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Re: Any 'maties' online?? [boodskap #24676] Sat, 10 July 1999 00:00 na volgende boodskap
ferdinand  is tans af-lyn  ferdinand
Boodskappe: 1462
Geregistreer: September 1997
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On Fri, 09 Jul 1999 19:43:26 -0700, (stefan) wrote:
<<>Cheers all,
> Would like to hear some opinions about Stellenbosch University in general
> - from current or former students or faculty. How is life in
> Stellenbosch, the "academic environment" etc. etc.? Comparisons with UCT
> and Wits?? Anything in general is of interest. Please post.
> Sincerely,>>

Stefan I was there in the 70's.
Some family members graduated recently.

It is probably on par with Wits and UCT.

Good medicine school. Engineering is also good. The Engineering
faculty had a satellite put into space by Nasa recently. It was
designed and designed at Stellenbosch.

It is a traditionally Afrikaans varsity that started up soon after

It had good sporting teams.

Further on it has the usual assortment of faculties - law, social
sciences, economy, journalism, medicine, engineering, languages etc.

They have a web site. I don't know the address but it should be easy
to find.
Re: Any 'maties' online?? [boodskap #24693 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #24676] Sun, 11 July 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Bees  is tans af-lyn  Bees
Boodskappe: 186
Geregistreer: October 1998
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Cheryll skryf in boodskap news:7m9kh0$pnj$

> It's approximately 40kms from Cape Town and takes about 25 minutes to get
> there by car. If you did the trip on a motorbike it could probably be done
> in 15 to 20 minutes.

Cheryll, Stefan se vraag is: "can you get by in Stellenbosch without a car
(maybe just a bike)..."

Stefan, die kort antwoord is ja. Maar, soos altyd, is 'n kar handig om die
area te verken.

Re: Any 'maties' online?? [boodskap #24697 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #24676] Sun, 11 July 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
PAT  is tans af-lyn  PAT
Boodskappe: 141
Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Om universiteite te vergelyk, is om appels en pere te vergelyk.
Verskillende standaarde vir verskillende studierigtings. Wits en UCT
was in hulle dae uitstekend, maar het blykbaar bietjie verval. So ook
Stellenbosch, alhoewel niemand daardie dorp kan klop as dit by
studentesamehorigheid en trots kom nie. Die UCT kampus is blykbaar ook nie
vreeslik veilig nie.


"Stifle yourself Edith"

stefan wrote in article
> In article , "Frank"
> wrote:
>> Are you sure there is something like Stellenbosch University? Must be the
>> wine making courses..... Not possible to compare to any other. But I am
>> surprised that you are able to quote some leader like Archie. ( must be your
>> masters degree..)
> Universiteit van Stellenbosch/Stellenbosch University. That is what they
> call it on the homepage, do you know of any other university in that town?
> I see you have watched the show "All in the Family" too (the Archie quote).
>>> Cheers all,
>>> Would like to hear some opinions about Stellenbosch University in general
>>> - from current or former students or faculty. How is life in
>>> Stellenbosch, the "academic environment" etc. etc.? Comparisons with UCT
>>> and Wits?? Anything in general is of interest. Please post.
> --
> stefan, valley of the sun
> "When government lies to you, it's for your own good."
> - Archie Bunker
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