The Seven Mischievous Misses [boodskap #26462] |
Sat, 18 September 1999 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 645 Geregistreer: July 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Warning!. Following are the names of Seven Mischievous
Misses who are responsible for most of our troubles: Miss
Information, Miss Quotation, Miss Interpretation, Miss
Interpretation, Miss Construction, Miss Conception, Miss
Understanding. Don’t listen to them! Beware!. (William
J H Boetcker).
Konsentreer en doen goeie werke, en ‘n mens sal ryklik
geseën word. Folks, whatever be your goal, keep your eye
upon the doughnut and not on the hole.
This temptation of the mind to reduce every wonder, every
mystery, to a question, is basically fear-oriented. We are
afraid, afraid of the tremendousness of life, of this
incredible existence. We are afraid. Out of fear we create
some small knowledge around ourselves as a protection,
as an armor, as a defense. It is only cowards who reduce
the tremendously valuable capacity of wondering to
questions. The really brave, the courageous person, leaves
it as it is.
Wanneer ons in God glo, en goeie werke doen, sal Hy ons
beskerm, en ons op ons hande dra. Dan sal Hy ons paaie
reguit maak. Vergeet van profesieë. Wanneer 'n mens dit
weet, kan dit anders manipuleer word, en ‘n beter koers
inslaan. Vooraf gewaarsku is vooraf bewapen. Dan weet 'n
mens wat se voorsog maatreëls om te tref, en 'n beter
optrede beplan. En die situasie in 'n mens se guns te