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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » UCT, AZT & HIV
UCT, AZT & HIV [boodskap #44755] Thu, 21 June 2001 12:52 na volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Hieronder uit die pamfet aangehaal - in Engels woord vir woord .
Sou dit graag in Afrikaans wou vertaal het, maar miskien sou mense dan kon
dink dat ek met die vertaling woorde en betekenisse verdraai het.
Miskien kan die slimmes hier ons beter inlig:
Ek sal die stukkie wat ek so ongelooflik vind in aanhalingstekens (")

Rape: What Happens Next?
Anyone who is raped, woman or man, has a right to medical help and
In the Western Cape a rape survivor can also get free AZT.
What to do in a case of rape:
Go to Grootte Schuur Hospital trauma unit.
Even if you choose not to report the rape, you may require medical treatment
and care.
At the moment, Grootte Schuur is the only public hospital in the central
Cape Town area capable of dispensing AZT to rape survivors. GF Jooste is the
only other public hospital in the greater Cape Town region that can dispense
AZT. UCT Campus Control will automatically take you to the trauma centre.
If you decide to report the rape to the SAPS ( SA Police Service) you can
insist the police first take you to Grootte Schuur Trauma Unit. A doctor can
first prescribe you a week's course of AZT and give you a medical
examination before you file a report with the police.
You will be asked at every stage for your consent. If you do not give your
consent, you will not receive the treatment.
Start taking AZT as soon as possible.
AZT is the only widely available medicine we have that may prevent HIV
infecting the human body.
We do not definitely know that AZT works in preventing HIV infection in
cases of rape, but we know it works in preventing HIV transmission from
mother to child.
The quicker the AZT can attack the HIV, the better the AZT's chances of
preventing the HIV from staying in the body. AZT can be taken up to 72 hours
after possible exposure. Before receiving the full AZT treatment you will
also be asked to consent to an HIV test. If you test positive you will not
receive the full course. Only if you test negative you will get the full
one-month course of AZT.
Men and women will receive antibiotics against possible STD infection as
well as the AZT. Women will also receive pregnancy contraceptives ( i.e. the
morning after pill)

"Finish the month course of AZT.

AZT only works if you take every single pill the doctor gives you. Missing
a dose can mean the HIV changes into a form the AZT cannot recognize and
cannot fight off.
AZT as a prophylactic ( i.e. to prevent HIV infection) can make a person
feel very ill. Your doctor can help - do not stop taking the pills. Every
time you take AZT as a prophylactic there is a strong risk the virus will
grow resistant to the AZT and it will not work. Don't throw away your
chances to prevent HIV infection. Use AZT only in cases of rape."

Rape is a traumatic assault on a person's body, mind and spirit. It can take
time for a person to come to terms with it. Professional counselling helps.

Distributed by:
Student Health
Counselling & Testing
650 3000 or 650 3662

Rape Crisis Counselling

Sharp UCT Student HIV/Aids programme
6505022 or 686.

Ek het die pamflet gekry by die ontvangstoonbank van UCT Drama Campus
terwyl ek vir iemand gewag het.

Weer ekke: Verstaan ek verkeerd - of vertel die mense as jy per ongeluk AZT
gebruik, en later Vigs opdoen, dan sal die AZT niks help nie?
En dat dit in elk geval niks help as jy nie die volle maand kursus neem
Maak nie sin nie.

So, urban legend of te not Gloudina - dit is 'n wesentlike feit wat op 'n
daaglikse basis hier aangespreek moet word.
Nog 'n feit - Die Weskaap - die enigste provinsie nie onder beheer van die
ANC nie, is die enigste provinsie wat AZT op hierdie grondslag beskikbaar
stel. - in 'n beperkte mate - toegegee - maar darem.

Re: UCT, AZT & HIV [boodskap #44759 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #44755] Thu, 21 June 2001 13:29 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Wessels  is tans af-lyn  Wessels
Boodskappe: 43
Geregistreer: March 1996
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Wel HIV is 'n tipe van 'n morfologiese virus, wat beteken dit kan 'n
weerstand baie vinnig teen 'n middel opbou. Al kuur, in my mening, is om die
mense wat HIV postief is te stuur na 'n tipe van 'n kwarantyn gebied soos
wat hulle vroeër gemaak het met goed soos pokke, ens. Jy kan hierdie oukie
nie maklik fight nie.

"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:9gsqie$9n4gr$
> Hieronder uit die pamfet aangehaal - in Engels woord vir woord .
> Sou dit graag in Afrikaans wou vertaal het, maar miskien sou mense dan kon
> dink dat ek met die vertaling woorde en betekenisse verdraai het.
> Miskien kan die slimmes hier ons beter inlig:
> Ek sal die stukkie wat ek so ongelooflik vind in aanhalingstekens (")
> aanbring.
> Rape: What Happens Next?
> Anyone who is raped, woman or man, has a right to medical help and
> councilling.
> In the Western Cape a rape survivor can also get free AZT.
> What to do in a case of rape:
> Go to Grootte Schuur Hospital trauma unit.
> Even if you choose not to report the rape, you may require medical treatment
> and care.
> At the moment, Grootte Schuur is the only public hospital in the central
> Cape Town area capable of dispensing AZT to rape survivors. GF Jooste is the
> only other public hospital in the greater Cape Town region that can dispense
> AZT. UCT Campus Control will automatically take you to the trauma centre.
> If you decide to report the rape to the SAPS ( SA Police Service) you can
> insist the police first take you to Grootte Schuur Trauma Unit. A doctor can
> first prescribe you a week's course of AZT and give you a medical
> examination before you file a report with the police.
> You will be asked at every stage for your consent. If you do not give your
> consent, you will not receive the treatment.
> Start taking AZT as soon as possible.
> AZT is the only widely available medicine we have that may prevent HIV
> infecting the human body.
> We do not definitely know that AZT works in preventing HIV infection in
> cases of rape, but we know it works in preventing HIV transmission from
> mother to child.
> The quicker the AZT can attack the HIV, the better the AZT's chances of
> preventing the HIV from staying in the body. AZT can be taken up to 72 hours
> after possible exposure. Before receiving the full AZT treatment you will
> also be asked to consent to an HIV test. If you test positive you will not
> receive the full course. Only if you test negative you will get the full
> one-month course of AZT.
> Men and women will receive antibiotics against possible STD infection as
> well as the AZT. Women will also receive pregnancy contraceptives ( i.e. the
> morning after pill)
> "Finish the month course of AZT.
> AZT only works if you take every single pill the doctor gives you. Missing
> a dose can mean the HIV changes into a form the AZT cannot recognize and
> cannot fight off.
> AZT as a prophylactic ( i.e. to prevent HIV infection) can make a person
> feel very ill. Your doctor can help - do not stop taking the pills. Every
> time you take AZT as a prophylactic there is a strong risk the virus will
> grow resistant to the AZT and it will not work. Don't throw away your
> chances to prevent HIV infection. Use AZT only in cases of rape."
> Rape is a traumatic assault on a person's body, mind and spirit. It can take
> time for a person to come to terms with it. Professional counselling helps.
> Distributed by:
> Student Health
> Counselling & Testing
> 650 3000 or 650 3662
> Rape Crisis Counselling
> 4479762
> Sharp UCT Student HIV/Aids programme
> 6505022 or 686.
> Ek het die pamflet gekry by die ontvangstoonbank van UCT Drama Campus
> terwyl ek vir iemand gewag het.
> Weer ekke: Verstaan ek verkeerd - of vertel die mense as jy per ongeluk AZT
> gebruik, en later Vigs opdoen, dan sal die AZT niks help nie?
> En dat dit in elk geval niks help as jy nie die volle maand kursus neem
> nie.?
> Maak nie sin nie.
> So, urban legend of te not Gloudina - dit is 'n wesentlike feit wat op 'n
> daaglikse basis hier aangespreek moet word.
> Nog 'n feit - Die Weskaap - die enigste provinsie nie onder beheer van die
> ANC nie, is die enigste provinsie wat AZT op hierdie grondslag beskikbaar
> stel. - in 'n beperkte mate - toegegee - maar darem.
> Annette.
Re: UCT, AZT & HIV [boodskap #44767 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #44759] Thu, 21 June 2001 15:32 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Dit is wat ek van die pamflet afgelei het - 'n Stoute virus inderdaad!!
So, dus, alhoewel Mbeki nie wil AZT beskikbaar stel aan mense wat verkrag is
nie ( hy het seker geweet dit sal nie so baie help as wat mense dink dit
moet nie - kinders wat virusvry gebore sal word ten spyt) sal hy seker die
HIVkolonies bekend stel as 'n verkiesingsfoefie - soos die fiasko van
distrik 6 - daar het tot nou toe dadels daarvan gekom.
Waar dink jy sal hulle hierdie kolonies hê? ( amper soos die bybelse
melaatse-kolonies). Naby Alldays?:)

Happiness is a state of Mind.
. skryf in boodskap news:9gssld$os$
> Wel HIV is 'n tipe van 'n morfologiese virus, wat beteken dit kan 'n
> weerstand baie vinnig teen 'n middel opbou. Al kuur, in my mening, is om die
> mense wat HIV postief is te stuur na 'n tipe van 'n kwarantyn gebied soos
> wat hulle vroeër gemaak het met goed soos pokke, ens. Jy kan hierdie oukie
> nie maklik fight nie.
> .
> "Annette" wrote in message
> news:9gsqie$9n4gr$
>> Hieronder uit die pamfet aangehaal - in Engels woord vir woord .
>> Sou dit graag in Afrikaans wou vertaal het, maar miskien sou mense dan kon
>> dink dat ek met die vertaling woorde en betekenisse verdraai het.
>> Miskien kan die slimmes hier ons beter inlig:
>> Ek sal die stukkie wat ek so ongelooflik vind in aanhalingstekens (")
>> aanbring.
>> Rape: What Happens Next?
>> Anyone who is raped, woman or man, has a right to medical help and
>> councilling.
>> In the Western Cape a rape survivor can also get free AZT.
>> What to do in a case of rape:
>> Go to Grootte Schuur Hospital trauma unit.
>> Even if you choose not to report the rape, you may require medical
> treatment
>> and care.
>> At the moment, Grootte Schuur is the only public hospital in the central
>> Cape Town area capable of dispensing AZT to rape survivors. GF Jooste is
> the
>> only other public hospital in the greater Cape Town region that can
> dispense
>> AZT. UCT Campus Control will automatically take you to the trauma centre.
>> If you decide to report the rape to the SAPS ( SA Police Service) you can
>> insist the police first take you to Grootte Schuur Trauma Unit. A doctor
> can
>> first prescribe you a week's course of AZT and give you a medical
>> examination before you file a report with the police.
>> You will be asked at every stage for your consent. If you do not give your
>> consent, you will not receive the treatment.
>> Start taking AZT as soon as possible.
>> AZT is the only widely available medicine we have that may prevent HIV
>> infecting the human body.
>> We do not definitely know that AZT works in preventing HIV infection in
>> cases of rape, but we know it works in preventing HIV transmission from
>> mother to child.
>> The quicker the AZT can attack the HIV, the better the AZT's chances of
>> preventing the HIV from staying in the body. AZT can be taken up to 72
> hours
>> after possible exposure. Before receiving the full AZT treatment you will
>> also be asked to consent to an HIV test. If you test positive you will not
>> receive the full course. Only if you test negative you will get the full
>> one-month course of AZT.
>> Men and women will receive antibiotics against possible STD infection as
>> well as the AZT. Women will also receive pregnancy contraceptives ( i.e.
> the
>> morning after pill)
>> "Finish the month course of AZT.
>> AZT only works if you take every single pill the doctor gives you.
> Missing
>> a dose can mean the HIV changes into a form the AZT cannot recognize and
>> cannot fight off.
>> AZT as a prophylactic ( i.e. to prevent HIV infection) can make a person
>> feel very ill. Your doctor can help - do not stop taking the pills. Every
>> time you take AZT as a prophylactic there is a strong risk the virus will
>> grow resistant to the AZT and it will not work. Don't throw away your
>> chances to prevent HIV infection. Use AZT only in cases of rape."
>> Rape is a traumatic assault on a person's body, mind and spirit. It can
> take
>> time for a person to come to terms with it. Professional counselling
> helps.
>> Distributed by:
>> Student Health
>> Counselling & Testing
>> 650 3000 or 650 3662
>> Rape Crisis Counselling
>> 4479762
>> Sharp UCT Student HIV/Aids programme
>> 6505022 or 686.
>> Ek het die pamflet gekry by die ontvangstoonbank van UCT Drama Campus
>> terwyl ek vir iemand gewag het.
>> Weer ekke: Verstaan ek verkeerd - of vertel die mense as jy per ongeluk
>> gebruik, en later Vigs opdoen, dan sal die AZT niks help nie?
>> En dat dit in elk geval niks help as jy nie die volle maand kursus neem
>> nie.?
>> Maak nie sin nie.
>> So, urban legend of te not Gloudina - dit is 'n wesentlike feit wat op 'n
>> daaglikse basis hier aangespreek moet word.
>> Nog 'n feit - Die Weskaap - die enigste provinsie nie onder beheer van die
>> ANC nie, is die enigste provinsie wat AZT op hierdie grondslag beskikbaar
>> stel. - in 'n beperkte mate - toegegee - maar darem.
>> Annette.
Re: UCT, AZT & HIV [boodskap #44771 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #44767] Thu, 21 June 2001 18:34 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:

Annette wrote:

> die fiasko van
> distrik 6

Kan iemand verduidelik wat hiermee bedoelword?

Re: UCT, AZT & HIV [boodskap #44804 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #44755] Fri, 22 June 2001 01:29 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Reenen van Niekerk  is tans af-lyn  Reenen van Niekerk
Boodskappe: 445
Geregistreer: April 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Die geld is seker uitgesit vir die projek maar erens het die geld verdwyn


Annette skryf in boodskap news:9gukna$k63$
> :))))) Moet wees - as ons terug beweeg na bybelse tye:))
> Annette
> Krokkie
> kopnanderpleknamy.krok> wrote in message[/color]
> news:3b32c798$0$
>> Dit sal 'n Sodom en Gemor(s)a wees
>> "Annette" wrote in message
>> news:9gt7n3$2l4$
>>> Dit is wat ek van die pamflet afgelei het - 'n Stoute virus inderdaad!!
>>> So, dus, alhoewel Mbeki nie wil AZT beskikbaar stel aan mense wat
> verkrag
>> is
>>> nie ( hy het seker geweet dit sal nie so baie help as wat mense dink dit
>>> moet nie - kinders wat virusvry gebore sal word ten spyt) sal hy seker
> die
>>> HIVkolonies bekend stel as 'n verkiesingsfoefie - soos die fiasko van
>>> distrik 6 - daar het tot nou toe dadels daarvan gekom.
>>> Waar dink jy sal hulle hierdie kolonies hê? ( amper soos die bybelse
>>> melaatse-kolonies). Naby Alldays?:)
>>> Annette
>>> --
>>> Groetnis,
>>> Annette.
>>> Happiness is a state of Mind.
>>> . wrote in message
> news:9gssld$os$
>>>> Wel HIV is 'n tipe van 'n morfologiese virus, wat beteken dit kan 'n
>>>> weerstand baie vinnig teen 'n middel opbou. Al kuur, in my mening,
> om
>>> die
>>>> mense wat HIV postief is te stuur na 'n tipe van 'n kwarantyn gebied
>> soos
>>>> wat hulle vroeër gemaak het met goed soos pokke, ens. Jy kan hierdie
>> oukie
>>>> nie maklik fight nie.
>>>> .
>>>> "Annette" wrote in message
>>>> news:9gsqie$9n4gr$
>>>> > Hieronder uit die pamfet aangehaal - in Engels woord vir woord .
>>>> > Sou dit graag in Afrikaans wou vertaal het, maar miskien sou mense
> dan
>>> kon
>>>> > dink dat ek met die vertaling woorde en betekenisse verdraai het.
>>>> > Miskien kan die slimmes hier ons beter inlig:
>>>> > Ek sal die stukkie wat ek so ongelooflik vind in aanhalingstekens
> (")
>>>> > aanbring.
>>>> >
>>>> > Rape: What Happens Next?
>>>> > Anyone who is raped, woman or man, has a right to medical help and
>>>> > councilling.
>>>> > In the Western Cape a rape survivor can also get free AZT.
>>>> > What to do in a case of rape:
>>>> > Go to Grootte Schuur Hospital trauma unit.
>>>> > Even if you choose not to report the rape, you may require medical
>>>> treatment
>>>> > and care.
>>>> > At the moment, Grootte Schuur is the only public hospital in the
>> central
>>>> > Cape Town area capable of dispensing AZT to rape survivors. GF
> Jooste
>> is
>>>> the
>>>> > only other public hospital in the greater Cape Town region that can
>>>> dispense
>>>> > AZT. UCT Campus Control will automatically take you to the trauma
>>> centre.
>>>> > If you decide to report the rape to the SAPS ( SA Police Service)
> you
>>> can
>>>> > insist the police first take you to Grootte Schuur Trauma Unit. A
>> doctor
>>>> can
>>>> > first prescribe you a week's course of AZT and give you a medical
>>>> > examination before you file a report with the police.
>>>> > You will be asked at every stage for your consent. If you do not
> give
>>> your
>>>> > consent, you will not receive the treatment.
>>>> > Start taking AZT as soon as possible.
>>>> > AZT is the only widely available medicine we have that may prevent
>>>> > infecting the human body.
>>>> > We do not definitely know that AZT works in preventing HIV
>> in
>>>> > cases of rape, but we know it works in preventing HIV transmission
>> from
>>>> > mother to child.
>>>> > The quicker the AZT can attack the HIV, the better the AZT's
>> of
>>>> > preventing the HIV from staying in the body. AZT can be taken up
> 72
>>>> hours
>>>> > after possible exposure. Before receiving the full AZT treatment
>>> will
>>>> > also be asked to consent to an HIV test. If you test positive you
> will
>>> not
>>>> > receive the full course. Only if you test negative you will get
>> full
>>>> > one-month course of AZT.
>>>> > Men and women will receive antibiotics against possible STD
> infection
>> as
>>>> > well as the AZT. Women will also receive pregnancy contraceptives
>> i.e.
>>>> the
>>>> > morning after pill)
>>>> >
>>>> > "Finish the month course of AZT.
>>>> >
>>>> > AZT only works if you take every single pill the doctor gives you.
>>>> Missing
>>>> > a dose can mean the HIV changes into a form the AZT cannot
>> and
>>>> > cannot fight off.
>>>> > AZT as a prophylactic ( i.e. to prevent HIV infection) can make a
>> person
>>>> > feel very ill. Your doctor can help - do not stop taking the
>>> Every
>>>> > time you take AZT as a prophylactic there is a strong risk the
>>> will
>>>> > grow resistant to the AZT and it will not work. Don't throw away
> your
>>>> > chances to prevent HIV infection. Use AZT only in cases of rape."
>>>> >
>>>> > Rape is a traumatic assault on a person's body, mind and spirit.
>> can
>>>> take
>>>> > time for a person to come to terms with it. Professional counselling
>>>> helps.
>>>> >
>>>> > Distributed by:
>>>> > Student Health
>>>> > Counselling & Testing
>>>> > 650 3000 or 650 3662
>>>> >
>>>> > Rape Crisis Counselling
>>>> > 4479762
>>>> >
>>>> > Sharp UCT Student HIV/Aids programme
>>>> > 6505022 or 686.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Ek het die pamflet gekry by die ontvangstoonbank van UCT Drama
> Campus
>>>> > terwyl ek vir iemand gewag het.
>>>> >
>>>> > Weer ekke: Verstaan ek verkeerd - of vertel die mense as jy per
>> ongeluk
>>>> AZT
>>>> > gebruik, en later Vigs opdoen, dan sal die AZT niks help nie?
>>>> > En dat dit in elk geval niks help as jy nie die volle maand
>>> neem
>>>> > nie.?
>>>> > Maak nie sin nie.
>>>> >
>>>> > So, urban legend of te not Gloudina - dit is 'n wesentlike feit
> op
>>> 'n
>>>> > daaglikse basis hier aangespreek moet word.
>>>> > Nog 'n feit - Die Weskaap - die enigste provinsie nie onder beheer
> van
>>> die
>>>> > ANC nie, is die enigste provinsie wat AZT op hierdie grondslag
>>> beskikbaar
>>>> > stel. - in 'n beperkte mate - toegegee - maar darem.
>>>> >
>>>> > Annette.
>>>> >
>>>> >
Re: UCT, AZT & HIV [boodskap #44810 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #44767] Fri, 22 June 2001 04:23 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Krokkie  is tans af-lyn  Krokkie
Boodskappe: 478
Geregistreer: July 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Dit sal 'n Sodom en Gemor(s)a wees

"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:9gt7n3$2l4$
> Dit is wat ek van die pamflet afgelei het - 'n Stoute virus inderdaad!!
> So, dus, alhoewel Mbeki nie wil AZT beskikbaar stel aan mense wat verkrag is
> nie ( hy het seker geweet dit sal nie so baie help as wat mense dink dit
> moet nie - kinders wat virusvry gebore sal word ten spyt) sal hy seker die
> HIVkolonies bekend stel as 'n verkiesingsfoefie - soos die fiasko van
> distrik 6 - daar het tot nou toe dadels daarvan gekom.
> Waar dink jy sal hulle hierdie kolonies hê? ( amper soos die bybelse
> melaatse-kolonies). Naby Alldays?:)
> Annette
> --
> Groetnis,
> Annette.
> Happiness is a state of Mind.
> . skryf in boodskap news:9gssld$os$
>> Wel HIV is 'n tipe van 'n morfologiese virus, wat beteken dit kan 'n
>> weerstand baie vinnig teen 'n middel opbou. Al kuur, in my mening, is om
> die
>> mense wat HIV postief is te stuur na 'n tipe van 'n kwarantyn gebied soos
>> wat hulle vroeër gemaak het met goed soos pokke, ens. Jy kan hierdie oukie
>> nie maklik fight nie.
>> .
>> "Annette" wrote in message
>> news:9gsqie$9n4gr$
>>> Hieronder uit die pamfet aangehaal - in Engels woord vir woord .
>>> Sou dit graag in Afrikaans wou vertaal het, maar miskien sou mense dan
> kon
>>> dink dat ek met die vertaling woorde en betekenisse verdraai het.
>>> Miskien kan die slimmes hier ons beter inlig:
>>> Ek sal die stukkie wat ek so ongelooflik vind in aanhalingstekens (")
>>> aanbring.
>>> Rape: What Happens Next?
>>> Anyone who is raped, woman or man, has a right to medical help and
>>> councilling.
>>> In the Western Cape a rape survivor can also get free AZT.
>>> What to do in a case of rape:
>>> Go to Grootte Schuur Hospital trauma unit.
>>> Even if you choose not to report the rape, you may require medical
>> treatment
>>> and care.
>>> At the moment, Grootte Schuur is the only public hospital in the central
>>> Cape Town area capable of dispensing AZT to rape survivors. GF Jooste
>> the
>>> only other public hospital in the greater Cape Town region that can
>> dispense
>>> AZT. UCT Campus Control will automatically take you to the trauma
> centre.
>>> If you decide to report the rape to the SAPS ( SA Police Service) you
> can
>>> insist the police first take you to Grootte Schuur Trauma Unit. A
>> can
>>> first prescribe you a week's course of AZT and give you a medical
>>> examination before you file a report with the police.
>>> You will be asked at every stage for your consent. If you do not give
> your
>>> consent, you will not receive the treatment.
>>> Start taking AZT as soon as possible.
>>> AZT is the only widely available medicine we have that may prevent HIV
>>> infecting the human body.
>>> We do not definitely know that AZT works in preventing HIV infection in
>>> cases of rape, but we know it works in preventing HIV transmission from
>>> mother to child.
>>> The quicker the AZT can attack the HIV, the better the AZT's chances of
>>> preventing the HIV from staying in the body. AZT can be taken up to 72
>> hours
>>> after possible exposure. Before receiving the full AZT treatment you
> will
>>> also be asked to consent to an HIV test. If you test positive you will
> not
>>> receive the full course. Only if you test negative you will get the full
>>> one-month course of AZT.
>>> Men and women will receive antibiotics against possible STD infection as
>>> well as the AZT. Women will also receive pregnancy contraceptives
>> the
>>> morning after pill)
>>> "Finish the month course of AZT.
>>> AZT only works if you take every single pill the doctor gives you.
>> Missing
>>> a dose can mean the HIV changes into a form the AZT cannot recognize and
>>> cannot fight off.
>>> AZT as a prophylactic ( i.e. to prevent HIV infection) can make a person
>>> feel very ill. Your doctor can help - do not stop taking the pills.
> Every
>>> time you take AZT as a prophylactic there is a strong risk the virus
> will
>>> grow resistant to the AZT and it will not work. Don't throw away your
>>> chances to prevent HIV infection. Use AZT only in cases of rape."
>>> Rape is a traumatic assault on a person's body, mind and spirit. It
>> take
>>> time for a person to come to terms with it. Professional counselling
>> helps.
>>> Distributed by:
>>> Student Health
>>> Counselling & Testing
>>> 650 3000 or 650 3662
>>> Rape Crisis Counselling
>>> 4479762
>>> Sharp UCT Student HIV/Aids programme
>>> 6505022 or 686.
>>> Ek het die pamflet gekry by die ontvangstoonbank van UCT Drama Campus
>>> terwyl ek vir iemand gewag het.
>>> Weer ekke: Verstaan ek verkeerd - of vertel die mense as jy per
>> AZT
>>> gebruik, en later Vigs opdoen, dan sal die AZT niks help nie?
>>> En dat dit in elk geval niks help as jy nie die volle maand kursus
> neem
>>> nie.?
>>> Maak nie sin nie.
>>> So, urban legend of te not Gloudina - dit is 'n wesentlike feit wat op
> 'n
>>> daaglikse basis hier aangespreek moet word.
>>> Nog 'n feit - Die Weskaap - die enigste provinsie nie onder beheer van
> die
>>> ANC nie, is die enigste provinsie wat AZT op hierdie grondslag
> beskikbaar
>>> stel. - in 'n beperkte mate - toegegee - maar darem.
>>> Annette.
Re: UCT, AZT & HIV [boodskap #44815 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #44755] Fri, 22 June 2001 05:16 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Bedoel word ?
Verlede jaar, net voor die 7 November verkiesing, is daar met groot fanfare
aangekondig dat distrik 6 na haar vroeë glorie herstel gaan word.
Die grond wat nou al so lank leeg lê, nadat die vorige huise gestroop is,
sou weer op gebou word, en die mense wat in Atlantis bly sal nou weer in die
middestad kan kom bly, waar hulle voorouers so lank gewoon het.
Dit was 'n verkiesingsfoefie - om die kleurlingstem vir die ANC te verwerf.
Tot nou toe - 8 maande later - is daar nog nie eers opmetings gedoen, of
enige masjienerie gesien - om die begin van die "projek" aan te toon nie.

skryf in boodskap
> Annette wrote:
>> die fiasko van
>> distrik 6
> Kan iemand verduidelik wat hiermee bedoelword?
> Gloudina
Re: UCT, AZT & HIV [boodskap #44816 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #44810] Fri, 22 June 2001 05:17 Na vorige boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
:))))) Moet wees - as ons terug beweeg na bybelse tye:))

wrote in message
> Dit sal 'n Sodom en Gemor(s)a wees
> "Annette" wrote in message
> news:9gt7n3$2l4$
>> Dit is wat ek van die pamflet afgelei het - 'n Stoute virus inderdaad!!
>> So, dus, alhoewel Mbeki nie wil AZT beskikbaar stel aan mense wat
> is
>> nie ( hy het seker geweet dit sal nie so baie help as wat mense dink dit
>> moet nie - kinders wat virusvry gebore sal word ten spyt) sal hy seker die
>> HIVkolonies bekend stel as 'n verkiesingsfoefie - soos die fiasko van
>> distrik 6 - daar het tot nou toe dadels daarvan gekom.
>> Waar dink jy sal hulle hierdie kolonies hê? ( amper soos die bybelse
>> melaatse-kolonies). Naby Alldays?:)
>> Annette
>> --
>> Groetnis,
>> Annette.
>> Happiness is a state of Mind.
>> . wrote in message
>>> Wel HIV is 'n tipe van 'n morfologiese virus, wat beteken dit kan 'n
>>> weerstand baie vinnig teen 'n middel opbou. Al kuur, in my mening, is
>> die
>>> mense wat HIV postief is te stuur na 'n tipe van 'n kwarantyn gebied
> soos
>>> wat hulle vroeër gemaak het met goed soos pokke, ens. Jy kan hierdie
> oukie
>>> nie maklik fight nie.
>>> .
>>> "Annette" wrote in message
>>> news:9gsqie$9n4gr$
>>>> Hieronder uit die pamfet aangehaal - in Engels woord vir woord .
>>>> Sou dit graag in Afrikaans wou vertaal het, maar miskien sou mense
>> kon
>>>> dink dat ek met die vertaling woorde en betekenisse verdraai het.
>>>> Miskien kan die slimmes hier ons beter inlig:
>>>> Ek sal die stukkie wat ek so ongelooflik vind in aanhalingstekens (")
>>>> aanbring.
>>>> Rape: What Happens Next?
>>>> Anyone who is raped, woman or man, has a right to medical help and
>>>> councilling.
>>>> In the Western Cape a rape survivor can also get free AZT.
>>>> What to do in a case of rape:
>>>> Go to Grootte Schuur Hospital trauma unit.
>>>> Even if you choose not to report the rape, you may require medical
>>> treatment
>>>> and care.
>>>> At the moment, Grootte Schuur is the only public hospital in the
> central
>>>> Cape Town area capable of dispensing AZT to rape survivors. GF
> is
>>> the
>>>> only other public hospital in the greater Cape Town region that can
>>> dispense
>>>> AZT. UCT Campus Control will automatically take you to the trauma
>> centre.
>>>> If you decide to report the rape to the SAPS ( SA Police Service)
>> can
>>>> insist the police first take you to Grootte Schuur Trauma Unit. A
> doctor
>>> can
>>>> first prescribe you a week's course of AZT and give you a medical
>>>> examination before you file a report with the police.
>>>> You will be asked at every stage for your consent. If you do not
>> your
>>>> consent, you will not receive the treatment.
>>>> Start taking AZT as soon as possible.
>>>> AZT is the only widely available medicine we have that may prevent HIV
>>>> infecting the human body.
>>>> We do not definitely know that AZT works in preventing HIV infection
> in
>>>> cases of rape, but we know it works in preventing HIV transmission
> from
>>>> mother to child.
>>>> The quicker the AZT can attack the HIV, the better the AZT's chances
> of
>>>> preventing the HIV from staying in the body. AZT can be taken up to
>>> hours
>>>> after possible exposure. Before receiving the full AZT treatment you
>> will
>>>> also be asked to consent to an HIV test. If you test positive you
>> not
>>>> receive the full course. Only if you test negative you will get the
> full
>>>> one-month course of AZT.
>>>> Men and women will receive antibiotics against possible STD
> as
>>>> well as the AZT. Women will also receive pregnancy contraceptives
> i.e.
>>> the
>>>> morning after pill)
>>>> "Finish the month course of AZT.
>>>> AZT only works if you take every single pill the doctor gives you.
>>> Missing
>>>> a dose can mean the HIV changes into a form the AZT cannot recognize
> and
>>>> cannot fight off.
>>>> AZT as a prophylactic ( i.e. to prevent HIV infection) can make a
> person
>>>> feel very ill. Your doctor can help - do not stop taking the pills.
>> Every
>>>> time you take AZT as a prophylactic there is a strong risk the virus
>> will
>>>> grow resistant to the AZT and it will not work. Don't throw away your
>>>> chances to prevent HIV infection. Use AZT only in cases of rape."
>>>> Rape is a traumatic assault on a person's body, mind and spirit. It
> can
>>> take
>>>> time for a person to come to terms with it. Professional counselling
>>> helps.
>>>> Distributed by:
>>>> Student Health
>>>> Counselling & Testing
>>>> 650 3000 or 650 3662
>>>> Rape Crisis Counselling
>>>> 4479762
>>>> Sharp UCT Student HIV/Aids programme
>>>> 6505022 or 686.
>>>> Ek het die pamflet gekry by die ontvangstoonbank van UCT Drama Campus
>>>> terwyl ek vir iemand gewag het.
>>>> Weer ekke: Verstaan ek verkeerd - of vertel die mense as jy per
> ongeluk
>>> AZT
>>>> gebruik, en later Vigs opdoen, dan sal die AZT niks help nie?
>>>> En dat dit in elk geval niks help as jy nie die volle maand kursus
>> neem
>>>> nie.?
>>>> Maak nie sin nie.
>>>> So, urban legend of te not Gloudina - dit is 'n wesentlike feit wat
>> 'n
>>>> daaglikse basis hier aangespreek moet word.
>>>> Nog 'n feit - Die Weskaap - die enigste provinsie nie onder beheer
>> die
>>>> ANC nie, is die enigste provinsie wat AZT op hierdie grondslag
>> beskikbaar
>>>> stel. - in 'n beperkte mate - toegegee - maar darem.
>>>> Annette.
Vorige onderwerp: VERDOMP.....TOT HIER TOE
Volgende onderwerp: Kanada en wiskunde
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