Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Stilte oor ZIM
Stilte oor ZIM [boodskap #113648] |
Tue, 03 April 2007 07:45  |
Boodskappe: 1008 Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Hoekom is die liberalis en die ANC regeing so stil oor dit wat in ZIM
aangaan. Hier is 'n moontlike rede
Die ANC hou hulle bekke want hulle weet ou Bob het baie inligting waarmee hy
Tarboy Mbeki se naam lekker gat kan maak
En die Liberaliste is so stil omdat hulle te besig is om te hardloop lughawe
toe om nie die vliegtuig landuit te mis nie.
Die reenboog nasie is in volle "blom" en sy reenboog is gietswart, sy
volkslied is Kill the Boer Kill the Farmer.
FOK maar ek is so gatvol vir die land
Re: Stilte oor ZIM [boodskap #113702 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #113673] |
Sat, 07 April 2007 14:55   |
Boodskappe: 283 Geregistreer: April 2007
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Apr 5, 12:33 am, "Hessie" wrote:
> "Riaan" skryf
>> Mag dit so wees dat ons tydens die oordeelsdag langs mekaar staan Gloudina,
>> sodat ek kan hoor hoe lekker hap jy bubbles
> Riaan, ek verwys jou na die goddelose
> en skandalige manier waarop jy van
> jou medeburgers in SA praat. Ek wonder
> wat daar aan jou gesê gaan word as jy
> op die oordeelsdag voor jou Skepper moet
> staan. Vir 'n voorsmaak, gaan lees die
> Bergpredikasie. Of is jy een van hierdie
> mense wat sê hulle is 'n Christen, maar
> hulle verloën Christus om elke hoek en
> draai.
> Gloudina
Mbeki Says it Openly: "Zimbabwe Land Reform Was Inevitable""
25 Comments - Show Original Post
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Anonymous said...
"Zimbabwe's land reform programme had to happen in order to deal with
the legacy of colonialism," Mbeki said, adding that it was essential
that new farmers in Zimbabwe be helped with necessities such as seed
and ploughing implements.
Fast forward to 2012 or 2013 and make a few wording changes:
"SOUTH AFRICA'S land reform programme had to happen in order to deal
with the legacy of colonialism," ZUMA said, adding that it was
essential that new farmers in SOUTH AFRICA be helped with necessities
such as seed and ploughing implements.
No doubt at all that you lot in South Africa are facing this scenario
in the future!
Get out before it's too late!
Expat Calgary.
11:18 PM
Anonymous said...
We need to De La Rey ...
11:39 PM
Anonymous said...
A homeland is the only answer.
The other is to immigrate, but that is no option for us, so we will
11:40 PM
Anonymous said...
This impending "doom" has been known for quite some time although a
lot of people chose to believe that something positive may still
change the inevitable downward-spiral of South Africa in Africanness.
Africans willfully choose to destroy rather than to build and create -
the only remedy is for whites to acknowledge this innate truth and
plan accordingly.
12:47 AM
Anonymous said...
Fight or flight !!!
All animals have to do either at some or other time!
12:54 AM
Anonymous said...
The thousands of South Africans which are cornered would have no other
option than to Fight la Rey Houtkop Mbeki
12:55 AM
Anonymous said...
12:56 AM
Anonymous said...
History will reflect:
"The Great White Exodus" from South Africa so that the few whites
remaining would save there lives.
3:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Die k@ffers moet besluit wat hulle wil he:
1. Hulle vertel die wereld dat hulle saam met die blankes wil werk, en
dat hulle glo so teen rassisme is
a) Hulle stem almal saam dat die blankes vermoor moet word;
b) Hulle stem saam met Mugabe en Mbeki se grondhervormings (die steel
van plase van blankes)
c) Hulle is teen ALLES wat blank is, behalwe die rykdom en mooi karre,
selfone, ens van die weste;
Die k@ffers noem die blankes rassiste as ons nie saam met hulle wil
bly nie, maar hulle wil dan openlik ons vermoor, ons goed steel en ons
lewens versuur.
Dan is daar openlik diskriminasie teen blankes (soos BEE en AA), en al
die ander diskriminerende k@ffer wette / beleide.
Die K@ffers wil dus nie versoen nie, maar konflik skep. Hulle optrede
gee ons die reg om ons self te beskerm teen hierdie veragtelike
optrede van die barbaare en hulle idiotiese leiers (soos Mugabe en
Enige persoon wat dink dat Mugabe of Mbeki nie absoluute idiote is
nie, is ongelukkig self idiote. Hulle is albei uiters rassisties en
hulle tree soos ware kommuniste en rassiste op.
Daar moet ook Internasionale sanksies teen Mbeki ingestel word- net
soos teen sy vriend Mugabe. Mbeki se vliegtuig moet op die grond bly.
Die sanksies behoort ingestel te word teen Mbeki omrede hy 'n
vertroueling van Mugabe is, en die kriminele Mugabe ondersteun!
Derdens moet Mugabe in 'n Internasionale hof verhoor word. Mbeki wil
dit keer omrede hy self ook daar 'n draai moet gaan maak om self
verhoor te word! Hy gee dan hulp vir sy vriend Mugabe !
6:49 AM
ibaj said...
Great, now he actually confirms what was written here in the comments
section so often, that the same will happen in SA.
6:59 AM
ZIPF said...
Just wondering who will deal with the legacy of the destruction ?
8:03 AM
Anonymous said...
What is de Klerk saying to all this?
8:08 AM
Anonymous said...
To the whites that want to stay in South Africa:
- Choose a De La Rey'
- Decide on an area for your homeland
- Buy land and property there NOW.
- Move there
- Build up an army.
- Declare independence
The world will recognise your Homeland because they have seen what
happened to whites in Zim and SA.
Start NOW!
8:13 AM
Bantu Edification said...
Mbeki said, adding that it was essential that new farmers in Zimbabwe
be helped with necessities such as seed and ploughing implements.
Typical of his parasitical race Comrade Tarbooi places all the
emphasis on the "freebies" he is obviously expecting whitey to donate,
ignoring the real "necessities" that farmers require, eg, "forward
planning", "diligence", "hard work" and, last but not least,
In his Imperial Bantunesses defence, I suppose if you dont possess
such qualities yourself it is much more difficult to appreciate the
fundamental importance of them.
8:49 AM
Moloi said...
People like you are delusional, and have idiotic way of interpreting
Yes it had to happen. There's nothing wrong with that. Nowhere did
Mbeki condone the way it was done. There are two principles that had
to be carried by Mbeki's answer - a) was the land reform necessary;
and b) if yes, was the way it was carried out correct? In having to
deal with these two - Mbeki had to weigh his role as a mediator in
Everybody in Zimbabwe - including MDC, SADC and the British government
agree that land reform had to take place in that country.
So, Mbeki was just saying what everybody is in agreement with. Those
agreeing on this issue might disagree on the timing, as is the case
with MDC.
Does Mbeki condone the way it was done? No reports have come out of
that meeting, indicating whether there was such a direct question. But
assuming that it was part of the overall question, it was intelligent
of Mbeki not to go there. He is the mediator in Zim and must not be
seen by either party to be biased. If he publicly condemns the way the
Zimbabwean government handled the matter- which is to a large extent
part of the Zim problems - he would have risked being labelled bias.
Zim and whole SADC region doesn't need that.
Your blog intends to sow divisions in South Africa and deepen Zim
9:12 AM
Anonymous said...
If they are taking 30% of companies they WILL take 30% of the farms at
whatever cost - you MUST be blind not to see that.
What is the use of government, politicians & elections - a nation
stood by and let it happen..that's what is totally incomprehensible
9:54 AM
Anonymous said...
If S.A. goes the same way:
What is Mbkei thinking: China will bail us out - we will borrow money
and then the world will let us off if the nation is starving...the
world is so stupid!!!!
10:08 AM
Anonymous said...
Where are the checks and balances?
10:58 AM
Anonymous said...
11:13 AM
jeff said...
What is he thinking? People are starving to death now in Zimbabwe and
much of the corn and other foods there that are keeping people alive
is donated by the United States and other Western countries.
How in the world could Mbeki think that forcing off the land
experienced and successful farmers, based solely on the color of their
skin, is a benefit? Many of the White farmers dispossesed of land
bought their farms after majority rule came to Zimbabwe.
It is strange how the Western press is so sensitive to racism against
the Blacks by Whites, but seem completely blind to Black racism such
as this.
Mbeki is a foolish, White hating incompetent president whom the the
West gives a complete pass to. How did it come to this?
11:21 AM
Adrian said...
12:13 PM
Anonymous said...
You ladies (expats) are of course aware that many of the countries you
are moving to face a similar problems within some years. There it is
usually African Americans, Arabs, Turks and other Non-Whites that are
the faster growing part of the population. They just will claim more
share based on previous "discrimination" or simply, because their
numbers have increased. So that's it folks: World War III is
inevitable. And this time it will have the character of a Civil War.
2:07 PM
vannemewwe said...
This is nothing new. Mbeki said on another occasion, after visiting
Zombabwe, "It's about eradicating the last vestiges of colonialism".
And that's his aim. Today, agriculture; tomorrow, the wheel!
These savages don't realise that colonialism was the golden age of
Africa. Never before, and never again, such advancement in such a
short time. The colonists gave them everything they have, and we don't
even have to take it back, they'll destroy it all themselves.
One day, colonists will return to Africa. Most likely they will be
Asian, because the whites are fast destroying themselves with hand-
wringing, breast-beating guilt and political correctness. The new
colonists will find Africa in very much the same condition as the
previous ones did.
2:12 PM
Michael said...
"What is de Klerk saying to all this?"
8:08 AM
De Klerk is laughing up his sleeve at the white idiots who voted for
so that he could pocket the money from the Illuminati world financiers
and the USA government who paid him to stab whites in the back and
hand them over to this evil government.
I have heard him described as a fool, he is in fact a cunning ruthless
jackal who will do anything for money.
For an insight into how deceiving and ruthless he is, just look how he
lied and strung his wife along while he was cheating behind her back
and when he was free to do so he dumped her.
He is a wicked deceiver, a wolf in sheeps clothing and sadly many
whites were deceived with his nice words.
Many have died and suffered loss because of his lies and many more
will in the future. If we were still "fighting" the ANC and I say
fighting in inverted commas because we could have smashed them with
one hand behind our back it wasn't even a fight, then we would have to
date not suffered a fraction of all the murders and deaths that we
2:20 PM
Anonymous said...
This is nothing new - Mbeki has previously justified Mugabe's "reform"
by saying "It's about eradicating the last vestiges of colonialism".
And that's his aim. Today, agriculture; tomorrow, the wheel!
These savages don't even realise that colonialism was the golden age
of Africa. Not Mbeki's fantasy about wise Africans teaching the Greeks
how to write. Africa has never before, and will never again experience
such advancement in such a short time. In fact, nobody else has. The
colonialists gave them everything that they have - and we don't even
have to take it back again, because they will destroy it all by
One day, colonists will return to Africa. Most likely they will be
Asian, because the whites seem to have some kind of a compulsion to
sacrifice themselves to atone for God knows what guilt. The new
colonists will find Africa in very much the same condition that the
previous ones did, but minus the wildlife D=1550783216342115378
Re: Stilte oor ZIM [boodskap #113723 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #113673] |
Tue, 10 April 2007 06:01  |
Boodskappe: 1008 Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Hessie" wrote in message
> Riaan, ek verwys jou na die goddelose
> en skandalige manier waarop jy van
> jou medeburgers in SA praat.
Praat jy van die donker gepigmenteerde groep wat roof, moor, verkrag en
steel asof dit uit die mode uit gaan
> Ek wonder wat daar aan jou gesê gaan word as jy
> op die oordeelsdag voor jou Skepper moet
> staan.
Wat gaan 'n man soos Simson se wat deur God 'n duisend mense doodgeslaan het
met 'n kakebeen. Wat gaan hy se oor die pilaar wat hy deur God se krag laat
breek het en mense in die proses gedood het.
Wat gaan so baie konings se wat 'n oorlog gewen het teen 'n oormag, maar dit
gedoen het in God se naam. - Ek kan nog baie aangaan hiermee maar dit vir
> Vir 'n voorsmaak, gaan lees die Bergpredikasie.
Vir 'n begin kan Sipho sommer net die 10 gebooie onder oe kry. Moenie steel
nie, Moenie .....
> Of is jy een van hierdie mense wat sê hulle is 'n Christen, maar
> hulle verloën Christus om elke hoek en draai.
Ek is 'n Christen, en ja ek sondig. Die goeie ding is ek glo in 'n God wat
die sonde KAN vergewe, ek vra nie soos jy vergifnis by 'n standbeeld nie.
Jy is bereid om Christendom af te skryf omdat daar 'n paar mense rondloop
wat Christenskap volgens jou so uitleef dat dit jou tot 'n ander godsdiens
dryf. Nou bestudeer jy ou vetseun se leerstellings en "no surprise" jy kan
nie een van sy volgelinge kry wat hulls "swak" gedra soos die Christene wat
jou so irriteer nie.
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