Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop?
Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop? [boodskap #35166] |
Thu, 05 October 2000 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 2948 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Nou ja, met sulke feite hoe kan ek strei?
Ferdi Greyling skryf in boodskap
> On 05 Oct 2000 13:55:07 GMT, "Jan" wrote:
> skat. Ons
>> is geneig om terug te dink aan waar Suid-Afrika was in 1969 toe die eerste
>> maanlanding plaasgevind het,
> Die maanlanding is natuurlik deur talle lande se wetenskaplikes
> gemonitor.
> Om dit so te stel, die mense het met teleskope gekyk hoe die
> landingstuig stadig maar seker maan toe trek.
> 'n Sleutelrol in die landing is onder meer deur die
> Hartbeeshoek-sterrewag gespeel om noodsaaklike kommunikasie en data te
> herlei omdat hulle die enigte goeie radio-teleskoop op die deel van
> die aarde gehad het in daardie stadium.
> Marius Fu"rst, later MD van Compaq in SA, was in daardie stadium hoof
> van die sterrewag. Hy is na die landing deur Nasa vereer vir sy rol in
> die landing.
Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop? [boodskap #35167 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #35166] |
Thu, 05 October 2000 00:00  |
Oitaroh Margoloh
Boodskappe: 185 Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Mweb" skryf in boodskap
> Ek het op verskeie verdoemende feite afgekom
> wat my oortuig het dat hulle lieg.
Ek het so vinnig gaan blaai deur daardie links wat jy gepos het, en wil
graag weet wat is die feite waarop jy afgekom het. Ek het geen feite gesien
nie, net 'n klomp bewerings.
Mens moet ook net 'n bietjie common sense gebruik. As die hele ding 'n hoax
was, hoekom sou hulle aangehou het daarmee en soveel missies maan toe
gestuur het? Met elke "hoax" vergroot hulle mos net hulle risiko om 'n
boo-boo te maak en die hele "hoax" sky-high te blaas. As dit 'n hoax was,
sou hulle een of twee missies gedoen het, en gesê het, okay, ons was daar,
dis dor en leeg, en ons stop die program.
Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop? [boodskap #35168 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #35166] |
Thu, 05 October 2000 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 2948 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Nie die hele nasie nie, ek het dit nie so bedoel nie. Net die regering, wat
sê die regering van hulle President? Die magtigste man op aarde? I beg to
differ, ek dink daar's 'n paar mans op hierdie aarde wat magtiger is as Bill
Ek het 'n wrewel aan die Amerikaanse regering want hulle neig om hulle neuse
in ander mense se sake te steek, en wanneer hulle tweede kom, dan weet hulle
nie hoekom nie - ek dink hier aan Vietnam. En kyk wat doen hulle aan hulle
mense, veral hulle soldate - daar's 'n paar soldate wat beweer dat daar
tydens die oorlog in Irak (of was dit nou Iran) eksperimente op hulle gedoen
is, en baie van hulle sukkel nou met kanker en ander siektes. Daar's selfs
'n paar wat die regering nou wil dagvaar.
En buitendien, jy's tog seker nie 'n gebore Amerikaner nie?
poppie skryf in boodskap news:8rj784$pr3$
> Elaine, ek is n Amerikaner, en dit hinder my dat n hele nasie
> jou n kramp kan gee. Dink jy nie dis veralgemening nie, of
> dink jy dalk dat daar verskuilde jaloesie is. Dalk nie, maar
> jy kan net nie so n sweeping statement maak nie.
> pop
Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop? [boodskap #35169 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #35166] |
Thu, 05 October 2000 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 1462 Geregistreer: September 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Thu, 5 Oct 2000 07:46:21 +0200, "Mweb" wrote:
> Ek wil graag weet wat dink mede Afrikaners van Amerika se "claim to fame"
> dat hulle die eerste land was wat 'n man na die Maan gestuur het en hom
> veilig terug gebring het Aarde toe.
> Ek persoonlik is van die mening dat hulle die hele wêreld die afgelope jare
> 'n vet poep gevoer het. Selfs vandag wonder ek of dit moontlik is om iemand
> op die Maan te laat loop.
> Kom sê vir my wat julle dink dan begin ons 'n skoon debat.
Maar is daar regtig iets soos Amerika??!!
Wat van die teorie dat Amerika eintlik net propaganda is wat aan ons
gevoer word?
Mense DINK hulle gaan Amerika toe, maar word eintlik op die lughawe
Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop? [boodskap #35170 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #35166] |
Thu, 05 October 2000 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 188 Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Elaine, ek is n Amerikaner, en dit hinder my dat n hele nasie
jou n kramp kan gee. Dink jy nie dis veralgemening nie, of
dink jy dalk dat daar verskuilde jaloesie is. Dalk nie, maar
jy kan net nie so n sweeping statement maak nie.
Elaine skryf in boodskap
> .
> Die Amerikaners voer hulle mense 'n klomp leuens en hulle eet alles vir
> soetkoek op. Een van die redes hoekom hulle my 'n kramp gee.
> Elaine
> Mweb wrote in message
>> Ek wil graag weet wat dink mede Afrikaners van Amerika se "claim to fame"
>> dat hulle die eerste land was wat 'n man na die Maan gestuur het en hom
>> veilig terug gebring het Aarde toe.
>> Ek persoonlik is van die mening dat hulle die hele wêreld die afgelope
> jare
>> 'n vet poep gevoer het. Selfs vandag wonder ek of dit moontlik is om
> iemand
>> op die Maan te laat loop.
>> Kom sê vir my wat julle dink dan begin ons 'n skoon debat.
Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop? [boodskap #35171 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #35166] |
Thu, 05 October 2000 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 2948 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ek vermoed hulle lieg - verskriklik. Ek het so paar jaar terug ingeteken op
'n boek "The X-Factor" die ouens het nie "conspiracy theories" geclaim nie,
hulle het net beide kante van 'n saak gestel, en dit wat ek daarin gelees
het, het my ook laat wonder. Veral toe hulle 'n foto expert uitgehaal het
en hy verduidelik het hoekom die foto's gedoktor is.
Natuurlik sal niemand ooit weet nie. Hulle was dalk daar, maar miskien kon
hulle nie foto's neem nie, toe maak hulle maar hulle eie.
Maar nou moet ek ook sê, die Amerikaners is meesters met 'n liegstorie spin
of om goed toe te smeer. Kyk nou maar na Rosswell en die JFK sluipmoord.
Die Amerikaners voer hulle mense 'n klomp leuens en hulle eet alles vir
soetkoek op. Een van die redes hoekom hulle my 'n kramp gee.
Mweb skryf in boodskap
> Ek wil graag weet wat dink mede Afrikaners van Amerika se "claim to fame"
> dat hulle die eerste land was wat 'n man na die Maan gestuur het en hom
> veilig terug gebring het Aarde toe.
> Ek persoonlik is van die mening dat hulle die hele wêreld die afgelope jare
> 'n vet poep gevoer het. Selfs vandag wonder ek of dit moontlik is om iemand
> op die Maan te laat loop.
> Kom sê vir my wat julle dink dan begin ons 'n skoon debat.
Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop? [boodskap #35172 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #35166] |
Thu, 05 October 2000 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 1462 Geregistreer: September 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On 05 Oct 2000 13:55:07 GMT, "Jan" wrote:
> Elaine, ek is bevrees julle is besig om die Amerikaners vlak te skat. Ons
> is geneig om terug te dink aan waar Suid-Afrika was in 1969 toe die eerste
> maanlanding plaasgevind het,
Die maanlanding is natuurlik deur talle lande se wetenskaplikes
Om dit so te stel, die mense het met teleskope gekyk hoe die
landingstuig stadig maar seker maan toe trek.
'n Sleutelrol in die landing is onder meer deur die
Hartbeeshoek-sterrewag gespeel om noodsaaklike kommunikasie en data te
herlei omdat hulle die enigte goeie radio-teleskoop op die deel van
die aarde gehad het in daardie stadium.
Marius Fu"rst, later MD van Compaq in SA, was in daardie stadium hoof
van die sterrewag. Hy is na die landing deur Nasa vereer vir sy rol in
die landing.
Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop? [boodskap #35174 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #35166] |
Thu, 05 October 2000 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 11 Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Wat maak dit sal of hulle dit gedoen het..... Ek glo nie dit sal ons
probleme kon oplos nie, well miskien tog.. on kon dalk 'n paar mense maan
toe stuur in plaas wan in hulle moere...
ek heg 'n e-mail aan oor die onderwerp.. lees maar gerus...
> > Did man really walk on the Moon or was it the ultimate camera trick,
> asks
>>> David Milne? The great lunar lie. In the early hours of May 16, 1990,
>>> after
>>> a week spent watching old video footage of man on the Moon, a thought
> was
>>> turning into an obsession in the mind of Ralph Rene.
>>> "How can the flag be fluttering," the 47 year old American kept asking
>>> himself, "when there's no wind on the atmosphere free Moon?"
>>> That moment was to be the beginning of an incredible Space odyssey for
>> the
>>> self-taught engineer from New Jersey.
>>> He started investigating the Apollo Moon landings, scouring every
>>> film, photo and report with a growing sense of wonder, until finally
>>> reaching an awesome conclusion: America had never put a man on the
> Moon.
>>> The giant leap for mankind was fake. It is of course the conspiracy
>> theory
>>> to end all conspiracy theories. But Rene has now put all his findings
>> into
>>> a
>>> startling book entitled NASA Mooned America. Published by himself,
> it's
>>> being sold by mail order - and is a compelling read.
>>> The story lifts off in 1961 with Russia firing Yuri Gagarin into
> space,
>>> leaving a panicked America trailing in the space race. At an
> emergency
>>> meeting of Congress, President Kennedy proposed the ultimate face
> saver,
>>> put
>>> a man on the Moon. With an impassioned speech he secured the plan an
>>> unbelievable 40 billion dollars.
>>> And so, says Rene (and a growing number of astro-physicists are
>>> beginning to agree with him), the great Moon hoax was born.
> Between
>>> 1969
>>> and 1972, seven Apollo ships headed to the Moon. Six claim to have
> made
>>> it,
>>> with the ill fated Apollo 13 - whose oxygen tanks apparently exploded
>>> halfway - being the only casualties. But with the exception of the
> known
>>> rocks, which could have been easily mocked up in a lab, the
> photographs
>>> and
>>> film footage are the only proof that the Eagle ever landed. And Rene
>>> believes they're fake. For a start, he says, the TV footage was
> hopeless.
>>> The world tuned in to watch what looked like two blurred white ghosts
>>> gambol
>>> through rocks and dust. Part of the reason for the low quality was
> that,
>>> strangely, NASA provided no direct link up. So networks actually had
> to
>>> film
>>> "man's greatest achievement" from a TV screen in Houston -a deliberate
>>> ploy,
>>> says Rene, so that nobody could properly examine it.
>>> By contrast, the still photos were stunning. Yet that's just the
> problem.
>>> The astronauts took thousands of pictures, each one perfectly exposed
> and
>>> sharply focused. Not one was badly composed or even blurred. As Rene
>>> points
>>> out, that's not all:
>>> * The cameras had no white meters or view ponders. So the
> astronauts
>>> achieved this feat without being able to see what they were doing.
>>> * There film stock was unaffected by the intense peaks and powerful
>>> cosmic radiation on the Moon, conditions that should have made it
>> useless.
>>> * They managed to adjust their cameras, change film and swap
> filters
>>> in pressurized clubs. It should have been almost impossible without
> the
>>> use
>>> of their fingers.
>>> Award winning British photographer David Persey is convinced the
>>> pictures are fake. His astonishing findings are explained alongside
> the
>>> pictures on these pages, but the basic points are as follows:
>>> * The shadows could only have been created with multiple light
>> sources
>>> and, in particular, powerful spotlights. But the only light source on
> the
>>> Moon was the sun.
>>> * The American flag and the words "United States" are always
> brightly
>>> lit, even when everything around is in shadow.
>>> * Not one still picture matches the film footage, yet NASA claims
> both
>>> were shot at the same time.
>>> * The pictures are so perfect each one would have taken a slick
>>> advertising agency hours to put them together. But the astronauts
> managed
>>> it
>>> repeatedly.
>>> David Persey believes the mistakes were deliberate, left there
>>> by "whistle blowers", who were keen for the truth to one day get out.
> If
>>> Persey is right and the pictures are fake, then we've only NASA's
> word
>>> that
>>> man ever went to the Moon. And, asks Rene, why would anyone fake
>> pictures
>>> of an event that actually happened?
>>> The questions don't stop there. Outer space is awash with deadly
>>> radiation that emanates from solar flares firing out from the sun.
>>> Standard
>>> astronauts orbiting Earth in near space, like those who recently fixed
>> the
>>> Hubble telescope, are protected by the Earth's Van Allen belt. But
> the
>>> Moon is to
>>> 240,000 miles distant, way outside this safe band. And, during
> the
>>> Apollo flights, astronomical data shows there were no less
> than
>>> 1,485 such
>>> flares.
>>> John Mauldin, a physicist who works for NASA, once said shielding at
>>> least two meters thick would be needed. Yet the walls of the Lunar
>>> Landers,
>>> which took astronauts from the spaceship to the moons surface were,
> said
>>> NASA, "about the thickness of heavy duty aluminum foil". How could
> that
>>> stop this deadly radiation?
>>> And if the astronauts were protected by their space suits, why
>>> didn't rescue workers use such protective gear at the Chernobyl
>>> meltdown, which released only a fraction of the dose astronauts would
>>> encounter? Not one Apollo astronaut ever contracted cancer - not even
> the
>>> Apollo 16 crew who were on their way to the Moon when a big flare
>> started.
>>> "They should have been fried," says Rene.
>>> Furthermore, every Apollo mission before number 11 (the first to the
>>> Moon) was plagued with around 20,000 defects a-piece. Yet, with the
>>> exception of Apollo 13, NASA claims there wasn't one major technical
>>> problem
>>> on any of their Moon missions. Just one effect could have blown the
>> whole
>>> thing. "The odds against these are so unlikely that God must have been
>> the
>>> co-pilot," says Rene.
>>> Several years after NASA claimed its first Moon landing, Buzz Aldrin
>>> "the second man on the Moon" - was asked at a banquet what it felt
> like
>> to
>>> step on to the lunar surface. Aldrin staggered to his feet and left
>> the
>>> room crying uncontrollably. It would not be the last time he did this.
>> "It
>>> strikes me he's suffering from trying to live out a very big lie,"
> says
>>> Rene.
>>> Aldrin may also fear for his life. Virgil Grissom, a NASA astronaut
>>> who baited the Apollo program, was due to pilot Apollo 1 as part of
> the
>>> landings build up. In January 1967, he hung a lemon on his Apollo
>> capsule
>>> (in the US, unroadworthy cars are called lemons) and told his wife
> Betty:
>>> "if there is ever a serious accident in the space program, it's likely
> to
>>> be
>>> me." Nobody knows what fuelled his fears, but by the end of the
> month
>>> he
>>> and his two co-pilots were dead, burnt to death during a test run
> when
>>> their capsule, pumped full of high pressure pure oxygen, exploded.
>>> Scientists couldn't believe NASA's carelessness - even chemistry
>> students
>>> in high school know high pressure oxygen is extremely explosive.
> In
>>> fact, before the first manned Apollo fight even cleared the launch
> pad,
>> a
>>> total of 11 would-be astronauts were dead. Apart from the three who
> were
>>> incinerated, seven died in plane crashes and one in a car smash. Now
>> this
>>> is a spectacular accident rate. "One wonders if these 'accidents'
> weren't
>>> NASA's way of correcting mistakes," says Rene. "Of saying that some of
>>> these
>>> men didn't have the sort of 'right stuff' they were looking for."
>>> NASA won't respond to any of these claims, their press office will
>>> only say that the Moon landings happened and the pictures are real.
> But
> a
>>> NASA public affairs officer called Julian Scheer once delighted 200
>> guests
>>> at a private party with footage of astronauts apparently on a
> landscape.
>>> It
>>> had been made on a mission film set and was identical to what NASA
>> claimed
>>> was they real lunar landscape.
>>> "The purpose of this film," Scheer told the enthralled group, "is
>>> to indicate that you really can fake things on the ground, almost to
> the
>>> point of deception." He then invited his audience to "come to your
> own
>>> decision about whether or not man actually did walk on the Moon".
>>> A sudden attack of honesty? You bet, says Rene, who claims the only
>>> real thing about the Apollo missions were the lift offs. The
> astronauts
>>> simply have to be on board, he says, in case the rocket exploded. "It
> was
>>> the easiest way to ensure NASA wasn't left with three astronauts who
>> ought
>>> to be dead," he claims, adding
>>> that they came down a day or so later, out of the public eye
>>> (global surveillance wasn't what it is now) and into the safe hands
> of
>>> NASA
>>> officials, who whisked them off to prepare for the big day a week
> later.
>>> And now NASA is planning another giant step - project Outreach, a 1
>>> trillion dollar manned mission to Mars. "Think what they'll be able to
>>> mock
>>> up with today's computer graphics," says Rene chillingly. "Special
>> effects
>>> was in its infancy in the 60s. This time round we will have no way of
>>> determining the truth."
>>> Space oddities:
>>> * Apollo 14 astronaut Allen Shepard played golf on the Moon. In
> front
>>> of a worldwide TV audience, Mission Control teased him about slicing
> the
>>> ball to the right. Yet a slice is caused by uneven air flow over the
>>> ball.
>>> The Moon has no atmosphere and no air.
>>> * A camera panned upwards to catch Apollo 16's Lunar Lander lifting
>>> off the Moon. Who did the filming?
>>> * One NASA picture from Apollo 11 is looking up at Neil Armstrong
>>> about to take his giant step for mankind. The photographer must have
> been
>>> lying on the planet surface. If Armstrong was the first man on the
> Moon,
>>> then who took the shot?
>>> * The pressure inside a space suit was greater than inside a
> football.
>>> The astronauts should have been puffed out like the Michelin Man,
> but
>>> were
>>> seen freely bending their joints.
>>> * The Moon landings took place during the Cold War. Why didn't
> America
>>> make a signal on the moon that could be seen from earth? The PR would
>> have
>>> been phenomenal and it could have been easily done with magnesium
> flares.
>>> * Text from pictures in the article. Only two men walked on the
> Moon
>>> during the Apollo 12 mission. Yet the astronaut reflected in the visor
>> has
>>> no camera. Who took the shot?
>>> * The flags shadow goes behind the rock so doesn't match the dark
> line
>>> in the foreground, which looks like a line cord. So the shadow to the
>>> lower
>>> right of the spaceman must be the flag. Where is his shadow?
>>> And why is the flag fluttering?
"Mweb" skryf in boodskap
> Ek wil graag weet wat dink mede Afrikaners van Amerika se "claim to fame"
> dat hulle die eerste land was wat 'n man na die Maan gestuur het en hom
> veilig terug gebring het Aarde toe.
> Ek persoonlik is van die mening dat hulle die hele wêreld die afgelope jare
> 'n vet poep gevoer het. Selfs vandag wonder ek of dit moontlik is om iemand
> op die Maan te laat loop.
> Kom sê vir my wat julle dink dan begin ons 'n skoon debat.
Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop? [boodskap #35175 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #35166] |
Thu, 05 October 2000 00:00  |
Oitaroh Margoloh
Boodskappe: 185 Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Mweb" skryf in boodskap
> Ek wil graag weet wat dink mede Afrikaners van Amerika se "claim to fame"
> dat hulle die eerste land was wat 'n man na die Maan gestuur het en hom
> veilig terug gebring het Aarde toe.
> Ek persoonlik is van die mening dat hulle die hele wêreld die afgelope jare
> 'n vet poep gevoer het. Selfs vandag wonder ek of dit moontlik is om iemand
> op die Maan te laat loop.
> Kom sê vir my wat julle dink dan begin ons 'n skoon debat.
Daar was 'n teorie dat die eerste maanlanding erens in 'n studio in 'n
woestyn geskiet is, omdat die Amerikaners op daardie stadium nog nie rerig
gereed was vir 'n maanlanding nie, en hulle wou nie die voorsprong aan die
Russe gee nie. 'n "Bewys" van so die teorie word voorgehou as die feit dat
mens geen sterre in die hemelruim kan sien op die fotos wat op maan geneem
is nie. Maar dit is omdat dit daglig op die maan was.
Kyk maar na fotos en videos wat van die space shuttle afgeneem word. Mens
sien ook nie sterre in die hemelruim nie. Dit sonlig is so skerp dat die
kamera lensopening so klein is dat dit nie die lig van die sterre optel nie.
Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop? [boodskap #35176 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #35166] |
Thu, 05 October 2000 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 166 Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Elaine, ek is bevrees julle is besig om die Amerikaners vlak te skat. Ons
is geneig om terug te dink aan waar Suid-Afrika was in 1969 toe die eerste
maanlanding plaasgevind het, en dis beslis nie waar Amerika se wetenskap en
tegnologie op daardie stadium was nie. Ek het die geleentheid gehad om 'n
ruk in die VSA te kon werk en as daar een ding is wat ek van die
Amerikaners geleer het (ten spyte van die sg. "grootbek" etiket wat knaend
om hulle nekke gehang word), is dat wat hulle werk betref, dit by absolute
rare uitsondering is dat spesifieke inligting oor die werk "oor die perd
getel word". Die gevalle waar dit wel gebeur kom dit voor waar 'n persoon
stoksielalleen aan iets werk (of saam met 'n absolute handjievol
handlangers) en die resultaat geredelik verkoop kan word. In die geval van
die NASA maanprogram was dit glad nie die geval nie (letterlik duisende
werkers en feitlik geen verkoopswaarde).
As jy nou terugkyk in ons eie geskiedenis hier is daar nie veel geheime wat
geheim bly nie, want as daar meer as een persoon betrokke is, word die
geheim sonder omhaal redelik vinnig uitgeblaker. 'n Geheim is net geheim as
dit saam met die enigste persoon wat daarvan geweet het graf toe is.
Ek vermoed die Amerikaanse beheptheid met "conspiracies" kom van nare
ondervindings met politici. As daar twee dinge is wat 'n Amerikaner se
aandag graag trek, is dit "conspiracy theories" en "food fights".
"The trouble with this country is that there are too many politicians who
believe, with a conviction based on experience, that you can fool all of
the people all of the time". Franklin P. Adams 1881-1960 (Amerikaanse
joernalis) in Nods and Becks (1944) p. 74
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16e president van die VSA, maak die volgende
You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the
people all the time; but you can't fool all of the people all the time.
(Uit: Lincoln's Yarns and Stories (1904) deur Alexander K. McClure).
Elaine wrote in article
> Ek vermoed hulle lieg - verskriklik. Ek het so paar jaar terug ingeteken op
> 'n boek "The X-Factor" die ouens het nie "conspiracy theories" geclaim nie,
> hulle het net beide kante van 'n saak gestel, en dit wat ek daarin gelees
> Mweb wrote in message
>> Ek wil graag weet wat dink mede Afrikaners van Amerika se "claim to fame"
>> dat hulle die eerste land was wat 'n man na die Maan gestuur het en hom
Hulle was nie die eerste land om dit te doen nie, hulle was die
Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop? [boodskap #35177 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #35166] |
Thu, 05 October 2000 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 2948 Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Die Amerikaners voer hulle mense 'n klomp leuens en hulle eet alles vir
soetkoek op. Een van die redes hoekom hulle my 'n kramp gee. (Die regering
nou, nie die mense nie)
Dis wat ek gesê het, die Amerikaners voer hulle mense 'n klomp leuens. So
die mense sal die "gepeupel" wees en die Amerikaners die "landlords" niks
daarby bedoel nie, myself net verkeerd uitgespreek.
Lou wrote > Lees weer die bostaande. Dan vertel jy
weer vir ons dat jy nie
> veralgemeen nie!
Re: Het NASA regtig 'n man op die maan laat loop? [boodskap #35178 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #35166] |
Thu, 05 October 2000 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 166 Geregistreer: August 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Ferdi Greyling wrote in article
> On 05 Oct 2000 13:55:07 GMT, "Jan" wrote:
> skat. Ons
>> is geneig om terug te dink aan waar Suid-Afrika was in 1969 toe die eerste
>> maanlanding plaasgevind het,
> Marius Fu"rst, later MD van Compaq in SA, was in daardie stadium hoof
> van die sterrewag. Hy is na die landing deur Nasa vereer vir sy rol in
> die landing.
Dankie Ferdi - dis 'n baie interessante feit waarvan ek nie bewus was nie!
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