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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: of people 101.........
- Re: of people 101......... [boodskap #50052] Fri, 14 September 2001 00:38 na volgende boodskap
robinbewet  is tans af-lyn  robinbewet
Boodskappe: 16
Geregistreer: June 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Go and get fuked....
`n Vlak vark sal nie eers teen jou karkas wil pis as ek met jou klaar is

Mel skryf in boodskap news:9nrbal$12g$
> "CheechWizard" wrote in message
> news:CFjm7.4205$ .
>> after years of research, i have compiled a succinct and
>> accurated study of the various people of this planet...granted most are
>> generally useless....and pretty much fucked up, we still need to
> understand
>> the nature of their being and why they suck air. this course will
> include
>> many diverse populations and the many reasons why their countries should
> be
>> treated to a thermo-nuclear
>> explosion and turned into a parking lot. now class, in the next post you
>> will learn about africans. (worth 20 points).
> ^^^^^^
> misspelled AFRIKANERS!
> those worthless pieces of garbage... before we rid this world of
> ragheads.... we need to kill all those fucking useless stinking pieces of
> ratfilth that call themselves BOERE...
> Right now that's the only thing going in Mugabe's favour... that he hates
> those AFRIKAANS speaking pieces of shit which infest his farms...
> --
> Smash yer modem, reboot, kill yerself
- Re: of people 101......... [boodskap #50053 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #50052] Fri, 14 September 2001 01:05 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Mel  is tans af-lyn  Mel
Boodskappe: 58
Geregistreer: August 2000
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
"robin dewet" wrote in message
> Mel wrote in message
> news:9nrbal$12g$
>> "CheechWizard" wrote in message
>> news:CFjm7.4205$ .
>>> after years of research, i have compiled a succinct and
>>> accurated study of the various people of this planet...granted most are
>>> generally useless....and pretty much fucked up, we still need to
>> understand
>>> the nature of their being and why they suck air. this course will
>> include
>>> many diverse populations and the many reasons why their countries
>> be
>>> treated to a thermo-nuclear
>>> explosion and turned into a parking lot. now class, in the next post
> you
>>> will learn about africans. (worth 20 points).
>> ^^^^^^
>> misspelled AFRIKANERS!
>> those worthless pieces of garbage... before we rid this world of
>> ragheads.... we need to kill all those fucking useless stinking pieces of
>> ratfilth that call themselves BOERE...
>> Right now that's the only thing going in Mugabe's favour... that he hates
>> those AFRIKAANS speaking pieces of shit which infest his farms...
>> --
>> Smash yer modem, reboot, kill yerself
> Go and get fuked....

I would if I knew what that was...

> `n Vlak vark sal nie eers teen jou karkas wil pis as ek met jou klaar is
> nie.................
> Tinus.

Hi Tinus! :-)

Smash yer modem, reboot, kill yerself
- Re: of people 101......... [boodskap #50057 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #50052] Fri, 14 September 2001 06:36 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Spook  is tans af-lyn  Spook
Boodskappe: 76
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Met alle apologie aan Koos Kombuis
"Gad dank ek is ten minste blank, fok voort in Parow Noord".

Mel hoekom is die engels in die res van daai e-pos so uitstekend. Mel jou
voete stunk.


"From listening comes wisdom and from speaking repentance."
- Re: of people 101......... [boodskap #50058 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #50057] Fri, 14 September 2001 06:53 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Amanda  is tans af-lyn  Amanda
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 08:36:49 +0200, "Spook®"

> Met alle apologie aan Koos Kombuis
> "Gad dank ek is ten minste blank, fok voort in Parow Noord".
> Mel hoekom is die engels in die res van daai e-pos so uitstekend. Mel jou
> voete stunk.

That is not very nice. But then again, I believe you are correct.

/ Amanda
- Re: of people 101......... [boodskap #50060 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #50052] Fri, 14 September 2001 07:35 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Spook  is tans af-lyn  Spook
Boodskappe: 76
Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Kyk dan wil hulle van ons ouens hier in die weermag verwag om mense soos Mel
ook te beskerm. Bou die land bou die nasie, maar 'n mens kan nie 'n muur met
'n klei os bou nie. Mel loop kruip terug in jou gat en stuur groete aan die


Murphy`s First Law:
Nothing is as easy as it looks.
- Re: of people 101......... [boodskap #50062 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #50057] Fri, 14 September 2001 08:01 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
goose  is tans af-lyn  goose
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
"Spook®" skryf in boodskap news:9ns8fg$fn0$
> Met alle apologie aan Koos Kombuis

not accepted !

> "Gad dank ek is ten minste blank, fok voort in Parow Noord".
> Mel hoekom is die engels in die res van daai e-pos so uitstekend. Mel jou
> voete stunk.

kan u nie engels praat nie ?
die afrikaans op hierdie ng is nie so goed nie

the bilingual bird
> Groete
> Spook
> "From listening comes wisdom and from speaking repentance."
- Re: of people 101......... [boodskap #50064 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #50057] Fri, 14 September 2001 08:52 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
KaSh!@  is tans af-lyn  KaSh!@
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
"Spook®" wrote:
> Met alle apologie aan Koos Kombuis
> "Gad dank ek is ten minste blank, fok voort in Parow Noord".
> Mel hoekom is die engels in die res van daai e-pos so uitstekend. Mel jou
> voete stunk.
> Groete
> Spook
> "From listening comes wisdom and from speaking repentance."

fucking spooks...... they obviously missed one......

I am Dyslexic of Borg. Resistance is Futile.
Prepare to have your ass laminated.
- Re: of people 101......... [boodskap #50079 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #50052] Fri, 14 September 2001 13:10 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Reenen van Niekerk  is tans af-lyn  Reenen van Niekerk
Boodskappe: 445
Geregistreer: April 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Nou kom Mel.Kom Begin by my .se net war en wanner ,dan sal ek jou daar kry.
Sal nie n probleem wees om vir jou uit te ken nie want jy sal die stuk kak
wees op die pad.


Mel skryf in boodskap news:9nrbal$12g$
> "CheechWizard" wrote in message
> news:CFjm7.4205$ .
>> after years of research, i have compiled a succinct and
>> accurated study of the various people of this planet...granted most are
>> generally useless....and pretty much fucked up, we still need to
> understand
>> the nature of their being and why they suck air. this course will
> include
>> many diverse populations and the many reasons why their countries should
> be
>> treated to a thermo-nuclear
>> explosion and turned into a parking lot. now class, in the next post you
>> will learn about africans. (worth 20 points).
> ^^^^^^
> misspelled AFRIKANERS!
> those worthless pieces of garbage... before we rid this world of
> ragheads.... we need to kill all those fucking useless stinking pieces of
> ratfilth that call themselves BOERE...
> Right now that's the only thing going in Mugabe's favour... that he hates
> those AFRIKAANS speaking pieces of shit which infest his farms...
> --
> Smash yer modem, reboot, kill yerself
- Re: of people 101......... [boodskap #50096 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #50079] Fri, 14 September 2001 20:05 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Mel  is tans af-lyn  Mel
Boodskappe: 58
Geregistreer: August 2000
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Geen teks in die boodskap nie.
- Re: of people 101......... [boodskap #50100 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #50079] Fri, 14 September 2001 20:35 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
davie davis[1]  is tans af-lyn  davie davis[1]
Boodskappe: 696
Geregistreer: March 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
ò die man maak julle poppey :-)
(wie van julle het die ooreenkoms
opgelet tussen dié ou wat werklik
slaag om dìt uit julle te kry wat hy
wil hê en Gloudina wat ook daarin
slaag om die NG te domineer?)
(Want julle antwoorde is sò
voorspelbaar en hy bestel
dit eintlik. Gloudina ook.)
- Re: of people 101......... [boodskap #50106 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #50096] Sat, 15 September 2001 01:08 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Spitfire[2]  is tans af-lyn  Spitfire[2]
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: December 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Mel wrote:
> "Reenen van Niekerk" wrote in message
>> Mel wrote in message
>> news:9nrbal$12g$
>>> "CheechWizard" wrote in message
>>> news:CFjm7.4205$ .
>>>> after years of research, i have compiled a succinct and
>>>> accurated study of the various people of this planet...granted most
> are
>>>> generally useless....and pretty much fucked up, we still need to
>>> understand
>>>> the nature of their being and why they suck air. this course will
>>> include
>>>> many diverse populations and the many reasons why their countries
> should
>>> be
>>>> treated to a thermo-nuclear
>>>> explosion and turned into a parking lot. now class, in the next post
>> you
>>>> will learn about africans. (worth 20 points).
>>> ^^^^^^
>>> misspelled AFRIKANERS!
>>> those worthless pieces of garbage... before we rid this world of
>>> ragheads.... we need to kill all those fucking useless stinking pieces
> of
>>> ratfilth that call themselves BOERE...
>>> Right now that's the only thing going in Mugabe's favour... that he
> hates
>>> those AFRIKAANS speaking pieces of shit which infest his farms...
>>> --
>>> Smash yer modem, reboot, kill yerself
>> Nou kom Mel.Kom Begin by my .se net war en wanner ,dan sal ek jou daar
> kry.
>> Sal nie n probleem wees om vir jou uit te ken nie want jy sal die stuk kak
>> wees op die pad.
>> Reenen
> you Afrikaners still haven't acquired any sense of humour since I was last
> here... I think that's the reason I hate you dogfilth so much... you take
> yourselves soooo seriously... the only humour you guys understand is Tolla's
> variety...
> btw I'm not your problem... because so far I haven't killed a single farmer
> or deprived any of you of your land... nor have I jailed any of you... of
> course all that could change in an instant... as soon as I get elected or
> take delivery of my R4... whichever comes first...
> did I mention I was thinking of converting to Islam...??? Tuesday's events
> made a deep impression on me... this Flight Sim manual is quite coool...
> Ciao moron :-)

....we already knew you couldn't handle yer miserable life...
You done yet?
- Re: of people 101......... [boodskap #50918 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #50096] Sun, 30 September 2001 17:10 Na vorige boodskap
ColinYork  is tans af-lyn  ColinYork
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
My name is Abdul, and I am no fool
Afrikaner peoples are good peoples, they do not pull
Any wool
Over the eyes
And tell lies
If they don't like me
They tell me for free
But the Sotie man
Of him I am no fan
With his synthetic smile
His own soul he does defile
And it is the Sotie Queen, that female thug
That is the real bug
That came to divide & rule
And turned the Boer into a guy uncool


"Mel" skryf in boodskap news:9ntnvt$ir9$
> "Reenen van Niekerk" wrote in message
>> Mel wrote in message
>> news:9nrbal$12g$
>>> "CheechWizard" wrote in message
>>> news:CFjm7.4205$ .
>>>> after years of research, i have compiled a succinct and
>>>> accurated study of the various people of this planet...granted most
> are
>>>> generally useless....and pretty much fucked up, we still need to
>>> understand
>>>> the nature of their being and why they suck air. this course will
>>> include
>>>> many diverse populations and the many reasons why their countries
> should
>>> be
>>>> treated to a thermo-nuclear
>>>> explosion and turned into a parking lot. now class, in the next
>> you
>>>> will learn about africans. (worth 20 points).
>>> ^^^^^^
>>> misspelled AFRIKANERS!
>>> those worthless pieces of garbage... before we rid this world of
>>> ragheads.... we need to kill all those fucking useless stinking pieces
> of
>>> ratfilth that call themselves BOERE...
>>> Right now that's the only thing going in Mugabe's favour... that he
> hates
>>> those AFRIKAANS speaking pieces of shit which infest his farms...
>>> --
>>> Smash yer modem, reboot, kill yerself
>> Nou kom Mel.Kom Begin by my .se net war en wanner ,dan sal ek jou daar
> kry.
>> Sal nie n probleem wees om vir jou uit te ken nie want jy sal die stuk kak
>> wees op die pad.
>> Reenen
> you Afrikaners still haven't acquired any sense of humour since I was last
> here... I think that's the reason I hate you dogfilth so much... you take
> yourselves soooo seriously... the only humour you guys understand is Tolla's
> variety...
> btw I'm not your problem... because so far I haven't killed a single farmer
> or deprived any of you of your land... nor have I jailed any of you... of
> course all that could change in an instant... as soon as I get elected or
> take delivery of my R4... whichever comes first...
> did I mention I was thinking of converting to Islam...??? Tuesday's events
> made a deep impression on me... this Flight Sim manual is quite coool...
> Ciao moron :-)
> --
> Smash yer modem, reboot, kill yerself
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