Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: kersgedagtes
Re: kersgedagtes [boodskap #70916] |
Sun, 22 December 2002 18:28  |
Paul Van Straaten
Boodskappe: 171 Geregistreer: November 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Jy moet seker baie versteurd voel!
Bush is op die regte pad, hoewel op die verkeerde plek. Hy
moet van Moegapie in Zims ontslae raak. Die moegapie-ou
is wat ons destyds 'n bliksem genoem het! Maar ou Satan
Hussein is nie ver van so 'n benaming af nie!
"l&p" skryf in boodskap
> (Bob Dylan 1963)
> For G.W. Busch
> Come you masters of war
> You that build the big guns
> You that build the death planes
> You that build the big bombs
> You that hide behind walls
> You that hide behind desks
> I just want you to know
> I can see through your masks
> You that never done nothing
> But build to destroy
> You play with my world
> Like it's your little toy
> You put a gun in my hand
> And you hide from my eyes
> And you turn and run farther
> When the fast bullets fly
> Like Judas of old
> You lie and decieve
> A war can be won
> You want me to believe
> But Isee through your eyes
> And I see through your brain
> Like Isee through the water
> That runs down my drain
> You fasten all the triggers
> For the others to fire
> Then you set back and watch
> When the death counts get higher
> Now you hide in your mansion
> As young people's blood
> Flows out of their bodies
> And is burried in the mud
> You've thrown the worst fear
> That can ever be hurled
> Fear to bring children
> Into the world
> For threatening my baby
> Unborn and unnamed
> You ain't worth the blood
> That runs in your vains
> How much do I know
> To talk out of turn
> You might say that I'm young
> You might say I'm unlearned
> But there is one thing I know
> Though I'm younger than you
> Even JESUS would never
> Forgive what you do
> Now let me ask you one question
> Is your money that good
> Will it buy you forgiveness
> Do you think that it could
> Ithink you will find
> When your deah takes his toll
> All the money you made
> Will never buy back your soul
> And Ihope that you die
> And your death'll come soon
> I follow your casket
> On a pale afternoon
> And I'll watch while you're lowered
> Down to your death bed
> And I'll stand over your grave
> Till I'm sure you're dead
Re: kersgedagtes [boodskap #70961 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70936] |
Mon, 23 December 2002 19:02   |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Andrew Taylor wrote:
> Ja, dis lekker, maar passop vir Tante Hessie :-)
Andries, my neef, jy soek sonde.
Pasop jy maar deeglik vir Tant
Hessie. (Met een -s-).
Tant Hessie van Nekomdraai
Re: kersgedagtes [boodskap #70975 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70974] |
Tue, 24 December 2002 01:27   |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Wouter Plaasvark wrote:
> Tant Hessie van Nekomdraai
> Andries, my neef, jy soek sonde.
> Pasop jy maar deeglik vir Tant
> Hessie. (Met een -s-).
> Wouter
> Verkeerd. Hessie het meer as een 's'.
Plaasvark, (met drie -a-'s)
jy kan ook maar vir jouself
pasop (met een -s-).
Die witborskraai van
Re: kersgedagtes [boodskap #70985 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #70961] |
Tue, 24 December 2002 11:20  |
Andrew Taylor
Boodskappe: 42 Geregistreer: October 2002
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
On Mon, 23 Dec 2002 19:02:53 GMT, "" wrote:
> Andrew Taylor wrote:
>> Ja, dis lekker, maar passop vir Tante Hessie :-)
> Andries, my neef, jy soek sonde.
> Pasop jy maar deeglik vir Tant
> Hessie. (Met een -s-).
> Tant Hessie van Nekomdraai
Ekskuus ek Tante...
My Juta se sakwoordeboek is vier-en-vyftig jaar oud en broos! Maar ek
sien nou die woorde in my sakwoordeboek is 'pas op' (twee woorde)
Kan iemand aanbeveel 'n woordeboek in die tweede taal - dat ek wil nie
my vergrootglas vorder nie?
Geld nie belangrik nie maar groot druk is :-( (10 point is OK)
'n "websire" mag wees hulpvaardig
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