Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Ironies dink julle nie
Ironies dink julle nie [boodskap #36884] |
Tue, 21 November 2000 00:00  |
Dark Angel
Boodskappe: 21 Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
> South Africa is known as one of the highest crime countries in the world
> with an annual murder rate of 52 people per 100,000 of the population.
> Below is a humorous way to tell that you're in South Africa:
> The police advise you not to stop if they wave you down in the middle of
> the night, but rather speed past them and drive to your nearest police
> station.
> The Student Union "demands" that academic achievement
> shouldn't be a criterion for university acceptance, as it is
> discriminatory.
> Landlords may not evict illegal squatters unless they offer them alternative
> accommodation.
> Protest-marching strikers trash everything in their path and that's okay,
> but a peaceful gay rights march is condemned.
> Post Office workers are videotaped opening the mail and stealing the
> contents, but the film may not be used in evidence, because the workers
> were not informed that they were being filmed and the filming is an
> intrusion on their privacy.
> A government Minister is caught driving her car with a forged license, but
> the case is dropped for "lack of evidence".
> A minister of religion who stole millions from overseas-donated funds for
> the oppressed, returns to the country to a hero's welcome and is officially
> welcomed by the government, represented by the Minister of Justice.
> Scholars protest at the lack of schooling facilities by destroying school
> buildings.
> Two tourist athletes are murdered in their beds and the President says it
> won't affect tourism.
> The entire country sees a thug admit on TV news to murdering several people,
> but the police say they have no case.
> You consider it a good month if you only get mugged once.
> People start joking about the crime rate.
> The police ask you if they must follow up on the burglary you've just
> reported.
> You paint your cars registrations number on the roof in
> large letters.
> A Minister is fired and returns the government cell phone, but keeps the
> government BMW
> A 45-year-old engineer, gets replaced by a 25-year-old, who cannot write his
> own name.
> The employees dance in front of the building to show how
> unhappy they are.
> 10% of the city's population pays for everyone else's electricity and water
> supply, and get prosecuted if they refuse to pay.
> A murderer gets a 2-year sentence and a pirate TV viewer a 6-month sentence.
> The Constitutional Court declares the death sentence
> unconstitutional, but rules that abortion is okay.
> The prisoners strike!
> Police stations now hire private security firms to protect them.
Ek het nog nooit so na die ironie van sake gekyk nie.
Re: Ironies dink julle nie [boodskap #37013 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36884] |
Wed, 22 November 2000 07:32  |
Boodskappe: 579 Geregistreer: January 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Sue wrote:
> In article ,
> says...
>>> South Africa is known as one of the highest crime countries in the world
>>> with an annual murder rate of 52 people per 100,000 of the population.
> So, hoekom verlaat almal nie die land nie? Wie wil dan nou in so plek
> woon?
Die feit dat jy daardie vraag vra bewys net jou onkunde.
> Daar was mos ook 'n groot uittog van Afrikaners net na die 2de
> wereld oorlog, of nie?
Huh? Waar val jy nou uit. Die wereld ekonomie was in 'n depressie, werk
was skaars - waarnatoe het mense nou kwansuis na die 2 de WO gegaan?
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