Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » How happy is Dr. B and R F Oppenheimer and/or Associates ? (forward renew-build-grow-steel (acquaintancy) advice ?)
How happy is Dr. B and R F Oppenheimer and/or Associates ? (forward renew-build-grow-steel (acquaintancy) advice ?) [boodskap #102897] |
Sat, 07 May 2005 17:12 |
kosmiese messias
Boodskappe: 10 Geregistreer: December 2004
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
On the
higher, medium and/or lower astral,
(paradise ( (win-win) combined) ), cosmic and/or universe,
galaxy (grouping), galaxy, planetary, continental,
(economic zone and/or country)
and/or elsewhere where present,
exclusive and/or understand inclusive,
if at all, if ever.
After, during and/or before
returning from better argument ( (win-win) paradise, cosmos, universe,
and/or) world,
and/or as preferred,
if at all, if ever.
Assumed alone,
combined with
Representatives, Heads Administrators, and/or Partners,
(Members and/or) Leaders of Queen and/or King Lucifer,
of (Members and/or) Leaders of Shri Krishna,
and/or of (Members and/or) Leaders of Shri Krishna and/or the last
and/or current Maitreya,
and/or of (Members and/or) Leaders of Shri Krishna and/or the same
Maitreya (alliance)
('s paradise),
(and/or betterment of argument, (Win-win combined) Enjoyable outcome
Society, )
and/or as preferred
if at all, if ever.
With goals and/or visions to be realized, is, and/or being planned,
in the renew-build-grow-steel, and/or achievement,
of a (Paradise) (Win-win) Combined Theocracy,
and/or betterment of argument,
(combined overseeing form of government, )
as assumed laid out in the Holy Quran,
and/or Acts (of the Apostles).
After, during and/or before
conducting in negotiations,
with above mentioned
Assume well known,
Permanent and/or Temporary,
Primary and/or Secondary,
support co-Governing and/or co-Present, and/or Governing and/or
Representatives, Heads and/or Administrators,
and/or betterment of argument,
Enjoyable outcome Advisors,
if any,
if at all, if ever, as supported.
Hope this helps.
All combined together for each other - towards a fair and free
enjoyable outcome ( (win-win combined) paradise, cosmos, universe,
and/or) world.
(Service can also sometimes mean love. )
(Unity is Strength.
(Members and/or) Leaders that support each other,
survive together in a better ( (win-win) (combined) paradise, cosmos,
universe, and/or) world.
This is an attempt to build a path
to the Very last and/or same Millennium, century and/or decade,
with greatness, goodness and grace. )
(Become a
Miracle working, magical, successful, energetic, and/or motivational
(fair and free) Wishes and/or desires Achievement official,
exclusive and/or support inclusive,
(Member and/or) Leader ?,
and (request to) increase and/or support Enjoyable outcome
(alone and/or combined (together) (on behalf of others), if at all
required, and/or prefer to do so, if at all, )
in the renew-build-grow-steel
from a more enjoyable fair and free outcome society,
assume (paradise), and/or betterment of argument,
( (win-win) combined overseeing form of government, )
where everybody is healthy and/or happy,
and are supportive to each other's needs,
if at all required and/or possible (to achieve),
if at all, if ever, as understood. )
(Renew-build-grow-steel (fully) ?,
the psychology, physique, and/or ability,
(mind, body and/or spirit in assumed general, )
of the (Members and/or) Leaders
of the better argument and/or above mentioned (enjoyable outcome)
with pride, prestige, passion,
as well as ahead profitably,
to increase the reaching of mega-further than further,
higher, medium and/or lower level(s)
of enjoyable outcome(s),
and/or of peace, prosperity, friendship and/or well-being,
exclusive and/or support inclusive,
if at all preferred to do so,
if at all, if ever, as understood. )
(Stand fair and free more up ?,
for the rights of Enjoyable outcome (Members and/or) Leaders,
as Enjoyable outcome Supporters,
to renew-build-grow-steel
(Enjoyable outcome(s) )
from higher, medium and/or lower level(s)
after, during and/or before
the transferring of (received) return reaping benefits, and/or funds,
(and/or a (fair and free) portion thereof, )
(to abovementioned ( (Members and/or) Leaders, ) )
to renew-build-grow-steel
the reaching of successes,
from higher, medium and/or lower level(s),
if at all preferred and/or needed to do so,
if at all, if ever, as supported. )
(Enjoyable outcome (Members and/or) Leaders
budget ?,
to make their life overflowing and/or full
with the new, current and/or support previous,
after, during and/or before
to renew-build-grow-steel there from. )
(Enjoyable outcome (achieving) (Members and/or) Leaders
prefer and/or negotiate ?
to be held
(more) co-accountable and/or accountable,
after, during and/or before
the receiving and/or giving
of Acquaintancy initiatives
the reaching of Enjoyable outcome(s)
exclusive and/or support inclusive. )
(Support hint(s)
given and/or received ?
from and/or to
Enjoyable outcome (achieving) (Member(s) and/or) Leader(s),
after, during and/or before
the achieving of (Enjoyable outcome) initiative(s),
(by the aforementioned) .)
(As submitted in Afrikaans. )
(Soos in Afrikaans geplaas. )
(Developed from Afrikaans. )
(A Definitive, pro- and/or maybe (supportive)
Primary and/or Secondary,
and/or Coalition (Partnership) supportive Group and/or Leader,
(easily identifiable)
Swing support media,
is being developed,
Including the use of acquaintancy initiatives,
and/or as well as
Swing matrices,
in regard where from and/or where to (is suggested)
to renew-build-grow-steel,
exclusive and/or (support) inclusive,
the inclusion of achievement of potential,
after, during and/or before the receiving and/or handing over
of acquaintancy initiatives,
return reaping benefits, (and/or funds),
(if at all required, if at all, )
(if at all wishing to renew-build-grow-steel towards it,
if not already en route to renew-build-grow-steel there from),
and will be delivered,
upon completion,
after, during and/or before
the request for the blue-green light is to be submitted in the regard,
if the mentioned (Contribution)
is at all required,
(in support)
to renew-build-grow-steel
the continuity and/or delivery of this service,
the reaching of enjoyable outcome(s),
exclusive and/or support inclusive,
from fair and free
higher, medium and/or lower level(s),
if at all prefer and/or require to do so,
if at all, if ever, as understood. )
Re: How happy is Dr. B and R F Oppenheimer and/or Associates ? (forward renew-build-grow-steel (acquaintancy) advice ?) [boodskap #102899 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #102898] |
Sat, 07 May 2005 17:43 |
Boodskappe: 61 Geregistreer: January 2005
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
"DD" skryf in boodskap
On 7 May 2005 10:12:53 -0700, "kosmiese messias"
> On the
> pro-dimensional,
> higher, medium and/or lower astral,
wil een van julle nie die moed bymekaar skraap
en die moeite doen om die lot te lees nie?
En dan aan die res van ons verslag doen asb.
Wat op aarde sou haar makeer? tsk tsk tsk
Ek dink nie dit is n 'haar' nie, hoekom dink jy so? Ek dink dit is n kode,
bedoel vir ander mense, dalk moet ons iemand hier inkry wat kodes kan breek
Re: How happy is Dr. B and R F Oppenheimer and/or Associates ? (forward renew-build-grow-steel (acquaintancy) advice ?) [boodskap #102901 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #102899] |
Sat, 07 May 2005 19:09 |
Boodskappe: 143 Geregistreer: May 2005
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Sat, 7 May 2005 12:43:48 -0500, "news" wrote:
> "DD" wrote in message
> On 7 May 2005 10:12:53 -0700, "kosmiese messias"
> wrote:
>> On the
>> pro-dimensional,
>> higher, medium and/or lower astral,
> wil een van julle nie die moed bymekaar skraap
> en die moeite doen om die lot te lees nie?
> En dan aan die res van ons verslag doen asb.
> Wat op aarde sou haar makeer? tsk tsk tsk
> DD
> Ek dink nie dit is n 'haar' nie, hoekom dink jy so? Ek dink dit is n kode,
> bedoel vir ander mense, dalk moet ons iemand hier inkry wat kodes kan breek
> ;-)
> Ellie
geen man op hierdie nuusgroep is slim genoeg daarvoor nie, Ellie;
en die meeste mans op die nuusgroep is te realisties daarvoor.
Geen man op die nuusgroep se taalvermoëns is daartoe in staat nie
en geen man op die nuusgroep se vertalingsvaardighede is so goed nie.
Die casino hier aan die onderpunt van die straat is besig om iets te
vier, ek dink 'n verjaardag. Dit dreun van die klappers hier, en
die vuurwerke is uit 'n ander wêreld. Soos die Kosmiese Mesias.
Ons staan hier deur die venster en hou die vuurwerke dop.
Sterrebomme (of so iets) wat hoog bo die wolkekrabbers
ontplof en met 'n gekleurde sterre sambreel na benede daal.
Ek wonder wat kos een so... so... so... kietergeftie.
Ek dink die kosmiese mesias het in al haar glorie op Durban toegesak.
Sy kan kom kuier, maar ons sal seker nie gesels nie.
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