999 00:00 «» deur: Thorsten Müller
Re: Die Happy99-virus
…r, so I'd say your friend is safe. BTW, I've also got a Mac, and nothing happened over here. General rule: Apart from Word/Excel Macro viruses, Windows viruses don't harm Macs, and Windows PCs are safe from attacks of Mac viruses. And AFAIK it's impossible to create an executable which runs on both Mac and PC, you would need two separate versions. And to get even more into detail (to wipe out the last remaining bit of doubt): Even if it *was* possible to create an executable for both Mac and PC, it would…
22 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 10 Februarie 1999 00:00 «» deur: Kwarantyn
Re: Wanneer is dit 'n kettingbrief
…e-mail from BILL GATES HIMSELF, who was also promising me a free Disneyworld vacation and $5,000 if I would forward the e-mail to everyone I know). The poor man then tried to call 911 from a pay phone to report his missing kidneys, but reaching into the coin-return slot he got jabbed with an HIV-infected needle around which was wrapped a note that said, "Welcome to the world of AIDS." Luckily he was only a few blocks from the hospital. The one, actually, where that little boy who is dying of …
23 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 10 Februarie 1999 00:00 «» deur: Kobus Pietersen
Re: Wanneer is dit 'n kettingbrief
…won't arrive until it's all over. I have also heard that there are plans to stable all horses at midnight at the turn of the year, as there are fears that they will stop and try to run backwards, causing immense damage to chariots and possibly loss of life. Some say the world will cease to exist at the moment of transition. Anyway, we are still continuing to work on this blasted Y zero K problem. I will stick-mail a parchment to you if anything further develops. If you have any ideas please let me know…
24 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 22 Januarie 1999 00:00 «» deur: Robbert Zijlstra
Re: Wat is die reëls....
…show up in the newsgroup. Posters should also expect that some articles will be returned if they appear to be off-topic (they'll be emailed back to the original poster with helpful hints), and that they may edit these returned articles and resubmit them if they are truly on-topic for the newsgroup. RETURNED MESSAGES AND APPEALS ----------------------------- The moderation software will attempt to return any inappropriate message to the sender via email. The email will include the reason for the return …
25 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 11 Januarie 1999 00:00 «» deur: hen...
Re: Net 'n laaste woortjie
…some of it might work for the lead character in my = > story. By coincidence the lady refered to in the letter is also named Robyn! So, if you are reading this, did you substitute your name in that part as well, Robyn? I suggest you stick to fiction, and never try your hand at detective stories. Oh, and forget the creative part! Regards Henri Burger -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own…
26 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 08 Januarie 1999 00:00 «» deur: Maarten Vidal
vertaling Nederlands (Engels)-Afrikaans
…Allgemeine Zeitung (Namibië was tot de eerste wereldoorlog een Duitse kolonie!). Besides a newspaper in Afrikaans, Die Republikein, Namibia has two English language newspapers, The Namibian, a newspaper (with some articles in Afrikaans, German and Oshiwambo) originally linked with the SWAPO liberation movement, and the Windhoek Advertiser. There's also a newspaper in German, the conservative Allgemeine Zeitung (Namibia was a German colony until WW1). KrantNet -…
27 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 07 Desember 1998 00:00 «» deur: Ding!
Arme Hershell - dink net aan die druk! (Vir my vriend Ferdi :) )
…to open is hardly a gamble, with SA battling to find a reliable opening pair for a year or more. There has never been any argument about Gibbs' astounding talent - only his application. Gibbs's Western Province team-mate Paul Adams was also named in the squad yesterday, as was Gauteng seam bowler David Terbrugge. SA squad: Gary Kirsten, Herschelle Gibbs, Jacques Kallis, Daryll Cullinan, Hansie Cronje (capt), Jonty Rhodes, Shaun Pollock, Mark Boucher, Pat Symcox, Allan Donald, David Terbrugge, Paul…
28 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 15 November 1998 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
Re: foto's
…"bioskoop kyk". In SA Engels you also go to the bioscope vir wat hier in Noord- Amerika genoem word going to the movies. (Tenminste dis die terminologie wat in my ma se dae gebruik is, voordat die kultuur totaal verhollywoods is.) Dis vir my interessant om die eerste tekens te sien dat daar nou 'n ander invloed in die film-industrie begin werk: die konsep van "Bollywood." Dit is as gevolg van die geweldige volume van films wat gemaak …
29 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 02 November 1998 00:00 «» deur: midde
Re: Namibia
… (Jan Bungeroth) had de volgende te sê: |Stefan Harms ( wrote: |> In article , "SAE" | |> > Also gut, dann koennen wir uns auf Deutsch mit einander reden. Julle Diets klink nie vir my te wat wonders nie! Miskien moet julle eerder Afrikaans probeer - dan kan Gloudina julle reghelp! |> Man, Du wirst stief sukkeln hier unter den Schlapohren ein richtigen |> Outjie zu finden. ;-) My ore hang nie slap nie en hmmmhhh, nou ja, ....... | Groete…
30 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 29 Oktober 1998 00:00 «» deur: SAE
Re: Namibia
Also gut, dann koennen wir uns auf Deutsch mit einander reden. Despontin M. wrote in message ... > Daar is heelwat Namibiërs wat Duits praat, maar nie dit wat jy hier skryf nie > Die Woestynrot > SAE wrote in message ... >> He wie weet er hoeveel Namibiers er nog Duits spreken? Wat is de meest >> gesrpoke taal daar? Engles? Afrikaans? Of zo'n inlandse > houtje-touwtje-taal? >> >> Bokkie >> >
31 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 28 Oktober 1998 00:00 «» deur: G.B.
Re: De betekenis van het woord "klomp" in het afrikaans ?
… brick in use from the days of the Dutch East India Company to the present, for outdoor work and fireplaces : also called faggots, see under "klinker."... Large shipments of bricks arrived until late in the eighteenth find them mainly in stoeps and face works...imported from Holland as late as 1829, and they were proposed for the steeple of St. George's Church as an alternative to English bricks.. …
32 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 12 Oktober 1998 00:00 «» deur: Michael E Willett
Re: Afrikaans: Klein oorwinning!
…African Airways: | | |11 October, 1998 | | |Mr Coleman Andrews |South African Airways |Johannesburg | |Fax: (011) 978 1905 | | |Dear Mr Andrews, | |Customer relations in the SAA | |May I congratulate you on the decision by your company to direct its |advertising also to the niche market of Afrikaans speaking potential |clients, a group to which I belong by birth and personal choice. I hope that |this gesture will mark the first ..... Het jy antwoord gekry .,...? ...goodbye en good luck, Simon…
33 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 08 Oktober 1998 00:00 «» deur: hancil
Re: AFRIKAANS WIE SIN HUH,ko ek wys jou n ding of twee
…nsch; koïn, dieselbe Endung des Comm. Plur., also Mensch-Menschen oder Mensch der Menschen, wozu alle ihre Stämme, Orlams, Namaquas, Korannas, Griquas, Buschmänner, Nawissen usw., die Berg- und Viehdamaras ausgenommen, gerechnet werden". Ook in Quiellen 3 21, jaar 1844, herhaal hy dit. "Khoi-khoin (oder Hottentot, europäischer Name) scheint der allgemeine Name des ganzen Volkes zu sein". Eerw C. Hugo Hahn (Tagebuch 1858) noem die naam Hottentot "eine Verstümmelung des Wortes ||Huinitob…
34 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 28 September 1998 00:00 «» deur: Leendert van Oostrum
Hulle sê:
…and illegitimate government. Mandela also seems to have been wrong when he sought to justify the invasion as necessary to prevent hordes of refugees pouring into South Africa from Lesotho. Those who have fled across the border have been mostly foreigners whose businesses were attacked by vengeful mobs furious at the invasion. Maseru, which accounted for around half the Lesotho economy, has been virtually destroyed. There are shortages of fuel and food and epidemics threaten. South Africa will have a …
35 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 24 September 1998 00:00 «» deur: Norbert Matheuwezen
Re: die oorspronk van "wingerd"?
…baie klopt niet ! Nee, Thorsten es stimmt also nicht ! Aber es stimmt da� gerade auch in das "M�sel-Frankisch" und das "Ripuarisch-(Rhein)-Frankisch" es "Wingert" genennt werd, was von das Lateinische her kommt genau wie das Franzosische "vigne". "Je ne l'o, je ne l'o, je ne lose dire. Je ne vous dirai." > Dis ook moontlik dat dit van Frans (vigne?) afstam. Die Franse taal het 'n > groot invloed op die Rheingau-dialek gehad, hulle gebruik bv. woorde…
36 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 17 September 1998 00:00 «» deur: sb
> "What is happening now with liberation is that criminals have also been > liberated to move into white areas." Mandela said. Wat impliseer Mandela met hierdie sin? Vir my klink dit asof hy sê dat die oorgrote meerderheid kriminele voorheen net in swart areas woonagtig was... ????? Ek weet nie meer nie. Sanet
37 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 25 Augustus 1998 00:00 «» deur: Frikkie Potgieter
PW BOTHA may get jail term.
… ($1 600) or twelve months in prison. He was also sentenced to 12 months imprisonment, suspended for five years, on condition that he does not contravene the TRC Act again. Lugaju and two assessors, advocate Burton Fourie and Mrs Cordelia Robertson, unanimously found Botha had acted willfully and unlawfully when he decided without sufficient grounds not to appear at the hearing. In a ruling in which he dismissed all legal arguments of Botha's legal team, Lugaju said the court believed the TRC had …
38 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 16 Augustus 1998 00:00 «» deur: ferdinand
Re: Die SAKP/ANC artikel
… 000 > members on its books, many of whom also belong to the ANC.>> Kom ons kyk na name wat genoem is van mense wat volgens die berig ook ANC mense in die Parlement is: Lyk my daar is: Blade Nzimande; Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, who is also minister of > welfare; Thenjiwe Mthintso Essop Pahad, Minister of Safety and Security Sydney Mufamadi, Phillip Dexter Yunus Carrim, an ANC MP; Ncumiso Kondlo, an ANC MP from the Eastern Cape; Deputy Minister of Defence Ronnie Kasrils Die "80 LV's…
39 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 02 Augustus 1998 00:00 «» deur: Uhuru Guru
Re: Nog een vir Madiba AANHANGERS?
…some time ago, so our politicians are also in on the deal. Whilst watching CNN footage of Kosovo, imagine for yourself watching a situation in South Africa. Picture this : the blacks start attacking the Afrikaners, which forces the Afrikaners to flee out of their homes and into the mountains. A war between black and white erupts. The UN intervenes to "restore order". This means that the blacks gets outside technological and military help to force the Afrikaners back into the open, so that they…
40 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 02 Augustus 1998 00:00 «» deur: Frikkie Potgieter
ANC se foute
…back its lost esteem in the Western Cape. Also, the ANC is assiduously hunting people under beds because it has itself been caught in one corruption scandal after another, as revealed in Mpumalanga and by the Heath inquiries. The Rasool clique's motives are, however, less important than the fact that he has cast a stain on public life, one which will be erased with difficulty. His false accusations against Barnard alone are of such a nature that any politician with the slightest sense of honour would …
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