Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Speak English by all means...
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23087] |
Thu, 20 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 2172 Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
| (Squirrel) writes:
> She gives the impression that she speaks for Afrikaners
> everywhere - which of course she doesn't. The only thing she does
> for Afrikaners is give them a bad name around the world. A lot of
> harm and negative publicity is being dumped on Afrikaners - who
> surely don't need this imbecile defaming their image any more.
So, hoekom het hulle jou van die Engelse
SA nuusgroep afgejaag? Miskien moet jy
nou maar 'n ander skuilnaam begin gebruik.
Maar solank jy dit in Engels doen, sal ek
vir jou opspeur en vir jou aan repies sny.
Ondertussen, dink daaraan hoe jy die wel
en die wee van jou eie moedertaal se voort-
bestaan benadeel deur jou poste in Engels
(en terloops, dis nie eens baie goeie
Engels nie.)
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23117 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Fri, 21 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 579 Geregistreer: January 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
| wrote:
> So, hoekom het hulle jou van die Engelse
> SA nuusgroep afgejaag? Miskien moet jy
> nou maar 'n ander skuilnaam begin gebruik.
> Maar solank jy dit in Engels doen, sal ek
> vir jou opspeur en vir jou aan repies sny.
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23119 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Fri, 21 May 1999 00:00 |
Simon van der Schans
Boodskappe: 263 Geregistreer: January 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
| wrote in message
> I'm trying to understand what skoert and basta are.
> Basta, I think, means "enough." (It's in my Dutch dictionary.)
> I can only guess that "skoert" means "scram" or "get out."
Ek bewe nou effens soos wat ek hier sit en tik, want ek voel dat
ek (en Afrikaans) nou hier besig is om 'n belangrike bydrae te
maak tot die ontwikkeling van Esperanto. Soos iemand voorheen in
hierdie draad reeds genoem het is Afrikaans in staat om op 'n
baie kort en pittige wyse komplekse argumente te hanteer.
"Scram" is nou wel 'n akkurate vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord
"skoert", maar dit is al 'n bietjie verouderd en word nie meer so
baie gebruik nie. Afrikaans het intussen verder gevorder en 'n
beter woord onwikkel - "fokkof". My voorstel is dat laasgenoemde
woord opgeneem word in Esperanto (as Afrikaans se eerste bydrae?)
vir die begrip: "skoert". Miskien vind 'n mens hierdie woord nou
nie in woordeboeke nie, maar ek dink elke Engelsman, Amerikaner,
Duitser, Spanjaard (noem maar op) sal presies weet wat dit
beteken. Ideaal vir Esperanto. Die bestaande Esperanto woord
wat Thomas vroeër hier genoem het ("senpatrulo") beteken niks vir
in elk geval 'n Afrikaner of Engelsman nie.
Swart Simon
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23120 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Fri, 21 May 1999 00:00 |
Willem-Jan Markerink
Boodskappe: 331 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
In article , (Squirrel) wrote:
> Fire away my good man ... we are eager to hear your point of
> view... whatever that may be ... and in whatever language you
> choose to do it in.
In het Chinees 'hoor' je toch echt vrij weinig....8-))
Willem-Jan Markerink
The desire to understand
is sometimes far less intelligent than
the inability to understand
[note: 'a-one' & 'en-el'!]
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23121 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Fri, 21 May 1999 00:00 |
Willem-Jan Markerink
Boodskappe: 331 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
In article , wrote:
> I'm trying to understand what skoert and basta are.
> Basta, I think, means "enough." (It's in my Dutch dictionary.)
> I can only guess that "skoert" means "scram" or "get out."
> (I did a web search on that word and found the phrase "skoert uit de
> pad" or something like that.) I couldn't find it in any on-line
> dictionaries, and I couldn't find it (or schoert) in my Dutch
> dictionary. I don't have an Afrikaans dictionary.
Ik denk dat het afkomstig is van het Nederlandse 'scheer je
weg!'....fonetisch klinkt dat in sommige dialecten al gauw als
'skeer'....en het betekent 'verdwijn', of 'maak dat je wegkomt'.
Willem-Jan Markerink
The desire to understand
is sometimes far less intelligent than
the inability to understand
[note: 'a-one' & 'en-el'!]
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23197 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Mon, 24 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 2172 Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
| writes:
I am only sorry that I must repay their efforts to answer my
> questions by telling them that I hardly understood a word they said.
So, basta, Meneer Esperanto.
Basta = Portugees vir " stop this nonsense"
"go away" "we are tired of your
As jy nie in Afrikaans kan skryf nie,
basta ons nuusgroep besoek.
Hoop dis nou die laaste sien van die blikkantien.
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23198 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Mon, 24 May 1999 00:00 |
Arthur Hagen
Boodskappe: 559 Geregistreer: July 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Gloudina heeft geschreven...
> writes:
> I am only sorry that I must repay their efforts to answer my
>> questions by telling them that I hardly understood a word they said.
> As jy nie in Afrikaans kan skryf nie,
> basta ons nuusgroep besoek.
> Totsiens,
> Hoop dis nou die laaste sien van die blikkantien.
Waarom zo kortaf, Gloudina? Thomas toonde voldoende interesse in de
om toch een flink aantal berichten te openen en te kijken of ze -voor hem
begrijpbare- teksten in het Engels herbergden. Die inspanning hoeft toch
niet te worden "beloond" met bovenstaande opmerkingen?
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23199 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Mon, 24 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 14 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
In article ,
> So, basta, Meneer Esperanto.
> Basta = Portugees vir " stop this nonsense"
> "go away" "we are tired of your
> presence."
Yeah, I understood that already.
> As jy nie in Afrikaans kan skryf nie,
> basta ons nuusgroep besoek.
> Totsiens,
Wait. Doesn't "totsiens" mean that you'll see me again? Why would you say
that after telling me "basta."
So it seems that you can't ask a question about Afrikaans in the Afrikaans
culture nuusgroep without getting flamed by the Afrikaans-only crew.
Oh well.
Thomas L. Rochestro P.S. If you really want me to basta, you'd stop giving me
interesting notes to reply to. ;-)
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23200 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Mon, 24 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 14 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
In article ,
"Simon van der Schans" wrote:
> "Scram" is nou wel 'n akkurate vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord
> "skoert",
My many thanks to Simon and the other folks who answered my question in
Afrikaans. I am only sorry that I must repay their efforts to answer my
questions by telling them that I hardly understood a word they said.
I suppose that the above means "'Scram' is indeed an accurate
translation of the Afrikaans word 'skoert'" so now my question is
> bestaande Esperanto woord
> wat Thomas vroeër hier genoem het ("senpatrulo") beteken niks vir
> in elk geval 'n Afrikaner of Engelsman nie.
I don't quite get this sentence here. In elk geval, I only mentioned it
because I had mistakenly suposed that "basta" meant "bastard."
Thomas L. Rochestro
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23232 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Tue, 25 May 1999 00:00 |
Simon van der Schans
Boodskappe: 263 Geregistreer: January 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
| wrote in message
> In article ,
> wrote:
>> As jy nie in Afrikaans kan skryf nie,
>> basta ons nuusgroep besoek.
>> Totsiens,
> Wait. Doesn't "totsiens" mean that you'll see me again? Why would you say
> that after telling me "basta."
Van my kant af ook: touchê en in die kol, meneer Esperanto.
Voordat jy hierdie nuusgroep egter verlaat sal ek nog graag van
jou wil weet hoe sê 'n mens "skoert" in Esperanto. Ek brand om
te weet.
Swart Simon
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23233 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Tue, 25 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 15 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
This attitude that some have regarding the so-called purity of the group is
TYPICAL of those from the Cape Province (by origin) Cape-Dutch.
On top of that they also show their arrogance and rudeness.
Is that now the way to go about regarding this language.
Kom by julle hipokratiese Cape-Dutch. Julle wie alewig snert van die
Boervolk praat en gehelp het om 24000 Boere kinders om die lewe te bring.
>> So, basta, Meneer Esperanto.
>> Basta = Portugees vir " stop this nonsense"
>> "go away" "we are tired of your
>> presence."
> Yeah, I understood that already.
>> As jy nie in Afrikaans kan skryf nie,
>> basta ons nuusgroep besoek.
>> Totsiens,
> Wait. Doesn't "totsiens" mean that you'll see me again? Why would you say
> that after telling me "basta."
> So it seems that you can't ask a question about Afrikaans in the Afrikaans
> culture nuusgroep without getting flamed by the Afrikaans-only crew.
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23234 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Tue, 25 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 14 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
In article , wrote:
> G'day, my Portugese friend
Thanks, Mate, but why are you calling me Portugese? I'm American.
Ik is nie Portugese.
You know, it's a wild experience trying to cary on a conversation in a
language you don't know. I speak German and maybe a few dozen words of
Dutch, so that's why I'm able to guess at what people are saying to me
in Afrikaans -- and I mean guess.
Thanks for the translation. From it I picked up my Afrikaans word of
the day. "en." (It means "and" right?)
Thanks for the invitation to stick around. I think I'll "bly" here
at least as long as this thread lasts. To say nothing else - this
experience has piqued my interest in Afrikaans. (I just stumbled upon
the newsgroup.)
BTW, I wonder of which there is more awareness in North America - the
Esperanto language, or the Afrikaans language. Probably Afrikaans, but
I wonder by what margin.
Thomas L. Rochestro
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23235 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Tue, 25 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 2172 Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
| writes:
> G'day, my Portugese friend
Royleen, ek is amper seker hy is nie
Portugees nie, anders sal hy die woord
"basta" geken het.
> And Touche! Anyone who shows enough interest in this group to stay
> around and learn about it, can only be good for it.
Meneer d'Esperanto het hier ingestap omdat
hy oor Esperanto wou praat. Jou aandag is
darem baie oppervlakkig.
> I'll now translate it all for you: Goeiedag, my Portugese vriend
> En Touche! Enige iemand wat genoeg belangstelling toon in die groep om
> aan te bly en meer te leer, kan net goed daarvoor wees. En wel gedaan
> met jou vordering tot nou toe. En asseblief, ons is nie almal
> dieselfde nie - en ek is nie deel van die "slegs-Afrikaans groep" nie,
> alhoewel ek nou weer beter Afrikaans kan skryf en praat na my deelname
> aan die groep. Bly dus asseblief hier rond en moenie ontmoedig word
> deur 'n baie klein (ook kleinsielige) en soms ongebalanseerde
> minderheid nie.
> Groete uit my Queenslandse Paradys
Uit "jou" Queenslandse Paradys?
As ek reg onthou, het die inheemse
stamme van Australi"e nou mede-
besitsreg oor die grond van Queens-
Ek moet jou darem gelukwens met die spronge
wat jou Afrikaans in die afgelope maande
gemaak het. Van iemand wat wou spog dat haar
Afrikaans noual verroes is weens haar verblyf
in die buiteland (en hoe lank is jy uit, vyf
jaar as ek reg onthou?) is daar nou skielik
niks met jou Afrikaans verkeerd nie. As
iemand moes kla dat haar Afrikaans verroes
is, sou dit ek moet wees. (Ek is al 31 jaar
in die buiteland, praat al vir 23 jaar nie
meer Afrikaans in my huis nie. Hoes daai
vir 'n rekord.)
Gloudina, die guerilla-vegter vir die
voortbestaan van Afrikaans in die
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23236 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Tue, 25 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 68 Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
In article , wrote:
> Yeah, I understood that already.
> Wait. Doesn't "totsiens" mean that you'll see me again? Why would you say
> that after telling me "basta."
> So it seems that you can't ask a question about Afrikaans in the Afrikaans
> culture nuusgroep without getting flamed by the Afrikaans-only crew.
G'day, my Portugese friend
And Touche! Anyone who shows enough interest in this group to stay
around and learn about it, can only be good for it. Well done on your
progress so far. And PLEASE, we're not all the same - and I'm not part
of the "Afrikaans-only crew" although I am now able to speak and write
it well again after participating in this group. So please stick
around and don't be discouraged by a very small (in mind as well), and
sometimes unbalanced, minority.
I'll now translate it all for you: Goeiedag, my Portugese vriend
En Touche! Enige iemand wat genoeg belangstelling toon in die groep om
aan te bly en meer te leer, kan net goed daarvoor wees. En wel gedaan
met jou vordering tot nou toe. En asseblief, ons is nie almal
dieselfde nie - en ek is nie deel van die "slegs-Afrikaans groep" nie,
alhoewel ek nou weer beter Afrikaans kan skryf en praat na my deelname
aan die groep. Bly dus asseblief hier rond en moenie ontmoedig word
deur 'n baie klein (ook kleinsielige) en soms ongebalanseerde
minderheid nie.
Groete uit my Queenslandse Paradys
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23237 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Tue, 25 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 14 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
In article ,
> As jy nie in Afrikaans kan skryf nie,
> basta ons nuusgroep besoek.
One last thing on this...
I decided to check the FAQ's and the Charter for this newsgroup (which I
probably should have done before I posted in the first place), and I see
that you are violating it.
The soc.culture.south-africa FAQ states that all languages are welcome,
and that multi-language threads are to be expected -- but replying in a
different language is considered rude.
From the FAQ:
"If a person posts in language , you should consider replying in that
language. If you feel uncomfortable about doing so (for example, your
proficiency in that language is such that you would not be able to
express yourself clearly) then respond in any language you like. It is
considered rude to change language merely because the person you are
replying to won't understand you. Contributions in all languages are
welcome and part of the spirit of the charter of this group: attacks
on posters merely because of the language used in postings is not
Further, in the soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans charter says that the
primary languages include English, but that *any* language is to be
From the soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans charter:
"All articles posted should have 'something' to do with southern Africa,
Afrikaans or Afrikaans-speaking people, however remotely."
I believe all my posts have related - although some were admittedly
pretty far flung.
"Primarily, postings in Afrikaans (also in 'alternative' Afrikaans),
Dutch and English can be expected. However, postings in any other
language are also welcome to facilitate the exchange of information
with the largest possible audience."
So... before telling someone to skoert for not sending Afrikaans replies
to English messages, read the FAQ and the charter.
Thomas L. Rochestro
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23238 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Tue, 25 May 1999 00:00 |
Errol Back-Cunningham
Boodskappe: 1029 Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On 25 May 1999 18:12:52 GMT, wrote:
| iemand moes kla dat haar Afrikaans verroes
| is, sou dit ek moet wees. (Ek is al 31 jaar
| in die buiteland, praat al vir 23 jaar nie
| meer Afrikaans in my huis nie. Hoes daai
| vir 'n rekord.)
Die ergste van alles is dat jy nie jou kop in 'n orifis druk en jou
doodskaam daaroor nie. Dis defnitief nie 'n rekord om mee te spog
nie. Veral komende van iemand wat kapsie maak teen 'n Ingelse
En dan moet jy maar sê "goeiendag" en daarmee saam besef dat jou
Afrikaans wel BAIE verroes het! Een en Dertig jaar se roes.... Dis
nie iets waaroor jy hoef te kla nie - leer net.
| Gloudina, die guerilla-vegter vir die
| voortbestaan van Afrikaans in die
| kuber-ruimte.
Ek vermoed jy het hier fout gemaak - jy het seker bedoel "die gorilla
wat veg vir.."
=|:^) "America Rules!"
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23276 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 141 Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Hoekom ruik en lont? Die ou se Engels is glad nie watwonders nie, mens sê
mos nie " I wonder of which there is more awareness in North America" dit
klink vir my verkeerd, of nie?. Miskien ken hy soveel tale dat dit hom
dronk in die kop maak, en hy eers n versterkwatertjie moet vat om sy
gedagtes weer helder te maak :-)).
> BTW, I wonder of which there is more awareness in North America - the
> Esperanto language, or the Afrikaans language. Probably Afrikaans, but
> I wonder by what margin.
> Thomas L. Rochestro
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23277 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 2172 Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
| (Johan ) writes:
> | Gloudina, die guerilla-vegter
jy het seker bedoel "die gorilla
> Johan
Johan, 'n rukkie gelede het ek vir
jou vertel van die wetenskaplike
studie van forensiese taalgebruik,
waar hulle die geskrifte van 'n
persoon ondersoek om uit te vind
of hy die skuldige is.Hulle het
byvoorbeeld deur die ontleding
van sy geskrifte die Unabomber
uitgevind en gevang, en gebruik dit
op die oomblik om uit te vind of
Jon-Benet Ramsey se moeder skuldig
is aan haar moord. Nouja, jou
geskrifte is ook maar darem maklik
om forensies te ondersoek. Een
karaktertrek daarvan is die naiewe
ou grappies, wat omtrent net veertien-
jarige onderontwikkelde seuns nog
sal maak. Soos byvoorbeeld die ou
holruggeryde guerilla/gorilla
vergelyking. My beste raad aan jou
is, neem 'n tydjie af, word groot
en kom dan terug en praat soos 'n
man. Dit sal forensies in jou taal
weerspieel wees.
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23278 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Willem-Jan Markerink
Boodskappe: 331 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
In article , wrote:
> writes:
> I am only sorry that I must repay their efforts to answer my
>> questions by telling them that I hardly understood a word they said.
> So, basta, Meneer Esperanto.
> Basta = Portugees vir " stop this nonsense"
> "go away" "we are tired of your
> presence."
> As jy nie in Afrikaans kan skryf nie,
> basta ons nuusgroep besoek.
> Totsiens,
> Hoop dis nou die laaste sien van die blikkantien.
Ik vind het niet helemaal eerlijk dat je Thomas op dezelfde hoop gooit als
Squirrel....Squirrel is het Afrikaans machtig, en post toch in het
Engels....Thomas is geen van de Dietse(?) talen machtig, en de verwantschap
van Esperanto met Afrikaans was op zich best interessant, dus niet echt
off-topic (en volgens mij kwam hij ook nog in deze nieuwsgroep terecht door
een crossposting (vertaling graag!....:-)) in s.c.s-a).
Of anders gesteld: moet deze mooie taal & cultuur beperkt blijven tot
mensen die deze taal (of een aanverwante 'Dietse' taal) al spreken?
Dat Afrikaans de voorkeur verdient boven Engels staat buiten kijf, maar om
nou mensen buiten te sluiten die wel in de Afrikaanse taal/cultuur
geinteresseerd zijn, maar alleen Engels kunnen....
Willem-Jan Markerink
The desire to understand
is sometimes far less intelligent than
the inability to understand
[note: 'a-one' & 'en-el'!]
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23279 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 141 Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Kom by julle tweegesig KAAPS-HOLLANDSE mense. Julle WAT alewig snert van
die Boerevolk praat en gehelp het om 24 000 BOEREKINDERS om die lewe te
bring (??? HUH, kan iemand my inlig waaroor hy praat, en hoekom klink hy
soos skwirrel, dalk is hulle knaagnefies)
Hou die taal suiwer en korrek assebief
> Kom by julle hipokratiese Cape-Dutch. Julle wie alewig snert van die
> Boervolk praat en gehelp het om 24000 Boere kinders om die lewe te bring.
> Boerseun
>>> So, basta, Meneer Esperanto.
>>> Basta = Portugees vir " stop this nonsense"
>>> "go away" "we are tired of your
>>> presence."
>> Yeah, I understood that already.
>>> As jy nie in Afrikaans kan skryf nie,
>>> basta ons nuusgroep besoek.
>>> Totsiens,
>> Wait. Doesn't "totsiens" mean that you'll see me again? Why would you say
>> that after telling me "basta."
>> So it seems that you can't ask a question about Afrikaans in the Afrikaans
>> culture nuusgroep without getting flamed by the Afrikaans-only crew.
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23280 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 14 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
In article ,
"Simon van der Schans" wrote:
> Voordat jy hierdie nuusgroep egter verlaat sal ek nog graag van
> jou wil weet hoe sê 'n mens "skoert" in Esperanto. Ek brand om
> te weet.
Oh, yes, how forgetful of me....
skoert - "iru for!"
basta - "sufichas!"
Cetere "Ek brand om te weet" estas interesa esprimo. Lau'vorte en
Esperanto, g'i estus "Mi brulas por scii." Estas amuze imagi vin
brulanta. (T.e. nur estus amuze, se tio ne estus vera.)
Thomas L. Rochestro
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23281 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 68 Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
In article , wrote:
> and I see
> that you are violating it.
> The soc.culture.south-africa FAQ states that all languages are welcome,
> and that multi-language threads are to be expected
> Further, in the soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans charter says that the
> primary languages include English, but that *any* language is to be
> permitted.
> So... before telling someone to skoert for not sending Afrikaans replies
> to English messages, read the FAQ and the charter.
Thank you, once again, very much, my American friend! I never bothered
to look up the charter before, but you just confirmed a few thoughts I
had. I have grown so tired of the outbursts of certain people about
the use of English on this newsgroup - it really displays such an
Apartheid mentality that it's really quite sickening. You've got my
eternal gratitude.
Baie dankie, weereens, my Amerikaanse vriend! Ek het nog nooit die
moeite gedoen om die regulasies op te soek nie, maar jy het 'n paar
gedagtes vir my bevestig. Ek het so moeg geword van die uitbarstings
van sekere mense oor die gebruik van Engels op die nuusgroep - dit toon
so 'n Apartheidsmentaliteit dat dit mens regtig siek maak. Jy het my
dankbaarheid vir ewig.
BTW "en" does mean "and"! Well done again.
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23282 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Leendert van Oostrum
Boodskappe: 1880 Geregistreer: July 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
In article , wrote:
> In article ,
> wrote:
>> As jy nie in Afrikaans kan skryf nie,
>> basta ons nuusgroep besoek.
> So... before telling someone to skoert for not sending Afrikaans replies
> to English messages, read the FAQ and the charter.
No need to do that - as founder member of the NG, Gloudina once
subscribed to the charter by voting _for_ its adoption.
Not, of course, that she will allow such trivial details to deprive her
of the opportunity to be rude.
Rudeness is the one consistent characteristic she seems capable of.
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23283 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 2172 Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
| (Johan ) writes:
> =|:^) "America Rules!"
> Johan
Sien, dis hierdie soort mentaliteit
wat my so naar maak dat ek kan opgooi.
Jy is nou nog maar omtrent 15 maande
in die VSA uit SA uit, en dis die soort
snert wat jy kwytraak. Jy probeer
uit-Amerikaner die Amerikaners. Regte
Amerikaners lag agter hulle vuiste
vir jou.
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23284 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 68 Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
In article ,
> Jou aandag is
> darem baie oppervlakkig.
> Uit "jou" Queenslandse Paradys?
> As ek reg onthou, het die inheemse
> stamme van Australi"e nou mede-
> besitsreg oor die grond van Queens-
> land.
> Van iemand wat wou spog dat haar
> Afrikaans noual verroes is weens haar verblyf
> in die buiteland (en hoe lank is jy uit, vyf
> jaar as ek reg onthou?)
As my aandag oppervlakkig is, is dit omdat jou eentonige gehamer op die
korrekte gebruik van Afrikaans so vervelend is dat ek werklik nie juis
baie aandag daaraan gee nie. En ek het ook nie tyd om heeldag voor my
rekenaar te sit nie. Maar wanneer jy beledigend raak teenoor mense wat
die groep besoek, voel ek gedwonge om te reageer sodat ek kan wys dat
nie alle mense dieselfde apartheidsmentaliteit het as jy nie. En dank
die Vader daarvoor.
En jy behoort werklik al op jou ouderdom volwasse genoeg te wees om te
besef dat mens nie altyd die voornaamwoord "my" gebruik as 'n
aanduiding van persoonlike besitting nie.
Terloops, my bedoeling was nooit om te spog oor my verroeste Afrikaans
nie - ek het dit bloot genoem as verduideliking vir my gebruik van
Engels totdat ek weer genoegsaam vlot in Afrikaans was. Ek stel
redelik hoe standaarde aan myself en wag liewer voordat ek iets doen
totdat ek verseker is dat ek dit reg kan doen. Jy sal dit seker nie
weet nie, maar alle mense het verskillende vermoens wanneer dit kom by
die behoud van hul moedertaal - sommige mense verloor dit maklik, ander
neem weer langer om te roes. Miskien is jy ook stadig op die gebied?
Weereens, groete uit my Paradys
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23285 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 141 Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Maar sien jy nou Thossie, die woordeboek gee nie altyd die slangbeskrywings
nie, en ek hou van die feit dat jy chutzpah het
om rond te hang by die lys, en ek wil nie vyandig voorkom nie.
n Versterkwatertjie( versterk - om sterk te maak, water is maar altyd
water) is n ander woord vir drank of booze
Nog n paar idiome of volkswoorde wat jy dalk interessant sal vind.
Ditsem - dit beteken " go for it" (ook Vat hom Flaffie)
Bliksem beteken weerlig
Voertsek beteken scat of get (of soos hulle hier in die Suide sê "git")
Magnolia groete
PAT wrote in article ...
> In article ,
> "PAT" wrote (and I partially understood):
>> mos nie " I wonder of which there is more awareness in North
>> America" dit klink vir my verkeerd, of nie?.
> I suppose it would be more common to say "I wonder which there is more
> awareness of" - but that would require putting a preposition at the end
> - which is a grammatical error up with which I will not put. :-)
>> Miskien ken hy soveel tale dat dit hom
>> dronk in die kop maak, en hy eers n
>> versterkwatertjie moet vat om sy
>> gedagtes weer helder te maak :-)).
> [Maybe he knows so many languages, that this makes him drunk
> in the head and something something something something something]
> Yeah, pretty funny.
> I guess that althought the s.c.s-a.a charter specifically allows
> alternative Afrikaans, it doesn't specifically allow alternative
> English. :-)
> Thomas L. Rochestro
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23286 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Willem-Jan Markerink
Boodskappe: 331 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
In article , wrote:
> writes:
>> G'day, my Portugese friend
> Royleen, ek is amper seker hy is nie
> Portugees nie, anders sal hy die woord
> "basta" geken het.
>> And Touche! Anyone who shows enough interest in this group to stay
>> around and learn about it, can only be good for it.
> Meneer d'Esperanto het hier ingestap omdat
> hy oor Esperanto wou praat. Jou aandag is
> darem baie oppervlakkig.
Volgens mij reageerde hij op een crossposting in s.c.s-a, betreffende de
verwantschap tussen Afrikaans en Esperanto (keyword 'Fokkoff', korter dan
het Engels, en bijna wereldwijd begrijpelijk....:-)).
Willem-Jan Markerink
The desire to understand
is sometimes far less intelligent than
the inability to understand
[note: 'a-one' & 'en-el'!]
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23287 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 2172 Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
| writes:
> Terloops, my bedoeling was nooit om te spog oor my verroeste Afrikaans
> nie - ek het dit bloot genoem as verduideliking vir my gebruik van
> Engels totdat ek weer genoegsaam vlot in Afrikaans was. Ek stel
> redelik hoe standaarde aan myself en wag liewer voordat ek iets doen
> totdat ek verseker is dat ek dit reg kan doen.
Wel, uit observasie van jou Engels
en nou van jou Afrikaans, kan ek
jou verseker dat jou Afrikaans nou
drie maande later baie beter is as
jou Engels drie maande gelede.
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23288 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Simon van der Schans
Boodskappe: 263 Geregistreer: January 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
| wrote in message
> Cetere "Ek brand om te weet" estas interesa esprimo. Lau'vorte en
> Esperanto, g'i estus "Mi brulas por scii." Estas amuze imagi vin
> brulanta. (T.e. nur estus amuze, se tio ne estus vera.)
Nou het jy my verloor.
"amuze" = ?
"vin" = ?
"T.e. = ?
Swart Simon
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23289 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Errol Back-Cunningham
Boodskappe: 1029 Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On 26 May 1999 14:14:26 GMT, wrote:
| Sien, dis hierdie soort mentaliteit
| wat my so naar maak dat ek kan opgooi.
Word goed naar, raak ontslae van al die gal in jou gestel. Daar is
vir my geen meetsnoer in om te weet of jy van my mentaliteit hou of
nie - allermins.
| Jy is nou nog maar omtrent 15 maande
| in die VSA uit SA uit, en dis die soort
| snert wat jy kwytraak.
Met die uitsluitlike doel om jou te treiter en jy val "hook, line and
sinker" daarvoor! En, wat my hart so lekker warm maak, is dat ek
werklik so voel oor Amerika, al het hy baie foute!
| Jy probeer
| uit-Amerikaner die Amerikaners.
Dankie vir die kompliment - ek probeer hard, maar ek is bevrees my
aksent en herkoms sal my altyd merk as 'n nuwe aankomeling, maak nie
saak hoe lank ek hier is nie.
| Regte
| Amerikaners lag agter hulle vuiste
| vir jou.
Jy sal gelukkig nie 'n regte Amerikaner ken as jy hom sien nie - en
nog minder sal jy weet hoe hulle dink en reageer teenoor ordentlike
Gaan kyk na Winnie as jy iemand wil sien wat agter 'n vuis lag....
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23290 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Wed, 26 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 14 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
In article ,
"PAT" wrote (and I partially understood):
> mos nie " I wonder of which there is more awareness in North
> America" dit klink vir my verkeerd, of nie?.
I suppose it would be more common to say "I wonder which there is more
awareness of" - but that would require putting a preposition at the end
- which is a grammatical error up with which I will not put. :-)
> Miskien ken hy soveel tale dat dit hom
> dronk in die kop maak, en hy eers n
> versterkwatertjie moet vat om sy
> gedagtes weer helder te maak :-)).
[Maybe he knows so many languages, that this makes him drunk
in the head and something something something something something]
Yeah, pretty funny.
I guess that althought the s.c.s-a.a charter specifically allows
alternative Afrikaans, it doesn't specifically allow alternative
English. :-)
Thomas L. Rochestro
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23345 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Thu, 27 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 8 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
How ugly. I've seen many good postings from this lady in Canada, some of
great value to Afrikaans and SA people abroad. That's what's so cool about
the Net ... you can say anything that comes to mind .... nobody can stop you
... and it can never be erased, forever visible to any-one anywhere in the
Squirrel skryf in boodskap news:140b4c1a0d73c3ca6c197f04421002af@anonymous.poster...
> The arsehole sitting in Canada is trying to apply Apartheid rules
> to posters on this NG and should be IGNORED completely. This NG
> welcomes contibutions - other than childish outdated poems
> incessantly posted by this moronic, immature waste of human flesh
> - with most members here either ignoring here completely, or
> posting simple statements urging her to piss off.
> She gives the impression that she speaks for Afrikaners
> everywhere - which of course she doesn't. The only thing she does
> for Afrikaners is give them a bad name around the world. A lot of
> harm and negative publicity is being dumped on Afrikaners - who
> surely don't need this imbecile defaming their image any more
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23350 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Thu, 27 May 1999 00:00 |
Simon van der Schans
Boodskappe: 263 Geregistreer: January 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
| wrote in message
> "amuze" = funny, amusing. I couldn't find those words
> in any online Afrikaans dictionary.
"Funny" = "snaaks" in Afrikaans. "Snaaks" is 'n woord wat
algemeen in Afrikaans gebruik word, en ek vind dit vreemd dat jy
dit nie in 'n Afrikaanse woordeboek kon kry nie. Net soos
"funny" in Engels kan dit nie net "amusing" beteken nie maar ook
"odd". "Snaaks" is 'n tipiese voorbeeld van 'n Afrikaanse woord
wat van Nederlands kom en algemeen in Afrikaans gebruik word,
maar wat nie (meer?) algemeen in Nederlands gebruik word nie.
> "vin" = you.
Ek het gedink dit was iets wat 'n mens drink en waarvan jy dronk
> for example "Jy het my verloor" and "ek hat julle verloor."
> Is the second one correct?
Nee. Dit moet wees: "Jy het my verloor" en "ek het jou
Ek het lekker met jou gesels, en dit is duidelik dat jy baie
beter Afrikaans verstaan as wat ek Esperanto verstaan.
Maar ek moet jou ongelukkig teleurstel. In my opinie het
Esperanto nie 'n toekoms nie. Die ontstaan en verdwyning van
tale is volgens my 'n natuurlike proses wat 'n mens nie
willekeurig kan bestuur nie. Tale sal meen ek kom en gaan soos
wat diere- en plante-spesies in die natuur oor die eeue kom en
Swart Simon
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23353 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Thu, 27 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 2 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
In article ,
"Simon van der Schans" wrote:
> "amuze" = ? =fun
> "vin" = ? = you (as direct object of the verb)
> "T.e. = ?
= standard abbreviation for "tio estas" = "that is", normally in
English one writes "i.e.", which derives from Latin "id est", to mean
the same thing
> Swart Simon
Hope that helps.
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23355 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Thu, 27 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 14 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
In article ,
"Simon van der Schans" wrote:
> wrote in message
> ...
> Nou het jy my verloor.
Sorry to have lost you. Now you know how I feel
when I ask a basic question about Afrikaans (a
language which I never studied) and I get the
answer *in* Afrikaans.
To answer your questions:
"amuze" = funny, amusing. I couldn't find those words
in any online Afrikaans dictionary.
"vin" = you. I suppose that it means julle and not jy.
Is jy for subjects and jullie for objects?
for example "Jy het my verloor" and "ek hat julle verloor."
Is the second one correct?
"T.e." = tio estas = that is.
So, here it is again, this time with English translation.
Cetere "Ek brand om te weet" estas interesa esprimo.
Lau'vorte en Esperanto, g'i estus "Mi brulas por scii."
Estas amuze imagi vin brulanta. (T.e. nur estus amuze,
se tio ne estus vera.)
By the way, "Ek brand om te weet" is an interesting expression.
Literally in Esperanto it would be "Mi brulas por scii."
It's funny to think of you [literally] burning. That is, it would
only be funny if it isn't true.
Thomas L Rochestro
Re: Speak English by all means... [boodskap #23388 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #23087] |
Fri, 28 May 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 107 Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Hey Boerseun word wakker ons sit in die 21ste eeu! Wat de fok het ek en
enige ander kapenaar te doen met 24000 boere kinders?
Boerseun wrote in message ...
> This attitude that some have regarding the so-called purity of the group is
> TYPICAL of those from the Cape Province (by origin) Cape-Dutch.
> On top of that they also show their arrogance and rudeness.
> Is that now the way to go about regarding this language.
> Kom by julle hipokratiese Cape-Dutch. Julle wie alewig snert van die
> Boervolk praat en gehelp het om 24000 Boere kinders om die lewe te bring.
> Boerseun
>>> So, basta, Meneer Esperanto.
>>> Basta = Portugees vir " stop this nonsense"
>>> "go away" "we are tired of your
>>> presence."
>> Yeah, I understood that already.
>>> As jy nie in Afrikaans kan skryf nie,
>>> basta ons nuusgroep besoek.
>>> Totsiens,
>> Wait. Doesn't "totsiens" mean that you'll see me again? Why would you say
>> that after telling me "basta."
>> So it seems that you can't ask a question about Afrikaans in the Afrikaans
>> culture nuusgroep without getting flamed by the Afrikaans-only crew.
Bladsye (2): [1 ] |
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