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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: No to M-Web censorship
Re: No to M-Web censorship [boodskap #39641] Sun, 25 February 2001 04:41
Jonas  is tans af-lyn  Jonas
Boodskappe: 1070
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Hierdie is bepaald 'n goie rede om nooit M-WEB aan aan enige persoon aan te
beveel nie - en so jou reeds so 'n fout gemaak het, moet asseblief nie jou
lidmaatskap hernu nie. Om die waarheid te sê, kanselleer dit onmiddelik.
Nou weet ons hoe lyk die wurms in die "Big Black Box"- die kleur het dit
reeds weggegee....

"Castro" skryf in boodskap news:978pmg$8ha$
> They block the Mail & Guardian site Very irritating.
> I've reading the news over breatfast for years.
> I phoned the mweb helpline at 0860112252 to find out the reason. They say
> that they host these sites and they don't want arbitrary bozos like me
> getting them for free. Bastards. Glad to find out there are ways around
> them. Thanks.
> Andrew wrote in message
>> "TJ" wrote in message
>> news:3a91291b$0$
>>> and surf M-Web pages - no problem.
>>> There are probably a dozen other ways to mask your IP address.
>>> TJ
>>> PS: I required access to the DSTV (paid-up subscriber) pages.
>> It's easier just ot use a proxy. What ISPs do they block?
>> Andrew
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