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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: The Right Perspective Podcasting!
Re: The Right Perspective Podcasting! [boodskap #106076] Vr, 23 September 2005 04:43
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11114
Geregistreer: Augustus 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
" Die verknorsing van die "Afrikaners" wat in die VSA bespreek word?
Fred Rundel?

Nee dankie.
"NewsGuy" wrote in message
> Some of you may already know NYC's Most Dangerous Callers to Talk
> Radio, Frank from Queens and John of Staten Island. They've had their
> own show for more than 6 years, taking your phone calls and discussing
> issues from "The Right Perspective" and are currently heard over
> shortwave WWCR 5.070 MHz and the Internet at
> With their weekly segment, "Hello Africa", Frank & John also give a
> special focus on the goings on in Southern Africa, particularly the
> plight of the Afrikaaners. They also have had guests such as Col. Piet
> Uhys and Fred Rundel on their show.
> Now, The Right Perspective enters the era of podcasting! You can
> download the full shows and listen to them from your mp3 player or
> computer any time you want. You can also hear the interviews with Col.
> Uhys and Fred Rundel. J
> To check out the podcast archives, go to:
> You can also subscribe The Right Perspective to your feed reader or
> aggregator by using this RSS feed:
> Frank & John still broadcast live every Friday night 9pm EST over
> shortwave radio station WWCR 5.070 MHz and the Internet at
> As Frank & John would say,
Vorige onderwerp: Trots SA week.
Volgende onderwerp: Vir die rekord ...
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