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Goeie nuus vir die Afrikaner ? [boodskap #117317] Ma, 19 Mei 2008 11:04
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SA farm attacks, suppression of Afrikaner rights unanimously condemned by
international minority-rights body, Brussels, Belgium

importantly, the Freedom Front Plus party was also unanimously accepted as
the 72nd member of the internationally-influential Unrepresented Nations'
and Peoples' Organisation (UNPO) to represent Afrikaner rights

Nearly two decades ago, the late Boerestaat Party leader Robert van Tonder
's membership application of the international minority-rights body UNPO was
reluctantly turned down. The Boerestaat Party itself had formally sworn off
the use of any violence -- however affiliated organisations such as the
Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging were at that time, using and advocating armed
violence to gain Afrikaner political hegemony.

However the tide of international opinion towards Afrikaners has clearly
turned this weekend, when the Freedom Front Plus party, representing
Afrikaner-rights, was unanimously accepted by UNPO's 71 members. They also
unanimously condemned the many armed attacks against Afrikaner farms and
homes, and the ANC-regime's policy of suppressing Afrikaner cultural and
language rights.

This is a indeed an international breakthrough for the Afrikaner minority --
which is increasingly fearful especially in the face of the current
ethnic-cleansing campaigns washing over SA townships and spreading
throughout the inner city slums of Johannesburg this weekend. Scores of
black and Asian 'foreigners' are being killed, hundreds injured and many
thousands of 'foreign blacks' are being chased out of townships by feral
South African township youths only because they look like, or sound like

Membership of UNPO also means that the entire Afrikaner-boer minority has
now been given an important international platform for the first time since
the Anglo-Boer War from which they can once again, democratically fight for
their civil, political and human rights inside South Africa.

Senior Afrikaans journalist Dr Leopold Scholtz reports that all the other
members of UNPO -- Africans and European members alike -- were also
displaying a positive and friendly attitude towards the Afrikaners who were
present at the Brussels congress this week.

Since 1994, some 2,961 SA farmers, -workers and their kin have already been
murdered in the many tens of thousands of armed attacks against farms and
the urban homes of Afrikaner families in ANC-ruled South Africa.

(For details and pictures, see the Farm Attacks, Murders, Robberies, Rapes
and Boer Genocide pages on )

In the face of this month's full-blown ethnic-cleansing waves chasing black
and Asian 'foreigners' from South African townships, the Afrikaners'
membership of UNPO has also taken on an extra-urgent tone: as can be seen in
the organised attackers targetting their farms and homes since 1994,
Afrikaners also are under a similar siege in which many thousands of
Afrikaner families are being decimated.

Over the past month, some 17 people have died in the many very gruesome
ethnic-cleansing attacks now targetting township dwellers - this weekend, at
least two blacks were also torched in the ANC's gruesome 'traditional
necklacing method': by placing a burning tyre about a victim's neck. Today's
newspapers in South Africa are publishing many gruesome pictures and
reports, and say that township dwellers were even standing by and laughing
when one Zimbabwean man was being torched.

Over the past decade, the Afrikaner-Boer minority is similarly targetted by
such vicious armed attacks against their families at farms and in cities,
accompanied by constant streams of hate-speech from black activists and even
black artists.

UNPO has an international membership of 71 organisations (such as the
Freedom Front Plus) which represent many politically-suppressed minorities
worldwide such as the Ogoni in Nigeria, the Ughurs, Tibetans, the
Rehoboth-Basters of Namibia. It strives for political independence for all
these ethnic minorities and is an infuential platform internationally: this
particular congress was sponsored by the European Parliament's liberal
parties, the German FDP, the British Liberal-Democrats and the Dutch
liberals party VVD.

Access our Afrikaans/Dutch pages to read the entire story (in English):
Read the entire story by clicking here

Also see the page: ANC torture camps in exile in Angola - where 'necklacing'
was learned
Vorige onderwerp: Die AWB staan op
Volgende onderwerp: die VK en hul hantering van The Holocaust,
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