Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Die groot leuen
Die groot leuen [boodskap #118379] |
Mon, 29 September 2008 07:22  |
Boodskappe: 423 Geregistreer: February 2008
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
This has to be put in perspective. According to the British Africa expert,
Martin Meredith (author of "The State of Africa"), Africa has less than 2%
of the world's GDP. Africa as a whole, with about 800 million people, has a
GDP that is smaller than that of Mexico. Yet Africa is ravaged from end to
end by strife and war - which is only getting worse. But how many heard of
the massive wars that have been fought in Africa? Major wars are fought in
Africa without any attention paid to them.
There are two glaring facts that everyone ignores:
1. You will never hear anyone pointing out that during Colonialism and
Apartheid that there was very little black-on-black warfare. White-ruled
countries were peaceful, until the Communists incited blacks to turn on the
government. Nobody ever admits anymore that there was peace during white
rule and whites prevented black-on-black strife during colonial times. You
will never hear that White people were peace-makers. But that is what they
were. White people prevented many wars, and in South Africa, whites even
prevented the genocide of Indians by Zulus in 1949.
Furthermore, the Colonial rule brought Law & Order to black societies and
that is why there was massive growth in Africa until de-colonization, when
economies collapsed.
The role of whites as peacemakers and good economic managers is never
mentioned by anyone because saying anything good about whites is now
politically incorrect.
2. The other thing you will always hear coming out of Africa is the mantra:
"The Whites... the whites are the problem... kick out the whites... the
whites are keeping the black people in poverty... get rid of the whites and
Africa will prosper." This mantra comes of course from black leaders. Black
leaders pump out this mantra all the time, while they are driving the whites
out and taking what they own. They shout this mantra loudly while they are
stealing from the whites, and giving virtually nothing to poor blacks in
whose name they are stealing! They keep what they steal for themselves and
their cronies. It is these same Black Leaders who make war, and carry out
genocide of their fellow blacks! People continuously try to blame the Whites
for the problems of Africa, but Africa never had this much violence under
You only hear about the problems whites caused. During all 48 years of
Apartheid, a maximum of 20,000 Blacks died. How evil was Apartheid? But
Robert Mugabe murdered about 30,000 black Matabele people in the early
1980's in his country alone (before engaging in multiple massive wars in
other countries in Africa). Idi Amin of Uganda killed 300,000 blacks, while
his successor Obote killed 1 million.
In the late 1990's, Africa experienced a "World War" scale conflict in the
DRC which involved 12 Black African countries - 4.3 million black people
The battle cry from the leaders of Africa is constantly: "The whites, the
whites, the damned white... get rid of the whites and our problems will be
But that's the biggest lie of all! In South Africa, for example, the number
of blacks living in poverty more than doubled since the end of white rule 13
years ago. In Zimbabwe, the economy completely collapsed after the
government confiscated farm-land from whites.
Their problems started once they kicked the whites out, and its just getting
worse by the year. Africa gets $26 billion in aid annually, which is more
than what Germany and Japan received under the Marshall Plan. The Marshall
Plan ran for only 4 years and cost $13 billion. Africa receives $26 billion
a year in aid and has received in total over $400 billion!
Africa is returning to the state it was in before whites colonised it. It is
returning to its state of eternal black-on-black conflict before whites made
peace here and brought it a Golden Age of development known as
Don't expect things to get better in Africa. Many of Africa's current
leaders are the very source of its problems. Expect black poverty and
conflict in Africa to get much worse.
Jan Lamprecht was born and raised in Zimbabwe, then called Rhodesia, during
the "Bush War", which resulted in Robert Mugabe coming to power. He was
educated in Harare, the capital of the country, before leaving for South
Africa, where he spent some time in the Navy. He wrote a book called
"Government by Deception"
(a id=1116307869/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/104-9599680-541 0361?v=glance&s=books&n=507846)
about African politics related to Zimbabwe and the effects Mugabe's policies
may have on other countries. He publishes a newsletter called Straight Talk
Re: Die groot leuen [boodskap #118384 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #118382] |
Tue, 30 September 2008 21:42   |
Jim Again
Boodskappe: 246 Geregistreer: January 2007
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Hallo Riaan en Torreke en Dave (ja ons glo jy lees seker ook
nog hier...). Lekker om weer van julle te hoor.
Riaan ja, ek is in nét so ‘n groot versoeking om voorspellings
te wil waag, maar my verstand sê vir my ek moet dit liewers ‘n
ander benaming gee - soos om dit raaiskote (nl spekulasie) te
noem. So, ek spekuleer dan maar liewer as volg...
Ek dink nie die poef gaan hier spat alvorens daar nie ‘n hewige
(3e Wêreld) oorlog in die Midde Ooste losbrand nie - siende dat
ons sowat 50% van ons olie van Iran ontvang. Want ‘n oliekrisis
sal Azanië laat kantel dat die bloed loop. Ek glo die Midde Ooste
gaan ons meer raak as wat ons dink. Kom ons wag maar en kyk.
En dinge tussen Iran, Israel en die VSA lyk nie al te rooskleurig
nie. Soos julle seker ook weet (of dalk nie mag weet nie) stoom
Iran hardkoppig en onverpoos voort met sy Kernprogram, en is
die Jode (en ook die Yanks) gladnie ‘impressed’ daarmee nie.
Trouens : Die Jode dreig om vir Iran aan te val, en soos ek die
Jode ken, maak hulle nie sommer ydele dreigemente nie. Ek glo
hulle toe hulle ‘n ruk gelede aan ou Malmoegoe Armoureddinner-
jacket gesê het : “...we will turn you into a glass desert”. Wel, dít
is inderdaad geen grappie nie. Dinge in die wêreld lyk ook nie te
wonderlik nie. Kyk maar bv na die Amerikaanse finansiële krisis.
Dit wil al hoe meer voorkom asof dinge stadig maar seker in plek
val vir ‘n derde wêreld oorlog. Want skielik het Rusland sy hele
spel verander. Die Beer is nou aggressief. Daar word inderhaas
en ernstig bondgenootskappe teen Amerika hervestig met lande
soos Iran, Sirië, Indië, Sjina, Venezuela, Kuba, ens... En reuse
wapentransaksies word inderhaas beklink. Die Russe is verder
tans besig om ‘n vlootbasis te Sirië en Kuba te vestig, en hulle
stuur selfs hulle vloot tot reg in die Yanks se agterplaas in om
vir Hugo Chavez van Venezuela te gaan kuier, aan wie hulle
ook ‘n reuse besending wapens verkoop. Verder het die Yanks
tans iets soos 5 vliegdekskepe (...met hulle onderskeie “strike
groups”) reg rond-om (“within striking distance” van) Iran ge-
posisioneer. Dinge raak duidelik al hoe warmer.
Ek glo die kanse is goed dat daar ‘n dag gaan aanbreek wan-
neer brandstof onbekombaar gaan wees (en die bietjie wat
dán steeds te koop is sal slegs deur die rykes bekostig kan
word) ; en ‘n dag waar die krag gaan af bly, sodat jy nie geld
sal kan trek of petrol sal kan ingooi nie ; en ‘n dag wanneer
die water in die krane opdroog ; en ‘n dag wanneer die rio-
lering nie meer sal funksioneer nie ; en 'n dag wanneer die
winkels geplunder sal word, ens, ens...
Daarom glo ek is dit ‘n wyse ding om solank kossies, water en
brandstof, ens, ens, bymekaar te maak vir daardie spreekwoor-
delike sewe “maar jare” wat vir ons wink op die Azaniese horison.
Dit is beter om voorbereid te wees as om onverhoeds betrap te
word en te moet toekyk hoedat jou gesin ly en kripeer.
Torreke, ja ek verstaan dat jy nogal daarna sal uitsien hoedat
die ANC skeur en sodoende sy mag verloor ; en hoedat jy glo
dat dít ruimte sal skep vir sg “democracy” in Afrika. Maar soos
ons die geskiedenis van Afrika ken (en die geskiedenis is ge-
woonlik iets waaruit mens leer omdat hy homself herhaal...)
gaan sulke gebeurtenisse gewoonlik met geweld gepaard (of
geweld volg daarop). Want die Afrikane was nog nooit van na-
ture daartoe geneig om “defeat” gelate te aanvaar nie. Want
daardie Azaniese Soustrein proe buitendien darem maar al té
lekker om net so te wil staan en opgee, of hoe ? Die Azaniese
koek gaan na gegryp word (nét soos ‘n bobbejaan sy hand in
‘n pampoen in druk en vuiste vol pitte vat) en op tipiese Afrika-
styl van alle kante af verslind word, à la Zim-styl - tot daar nie
‘n krummeltjie oorbly nie. Onthou : In Afrika doen die Afrikane
wat hulle wíl en is so te sê alles te koop - vanaf “justice” tot ‘n
bestuurslisensie. Net die prys verskil. Ons sal maar moet sien
of Mbeki tevrede is met sy goue handjie vol pampoenpitte wat
hy as troosprys ontvang het.
Ja, vir seker is ou Sipho in die township nie tevrede met die
toedrag van sake nie, en hy mag moontlik dié keer vir ‘n an-
der party (wil) stem. Maar dít beteken gladnie dat daar nie
kliphard (en bloedig) vir “stemme” gebaklei gaan word nie.
Ons weet mos nou al by dié tyd hoe word daar in Afrika “ge-
stem” wanneer die mag erg (in die middel) verdeel is. Kiesers
word dán desperaat met geweld “oortuig” om vir die “regte par-
ty” te stem. En as dít nie werk nie, dan word daar op die Rob-
ber Mugarbage manier “gestem”. Afrika sal getrou aan Afrika
bly waar swartes vir (die mees brutale) swartes stem.
Die ANC (en hulle linkse bondgenote) sal nimmer en nooit ‘n
DA oorwinning aanvaar nie. Dít sal die dag wees wanneer hul-
le met geweld sal oorneem. Laat ons gerus maar wag en sien
wat gaan gebeur...
Torreke, Riaan, Dave, ...wat sê julle ?
Re: Die groot leuen [boodskap #118385 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #118382] |
Wed, 01 October 2008 10:01  |
Swart Simon
Boodskappe: 101 Geregistreer: July 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Torreke" skryf in boodskap news:gbsmeq$to7$
> Mbeki is ongrondwetlik verwyder!
Verwyder? Hy't dan netjies bedank.
Ongrondwetlik? Verduidelik gou.
Swart Simon
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