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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Can you please help?
Re: Can you please help? [boodskap #21373] Thu, 25 February 1999 00:00
Jakes  is tans af-lyn  Jakes
Boodskappe: 41
Geregistreer: October 2002
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Derek Roberts wrote:
> Hallo
> I am an English but my girlfriend is South African, I cannot speak or write
> Afrikaans. But would like to surprise her with a short message in her
> native language. Could you please translate the message at the bottom for
> me.
> Many thanks in advance - Dankie!
> Derek
> 'I am missing you like crazy and I constantly think of you.
Ek mis jou soos 'n malmens en dink darem somtyds aan jou.

> I wish we could actually be together rather than be in separate countries.
Ek sal my linkerknater gee om by jou te wees eerder as om hier tussen
souties te sit.

> I have never felt this way about anyone else and I would marry you tomorrow >if I had the chance.
Ek het nog nooit oor iemand so gevoel soos oor jou en sal sommer more
jou afhaak as ek die kleingeld gehad het.

> I really enjoyed the two weeks we managed to spend together and
> long for the next time we are together.
Ek het die twee weke helheid saam met jou geniet en ek kry sommer
die horing as as ek aan die volgende keer dink saam met jou.

> I am already looking at the prices of plane tickets and would love for you >to come to England.
Ek sal jou lugkaartjie na Engeland koop maar ek soek eers die
goedkoopste lugredery.

> Missing you loads. Lots of love, hugs and kisses'
Mis jou befok. Vreeslik baie liefde, drukke en slymerige soene!

I hope this help because I am now running for cover

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