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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » die verbanne woord 'ka'
die verbanne woord 'ka' [boodskap #33001 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #33002] Wo, 02 Augustus 2000 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Felecia Jones  is tans af-lyn  Felecia Jones
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: Augustus 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
It is tragic to see that white South Africans have the nerve to compare
the two words boer & Firstly , there's so much negativeness
associated with the word and to even suggest that blacks are
being oversensative is just so arrogant . You as white people will never
know the pain , the humiliation, the frustration and great anguish that
black in SA have endured . Now to say that black people are being
oversensative on this issue is certainly insensative on your behalf.

Secondly, the word "boer" Tell me anything negative associated with the
word. a "boer" to my understanding is someone who cultivates land and
make money off his crops and whatever other agricultural field he
specializes in .

All 'yall are just so thick you dont see it and you'll never see it
cause you just dont know no better. Kinda sad , I would say!
Re: die verbanne woord 'ka' [boodskap #33002 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #33001] Wo, 02 Augustus 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Chr...[1]  is tans af-lyn  Chr...[1]
Boodskappe: 85
Geregistreer: Junie 2000
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Nee wat ou Girl (is mos?)
Ek wou eers jou posting ignoreer maar toe besluit ek om tog maar 'n windeier
te lê.
Eerstens is dit 'n afrikaanse nuusgroep en ek is seker jy kon jou skrywe in
afrikaans gedoen het aangesien jy die nuusgroepblykbaar volg, gevolglik
behoort jy afrikaans magtig te wees (aanname?)
Tweedens maak jy dieselfde fout as baie van die lede van hierdie nuusgroep
en dit is om sommer so in die algemeen 'n klip in die bos te gooi. A nee a,
as jy wil verwyte rondslinger, wees dan spesifiek.
Ik hebt gezegt

Felecia Jones wrote:

> It is tragic to see that white South Africans have the nerve to compare
> the two words boer & Firstly , there's so much negativeness
> associated with the word and to even suggest that blacks are
> being oversensative is just so arrogant . You as white people will never
> know the pain , the humiliation, the frustration and great anguish that
> black in SA have endured . Now to say that black people are being
> oversensative on this issue is certainly insensative on your behalf.
> Secondly, the word "boer" Tell me anything negative associated with the
> word. a "boer" to my understanding is someone who cultivates land and
> make money off his crops and whatever other agricultural field he
> specializes in .
> All 'yall are just so thick you dont see it and you'll never see it
> cause you just dont know no better. Kinda sad , I would say!
Re: die verbanne woord 'ka' [boodskap #33056 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #33002] Do, 03 Augustus 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
OUT of Africa[1]  is tans af-lyn  OUT of Africa[1]
Boodskappe: 13
Geregistreer: Julie 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid

I'll answer your posting in english. Not because I want to, but I want to be
sure that you understand me properly...

> It is tragic to see that white South Africans have the nerve to compare
> the two words boer &

And it's tragic to see that the rest of the world think that they can
understand the scenario in SA. You DON'T have an idea... Why don't you go
and live in SA for a few years, then we'll see if you also become one of the
tragic cases, or not. Until then, keep your ideas of SA for yourself!!!
You're welcome to ask questions, but to say we've got the nerve... That
previlige will NEVER be yours!!!

> Firstly , there's so much negativeness
> associated with the word and to even suggest that blacks are
> being oversensative is just so arrogant.

And to sit in the rest of the world and throw stones is not...???

> You as white people will never
> know the pain , the humiliation, the frustration and great anguish that
> black in SA have endured . Now to say that black people are being
> oversensative on this issue is certainly insensative on your behalf.

And you of course know the pain and humiliation... We, of course, are not
going through the same pain, humiliation, frustration and great anguish...
Wake up, your coffee is getting cold!!!

> Secondly, the word "boer" Tell me anything negative associated with the
> word. a "boer" to my understanding is someone who cultivates land and
> make money off his crops and whatever other agricultural field he
> specializes in .

Tell me anything negative about the word kaffer and I'll tell you the
negative meanings of boer... C'mon, people can give any word a negative
meaning, including boer... "Suck" isn't negative at all, so I'll just call
you a sucker. How does that make you feel?

> All 'yall are just so thick you dont see it and you'll never see it
> cause you just dont know no better. Kinda sad , I would say!

And all 'yall (!!!) are so wise. Damn, I wish you would put your money where
your mouths are... There is so much space in SA for wise guys like you to
move there and sort out our problems for us... I will personally lick your
arse clean if you can do that!!!

I cannot express the anger I feel towards people like you, sitting accross
the sea, pointing fingers at all the thick boere in SA.

You don't like South Africans? Get the fuck off this newsgroup!!!
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