Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Wysheid van Tony Leon
Re: Wysheid van Tony Leon [boodskap #95696 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #95679] |
Thu, 29 July 2004 10:06   |
Ferdi Greyling
Boodskappe: 1232 Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Oppas vir stats.
Veral vigs-stats.
n Groot deel van SA se vigs stats kom klaarblyklik van arm swart
vrouens wat verwagtend is en klinieke besoek. Daar word hulle dan vir
vigs getoets en van dit af maak statistici projeksies op die
By sulke mense - armes - is daar natuutlik nie n groot bewustheid en
gevoel vir privaatheid van inligting nie.
Wat wel feite is, is dat vigs met seks oorgedra word en dat dit
deesdae n heteroseksuele siekte is.
As jy stories hoor - soos ek het - van wit studente op varsity wat
lekker onbeskermend speel en sê hulle slaap net met ryker mense so
hulle het n baie kleiner gevaar om vigs daar op te stel, hulle worry
nie, dan begin jy besef dat die middelklasse, waaronder die meeste
witmense in SA nog val, nooit vir vigs getoets word nie.
Een van die redes is natuurlik dat jy nie mense in die geheim of
sonder hul toestenmming mag toets daarvoor nie.
In die duurder hospitale word wit pasiente dus nie daarvoor getoets
Dis bitter gevaarlik om te dink dat witmense nie vigs het nie want dan
is die stap baie klein om te se mens sal dit nie by hulle kry nie.
Kieme is nie rassisties nie.
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 18:00:02 +0200, Plato wrote:
> Ek probeer nie verskonings vind nie Ferdi, maar dit is mos maar moontlik
> dat daar meer wit mense by jou werksplek is met vigs as wat die
> gemiddeld by ander plekke is. Daar is egter meer as genoeg statistiek
> oor wie in SA die ergste ly onder VIGS. Die feit dat die meerdheid mense
> waarvan jy weet wat aan VIGS dood is, wit was, beteken niks nie. Dit is
> nie statistiek nie.
Re: Wysheid van Tony Leon [boodskap #95715 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #95696] |
Thu, 29 July 2004 15:32   |
Boodskappe: 630 Geregistreer: July 2004
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Dit is waar dat kieme nie rassisties is nie Ferdi, maar die
kultuurdeling in die blanke bevolking verskil nie baie van die in wes
Europa of Amerika nie. Ons deel hulle ekonomiese patrone en lewensstyl
omdat ons vir alle praktiese doeleindes dieselfde is. Jy kan maarjou kop
op 'n blok sit dat VIGS in SA nie 'n groot probleem vir wittes is nie.
Dat jy moet versigtig wees is baie waar, maar net so in Europa of enige
ander plek in die wêreld.
Die feit is dat dit swart mense is wat in Afrika sukkel met VIGS.
Niemand gaan met jou stry dat wit mense ook VIGS kry nie...
Ferdi Greyling wrote:
> Oppas vir stats.
> Veral vigs-stats.
> n Groot deel van SA se vigs stats kom klaarblyklik van arm swart
> vrouens wat verwagtend is en klinieke besoek. Daar word hulle dan vir
> vigs getoets en van dit af maak statistici projeksies op die
> bevolking.
> By sulke mense - armes - is daar natuutlik nie n groot bewustheid en
> gevoel vir privaatheid van inligting nie.
> Wat wel feite is, is dat vigs met seks oorgedra word en dat dit
> deesdae n heteroseksuele siekte is.
> As jy stories hoor - soos ek het - van wit studente op varsity wat
> lekker onbeskermend speel en sê hulle slaap net met ryker mense so
> hulle het n baie kleiner gevaar om vigs daar op te stel, hulle worry
> nie, dan begin jy besef dat die middelklasse, waaronder die meeste
> witmense in SA nog val, nooit vir vigs getoets word nie.
> Een van die redes is natuurlik dat jy nie mense in die geheim of
> sonder hul toestenmming mag toets daarvoor nie.
> In die duurder hospitale word wit pasiente dus nie daarvoor getoets
> nie.
> Dis bitter gevaarlik om te dink dat witmense nie vigs het nie want dan
> is die stap baie klein om te se mens sal dit nie by hulle kry nie.
> Kieme is nie rassisties nie.
> On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 18:00:02 +0200, Plato
> wrote:
>> Ek probeer nie verskonings vind nie Ferdi, maar dit is mos maar moontlik
>> dat daar meer wit mense by jou werksplek is met vigs as wat die
>> gemiddeld by ander plekke is. Daar is egter meer as genoeg statistiek
>> oor wie in SA die ergste ly onder VIGS. Die feit dat die meerdheid mense
>> waarvan jy weet wat aan VIGS dood is, wit was, beteken niks nie. Dit is
>> nie statistiek nie.
Re: Wysheid van Tony Leon [boodskap #96538 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #95670] |
Thu, 12 August 2004 17:21   |
Boodskappe: 75 Geregistreer: June 2004
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
Toe jy in die army was en hulle jou gese het "black is beautiful" , hulle
het vir jou gelieg die NATTE
hou op om die dit te glo doos
"Ferdi Greyling" skryf in boodskap
> On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 18:28:19 +0200, Plato
> wrote:
> mense
>> in die hele wêreld. Die aarde. "Earth"! 95% van die mense met VIGS bly
>> Cheers
>> Plato
> Gou iets vir jou gesoek op die net.
> Die site se adres is:
> Check die laaste drie paragrawe.
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------
> The Emerging Security Threat of HIV/AIDS: Russia
> Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs
> Remarks at East-West Institute Conference
> Washington, DC
> February 28, 2003
> I want to thank the East-West Institute, in particular John Mroz and
> John Tedstrom, for organizing today's important meeting. I wish to
> express my condolences to Chairman Mikhail Margelov, who, I
> understand, due to a death in his family, is not able to be with us
> today. I appreciate that Mr. Andrei Kozlov is able to join us. I also
> look forward to hearing from Dame Pauline Neville-Jones. It is vital
> to engage Russian leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS and the
> establishment of the East-West Institute's Working Group Against
> HIV/AIDS is most welcome.
> Today's session devoted to HIV/AIDS is very timely, coming on the
> heels of two recent meetings the State Department recently organized
> in Kiev and Moscow on this very issue. At those meetings, our embassy
> in Kiev and our embassy in Moscow brought together our ambassadors and
> health experts from the region and from the U.S. to strategize and
> brainstorm on ways we can help Eastern and Central Europe and Eurasia
> confront the threat posed by HIV/AIDS. We were pleased that the
> East-West Institute's Stephen Massey could attend and contribute to
> the meeting in Kiev.
> This meeting comes exactly a month after President Bush announced his
> path-breaking initiative to fight AIDS, especially in Africa and the
> Caribbean, through commitment of $15 billion over the next 5 years. I
> was in South America when the President delivered his State of the
> Union speech and was struck by the positive reaction I heard to his
> initiative.
> Rest assured that the focus on Africa and the Caribbean in his remarks
> in the State of the Union speech and later at his Advisory Council on
> HIV/AIDS does not mean the end to HIV/AIDS assistance programs in
> Russia and Eurasia. In fact, the President stated that our bilateral
> programs outside of Africa and the Caribbean will continue. He also
> stressed the continued commitment of the United States to the Global
> Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. The President's
> proposal of $1 billion for the Fund and the selection of HHS Secretary
> Tommy Thompson as the Fund's chair underscore our unwavering support
> to make the Fund a major success.
> HIV/AIDS, the President noted, poses a "severe and urgent crisis
> abroad." Secretary of State Colin Powell has called it one of the
> greatest threats we face in the world today. More than 8,500 people
> die from AIDS and its complications every day around the world. Twenty
> million people so far have died from AIDS. More than 40 million people
> are living with HIV/AIDS.
> I commend the East-West Institute for focusing attention on the
> problem of HIV/AIDS in Russia. HIV/AIDS is indeed a security threat to
> Russia, as much as it is a threat to the country's political, social,
> and economic stability. It is a health problem and a humanitarian
> issue. It is all of these things rolled into one.
> Official statistics list roughly 200,000 Russians as HIV positive.
> Academic and medical experts believe the number is much higher,
> probably between one and two million already. As UNAIDS has reported,
> the states of the former Soviet Union have the highest growth of HIV
> infections in any part of the world today.
> Tuberculosis is a huge problem in Russia as well. AIDS patients often
> become incubators for tuberculosis and other dangerous diseases. In
> many cases, TB has become resistant to the drugs now used to treat it.
> According to the National Intelligence Council in a report released
> last summer, Russia could have eight million new HIV infections in the
> next decade, equal to ten% of the Russian workforce. That is a truly
> staggering statistic. Russia already faces a decline in population;
> the emergence of a rapidly spreading AIDS problem will turn this into
> a crisis.
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