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Nog een vir die regering? [boodskap #16512] Sun, 02 August 1998 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383
Geregistreer: February 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Is daar nou nog regdenkinde mense hier en in die Buiteland wat saamstem dat
hierdie regering normaal en regverdig optree.


In the African tribes it might be an accepted practice to gain
possessions by taking it from another by force. In South Africa
however, lives a white tribe that does not take kindly to this.

We say this without fear, because there is no more place for

The government is busy stealing from whites in general, and the
Afrikaner in particular. He is doing this with the power
available to the state as a specific form of violence. Even when
this happens by means of legislation, it remains robbery and does
not differ in outcome from any other crime.

The government's behaviour is not even always legal. A blatant
example of this is the way the government took possession of all
moving and unmoving assets owned by the former Model C schools,
without compensation. This clearly in contradiction to article
25 of the constitution. The fact is that these schools were
almost without exception the property of Afrikaner communities,
making it another transgression against our people.

Article 25 is about the right to property. Among others it
prevents arbitrary deprivation. Where property is dispossessed
in public interest, the Constitution states:

The amount of compensation as well as the time and way of payment
must be just and fair and must show a balance between public
interest and the interests of those involved.

According to "Mondstuk", newspaper of the Afrikaner Teachers
Association, the government ignored all claims by model C schools
to be compensated. The department merely decided not to pay any
compensation. According to "Mondstuk" the reasons the department
gives for this step is contrary to article 25.

By doing this, the government lay claim to 11 000 schools which
do not belong to it, but is in reality private property. The fact
that the Department of Education is so crippled by mismanagement,
nepotism and all but bankrupt does not make this action less

This is clear human rights violations by the state. The
honourable thing to do would have been to leave the schools in
private ownership. The schools can be used by Afrikaner
communities who are forced by government to provide for the
private education of their children.

The taking of schools and other property is of course a part of
the ANC/SACP's policy of affirmative action which, according to
article 9(2) of the Constitution allows discrimination.

The confiscation of model C schools is not the only example of
the government robbing the private sector. The government took
possession of water and mineral rights, and the new law on land
reform gives the state the power to take possession of farms.

Affirmative action and transformation are only pleasing words for
white injustice and deprivation. It robs whites of their work,
their earnings, as well as services they pay for in tax. It robs
the Afrikaner of his language, his culture and Christian and
nationalist education.

It is a crime to force a decline in social and other services,
while Mandela earns R665 230 and almost illiterate workers earn
between R20 000 and R35 000 per month in positions for which they
are not qualified.

The Afrikaner has had enough! He is busy mobilising and fighting
back with all the constitutional means possible. If he cannot
find justice this way, he will be forced to reconsider his
Re: Nog een vir die regering? [boodskap #16550 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #16512] Tue, 04 August 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
G.B.  is tans af-lyn  G.B.
Boodskappe: 2172
Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid (Simon) writes: >

> Ek sien Gloudina ignoreer hierdie waarhede met groot stilswye. Soos
> ander standpunte kan sy seker ook maar nie teen die waarheid stry nie.
> Ek hoop net jy lees dit, Gloudina en neem kennis. Ons Kleuterskool
> was ook victim van die stelery. Al die honderde rande wat ons daar in
> gesit het, is summier weggeneem.
> ...sommer net ek, Simon

Ag, ou me-me-me Simon, as jy nou bakleiery
tussen regering en bevolking wil sien, moet
jy hier na Ontario kom (waar omtrent 'n derde
van die bevolking van Kanada bly.) Die
provinsiale regering sny miljoene en miljoene
dollars, by elke skool dank hulle die jongste
van die personeel af. Die onderwysers het einde
van laasjaar gestaak (tevergeefs) en daar is
sprake dat hulle weer gaan staak in September.
Die provinsiale regering het probeer om die
reg om belasting te hef van die Katolieke
skoolkomitees afgeneem (Katolieke betaal meer
as nie-Katolieke vir hulle kinders se opvoeding.
Die Hoogsgereghof het die besluit onwettig verklaar.
As jy nou wil onmin tussen bevolking en departement
van Opvoeding wil sien, kom kyk in Ontario.

Re: Nog een vir die regering? [boodskap #16551 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #16512] Tue, 04 August 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Michael E Willett  is tans af-lyn  Michael E Willett
Boodskappe: 182
Geregistreer: March 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Sun, 2 Aug 1998 08:45:26 +0200, "Frikkie Potgieter"

> The government is busy stealing from whites in general, and the
> Afrikaner in particular. He is doing this with the power
> available to the state as a specific form of violence. Even when
> this happens by means of legislation, it remains robbery and does
> not differ in outcome from any other crime.

> According to "Mondstuk", newspaper of the Afrikaner Teachers
> Association, the government ignored all claims by model C schools
> to be compensated. The department merely decided not to pay any
> compensation. According to "Mondstuk" the reasons the department
> gives for this step is contrary to article 25.
Ek sien Gloudina ignoreer hierdie waarhede met groot stilswye. Soos
ander standpunte kan sy seker ook maar nie teen die waarheid stry nie.

Ek hoop net jy lees dit, Gloudina en neem kennis. Ons Kleuterskool
was ook victim van die stelery. Al die honderde rande wat ons daar in
gesit het, is summier weggeneem.
...sommer net ek, Simon
Re: Nog een vir die regering? [boodskap #16583 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #16512] Wed, 05 August 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Michael E Willett  is tans af-lyn  Michael E Willett
Boodskappe: 182
Geregistreer: March 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On 4 Aug 1998 21:56:20 GMT, waffled:
>> Ek sien Gloudina ignoreer hierdie waarhede met groot stilswye. Soos
>> ander standpunte kan sy seker ook maar nie teen die waarheid stry nie.
>> Ek hoop net jy lees dit, Gloudina en neem kennis. Ons Kleuterskool
>> was ook victim van die stelery. Al die honderde rande wat ons daar in
>> gesit het, is summier weggeneem.
>> ...sommer net ek, Simon

> Ag, ou me-me-me Simon, as jy nou bakleiery
> tussen regering en bevolking wil sien, moet
> jy hier na Ontario kom (waar omtrent 'n derde
> van die bevolking van Kanada bly.) Die
> provinsiale regering sny miljoene en miljoene
> dollars, by elke skool dank hulle die jongste
> van die personeel af. Die onderwysers het einde
> van laasjaar gestaak (tevergeefs) en daar is
> sprake dat hulle weer gaan staak in September.
> Die provinsiale regering het probeer om die
> reg om belasting te hef van die Katolieke
> skoolkomitees afgeneem (Katolieke betaal meer
> as nie-Katolieke vir hulle kinders se opvoeding.
> Die Hoogsgereghof het die besluit onwettig verklaar.
> As jy nou wil onmin tussen bevolking en departement
> van Opvoeding wil sien, kom kyk in Ontario.

Ek sal maar vir jou benefit herhaal, Gloudina :-
>> Ek sien Gloudina ignoreer hierdie waarhede met groot stilswye. Soos
>> ander standpunte kan sy seker ook maar nie teen die waarheid stry nie.
>> Ek hoop net jy lees dit, Gloudina en neem kennis. Ons Kleuterskool
>> was ook victim van die stelery. Al die honderde rande wat ons daar in
>> gesit het, is summier weggeneem.
>> ...sommer net ek, Simon

Nou kom skryf jy 'n klomp twak oor Canada. So what!?! Dit sê niks
oor die kriminaliteit van ons regering nie. Of glo jy ook two wrongs
make a right?
...sommer net ek, Simon
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