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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » What role can the Indian Congress play in Germany ? Contribution
What role can the Indian Congress play in Germany ? Contribution [boodskap #67141] Ma, 07 Oktober 2002 01:58 na volgende boodskap
reisiger  is tans af-lyn  reisiger
Boodskappe: 646
Geregistreer: Julie 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Would like to thank God, as well as the Hierarchy of Masters, Angels
and Spirit Beings for creating a wondrous, beautiful world. As well
for mercy giving, based upon free will, and creation of a very
beautiful paradise on earth. Once known as the Garden of Eden. Also,
for teachings delivered via ascendant Spiritual Masters of the
Hierarchy to increase better dealing with what is known as Lucifer, in
working together / asking for proof in stating of claims, when to
occur, in developing a more enlightened state of being. In getting to
understand each other and to serve God better. Generally assumed to be
a wonderful, beautiful, loving God, Great Merciful Teacher, in
providing support and guidance for a more sanctimonious live on Mother
Earth / Planet Mars.

Would like to extend sincerest appreciation to the following: Royal
Family Leaders and Members, United Nations, New World Order, The
Government of our Paradise, UK, USA, EU member countries, and
elsewhere on the Planet, Leaders and Members of Political Parties in
our Paradise, and elsewhere on the Planet, especially President T
Mbeki's Family Supervisor, Leaders and Members of: Higher Societies,
Economic and Business Sectors, Informal Sector, Organizations and
Parasatals, Religious and Spiritual Communities, New Age community,
Media support, as well as the General Public, and others mentioned in
this contribution. For support and assistance given during the
delivery of this service. Especially in regard for the continued
financial security.

Who are contributing to Planetary, African and South African
Renaissances, for achieving super success so far, as well for the
future. For the many contributions, initiatives, support, as well as
participation in many areas to increase the reaching of goals. To
increase the stimulation of the economy, as well as more beautiful
looking intended liberal democratic society. And to support the
Government of our Paradise, and elsewhere on the Planet, to achieve
their goals. For the People of our Paradise, the African Continent,
and elsewhere on the Planet. Especially to mention the following
outstanding achievements:

Support for peaceful and prosperous democratic elections. Compromise
in acceptance, and support for a better working together model towards
participating in more peaceful and prosperous 3rd Democratic Elections
in our Paradise. Continuity of support in the delivery of this service
to paid subscribers. Continued support for expansion of principles to
increase better demographic benefits. Adoption of betterment of
argument philosophy, based upon consensus reached. Support for
geographic planning. Government internet privacy network service to
improve service delivery. And many more. This is highly appreciated.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

As well to thank friends and acquaintances, Religious and Spiritual
Communities, disregarding Master teachings at the Zen Philosophy
School of Life, in assisting with support, faith, trust, and
understanding. To increase the commencing of peace and prosperity
benefits to whole of humanity. In traveling forward to a better New
World Order. As well to serve society better. Thank your from the
deepest innermost subconscious realization. This is highly

As well to express sincerest appreciation to the Internet Society
introduction bureau for meetings at required intervals in shopping
centers in the Panorama area as discussed via email. Adhering to
introduction method given to participants. Adhering to legal
requirements on the internet highway.

An issue close to heart, is to increase the peace and prosperity of
the People of our Paradise, and elsewhere on the Planet, tremendously.
Keep faith, hope and love. Know the moment has arrived to receive
support exponentially. Please note any recommendation given is done in
the spirit of Freedom of Choice. Anyone have the right to use this as
a base, and / or customize it towards their own specific needs.
In support for the general abbreviation to increase finesse for
participation successes.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Would like to suggest to increase Planetary meetings for the
betterment of life.
With the Above Required, Governmental organizations, as well with
Leaders and Members of Political Parties in our Paradise, elsewhere on
the Planet, Royal Families and Governments and People of the UK and
USA, President Mbeki‘s wife and family, his Philosopher, Dr. N
Mandela, Dr. D Gibson, Dr. T Leon, Dr. L Luyt, Idasa, Spiritual,
Religious and Family Organizations, the General Public, as well with
Dr. Casper de Vries and Sir Clive Scott.
To increase support and approval, as required, for peace, prosperity
and more fairness growth initiatives here suggested. As part of the
2040 and thereafter plan in traveling, and/or to increase swing to –
where appropriate - to a more easily understandable liberal
democratic society.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With Leaders and Members of the British Royal Family,
Governments and People of the UK and USA,
Leaders and Members of the UN, NWO,
Political Party Leaders and Member across the Globe,
Prominent Business Leaders and Members,
Media and Community Organizations,
Encyclopedia Britannica developers and distributors,
President Mbeki‘s wife and Philosopher, as well as Communist
To increase equal / more pro-rata happiness in regard to achieving of
fame, fortune and romance to the Encyclopedia Britannica developers
and marketing agents as to leading members of the Royal Family,
including the Queen Mother, Prince Philip and King Charles.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to the use of more exciting marketing techniques, e.g. use
of highlighting of brilliant content, giving of examples, areas where
applied / referred to, across the Globe, and/or where expanding Green
Earth Policy / Friendship marketing initiatives initiated / supported
by Royal Family Members are increased.
To increase more attractive presentation, and/or fair giving of bonus
to developers in support for success stories, as required.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With Optional Leaders and Members, as well with the Free Press.
To increase developing and publishing of a modus operandi in support
to increase greater delivery of joy on the desire level, as required.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to …
value of choice to increase more public suggested growing forward
initiatives in areas where more enjoyment / fairness and/or racial
tolerance incentive bonus initiatives are in seasonal demand,
sharing of lifting up of understanding in day / night time and/or
clear blue sky climatic conditions,
holding of Governmental Debates in regard value of payment in regard
to contributions submitted,
sponsoring for assisting in growing to astral realms in support for
more influential contributions, if at all required,
sharing of level of steel joy received for iron type Magic Moment
initiatives submitted,
optional choice in participation by New Age paladin supervisor,
method of invitation / co-riding together mannerism,
payment / granting of bonus in preferred manner in the following /
implementing of Media enjoyment suggestion box accepted ideas,
holding of a Press Conference, upon special request, if at all
required, and/or to increase accountability to accredited mentor
initiatives, to increase giving of recognition bonus,
following of a more opening doors for each other philosophy,
disregarding size of days spend at the carousel,
publication of advantages received in this regard in the Sunday
Citizen after, during and/or before consultation with Planetary
use of complimentary / giving forward advice on the personal level /
via the Media to increase traveling across Rubicon success
promotion of a more family house taught public relations at newsgroups
where applicable participation exhibition thereof,
giving of the flashing light signal in the algorithm method after
holding of debates in providing the A Hertzog – J A Marais political
party to advance to a more Hindu religious inclusive referendum for
house reading Media representatives in use of the opportunity to get
the benefit of the previous opportunity,
increase of commencement / participation of the following debates via
the Media –
defense requirements
advantages of commencement of spiritual learning in various
return of benefits for the delivering of a paid service
promotion of more harmonious street names, addresses, makes and models
of type cars,
Edgar Cayce optional participation truth commission,
submission of initiatives to increase financial tiger complementary
giving of supportive party pension fund gold advice in fair treating
model supported, and/or after 3rd Democratic Zimbabwe inclusive
election participation in honoring successes forward,
making triple clear, in the enjoyment looking forward in taking of
pension and packing of bags towards Better Argument Land, id book
classification, as suggested by Gold Reef Estates Mining House
Community, Geneva Convention, October 2002, and/or betterment of
Media support given in support for giving of Media received bonus in
regard more correct liberal inclusive growing interpretation,
making of a movie of the urine therapy for cancer Ferdi & Johan,
Leendert, Gloudina & Lou debate, demonstrating of internet police
meetings in support for alternate states of consciousness,
and/or more positive use of occult teaching in achieving of benefits
in eating of manna to be delivered in the accepting of a more
enjoyable life for those that persevere, where do occur, as required.
To increase the making of our Paradise, the African Continent, and/or
the Political – Spiritual – Financial paradigm shift more attractive
to Leaders and Members of the Royal Family / Higher Society Members in
support for general understanding.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

(The author has received a payment to the value of Euro 7.5 trillion
in support for continuity of this service. A percentage thereof has
been donated to a children orphanage fund.)
(The author is the owner of contributions. A copy thereof is sent for
approval / important signatures.)

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With Lord and Lady Supervisor,
Leaders and Members of the Social Services for the Millennium Council,
Social Engineering Organizations,
Parliamentary Supervisor,
as well as President Mbeki ‘s family and performance Philosopher.
To increase support for the giving of a long leave bonus, suggested
permanent vacation in Florida, Chinese Inn of the 7th Happiness,
and/or preferred manner of residential requirements, in travel there
after contacting of the Codesa Transformation taxi bureau, and/or
preferred manner of travel. For support given in the delivery of this
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to
wishing of good luck in the stating of introduction,
implementation of a scenario planner by Codesa in support for public
approval in signing of submissions,
continual surprising paladin supervisor in improving arguments towards
a more public recognizable African Continent achievement society,
earning of additional points in swing support to the more enjoyable
road towards faster delivery service model,
educating Simon, USIS employee in support for sharing better farming
protection initiatives,
requesting Bureau of Investigative Reporting in confirming Doctor of
Lhasa claims,
forwarding of Democratic plan to scrap yard organizations in
collecting of old computer equipment, in travel from North to South,
coaxing forward initiative for welcoming parliament arrival by
Superior R F Botha as advertised on CNN,
providing of sponsorship to the Media in giving of inspiration in
climbing to higher heights,
achieving victory in studying of guide portraits to increase
discovering character of artists in the giving of a cash refund,
inviting of Cosatu members in delivery of contributions to increase
growing to more public social recognition,
support for id book classification traveling to Zimbabwe to increase
healing heart initiatives,
making of triple clear to Naspers in regard to increase sewing
machines and knitting needles summer prosperity investment
Media broadcasts to increase celebration of coast to coast
transformation support achievements,
granting of Honorary Doctorate bursary to Sun God Ra for ozone
friendly feeling safe with Tibetans participation,
to better political participation in increasing endeavor for a more
attractive foot forward policy, among others, as required.
Writing of a declaration can also be increased, if at all required,
upon request, as required.
In support for stating of claims made.
As well to increase noting the name of the next Prime Minister,
giving of the number of times President Mbeki visiting of Pretoria
square residential address – Voortrekker monument.
In taking from the past which is good and building there upon for the
future in the raising of sons and daughters of our Paradise.
To increase support for own initiative in making oneself famous while
traveling to the greater French Canadian Republic for Higher
Achievement, among others.
In support for marketing of successes of philosophy achieved to
increase to increase voter swing and confidence in support for
continual reign for Leaders and Members of the ANC ruling Government
until the second half of the 21st century, and/or upon request.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With Leaders and Members of the African National Congress,
Congress of South African Trade Unions,
South African Communist Party,
Lord Rockefeller, Lord and Lady Schevernadze,
Hanlie Stander, Naspers-NNP Ubuntu alliance,
as well as Synagogue Political Research Travelers to a better
socio-political model,
Geneva Media Informants, as well as President Mbeki ‘s Philosopher.
To increase giving of the dark blue light in support for long leave
bonus, to be implemented, if at all, if ever to occur.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to value in support for swing to a better mandate, if at all
required, if ever, when do occur.
To increase giving of a more secure signing of newspaper article
towards a more enjoyable growth path, if at all possible, more
beneficiary consultant, and/or greater cultivating of more informed
and/or supportive international relations, upon special request, as
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With the Queen Family, Lord Philip, King Charles,
His Holiness John Paul II, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dr. J J
UN, NWO organizations,
Political Parties in our Paradise, and elsewhere on the Planet,
Media organizations around the Globe,
Dr. N Mandela, Mrs. W Madikizela-Mandela,
Procter & Gamble,
Business, Ecumenical and Community Leaders and Members,
Simon de Cavalry, USIS employee,
as well as the General Public.
To increase support in the developing of a more attractive Media
philosophy, as required.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to value of more attractive road signs news paper placards,
growing forward pleasing newscasts,
support for appreciation contributions,
better advising in dealing with the sick and elderly,
more legal accurate article heading on the subliminal level,
joke a day support for growing tomatoes in canisters,
reporting of political pathway taken on the consensus level,
better solution social model,
use of emoticons in regard to part played,
growing to a more interesting legal case winning scenario,
expectation date in fulfilling of suggestions,
enjoyable inviting of the traffic officer reporting mechanism,
reporting on date of arrival of the next Rubicon,
residence of Lucifer – understood to be an angel – as pat of the Deva
generosity size requirement,
number of trophies the Springboks collected,
date to place buckets in the sauna for easier sunbathing, as
recommended by the Psychic Society for the Advancement of Gundle
Plastics, and/or date good conquers finally travel across the Rubicon
to increase proof that God is only a God of love, joy, happiness,
prosperity, if at all possible, if ever to occur, when due.
To increase more enjoyable traveling in the street while playing
bumper to bumper cars, and/or greater reading of news forecasts in
regard to weather pattern changes.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With the Leaders and Members of Jewish Royal Families, around the
Lady Britannica,
Reserve Bank, UN, NWO, USA Congress and Leaders,
Leaders and Members of the CIA internet network organization,
AU Leaders and Members,
Leaders and Members of the ANC-NNP Ubuntu alliance,
Inkatha-IFP Leaders and Members,
Financial and Industrial Community Leaders and Members,
Sanlan International, Standard Bank International,,,,,,
as well with honored guests - Dr. Nelson Mandela, Lady Graça Machel,
Mrs. W Madikizela-Mandela, Dr. A Rupert, Dr. T Leon, Dr. L Luyt, Dr. M
v Schalkwyk, Dr. R Comrade Mugabe,
as well as Religious and Scientific Community Leaders and Members.
To increase growing of the CIA-ANC alliance to higher depths of
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to growing / transforming of Sadec to ARPA(-net) internet
higher achievement ,
appointment of an AU, and/or ARPA(-net) Prosperity Zone Scenario
support for political control to a more public appointed figure, as
suggested by the Higher Class,
public holding of meetings, more regular appearing on national
broadcasts, as well in reaching consensus with G7, G8, etc. meetings,
where required, to increase moving in a more public appreciative
following of Nourishment Healing Heart Holistic Health Enrichment
Enjoyment Expansion E-Business model paradigm shift,
support thereof by, The Sun and/or The Futurist in Europe,
traveling with John Robbie / Tony Sanderson to Complement Kingdom,
traveling with Kate Turkington / Sue Kellly Christie in support for
more than enough resources scenario,
campaigning of distribution / listening areas with coffee, tea, liquid
and soda and/or orange juice drinkers,
following of diplomatic language on the symbolical level,
following of public suggested Rubicon growth techniques to increase
religious trust,
assistance provided by Religious / Scientific growing forward
consultants serving on the Media Board,
keeping of the US Senate as well as Dr. Gorbachev more up to date in
regard to direction taken,
steering of paladin contributors – when functioning in desired health
support to increase initiatives in support for more standing up
training – support – and reaching of consensus with social culture
paladins, where do occur, as required.
development / inauguration of ARPA(-net) Board of Directors in
Idasa-Park, and/or in Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania and/or elsewhere on the
assumption for population air bridge in travel to increase Kenya –
Tanzania, and/or Lusaka economic bull run initiative for people from
Hawaii, Ivory Coast, and/or West Coast of Africa, when to occur, if
ever, if any,
suggested Political Control Coalition-horse riding balance in support
for 2/3 majority argument in holding of web based elections,
CEO of ARPA(-net) to become Leader of the Opposition, President of our
Paradise, and/or Separate Appointed Figure – as supported by the
seeing together of Dr. N Mandela and Dr. T Leon more together, as
appointing of required Prosperity Negotiators in ARPA(-net) and/or EU
– suggested from the ANC-IFP alliance,
giving of clear blue light by Dr. R Mugabe to increase uplifting the
borders of our Paradise to increase support for Zimbabwe plutonium /
zinc / copper / chrome, and/or farming support initiatives,
support in growing political parties to multiple success achievements,
initiatives in growing more together to increase family unity
discussing of delivery date schedules with the General Public,
as well as more annual holding of AU Parliamentary meetings, as
To increase greater support for continuity of this service on the
public level, when do required.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With Queen of England Alliance,
Leaders and Members of the US Senate,
Leaders and Members of the CIA political precision formulae
calculation balance division,
Illuminati Constitutional Advancement Referee Society,
Political Parties in our Paradise,
ANC-Cosatu-PAC-IFP Ubuntu growing forward alliance,
DA-IFP-NNP-UDM-AEB-FF separate development alliance,
Codesa Bureau for Creative Inspiration,
Dr. N Mandela, Mrs. W Madikizela-Mandela, Dr. T Leon, Dr. M v
Schalkwyk, Dr. D Gibson, Rev C Aucamp, De Klerk & De Klerk Inc, Genl.
E Terreblanche,
as well as Church Leaders and Members of Ordained Organizations,
and the General Public.
To increase giving of the most effective, and/or best solution in
regard to best Coalition – Horse Riding ruling in our Paradise, and/or
in functioning alongside with the ARPA(-net) – T Mbeki Board of
Directors in Komatipoort, as required.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to best formulae for winning mandate success achievements in
support for 2/3 majority ruling alliance,
understanding of the effective representation of the figure 3, 8,
and/or 12,
in support for as above so in Europe as imbedded thereof in the
friendship policy / suggestion techniques followed in support for
political growth,
building of EU supportive friendships in language understanding,
support and/or compromise in regard to giving of public mandate in
support for economic development emphasis as part of festivals,
forward planning thereof in offices, while driving to sporting
facilities / music festivals, and/or attending sport car club rallies,
swing of referendum to a sporting holiday in Benelux countries,
inauguration committee standing ovation participation combination
selection to winning college / university in reciting preferred
geography and/or natural arithmetic paragraph,
understanding of scales of Continual Encounters of the Rubicon kind,
sharing opinions thereof in The Vaderland, M Buthelezi Free Press,
and/or Daily Telegraph,
in support for betterment of argument
presented to Leaders and Members of the United Kingdom – Western Asia
– United States of Antarctica more investment friendly combination
in regard to the generally elected President of the Coalition –
suggested Dr. N Mandela, Dr. M G Buthelezi, King Goodwill Zwelethini,
Dr. D Gibson, Dr. T Leon, Dr. M v Schalkwyk, Dr. T Leon, Dr. L Luyt,
Dr. V Z Slabbert, Gloudina, and/or Leendert van Oostrum, School of
Paladin Training Chief Inspector,
holding of internet banking holiday referendum via auto telling voting
/ voting via internet bank account details in support for approved
following policy of healthy appetizing delay of happy state in
reaching success, where to omit in support for greater outcomes based
forward moving travel,
promotion of supplying incentive/s to fruit and vegetable suppliers,
in supplying priced diced vegetables, upon fair demand.
To increase support for greater Magic Moment, Friends of the
Renaissance, food distribution initiatives, and/or RSA crude oil
resource drilling initiatives, as required.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With the Queen Mother, UN and NWO Council of Outstanding Achievements,
ARPA(-net) Scenario Planner, Parliamentary Supervisor,
Leaders and Members of Political Parties in our Paradise,
Sanhedrin support initiatives Leaders and Members,
Leaders and Members of the ANC-Dr. M G Buthelezi compromise alliance,
Dr. N Mandela, Dr. T Leon, Dr. L Luyt, Dr. F V Zyl Slabbert, Sr. C
Derby-Lewis, Dr. C Scott and/or Dr. D Gibson.
To increase promotion to Dr. T Leon, and/or Jewish-Hindu members of
the participating Coalition Referendum in traveling to a more
appreciative valuable presence in marketing of the DA coalition bull
run formation initiatives, as required.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to giving of a star in support for increase faith and
multi-religious friendships,
moving forward to a more multi-national model in arriving at destiny
in working and voting together,
growing of the axiom of beneficiaries to – The spirit to increase
planning forward more effectively,
marketing of successes in Japan, Uruguay, Paraguay and/or Middle East
invitation in participation to Dr. C Scott, New Age community
participants, and/or Sr. C Derby Lewis to increase following of
President Mbeki 's philosophy in traveling to Better Argument Land,
and/or where needed the most,
making of attractiveness in part played in support for sharing of
economic bull run success achievements,
handing of control of millennium advancement to Dr. Clive Scott, New
Age Advisor, Dr. T Leon, Dr. D Gibson, Sr. Clive Derby Lewis, and/or
Dr. T Leon, to become the new World Wide Leader / Presidential
Campaign advertisement, among others,
sharing of success achievements on newsgroup advertisement banners, as
To increase winning of Spiritualist giving of fair messages
advancement initiatives, as required.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With the Royal Mother,
Indian Congress,
Parliamentary Consultant,
King Goodwill Zwelethini Defense Force,
Ubuntu Consultants,
Leaders and Members of the ANC-NNP Ubuntu Alliance,
New RSA President,
King G Buthelezi,
Leaders and Members of the SANDF,
as well as the General Public.
To increase discussion of the date of the Next Democratic Election.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to
increase passing of ballot papers in support for the future leader of
the SANDF,
allowance of provision in payment of company tax in support for
following a suggested route in stating request for Board of
Negotiators direction,
holding of debate in regard to success achievement planning,
and/or suggested follow-up President in holding of a doctorate degree
in support for traveling overseas more enjoyably during Dr. Mandela's
reign, in support for ease and relaxed taking of pension fund
contribution and packing of bags to a more enjoyable future scenario,
as required.
To increase reaching of tremendous successes in support for society
friendship successes, in support for the appointment as Head of the
Mangosuthu Buthelezi SANDF, and/or betterment of argument, as
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With Leaders and Members of the Royal Community,
UN, NWO, Higher Society, Religious and Spiritual Ecumenical
To increase giving of the approved signal in support for manner in
traveling alongside, as required.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to referring of personal, social, understanding goals and
agreeing with manner and/or direction of travel,
road taken,
support given,
ease of access to Rubicon consultants, and/or growth constitutional
revising growth path reaping of better benefits,
giving of 200%, and/or betterment of argument assurance signal,
supportive signal, when required, in support for based on assumption,
when due, if at all, if ever required,
given of suggestion via the Rand Daily Mail in regard to direction
traveling forward,
and/or date of arrival
To increase support to the President of our Paradise, and/or Parties
involved, to move more faster forward, as required.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With the Council of Foreign Relations,
Queen Britannica,
Leaders and Members of the Royal Family,
EU, RSA, France, Benelux, Netherlands Royal Families,
NWO and AU Leaders and Members,
Governmental Leaders and Members,
Leaders and Members of the Royal and/or Dutch Royal Navy,
Saatchi & Saatchi,
Economic bull run advisers,
Religious and Spiritual Leaders and Members,
as well as the General Public.
To increase support for greater economic bull run investment
participation initiatives, as required.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to increase formation of a protection ring of enjoyment,
around the British Royal Kingdom, Australia, Mozambique, African
Continent, and/or Ireland only,
stamping of entry visas in support for positive investment friendly
continual increase of green earth / Rubicon friendship requirements,
as well as hiring of the Royal Britannica fleet, Japanese and/or
Netherlands fleet in support for increased harbor / coastal guard
supervisory initiatives.
To increase support for internet advice bureau participation
initiatives, as required.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With Saatchi & Saatchi Messiah Initiative,
Media Representatives,
Leaders and Members of Industrial Societies around the Globe,
Religious, Spiritual and Higher Society Leaders and Members,
Royal Mother,
Media Organizations,
Opinion Poll Leaders and Members,
as well as the Eurasian Public, resident in America, before the
formation of the Second National Anthem.
To increase payment of fairness free of charge fee to Media
Organizations in our Paradise, when to occur, as required.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to sending out of opinion poll sheets to Leaders and Members
of the France society for the lending of a helping hand,
sharing of views in regard level of fair promotion reporting,
promptness in regard submission thereof,
bonus received in regard to decision making of facts presented,
safety and security benefits received,
route taken in regard growing to a multi-racial renaissance,
assistance of opinion in growing to a more friendlier relationship
with the Royal Mother,
support for id document clause religious persuasion / society
opening of doors in traveling to a more reconciliatory friendship
support for the Presidential Flag,
payment of bonus received to influencing of opinion,
achieving of heart's desire in growing with the flow,
industrial positions reached to increase upper class benefits for
non-racial citizens,
following of a super trend for successful benefits achieving,
acquainting with better approach methodologies,
understanding of the positive use of the occult to increase growing to
more serene and tranquil problem resolve society,
benefits of holding of debates in growing to a better socio-political
traveling a more enjoyable use of arms and legs society,
great earth benefactor / religious / scientific model friendship
benefits achieved,
fair participation in social culture debates to increase steering the
course to a fair three quarter political majority model,
proving of assistance in scenario planning to making of better
providing of assistance in traveling to a more safe sex society,
suggested manner of bonus given to Media opinion influencing
bridge building among various members - as supported by paladins,
adherence to admission of entry conditions as supported by the Global
support of newsgroup standard for publication of articles in
inspiration in climbing to greater achievements,
support given to newsgroup benefactors for traveling to an Indian Only
fairness treatment to paladin contributors in understanding for
aspiring to greater heights,
request for publication of Media handbook for following of similar
giving of acknowledgement to blind spot discovery architects, among
To increase support in indicating invitation to the economic bull run
party, when do occur, as required.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With Queen Family,
Political Party Leaders and Members required,
Scenic Driving Communities,
Media Organizations,
Religious and Spiritual Leaders and Members, , Zen.Mastery.Org,
as well as Community Organizations, and the General Public.
To increase giving of more fair Media recognition for social and/or
political participation successes.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to increase submission of contributions to an Appointed
Board of Directors, and/or Presidential Advisory Committee,
more fair reviewing as well as publication of annually / quarterly
measurements in regard to sufficient level reached for social
initiatives underway,
measuring of level of goodness given,
Media publication of results – upon request - upon consensus reached
by family members,
giving of publication under ownership and/or political / religious /
spiritual / community group preferred,
sharing of successes achieved with all of Humanity,
support in veto of negotiations in regard to travel alongside /
granting of Government and/or Business Community sponsorship bonuses,
upon special request, if at all required, if ever, if any, to
participants, as required, if ever, if any, in the giving of the green
light in this regard.
To increase reaching of more free and fair higher levels of reaping of
return on investment for accredited dealers, in support for betterment
of life advancement initiatives.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With Leaders and Members of the Royal Family,
Financial Organizations, Paladin Newsgroup Account manager,
Opinion Poll Valuation organizations,
Media Organizations,
as well as Community Organizations and the General Public,
and/or the Most Happiest People on Earth.
To increase giving the speed of acceleration of the delivery of joy
increasing social contribution submissions.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to best feedback system to be adhered to,
level of positive inspiration Media entertaining contributions,
use of syntax in complimentary referral to paladin/s and/or
sharing of the amount of contributions required, to increase more
accurate planning of time,
to increase faster arriving to more sing together towards more same
growing forward model, if at all possible, if ever, if any,
giving of the green light, upon public consensus, to stand still for
15 or more years in support for passing of apprenticeship exam, to
increase more fair advantages for fully qualified participants,
appointment of a Media Supervisor to increase more friendship
orientated enjoyable response on the astral level in communicating via
news articles,
making the better choice in reading about spiritual material
following of advice from Spirit Guides in indicating giving of better
direction in regard to Punch back of Nostradamus own support
swing of argument in regard to the making of Rubicon consultation
service available to Parliament, and/or Dr. D Gibson advancement
most benefited Media friendship community to increase giving of
flashlight of inspiration / energy for achieving of higher energy
levels for developing star coming forward successes, if at all
required, if ever,
stating of paladin profile in support for giving of accurate picture
before/during/after fair presentation of symbols,
approving of contributions, and/or giving sign on investment value in
regards benefit achieve,
Media journalists in indicating blind spots / developing of articles
headings / content / on a more balance of the legal scales / enjoyment
forward expectation level, where applicable, upon request, if at all
required, via use of emoticons and/or giving approval of green card
signatures after general consensus of giving thereof via negotiations
in meeting of religious – financial - defense – politico leaders,
accurate determination of blind spot free Rubicon enjoyment travel
acceptance cycle with Presidential, as well with Scenario Planners to
give acceptable outcome in areas where applicable,
reporting via the Media in regard to the road traveled in the
assumption / demonstration in the use of faith, hope, goodness, love,
sharing, to increase more public approved road path taken,
playing of The Midnight Mass, preferred song, and/or The Entertainer /
Chopsticks, and/or referral to Dr. A Schlebush's son, family member,
invitation in as well assistance and recruitment for participating in
a more active role in support for more enlightening horse riding –
coalition success model looking back, where enjoyed,
sending of email upon request in regard to submitted contributions,
indication of level of approved indication, as well as summary of
return on investment enjoyed, heralding thereof,
continued service support based better investment strategy to follow,
sponsorship available,
giving of green-amber light in meeting on the personal level with
politico – defense – media green earth algorithm software developers,
e.g. Delphi, in support for assisting with better destination arrival
decision making advisory service, as required.
To increase continuing support on the more mundane level to increase
building on super success achievement paradigm, as required.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With Royal Family Investment Guardian Society,
Lords and Ladies of the AU, EU and NWO organizations,
CIA leadership coalition alliance,
Leaders and Members of the ANC-Inkatha Freedom Movement Alliance,
Media Organizations, Sangoma Instructors,
President Mbeki 's philosopher, Dr. F V Zyl Slabbert, President F W de
Klerk, Dr. N Mandela, Dr. T Leon, Dr. L Luyt, Dr. D Gibson, Dr. R
Comrade Mugabe,
Illuminati Leaders and Members,
Lord and Lady Schevernadze, Beeld Media Supervisor,,
as well as Rev. Hanlie Stander.
To increase giving of the taste, touch and smell of Rev. Hanlie
Stander, as well as Lord Schevernadze, and/or His Holiness The Dalai
Lama via the internet in support for a commemorative contribution, as
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to giving of the green light in this regard by required
Panel, if at all required to do so,
sharing of support in bettering of President Mbeki' s profile,
packing of bags initiatives to better argument land in giving as a
mandate to increase starting of friendly internet chat contributions,
aspiring to greater heights in the following of handbook/s written,
making clear statement in regard integration advancement in article in
support for clear mind integration support, in article sitting next to
Dr. L Luyt at church on Sunday, +- June 1996, and/or shortly upon
commencement of service,
giving of permission, if at all required, in sharing thereof in full
public view of children,
indication of strategy followed in regard to better improving of
Russian / Tibetan citizen's health,
inspiration given in regard to better forming of alliances,
improved forest production / growth indication in the Kalahari,
ease of political travel conditions with citizens in Tanzania,
inspiration of better informed Media policy with President Joe Slovo
Democratic forward rolling society,
healing of blind spots in the following of suggested initiatives to
increase financing of sowing machines / knitting needles,
submitting of a picture of reconciliation in regard to Hanlie Stander
standing alongside the fire,
sharing of analysis in regard submissions delivered in enjoyment
traveling thereof,
number of blind spots corrected,
faster economical drive experienced,
swing to New Age community in publication of handbooks for faster
World Summit presentation thereof by Dr. Schevernadze, His Holiness
the Pope, His Royal Highness the King of Wales, and/or Rev. Hanlie
To increase the giving of a bonus in support for long arm of the law
driving along aspiring to greater height achievements, as well as
placing of a red rose on the grave for good luck, if at all required,
if ever to occur, as required. Suggested upon giving of final approval
by Dr. R Mugabe, spectator worship society for psychic advancement,
when to occur, as required.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With the General of the Reserve Bank,
Parliamentary Supervisor,
Minister of Industrial Relations,
Internet Board of Directors, Intel equipment manufacturers, Internet
as well with Community Leaders and the Internet Public.
To increase support in increasing internet participation to a more
public supportive social order, as required.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to submission of credit card account details, goals /
visions to be endeavored upon internet / social culture participation
suggested manner of conduct on newsgroup selected,
preferred manner of contact with Internet Police, if at all, when do
indication for request helpdesk meeting,
driving requirements,
growing of Internet Police title to a more appropriate name on the
sporting level, e.g. Social Performance Persuasion Artists and/or
Internet Arbitration Support List,
suggested occasional appointing of like minded society friends to
increase discussing with Internet Persuasion Artists on a personal
level in required cases,
following of introduction manner preferred,
bringing along of a church / society letter for internet promotion in
regard Rubicon method adopted, and/or flyer for attending a Buddhist
mastery course in the Maluti mountains depending on preferred
direction in growth path preferred,
walking away from vehicle upon contact – if preferred meeting while
traveling to a Sunday Picnic, discussion of submission,
more accurate defining of manner in reaching of goals stated,
reaching of consensus in regard to preferred enjoyable outcome,
being a trustful and devoted friend,
understanding of agreed support given for first name basis / preferred
manner of introduction suggested when meeting on the personal level,
following of general friendship rules / as if growing together in
participation on newsgroups,
safeguarding of national / public interests, increase giving of
success rating in following approach, giving of yellow light for
further contact meetings, upon request, to increase faster reaching of
goals / user group/s to join to increase mutual benefit / energy
and/or combined effort to increase making of the better deposit during
courses to be followed,
more accurate adherence to rules to be adhered to,
rating on a point scale regarding comments / submissions,
successful meeting feedback system,
payment of bonus given on merit scale in measuring of time conquered
of past and future to increase alteration of methodology,
use of motivation to increase energy levels in support for more
enjoyable and/or faster reaching of General Public / Social Interest
goals and visions in taking of accountability and/or
where applicable, in reaching of consensus goal and visions,
receiving of a check in the mail / group bonus / and/or increase of
respective Media marketing individual / group public image and/or
preferred banner / banner, e.g. Spiritual.Dimension.Org for Social
Culture Participant/s, Paladin/s and/or including of Internet
Performance Persuasion Artists – upon special agreement, where due, in
regard where advancement exceed decided level of expectation, and/or
preferred choice.
In agreement upon consensus reached to increase giving of a supportive
signal for further advancement.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

(The author has had meetings with an economic bull run consultant on a
weekly basis for the past 12 months.)

Meetings for the betterment of life can also be increased.
With Paladin Board of Directors,
Prof. A Pont - Seer M v Schalkwyk - Seer M Maritz - Alexander Graham
Bell Mars descendant society the advancement of internet initiatives,
Parliamentary Supervisor,
Religious Leaders, Entertainment organizations,
Social accountability music developers,
Dr. Chris Louw, Ivan Rebroff, as well with Mr. Terreblanche, Mr. J A
and Media organizations.
To increase the making of a public statement on Radio God Victorious,
and/or via the printing press.
Debates can also be increased, as required.
In regard to value in determination of giving of the clear dancing
light with required intervals, in support for making of better
formation of an entertainment venue in the Vaal Triangle in
demonstrating 1932 coffee making rituals,
discussions regarding socio-accountability relations with Dr. Chris
Louw, support in taking of a more financial delivery route,
developing of a music station to increase better farming relations,
traveling with Mr. Pieter Dirk Uys and/or preferred signal,
to farms in the nearby area in support for better developing of
working relations on the psychic level,
setting up of soccer ball matches,
making of a promotional video in this regard,
exporting / exhibiting thereof to ARPA(-net) member countries and/or
Overseas Kingdoms upon request of The Christian Family Association
Network, Nourishment Network Services, Road to Damascus Branch, upon
invitation, if at all required to do so.
In agreement upon consensus reached in developing towards a more
friendlier family inclusive society in the better giving of Media
promotion, as required.
With the expressed intention to increase peace and prosperity as well
as fairness tremendously. Towards a more serene and tranquil social
society. To the benefit of all involved.

Look at the astonishing results - beyond wildest dreams:

More enjoyable traveling to a better world scenario to increase peace
and prosperity can increase tremendously.
More effective support in the spirit of: Holism and Success and Driver
in search of a Spaaider to increase peace and prosperity can increase
More effective support in the spirit of: The Villagers and Driving
with Land Rover success achievements to increase peace and prosperity
can increase tremendously.

More enjoyable traveling from Cairo to Cape Town to increase peace and
prosperity can increase tremendously.
More understanding support to the New York stock exchange to increase
similar initiatives around the Globe to increase peace and prosperity
can increase tremendously.

More effective support in the spirit of: Trust in God and do the right
to increase peace and prosperity can increase tremendously.
More effective support in the spirit of: This is my last song to
increase peace and prosperity can increase tremendously.

More effective support in the spirit of: You make your life full and
overflowing with the new, by emptying out the old, to make room for
the new to enter to increase peace and prosperity can increase
More effective support in the spirit of: And I said to Sylvia's mother
there are plenty of birds in the sky to increase peace and prosperity
can increase tremendously.

More enjoyable participation in traveling with The Genius / Radio 5 to
become a better Star to increase peace and prosperity can increase
More winning advances towards for the Nourishment – Enrichment style
model appreciation to increase peace and prosperity can increase
More advantages in the owning of Visa / Master Cards in traveling to a
more friendlier Technocratic Society to increase peace and prosperity
can increase tremendously.

More effective support in the spirit of: This Land is my Land, this
Land is your Land to increase peace and prosperity can increase
More effective support in the spirit of: Jesus / Buddha / Krishna /
Shri Sathya Sai Baba / Karma-Dharma winning of blessing understanding
to increase peace and prosperity can increase tremendously.
More enjoyable success achievement in understanding of the Most Loving
God movement in how to travel past Mars and the Asteroid belt to the
Vesuvius underground mining society to increase peace and prosperity
can increase tremendously.
More enjoyable advantages for the Universal family hood of Humankind
in announcing the Aquarius / water / nourishment / enrichment bringing
society for the 19th Century to increase peace and prosperity can
increase tremendously.

More enjoyable success achievement of the Mandela – Machel – Luyt –
Gibson – Author's stepson – Gibson – C Scott – C Derby-Lewis Winning
Commando to increase peace and prosperity can increase tremendously.

More enjoyable reaping of benefits in growing towards a more enjoyable
The Internet! policy statement democratic benefit society to increase
peace and prosperity can increase tremendously.
More enjoyable participation in EU Magic Moment / Punch back of
Hungary supportive initiatives to increase peace and prosperity can
increase tremendously.

More effective support to the Hindu National Press / Daily Mail and
Guardian to increase peace and prosperity can increase tremendously.
More enjoyable celebration of steeling of successes in opening of the
door to better friendship successes to increase peace and prosperity
can increase tremendously.
More enjoyable securing of pension fund and packing of bags to Better
Argument Land to increase peace and prosperity can increase
More enjoyable traveling to a more inclusive paradigm shift model to
increase peace and prosperity can increase tremendously.

Economies, and potential economies, can increase tremendously.
Peace and prosperity can increase tremendously.
Common interests can benefit all parties tremendously.
The African and South African Renaissance can take a quantum leap
The Planetary Renaissance can take a quantum leap forward.
And a better life for all can be created.

Success achievements here acknowledged can also be increased elsewhere
around the Continent. Upon inclusion of success story advancements in
the field of better Scientology / Deepak Chopra / material
understanding, as well as subtle differences in lifestyles. In
transforming towards a better society.

Persevere to Protect the Psychology, Physique and Prosperity (Mind,
Body, Spirit) of the People of our Paradise, and anywhere on the
Planet, with Pride and Prestige, Playfully and Profitably, so they can
reach their Peak Performance Passionately.

End of Part 1

(The author is currently living in his second mansion in Waterkloof
Or in his first garden complex in Norkem Park / Birchleigh area.
Has grey hair, with a pony tail, moustache, and a beard like Jan
Hendrik of 7th Avenue series. And drive a Mercedes Benz.
And is traveling to Mandarin-English country side shortly. In a BMW.
To increase celebration of successes with Mrs. W Madikizela-Mandela in

Apology for the late delivery. Due to a heart bypass operation.
Re: What role can the Indian Congress play in Germany ? Contribution [boodskap #67169 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #67141] Ma, 07 Oktober 2002 13:33 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Vusi  is tans af-lyn  Vusi
Boodskappe: 2212
Geregistreer: Februarie 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Waar was jy pêl? Ek het jou gemis - ek het gedink ek raak die kluts

"reisiger" skryf in boodskap
> Would like to thank God, as well as the Hierarchy of Masters, Angels
> [knip]
Re: What role can the Indian Congress play in Germany ? Contribution [boodskap #67171 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #67141] Ma, 07 Oktober 2002 14:29 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Max[1]  is tans af-lyn  Max[1]
Boodskappe: 241
Geregistreer: Februarie 2002
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Mens kon nie eers verstaan wat die ou probeer kwytraak toe hy dit in
Afrikaans geskryf het nie. Nou's dit drie keer so lank, en dan nog in
ingels ook. Gee hom tog iets om te doen, hy's verveeld! (reisiger) wrote
> Would like to thank God, as well as the Hierarchy of Masters, Angels
Re: What role can the Indian Congress play in Germany ? Contribution [boodskap #67208 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #67169] Di, 08 Oktober 2002 07:07 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Pieter[2]  is tans af-lyn  Pieter[2]
Boodskappe: 95
Geregistreer: September 2002
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Watter werk doen die perd om so lang stuk te kan skryf.

"Jonas" skryf in boodskap news:3da18d49$0$
> Waar was jy pêl? Ek het jou gemis - ek het gedink ek raak die kluts
> kwyt......
> "reisiger" wrote in message
>> Would like to thank God, as well as the Hierarchy of Masters, Angels
>> [knip]
Re: What role can the Indian Congress play in Germany ? Contribution [boodskap #67210 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #67208] Di, 08 Oktober 2002 07:49 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11114
Geregistreer: Augustus 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Pieter, hy is een van ons instellings hier - hy skryf altyd lang stukke -
gewoonlik in Afrikaans - van tyd tot tyd. Hierdie keer was hy besonder lank
weg.- en sy poging is derhalwe ook besonder lank.
Ek dink nie daar was al een van ons hier gewees wat die moed gehad het om sy
hele relaas te lees nie - maar ek is seker hy sit baie ure se diepdenkende
werk in om ons te plesier.

"Pieter" skryf in boodskap news:3da28421$0$
> Watter werk doen die perd om so lang stuk te kan skryf.
Re: What role can the Indian Congress play in Germany ? Contribution [boodskap #67213 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #67210] Di, 08 Oktober 2002 09:21 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Pieter[2]  is tans af-lyn  Pieter[2]
Boodskappe: 95
Geregistreer: September 2002
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Ek moes noodgedwonge op lyn 2 stop lees. Kon sien dat dit nêrens oppad heen
was nie.
Re: What role can the Indian Congress play in Germany ? Contribution [boodskap #67216 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #67213] Di, 08 Oktober 2002 09:48 Na vorige boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11114
Geregistreer: Augustus 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Geluk. Ek kon nog nooit verder as die eerste reël lees nie.

"Pieter" skryf in boodskap news:3da2a382$0$
> Ek moes noodgedwonge op lyn 2 stop lees. Kon sien dat dit nerens oppad heen
> was nie.
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Volgende onderwerp: Can Someone Tell Me What the Hell?
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