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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Kan jou hulp ons?
Kan jou hulp ons? [boodskap #38617] Sat, 27 January 2001 17:29
Andrew Taylor[1]  is tans af-lyn  Andrew Taylor[1]
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: January 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Ek is Engels en ek het naar kaapstad in 1947 gaan. Ek was 7 en
my ma en pa ons na 'n Afrikaans skoel vir een jaar. :=(

Now I am trying to brush up my taal with a woordeboek but need a
little help.

I have a list of 100 words which are considered, by language
experts, to be 50% of the usage of any language. In other words,
if you learn the fifty words, they will be the basis of half the
normal everyday words you would use.

However, there are several words in the woordeboek for many of
these words and I wonder if an Afrikaner (Afrikaaner?) could
take a look at the list and make necessary corrections? I
shouldn't think it would take you more than five minutes of your
time as I knew more than half of them anyway.

Also I would like contacts both in Kaapstad, and in the
surrounding winelands, to enquire about things like accomodation
and excursions as a friend (lady by herself) will be going there
soon and I want to prepare some helpful ideas for her. Will be
going myself next November as I am a journalist and intend to
vosit many wine growers for an article on South African wines.

I find this site helpful for brushing up as a lot is slowly
coming back to me.


Andrew Taylor.

I have an e-amil address especially set up for this message -
you know what abuse is on this news group by non SA's - when we
are in contact, I will give you my proper address. Use, first,
engels at totalise dot co dot uk Please bear in mind that I will
cancel this in a week or so.
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