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1054 resultate gevind
1 Forum: Rekenaars & selfone «» Gepos op: Vr, 24 Mei 2002 04:06 «» deur: Waaierstertmuis
Re: Whois
…ver. With that information (some of which is also processed by MailWatcher) you can decide what to do with each individual email - download, delete, or bounce back. If you check your accounts with MailWasher first, you can delete or bounce emails the emails you do not want. Then, when you use your email program, it downloads only the remaining emails, those that you want to read. MailWasher can be thought of as a "first line of defence" which can weed out junk, large wasteful attachments, and …
2 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Di, 21 Mei 2002 19:59 «» deur: Wouter Plaasvark
Re: What does Volksraad Mean?
…Sonder Naam). You know, then you okes can also take it for a spin through the dessert. I once heard that America has been through the dessert on a horse with no name? ....nowadays they ride through the desserts on ysterperde. ..." I've been through the dessert on old Volksraad ....get lost in the dessert, you can ....sommer loose the inhabitants of the aforementioned region in the dessert while you're there. Otherwise they'll soon turn Europe into a dessert .. Wouter Tjeez Kobus, once you've rode …
3 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 09 Mei 2002 03:44 «» deur: Waaierstertmuis
Dwelm probleme in SA?
…of methaqualone, is the drug of abuse of choice in South Africa, and its smuggling, primarily from India but also from China and other sources, is the single most important money-earner for indigenous South African organized crime groups. In 1997, a study conducted by the South African Police Service found 192 indigenous organized criminal gangs active in all of South Africa. Ninety-two of these gangs were primarily focused on the international smuggling of narcotics, with Mandrax the leading drug. "…
4 Forum: Rekenaars & selfone «» Gepos op: Sa, 27 April 2002 06:43 «» deur: TJ
Re: W32.klez.e@mm
…no installations or configuration on the end-user PC. Any e-mail sent or received will be scanned for known viruses. If any are detected they will either be repaired or the infected attachment will be deleted. The e-mail will then continue to its intended destination. In all instances the sender will be notified if a virus has been detected and processed. In the case where the infected attachment has to be deleted, the recipient will also receive notification of this." :-) TJ…
5 Forum: Rekenaars & selfone «» Gepos op: Vr, 26 April 2002 21:51 «» deur: ®Tobie©
…klez.h@mm Is a mass-mailing email worm that also attempts to copy itself to network shares. The worm uses random subject lines, message bodies, and attachment file names. The worm exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express in an attempt to execute itself when you open or even preview the message in which it is contained. Information and a patch for the vulnerability are available at asp The worm attempts to disable on-…
6 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 23 April 2002 06:38 «» deur: Annette
Maklike Afrikaans
…ats, brick buck, bald buck, Camel horses and also more cats. Een keer was ons senuwees egter skoon op hol. One time genuine our sinews were clean on hollow. Ons het agtergekom dat 'n luiperd besig was om ons te bekruip. We aftercame that a lazy-horse was becreeping us. In 'n oomblik was ons slaggereed met ons dubbelloop haelgewere. In an uncle-tin we were slaughter ready with our double walk hail guns. Toe die luiperd agter die bos roer, skiet ons almal gelyk. When the lazy-horse mixed behind the …
7 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Vr, 19 April 2002 13:36 «» deur: dick whitesell
Re: Learning Afrikaans
…t' will be discussed at length in follow-up. Also potential concerns are 'nettiquette', 'html', and 'bandwidth' issues that I do not understand, as a 'newbie'. The ng have nevertheless been unstintingly helpful to me even when my ignorant follow-ups have caused pain and suspicion to some of the very noblest and best on the planet.On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 20:40:31 +0100, "Q" wrote: > "David Butler" wrote in message > news:a9gce5$985$ >> Is there any …
8 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Di, 16 April 2002 20:17 «» deur: Sterrenkijker[1]
Re: Learning Afrikaans
…> een andere, verwante taal moet leren. Alsof je aan een Duitser die > Nederlands wil leren zou aanraden dat hij eerst Afrikaans moet leren. > "After that understanding Dutch will be so much easier". > Ik vind jouw bewering in ieder geval geen compliment voor het > Afrikaans. Je doet alsof het een stiefkind is van het Nederlands. Die > tijd is lang voorbij. > > > Translation for David Butler: > I would appreciate to learn why someone eager to learn Afrikaans > …
9 Forum: Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe «» Gepos op: Di, 16 April 2002 18:43 «» deur: Michel Martens
Re: Learning Afrikaans
… eerst een andere, verwante taal moet leren. Alsof je aan een Duitser die Nederlands wil leren zou aanraden dat hij eerst Afrikaans moet leren. "After that understanding Dutch will be so much easier". Ik vind jouw bewering in ieder geval geen compliment voor het Afrikaans. Je doet alsof het een stiefkind is van het Nederlands. Die tijd is lang voorbij. Translation for David Butler: I would appreciate to learn why someone eager to learn Afrikaans should first learn another, related language. As …
10 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 04 April 2002 09:09 «» deur: Vusi
KKNK - Max du Preez
…about "pink Afrikaners" like me also belonging at the festival. Not that it is a Sunday school picnic. There was some serious drinking of alcohol, boisterous parties and falling about. But essentially it is a festival of the arts, and even the hard drinkers work in a play or two and visit an art exhibition. There was an astonishing number of high quality productions, plays, music and dance. Some of it was classic with solid scripts, directing and acting, others were pushing the boundaries of new…
11 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 20 Maart 2002 08:47 «» deur: Wouter Plaasvark
Re: Statebond Skorsing
… op: "South Africa's National Assembly also said Tuesday that the vote represented the "will of the people," and the 50-member South African observer team declared in an interim report -- disputed by some members -- that the vote had been "legitimate", although it refrained from declaring the election free and fair." Die ouens se argument (en ek koop dit nie) was dat dit nie vry was nie, nie regverdig was nie, maar dat die mense ten spyte van intimidasie wel gestem het en …
12 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 10 Maart 2002 18:29 «» deur: Waaierstertmuis
…r/ancient/athens/Cynicism.htm "In many ways, the cynical philosophy closely resembles the Buddhist philosophy. For example, both philosophies denied that pleasure was equal to or had anything to do with true happiness. Both philosophies also held as fundamental aspects of their ethics that one should neglect the body for the benefit of the soul. Finally, the common, crucial ingredient in both philosophies was the sufficiency of virtue for the attainment of happiness (enlightenment in Buddhism). "…
13 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 04 Februarie 2002 22:24 «» deur: Simon van der Schans
Re: mandela
…D? MR WILLIAMSON: Mr Chairman, I heard that also in previous evidence. I don't believe so, I think we started off under Group A and we later on became Group G and I think shortly after I left the South African Police it may have become Group D but I don't it was ever Group D when I was in it. MR LEVINE: Please carry on with this particular aspect of the matter? MR WILLIAMSON: Mr Chairman, in the case of this specific incident I took more notice of the envelope, of the communication, because of the fact …
14 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 26 Januarie 2002 18:47 «» deur: Waaierstertmuis
Re: kleure (oor swart)
…mble7.html Black shows a great feeling for form and for social events. It represents a formal and rather reserved energy that also shows an uncanny insight into human affairs. Black is the color of . strong drive and purpose. It is the vibration of dignity. en volgens die feitemonster by: Black often stands for secrecy en ... nevermind...:-) Maar Tobie, hier is 'n skakel wat jy dalk sal geniet:…
15 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 26 Januarie 2002 03:10 «» deur: Anoniem
Re: UNISA en die Xhosa Nostra
Oorspronklik gepos deur: > Lou wrote as jy dink dat die >> samesmelting van Tech SA en Unisa geld gaan spaar moet jy weer dink. Ek het nog geen syfers gesien wat wys hoeveel die kamtige >> besparings gaan wees nie - dit is bloot 'n kwessie van beheer. Also sprach Lou, die outoriteit op alles en nog wat. Maak nie saak wat kundiges op die gebied sê nie. Gloudina
16 Forum: Troeteldiere «» Gepos op: Sa, 19 Januarie 2002 21:23 «» deur: Waaierstertmuis
Oor Jesus
…B) 26. His desciples are ordinary people and also performs miracles (Ap, B) 32. He walks on water (H, B) 40. He is called the Saviour (and himself Son of man - B) (H, As, M, B) 45. He turns water into wine - D, and performs food miracles - B (D, B) 46. He cures the sick, the lame, the blind and expels evil spirits (H, D, Ap, As, B, K) 50. He resurrects people from the dead (Ap, As) 62. He transfigured in front of his disciples (B) 63. He rides on a donkey (D) 65. He eats a last meal with his disciples (M, …
17 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 14 Januarie 2002 14:05 «» deur: Wouter Plaasvark
'n Ton bakstene en Yabba dabba doo
…of homes in the last weeks. The food is also leaving a bad taste in the villagers' mouths. Martin says one tribal chieftain thought the meatballs in a can of spaghetti were horse droppings. Wouter "Thys de Wet" skryf in boodskap news:a1um0s$2njb$ Anette, Anette, Kom nou, Speel bietjie saam. Subs sal saam met die raaisel verduidelik word. Hou maar net fyn dop en let ook baie fyn op oor die bakstene jene jene jene wie sal dit wen? die raaisel se prys 'n subskripsie op…
18 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 11 Januarie 2002 19:43 «» deur: Waaierstertmuis
Re: Homoseksualiteit
…penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss and M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increase in penile circumference to the heterosexual and lesbian videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies. >> Of dink jy ek praat nou strooi…
19 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 06 Januarie 2002 04:17 «» deur: Waaierstertmuis
Re: Voorspoedige Nuwejaar
… With chaliced cup and lance - Then England, also Spain, Each artery and vein. Byzantium and Rome Were not considered home This family had found Which best lived 'underground' Until their dynasty Gave France a monarchy That later was betrayed By those a pact had made Too powerful by far As partners often are. The royal vine was clipped And once again it slipped Into obscurity - The best security - Protected by the might Of ev'ry Templar Knight Until that enemy, With cries of heresy, Put these to fire and …
20 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 08 Desember 2001 20:31 «» deur: Brett
Wanted : Malherbe, D.F. Du Toit, 1966, Stamregister van die Suid-Afrikaanse Volk
I would like to buy a copy of this book. Does anyone have one to sell or know where I can look for a copy to buy ? I will also consider other titles by this Author thanks Brett
21 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 04 Desember 2001 11:42 «» deur: loes&patrick
glo julle dit ?
22 Forum: Rekenaars & selfone «» Gepos op: Wo, 28 November 2001 07:58 «» deur: TJ
Re: Virus Waarskuwing.
Sien: - internasionaal VIRUS ALERT: BadTrans.B and Aliz - plaaslik - Norton W32.Badtrans.B@mm is a MAPI worm that emails itself out as one of several different file names. This worm also drops a backdoor trojan that logs keystrokes. - Dr Solomon W32/Badtrans@mm is a High Risk virus for consumers TJ ISP
23 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 19 November 2001 17:58 «» deur: Frikkie Potgieter
Re: In antwoord op Frikkie:
…to use their private parts for muti, must also be the blame of apartheid? How much longer are the Whites going to tolerate this humiliation before rising against these terrorist savages that now rule our country? Annette skryf in boodskap news:9tai5q$1b0qc$ > Jy moet assebllief 'n mooier opskrif kies: > My ISP wil nie sulke goed deurstuur nie. > > Janee Frikkie, ons glo wat die arme Onder-Prez te sê het. > Dit sê nou maar ook nie veel vir hulle wat in 10 …
24 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 17 November 2001 19:19 «» deur: Waaierstertmuis
…the ultimate power of the One God. It is also under the corrupting influence of Melkor, the fallen angel who is Tolkien's Satan. The greatest of Satan's servants, Sauron, is the Dark Lord who is the enemy in "The Lord of the Rings." In other words The Fellowship of the Ring is in a fight to the finish with Satan's servants. How can Christians possibly object to a quest, the purpose of which is to thwart the evil designs of the demonic enemy? Far from being a "fantasy," "The Lord …
25 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Do, 08 November 2001 06:35 «» deur: Waaierstertmuis
… peaceful seafarers in home waters. There is also an abstract noun viking, meaning 'the act of going raiding overseas'.... Strictly speaking, therefore, the term should only be applied to men actually engaged in these violent pursuits, and not to every contemporary Scandinavian farmer, merchant, settler or craftsman, nor even to warriors fighting in the dynastic wars of their lords or in their own private feuds. However, it was the raiders who made the most impact on the Europe of their time, so that it …
26 Forum: Humor & grappe «» Gepos op: Sa, 03 November 2001 03:11 «» deur: Drom[1]
Van die Net gegaps 2
… show it all. The guy, being a bit skaam and also easily influenced and not a good speaker stumbles, "Lady I would like a picket to Tittsburg". He immediately realises the mistake and sort of runs away highly embarassed. Outside he meets a mate of his and tells him the story. "Oh," says the mate, "that's nothing, only a Freudian slip, or a slip of the tongue. It happens to all of us. Why, only last Saturday me and the wife were sitting on the patio having a quiet brunch. What I …
27 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: So, 14 Oktober 2001 05:27 «» deur: Danielle
Re: OK, OK! moet nou nie almal opspring om te help nie ..... :-)
…into your Registry. Reboot. You may also have to delete the "VXDMon" value from the Registry before going any further (and then reboot). Run Regedit and go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\VxD Mon To remove PCHealth from your system, copy the text below, paste it in the Start Menu -> Run box, and then click OK: rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection Uninstall 132 %windir%\INF\PCHealth.inf This text string is found under this Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\…
28 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 10 Oktober 2001 00:57 «» deur: Streepmuis
Re: Engelse grappie
…van die arme kind wat haar "fairy floss" in die "dunny" gegooi het, terwyl haar ouers "chook" in die "bush" naby 'n baie klein "woop woop" ge-barbie het. Hier's nog so paar dowwes..:-) Q: What do you get if you cross an elephant with a kangaroo? A: Big holes all over Australia. Q: What is found in the middle of Australia, and also in the middle of America? A: The letter R. Q: What goes pad, pad, pad, squish? A: A Tasmanian Devil with a wet sneaker…
29 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Wo, 19 September 2001 20:16 «» deur: Mel
Re: May all your days be circus days ...
… > Nou hoekom sal ek eers weer alles wil lees ? > "Mel" wrote in message > news:9o8gcr$5ib$ >> "Annette" wrote in message >> news:9o8ept$bj2c2$ >> Now, can none of your Afrikaans ppl learn how to post at the bottom? well if some ppl post at the top and others at the bottom, it becomes a mess... also it's a convention of books... we read down... -- Smash yer modem, reboot, kill …
30 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 17 September 2001 14:45 «» deur: Annette
Ons nuwe WAT
…is feather then Johennesberk. Guddin = (also ga-ten) where you grow da plants by da house. Get  = opening in da fens around your proparty. Hair = as opposed to him Hiss = as opposed to hairs Itch = as in "for itch and avairy pairsen" Kennel = army óffie-sar. Len = to e-kwaaier nó-liedge Pee-pull = die mense Phlem = de hot pat at de end of de kendle Piss = symbolized by de white duffs Prou-blim = what SABC has Suffa-ring = as in "da pee-pull are …
31 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 11 September 2001 14:36 «» deur: Max
Re: World trade centre
…people work in the complex. There are also reports of an explosion at Capitol Hill and of a fourth hijacked aircraft heading towards Washington. Hijack It is reported two United Airlines passenger planes were hijacked shortly before the first plane struck the Trade Centre in Manhattan. One was thought to be a 737 capable of carrying more than 100 passengers. The other was confirmed as an American flight 11 from Boston to Los Angeles. A Boeing 767 can carry up to 269 people. A third …
32 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 28 Augustus 2001 18:31 «» deur: Michel Martens
Re: Wat beteken 'Skoorsteenveer'?
…like 'chimney-stone-sweeper', then. > Interestingly, there is a word 'scour' in Scots also, meaning a drain; > similar-ish meaning. Yet another Dutch word in Scots, then. > Yes and there are many more. This is not surprising since both Scots and Dutch/Flemish and also Afrikaans (together with another dozen of languages or 'dialects') belong to the so called Lowlands language group. If you want to know more about it, visit Best regards…
33 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 28 Augustus 2001 06:59 «» deur: j.s...
Re: Wat beteken 'Skoorsteenveer'?
…rs, and I never really knew it then, anyway! Also, > I'm learning Dutch, which makes it confusing.) > > Dankie, Thanks for the polite & helpful replies. Acutally, I left the umlaut off deliberately because I wasn't sure if it would come out correctly in a newsgroup posting. Hmm, let's try it; 'ë'. So, literally, something like 'chimney-stone-sweeper', then. Interestingly, there is a word 'scour' in Scots also, meaning a drain; similar-ish meaning. Yet another Dutch word in Scots, then. …
34 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 27 Augustus 2001 22:15 «» deur: Anoniem
Re: Wat beteken 'Skoorsteenveer'?
…seblief? > You probably just forgot to put the umlaut on the second -e- of "skoorsteenveër," but it is quite important. "Veer," without the umlaut, is one syllable and is the word for "feather." But "veër" is two syllables (vee-er) because it originates from the Dutch "veger" (Afrikaans dropped the -g- but kept the word as two syllables.) The name of the sacred ibis in Afrikaans is therefore also written with an umlaut on the second -e-. Gloudina…
35 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 27 Augustus 2001 20:39 «» deur: j.s...
Wat beteken 'Skoorsteenveer'?
Ek weet it is die 'Sacred Ibis', maar wat beteken 'Skoorsteenveer' in Engels, asseblief? (Please excuse me if the Afrikaans is not very good, but I haven't used it for about 20 years, and I never really knew it then, anyway! Also, I'm learning Dutch, which makes it confusing.) Dankie, -- J. Simon van der Walt Composer
36 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 25 Augustus 2001 18:39 «» deur: Danielle
Re: Diere
…die onskuldiges seermaak? sê: Also sprach die ou wat so lekker agteroor sit en sy biltong sit en verorber, sy boerewors op die kole braai en in sy bybel lees dat hy maar al die diere kan eet behalwe die wat nie gekloofde hoewe het nie. Watter tweegatjakkals. En dan skryf Arthur: Ek stem saam met Gloudina. Ek weet nie of me & bobby magee veganis of vegetariër is nie (en as hy/sy dit is vra ek om verskoning), maar daar is 'n seker mate van hipokrisie in die reaksie van baie mense op die …
37 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Sa, 25 Augustus 2001 11:15 «» deur: Anoniem
Re: Diere
… me & bobby magee wrote: > Amen! Daar is GEEN verskoning vir die misbruik van diere nie - ons is > veronderstel om hulle te beskerm; ons is die sogenaamde intelligente, > redelike wesens op aarde. Waarom moet ons die onskuldiges seermaak? > Also sprach die ou wat so lekker agteroor sit en sy biltong sit en verorber, sy boerewors op die kole braai en in sy bybel lees dat hy maar al die diere kan eet behalwe die wat nie gekloofde hoewe het nie. Watter tweegatjakkals. …
38 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Ma, 20 Augustus 2001 18:41 «» deur: Davie Davis
…be relatively safe. AGENDA FROM NOW ON- ANY ISRAELI WHO HAS ARAB EMPLOYEES WILL BE BRANDED AS A TRAITOR TO ERETZ YISRAEL!!! And watch your back if you decide be a snake and go against my advice. There are Vigilantes everywhere... ******************** You're right, we should also fire any individual that aren't white and european. RACIST BASTARD. Try to change Arab to black, and we'll see how long you'll last. ******************** Fuck off from Iranian news Group. I shit on your ERETZ ISRAEL…
39 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Di, 17 Julie 2001 16:56 «» deur: Hilda
Bierdrinkers :-)
… doen het veel beter dan vroeger. De tijd van bier zonder alcohol lijkt voorbij. De Belg drinkt het bijna niet meer. We drinken wel iets minder gewone pintjes dan vroeger. Toch houden nog altijd 3 op 4 bierdrinkers het bij een gewone 'dagschotel'. en : 6belgium.html Not only are Belgians the world's fifth-biggest beer drinkers, with more than 1000 beer varieties from 150 breweries served in 35,000 pubs, but beer is also their most famous export…
40 Forum: Koeitjies & kalfies «» Gepos op: Vr, 29 Junie 2001 12:00 «» deur: Richard
Re: 'n Baken gaan verdwyn!!
…and Bloemfontein and Winburg - land was during the original construction expropriated so that a second carriageway could be built without having to go through another expropriation process for what is relatively cheap land. Many of the bridges are also constructed for the second carriageway. Obviously the traffic growth there has not been what was expected, but when I last travelled that road one Easter weekend, the traffic volumes would have made a four lane divided freeway viable. Regards Richard…
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