Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » en oor die nuwe rekord 'diamant'
en oor die nuwe rekord 'diamant' [boodskap #115047] |
Fri, 05 October 2007 18:55  |
Boodskappe: 590 Geregistreer: April 2007
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Where is 'The Jade Giant'?
28 September 2007, 12:00
Related ArticlesNo answers on mystery gem
Expert waits to get hands on giant 'diamond'
Mystery of diamond-like stone may be solved
Curse of the Jade Giant
Giant 'diamond' still unverified
Accusations: 'total rubbish'
Verification of giant stone could take weeks
Mystery about 'world biggest diamond' deepens
Mystery surrounds diamond claim
Mystery surrounds N West diamond
Industry digs deep to find truth behind tale
By Natasha Joseph and Sapa
The story of "the world's biggest diamond" gets, in the words of Lewis
Carroll's Alice, "curiouser and curiouser".
It's been a month since the country went crazy over claims that a 7
000-carat stone, believed to be a diamond, had been found by an
unidentified miner on an unnamed North West mine.
As yet, the only proof of the gem's existence is a grainy photograph,
purportedly snapped with a cellphone in a car on the way from the mine
to the vault it occupies in Johannesburg.
And in a bizarre twist to the multi-faceted tale, mine spokesperson
and property developer Brett Jolly, who reported the discovery, has
invited the Cape Times to see it somewhere in Johannesburg, "at some
point next week".
No location, time or date is available. This was for security reasons,
Jolly said on Thursday.
The invitation comes at a price: the Cape Times would be allowed to
photograph the gem, and bring along its own diamond tester, but it
stands to be sued for R10 million in "pre-agreed damages" if it prints
the photographs or any information about the stone before South
Africa's Diamond Council chairperson Ernest Blom and Jolly give the
This would mean publishing days, even years, later, depending on their
The Cape Times declined the invitation.
Thursday Blom, the only person permitted to authenticate the stone,
confirmed he had not seen it.
"It is my hope that we will see the stone next week," he said. "I've
been imploring the owners to move forward so that we can put this
matter to bed.
"I believe the reason no one has seen the stone is the miners' concern
about security."
Blom acknowledged the stone had received a great deal of publicity and
the delay in verification had led to enormous speculation.
"But at the end of the day I can only do so much," he said.
Since August 27, when a colleague of Jolly phoned the Cape Times to
announce the discovery, the stone has grown from an improbable 5 000
carats to 8120.
The mysterious man who found the stone - described by Jolly as "a
78-year-old typical Afrikaner" - claimed to be "terrified" that the
find might put his life in danger.
The light-green stone, which Jolly nicknamed The Jade Giant, is said
to be in a security vault in Johannesburg.
Experts who have examined the photograph have conceded that its form
resembles that of a diamond and could, if genuine, rank as "the eighth
wonder of the world".
Curiouser and curiouser, indeed. 70928090139618C361424 70927223402248C416682 70927141243201C258579 70829035645289C930041
Re: en oor die nuwe rekord 'diamant' [boodskap #115054 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115047] |
Mon, 08 October 2007 06:48   |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Ek sou nie enigiets waarmee Brett Jolly te doen het vir soetkoek opeet nie.
Inteendeel, ek betwyfel of 'n ballasmandjie vol sout genoeg sal wees.
Die man is 'n kriminele opportunis.
Op 'n ander nuusgroep , waar ek van die gewaande diamant gepraat het, was
Jolly uit die bloute daar om 'n antwoord te gee wat niks met die diamant te
doen het nie.
Toe ek hom op die ng vra wat het hy gedoen het met al die geld wat hy
gesteel het deur die Holland Moorehouse debakel, toe is hy net weg.
"Dave" skryf in boodskap
> Where is 'The Jade Giant'?
> 28 September 2007, 12:00
> Related ArticlesNo answers on mystery gem
> Expert waits to get hands on giant 'diamond'
> Mystery of diamond-like stone may be solved
> Curse of the Jade Giant
> Giant 'diamond' still unverified
> Accusations: 'total rubbish'
> Verification of giant stone could take weeks
> Mystery about 'world biggest diamond' deepens
> Mystery surrounds diamond claim
> Mystery surrounds N West diamond
> Industry digs deep to find truth behind tale
> By Natasha Joseph and Sapa
> The story of "the world's biggest diamond" gets, in the words of Lewis
> Carroll's Alice, "curiouser and curiouser".
> It's been a month since the country went crazy over claims that a 7
> 000-carat stone, believed to be a diamond, had been found by an
> unidentified miner on an unnamed North West mine.
> As yet, the only proof of the gem's existence is a grainy photograph,
> purportedly snapped with a cellphone in a car on the way from the mine
> to the vault it occupies in Johannesburg.
> And in a bizarre twist to the multi-faceted tale, mine spokesperson
> and property developer Brett Jolly, who reported the discovery, has
> invited the Cape Times to see it somewhere in Johannesburg, "at some
> point next week".
> No location, time or date is available. This was for security reasons,
> Jolly said on Thursday.
> The invitation comes at a price: the Cape Times would be allowed to
> photograph the gem, and bring along its own diamond tester, but it
> stands to be sued for R10 million in "pre-agreed damages" if it prints
> the photographs or any information about the stone before South
> Africa's Diamond Council chairperson Ernest Blom and Jolly give the
> go-ahead.
> This would mean publishing days, even years, later, depending on their
> terms.
> The Cape Times declined the invitation.
> Thursday Blom, the only person permitted to authenticate the stone,
> confirmed he had not seen it.
> "It is my hope that we will see the stone next week," he said. "I've
> been imploring the owners to move forward so that we can put this
> matter to bed.
> "I believe the reason no one has seen the stone is the miners' concern
> about security."
> Blom acknowledged the stone had received a great deal of publicity and
> the delay in verification had led to enormous speculation.
> "But at the end of the day I can only do so much," he said.
> Since August 27, when a colleague of Jolly phoned the Cape Times to
> announce the discovery, the stone has grown from an improbable 5 000
> carats to 8120.
> The mysterious man who found the stone - described by Jolly as "a
> 78-year-old typical Afrikaner" - claimed to be "terrified" that the
> find might put his life in danger.
> The light-green stone, which Jolly nicknamed The Jade Giant, is said
> to be in a security vault in Johannesburg.
> Experts who have examined the photograph have conceded that its form
> resembles that of a diamond and could, if genuine, rank as "the eighth
> wonder of the world".
> Curiouser and curiouser, indeed.
> 70928090139618C361424
> 70927223402248C416682
> 70927141243201C258579
> 70829035645289C930041
Re: en oor die nuwe rekord 'diamant' [boodskap #115056 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115054] |
Mon, 08 October 2007 07:40   |
Boodskappe: 3341 Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Sy spore loop deur ons ou Swakopmund ook met die 'waterfront development' en
het die ou vinnig spoed gekry en vertrek toe sy stories uitgekom het.......
"Annette" skryf in boodskap
> Ek sou nie enigiets waarmee Brett Jolly te doen het vir soetkoek opeet
> nie. Inteendeel, ek betwyfel of 'n ballasmandjie vol sout genoeg sal wees.
> Die man is 'n kriminele opportunis.
> Op 'n ander nuusgroep , waar ek van die gewaande diamant gepraat het, was
> Jolly uit die bloute daar om 'n antwoord te gee wat niks met die diamant
> te doen het nie.
> Toe ek hom op die ng vra wat het hy gedoen het met al die geld wat hy
> gesteel het deur die Holland Moorehouse debakel, toe is hy net weg.
> Annette
> "Dave" wrote in message
>> Where is 'The Jade Giant'?
>> 28 September 2007, 12:00
>> Related ArticlesNo answers on mystery gem
>> Expert waits to get hands on giant 'diamond'
>> Mystery of diamond-like stone may be solved
>> Curse of the Jade Giant
>> Giant 'diamond' still unverified
>> Accusations: 'total rubbish'
>> Verification of giant stone could take weeks
>> Mystery about 'world biggest diamond' deepens
>> Mystery surrounds diamond claim
>> Mystery surrounds N West diamond
>> Industry digs deep to find truth behind tale
>> By Natasha Joseph and Sapa
>> The story of "the world's biggest diamond" gets, in the words of Lewis
>> Carroll's Alice, "curiouser and curiouser".
>> It's been a month since the country went crazy over claims that a 7
>> 000-carat stone, believed to be a diamond, had been found by an
>> unidentified miner on an unnamed North West mine.
>> As yet, the only proof of the gem's existence is a grainy photograph,
>> purportedly snapped with a cellphone in a car on the way from the mine
>> to the vault it occupies in Johannesburg.
>> And in a bizarre twist to the multi-faceted tale, mine spokesperson
>> and property developer Brett Jolly, who reported the discovery, has
>> invited the Cape Times to see it somewhere in Johannesburg, "at some
>> point next week".
>> No location, time or date is available. This was for security reasons,
>> Jolly said on Thursday.
>> The invitation comes at a price: the Cape Times would be allowed to
>> photograph the gem, and bring along its own diamond tester, but it
>> stands to be sued for R10 million in "pre-agreed damages" if it prints
>> the photographs or any information about the stone before South
>> Africa's Diamond Council chairperson Ernest Blom and Jolly give the
>> go-ahead.
>> This would mean publishing days, even years, later, depending on their
>> terms.
>> The Cape Times declined the invitation.
>> Thursday Blom, the only person permitted to authenticate the stone,
>> confirmed he had not seen it.
>> "It is my hope that we will see the stone next week," he said. "I've
>> been imploring the owners to move forward so that we can put this
>> matter to bed.
>> "I believe the reason no one has seen the stone is the miners' concern
>> about security."
>> Blom acknowledged the stone had received a great deal of publicity and
>> the delay in verification had led to enormous speculation.
>> "But at the end of the day I can only do so much," he said.
>> Since August 27, when a colleague of Jolly phoned the Cape Times to
>> announce the discovery, the stone has grown from an improbable 5 000
>> carats to 8120.
>> The mysterious man who found the stone - described by Jolly as "a
>> 78-year-old typical Afrikaner" - claimed to be "terrified" that the
>> find might put his life in danger.
>> The light-green stone, which Jolly nicknamed The Jade Giant, is said
>> to be in a security vault in Johannesburg.
>> Experts who have examined the photograph have conceded that its form
>> resembles that of a diamond and could, if genuine, rank as "the eighth
>> wonder of the world".
>> Curiouser and curiouser, indeed.
>> 70928090139618C361424
>> 70927223402248C416682
>> 70927141243201C258579
>> 70829035645289C930041
Re: en oor die nuwe rekord 'diamant' [boodskap #115073 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115070] |
Tue, 09 October 2007 05:48   |
Boodskappe: 3341 Geregistreer: July 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Janee, dan is dit tyd om agter jou te kyk! Dis soos om voordeur toe te
loop en jy weet daar is 'n brak wat hakskene byt êrens en net as jy wegkyk,
dan looi hy jou.
"Annette" skryf in boodskap
> Suidwester, ek weet nie van jou nie, maar ek kan 'n soetsappige Torreke
> nie hanteer nie.:))
> Annette
> "Suidwester" wrote in message
>> Solank jy net nie begin preek nie, dan's alles reg [grappie]. Ek is
>> maar nog altyd hier, so af en toe en as iets vir my interessant is, dan
>> reageer ek. Ja, so ons sal probeer om nie te veel met jou te stry nie!
>> "Torreke" wrote in message
>>> "Suidwester"
>>>> "Annette"
>>> Goed om julle twee weer hier rond te sien. Ons het ons "verskilletjies"
>>> (of is dit "geskilletjies"?) in die verlede gehad, maar die vertrek was
>>> so effens armer met julle se sitplekkies leeg.
Re: en oor die nuwe rekord 'diamant' [boodskap #115076 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115073] |
Tue, 09 October 2007 06:54   |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Janee, ek vertrou baie meer die vuurvreter Torreke.
Om terug te kom na die "diamant" - In gister se Argus is geskryf, na
aandrang van Argus, het Jolly beken dat hy nog nooit die ding gesien of aan
dit geraak het nie.
Nou is dit glo die ouens wat die plaas aan hom wou verkoop se slenterstorie
om 'n hoër prys vir die plaas te kan kry.
"Suidwester" skryf in boodskap
> Janee, dan is dit tyd om agter jou te kyk! Dis soos om voordeur toe te
> loop en jy weet daar is 'n brak wat hakskene byt êrens en net as jy
> wegkyk, dan looi hy jou.
> "Annette" wrote in message
>> Suidwester, ek weet nie van jou nie, maar ek kan 'n soetsappige Torreke
>> nie hanteer nie.:))
>> Annette
>> "Suidwester" wrote in message
>>> Solank jy net nie begin preek nie, dan's alles reg [grappie]. Ek is
>>> maar nog altyd hier, so af en toe en as iets vir my interessant is, dan
>>> reageer ek. Ja, so ons sal probeer om nie te veel met jou te stry nie!
>>> "Torreke" wrote in message
>>>> "Suidwester" >
>>>> > "Annette" >
>>>> Goed om julle twee weer hier rond te sien. Ons het ons
>>>> "verskilletjies" (of is dit "geskilletjies"?) in die verlede gehad,
>>>> maar die vertrek was so effens armer met julle se sitplekkies leeg.
Re: en oor die nuwe rekord 'diamant' [boodskap #115111 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115103] |
Thu, 11 October 2007 06:00   |
Boodskappe: 11112 Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid |
Torreke - hier is 'n aanduiding: As ek 'n smaailie skrywe, dan spot ek.
Kyk die smaailies om jou raak - dit maak die gemoed lig.
> "Suidwester"
>> Gogga, get a life! Alles is nie so ernstig nie. Vertel ons eerder 'n
>> nie een uit die Bybel nie.
> Ek sou graag wou glo dat Annette se opmerking op 'n ligte trant bedoel
> was! - Ek het dit weer gaan lees! - maar dit kan albei kante toe opgeneem
> word.
> Nou ja, watter man sal vroumense ooit verstaan?
> Miskien ken ek haar net nie goed genoeg nie.
> Daarvan gepraat, hier volg iets op 'n ligter trant soos jy vra:
> Men Are Just Happier People-- What do you expect from such simple
> creatures?
> Your last name stays put.
> The garage is all yours.
> Wedding plans take care of themselves.
> Chocolate is just another snack.
> You can be President.
> You can never be pregnant.
> You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a
> water park.
> Car mechanics tell you the truth.
> The world is your urinal.
> You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one
> is
> just too icky.
> You don ' t have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
> Same work, more pay.
> Wrinkles add character.
> Wedding dress R5000. Tux rental-R100.
> People never stare at your chest when you 're talking to them.
> New shoes don ' t cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
> One mood all the time.
> Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
> You know stuff about tanks.
> A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
> You can open all your own jars.
> You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
> If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
> Your underwear is R8.95 for a three-pack.
> Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
> You never have strap problems in public.
> You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
> Everything on your face stays its original colour.
> The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
> You only have to shave your face and neck.
> You can play with toys all your life.
> One wallet and one colour for all seasons.
> You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
> You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife.
> You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
> You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25
> minutes.
> No wonder men are happier!!!!
Re: en oor die nuwe rekord 'diamant' [boodskap #115115 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115114] |
Thu, 11 October 2007 06:48   |
Boodskappe: 1165 Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Riaan" skryf in boodskap
> "Annette" wrote in message
>> Nee wat, jy oorreageer maar net weer soos gewoonlik.
> Oorreageer ???. Dit is 'n eenvoudige vraag, hoe sing 'n persoon wat nie in
> God of Jesus glo nie in 'n koor kersliedere.
>> Daar is niks van verafsku van Jesus by betrokke nie.
> As ek jou en SW se topte so bekyk in julle gesprekke met Torreke, is dit
> nogal debateerbaar
>> Dis mos nie Jesus se skuld dat so baie mense sy stories, en stories wat
>> aan hom toegedig word, geglo het nie?
> Ek dink nie Hy sien dit as skuld nie, dit was tog reg van die begin af Sy
> doel gewees
>> Wat verafsku ek regtig? Mense wat beweer hulle is gelowiges, en aaneen
>> net mooi die teenoorgestelde doen as wat van hulle as gelowiges verwag
>> word.
> Dit is hoekom jy 'n Atheist is - Dit plaas jou dus in die gemak zone, waar
> jy kan maak wat jy wil en niemand kan 'n geloof "swaard" oor jou kop hou
> nie ?
Riaan, ek dink ek het lank vir SW en Annette misgelees, omdat hulle 'n front
voorhou. Ek doen steeds partykeer, soos uit ander lyne van hierdie gesprek
tussen my, SW en Annette behoort te blyk. Nie een van die twee is die
gevoellose ateïste waarvoor hulle aangesien word nie.
Re: en oor die nuwe rekord 'diamant' [boodskap #115116 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #115111] |
Thu, 11 October 2007 06:50  |
Boodskappe: 1165 Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Is ":))" bedoel as die smaailie?
"Annette" skryf in boodskap
> Torreke - hier is 'n aanduiding: As ek 'n smaailie skrywe, dan spot ek.
> Kyk die smaailies om jou raak - dit maak die gemoed lig.
> Annette
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