Groetnis: Pommies [boodskap #37684] |
Mon, 11 December 2000 19:43 |
Boodskappe: 1 Geregistreer: December 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Mel wrote:
> As ek saam met jou gaan le, dan NAAI ek jou!!
> Jou Boere-Hoermeid!!!
> AG, SHIT I just spoke Afrikaans... now I need to go wash my mouth out
> with some pool acid. ...What a septic taste that is left!
Tipies wat mens kan verwag van 'n pom/soutie/rooinek, 'n afstammeling
van die ou spul Engelse wat 'n honderd jaar gelede nog die mees
primitiewe nasie in Wes-Europas was. Die London "Times" van 4 Desember
2000 berig:
"A unique survey of the poverty endured by many Londoners at the start
of last about to be launched online.
"The detailed reports of poor housing, badly paid jobs and crime,
complete with original maps of the city, which were compiled by the
Victorian social reformer Charles Booth, will be previewed at this
week's Online Information exhibition.
"By next spring, 31 volumes of notebooks - and the famous "poverty maps"
- will be put on the internet to help academics, researchers, schools
and local and family historians.
"Full of detailed information about life in London from 1886 to 1903,
the notebooks are currently available to researchers in the archives of
the library at the London School of Economics...
(In that time) "as many as 25 per cent of Londoners lived in poverty.
But Booth's research, which was intended to prove the figure was an
exaggeration, found that 30 per cent of Londoners were on the povery
line, which meant that the amount of money available to a family with
two or three children was lees than 21 shillings (#1.05) a week.
The notebooks tells a tale of poverty, lack of basic hygienic standards,
sweat shops, prostitution and incest. Both prostitution and incest was
common amongst the English a century ago simply because it was not
illegal. In the UK incest had once been an offence punishable only by
the ecclesiastical courts. But the authority of these courts had been
greatly weakened at the time of the Reformation, and was more or less
abolished after 1641.
To allieviate the incest problem, the Punishment of Incest Act was
passed in 1908, against strong opposition, which criminalised such
behaviour between consenting adults for the first time. The Punishment
of Incest Act was sent into the world with a great flourish. When the
Judges went on assizes in 1909, they took the most unusual step of
advertising the Act's existence because it was so popular amongst the
English masses. To this day, the English world is the only one that
allows marriage between first cousins - a compromise to get the act
accepted, simply because it is such a common practice.
These are the people who, in their own estimation, regard themselves as
"a cut above the rest"........
Dit is dieselfde Engelse wat 'n spul barbare was tot die 16de eeu, toe
die immigrasie van Hugenote vlugtelinge uit Frankryk nywerhede soos die
silwersmid- en goudsmede-bedryf, tekstielbedryf, keramiekbedryf en ander
vaardighede na die primitiewe Engelse gebring het.
Volgens die WHO is Engeland nog steeds 'n nasie wat die laagste
persoonlike higiëne in Wes-Europa handhaaf: hulle bad gemiddeld een keer
per week, slegs een uit drie het 'n eie tandeborsel, en 'n derde van die
huishoudings beskik nie oor behoorlike badgeriewe nie.
Mel is 'n afstammeling van hierdie ou spul.