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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Afrikaans questions
- Afrikaans questions [boodskap #35967] Tue, 31 October 2000 19:31 na volgende boodskap
Marco de Innocentis  is tans af-lyn  Marco de Innocentis
Boodskappe: 11
Geregistreer: August 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
I'm trying to study Afrikaans on my own, using a very old book
written by an Englishman and published in the 1930's. One of the
first lessons contains the following sentence:

"Skrywe ek met die pen? Ja, ek skrywe met die pen"

Why does it say "skrywe" and not "skryf" here? Also, according
to this book, either...or and neither...nor translate into
Afrikaans as óf...óf and nóg...n�g. Do people still write these
with the accents nowadays?


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- Re: Afrikaans questions [boodskap #35973 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #35967] Wed, 01 November 2000 09:08 Na vorige boodskap
ferdinand  is tans af-lyn  ferdinand
Boodskappe: 1462
Geregistreer: September 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 19:31:16 GMT, Marco de Innocentis

> "Skrywe ek met die pen? Ja, ek skrywe met die pen"
> Why does it say "skrywe" and not "skryf" here?

Older form. Means the same thing.

Also, according
> to this book, either...or and neither...nor translate into
> Afrikaans as òf...òf and nòg...nòg. Do people still write these
> with the accents nowadays?

Vorige onderwerp: Re: 'n stukkie musiek- 656kb aanhangsel
Volgende onderwerp: Dawn van Niekerk: clarifications
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