Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Royleen - luister jy ? To Oom Hans & nomad
Re: Royleen - luister jy ? To Oom Hans & nomad [boodskap #22318] |
Tue, 06 April 1999 00:00 ![na volgende boodskap na volgende boodskap](/theme/default/images/down.png) |
R & BW
Boodskappe: 6 Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
I'm listening... and learning! Followed your good advice immediately, Omie,
and thanks for the much appreciated welcome - I was beginning to wonder
where the real South Africans were. By the way, my Mom's maiden name was De
Jager - could there be a family link?! And could you please tell me what is
ICQ? I received your email - thanks! We're in wonderful Brisbane, yes, and
unlike some other ex-pats (correspondents on this group), we are very happy
here - I spent a wonderful life in South Africa and now am fortunate enough
to do it all over again in a just as beautiful country. Aussies remind me a
lot of what real South Africans were like - open-hearted, fun-loving and
just enjoying life in general. And very patriotic. After taking the oath
in January, I feel that same patriotism - a sense of belonging which I
hadn't felt for a long time before we left SA. When it comes to rugby and
cricket and the Aussies play the Springboks, though, it's still hard to
choose sides as I want both to do well.
Nomad, it will take up too much space to tell you why we detest NZ and every
Kiwi in it - if you want to know why, email me (at my previously unaltered
address) and I'll gladly tell you all about it. Also about wonderful
Melbourne, so much like Cape Town where I was born. It will be my pleasure
to give you our opinion of life Down Under and to help anyone who wants to
know more. Our door is always open. Suffice it to say, while we were
living in NZ I met a lot of South Africans there as well (by chance as I
don't believe in clinging together) and I haven't met one yet who is happy
there. It's not easy there Deep Down Under.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Oom Hans skryf in boodskap news:7e9pvo$2is7$
> Welkom by hierdie nuusgroep.
> Tot nou toe nog was jy deurmekaar met mense wat die deur toestaan in plaas
> van plaasneem op een van die vele gemakstoele in hierdie kamer. Noodwendig
> sal jy op tone trap op pad binne toe na die gematigde geselskap wat hier
> teenwoordig is maar moet jou nie steur aan al die geluide nie. Die pad na
> die binnekringe van hierdie groep loop ongelukkig oor vele seer liddorings
> en dis onmoontlik om hulle te mis !!!
> Spandeer gerus tyd hier. Na 'n rukkie sal jy self agterkom wie's wie en af
> en toe is daar gapings in die lawaai sodat mens darem 'n woordjie kan inkry.
> Vanaf jou adres lei ek af jy is êrens in die Ooste van Oz ( My
> oudste dogter en haar gesin is ook in daardie geweste.
> 'n Vinnige stukkie raad : Vermom jou E adres. In Outlook Express - kliek
> op "Tools", selekteer "Accounts", kliek op die "News tab" en dan op
> "Properties".
> Verander dan jou E adres in die "window" wat daar aangetoon word. Die doel
> hiervan is om "spammers" om die bos te lei. Party van ons hier teenwoordig
> is nie te skaam om ons gesigte wys nie en gee dan altyd 'n leidraad na ons
> regte adres - sien my eie voorbeeld hier onder........
> Groete uit Namibië
> Omie
> (Die water in my adres is om spammers te versuip)
> (The water in my address is to drown spammers)
> ICQ 26839292
Re: Royleen - luister jy ? To Oom Hans & nomad [boodskap #22344 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22318] |
Wed, 07 April 1999 00:00 ![Na vorige boodskap Na vorige boodskap](/theme/default/images/up.png) ![na volgende boodskap na volgende boodskap](/theme/default/images/down.png) |
R & BW
Boodskappe: 6 Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
You obviously have a problem understanding English - or maybe you just can't
read it properly. I was very happy in South Africa and in Australia life is
just as good. It all depends on who you have to deal with - the average New
Zealander does not like South Africans and despite our best efforts we could
not change their opinions of South Africans. For example, when SA won the
rugby World Cup in 1995, my husband was verbally, with a threat of being
physically, abused where he worked - and he's not even South African, he
just happens to be married to one. And this never stopped in the following
two years. If you read my message again, you will also maybe realise that
we were not the only ones who did not enjoy living there. And by the way,
we were transferred there - we did not choose to live there, and we left as
soon as the company would let us.
From your address I see that you must be in some way related to Gloudina,
using the same computer, so you obviously live in Canada as well (your
message was without name). Were you a founder of this news group and could
you then please explain to me the rules for participating in it? Could you
also please conduct a survey of correspondents on this group about their
language preferences here? Seeing as the new SA is democratic, majority
rule should be accepted here, I imagine. I will accept the findings and
then post in Afrikaans - but what will you complain about then? You could
of course also just ignore my postings or delete it when you come across one
of my humble postings.
I do apologize if I inadvertently offended you in any way; I participate
here because I like to keep in touch with happenings and people in SA - and
I received some wonderful mail and support. And thanks for asking but I'm
really not sick at all; in fact, I haven't felt so good in years.
Please do read my previous message to Nomad and Oom Hans again and maybe
this time you will get the full picture.
Kind greetings from paradise
skryf in boodskap news:7ebvin$idf$
> "R & BW"
>> Nomad, it will take up too much space to tell you why we detest NZ and every
>> Kiwi in it - if you want to know why, email me (at my previously unaltered
>> address) and I'll gladly tell you all about it. Also about wonderful
>> Melbourne, so much like Cape Town where I was born. It will be my pleasure
>> to give you our opinion of life Down Under and to help anyone who wants to
>> know more. Our door is always open. Suffice it to say, while we were
>> living in NZ I met a lot of South Africans there as well (by chance as I
>> don't believe in clinging together) and I haven't met one yet who is happy
>> there. It's not easy there Deep Down Under.
> Dis 'n siek mens hierdie. Eers was Suid-
> Afrika nie goed genoeg nie. Toe was New
> Zealand nie goed genoeg nie. Let op,
> sy "detest every Kiwi in it." Hoe lank
> voordat iemand haar ou ballonetjie prik
> en dan is Australi"e ook nie goed genoeg
> nie. Moenie so 'n mens aanmoedig om haar
> negatiewe gevoelens hier in Engels op
> die nuusgroep kwyt te raak nie. Negatiewe
> gevoelens in Afrikaans is welkom. Gif in
> Engels behoort nie aangemoedig te word
> nie. Haar ouma was 'n De Jager. Nou is
> haar ouma se taal nie meer goed genoeg
> om op 'n nuusgroep te gebruik wat vir
> AFRIKAANS geskep is nie. Hierdie nuusgroep
> is vir AFRIKAANS geskep. Hou dit AFRIKAANS.
> Gloudina (wie se huistaal Engels is, maar
> nooit daarvan sou droom om op hierdie
> nuusgroep haar opinies in Engels uit
> te spreek nie. Hierdie nuusgroep is
> geskep vir AFRIKAANS. Mense het hard
> vir hierdie nuusgroep geveg. Hou dit
> AFRIKAANS. Beskerm dit veral teen
> Kiwi-haters. Veral teen 'n Kiwi-
> hater wat haar gif in Engels kwyt-
> raak.)
Re: Royleen - luister jy ? To Oom Hans & nomad [boodskap #22357 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22318] |
Thu, 08 April 1999 00:00 ![Na vorige boodskap Na vorige boodskap](/theme/default/images/up.png) |
Boodskappe: 52 Geregistreer: September 1998
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
On Tue, 6 Apr 1999 11:37:48 +1000, "R & BW"
> I'm listening... and learning! Followed your good advice immediately, Omie,
> and thanks for the much appreciated welcome - I was beginning to wonder
> where the real South Africans were. By the way, my Mom's maiden name was De
> Jager - could there be a family link?!
> And could you please tell me what is ICQ?
ICQ is 'n baie gewilde kontak program(en dis verniet). Daar is tans
meer as 30 miljoen geregistreerde gebruikers. As jy ICQ geïnstalleer
het, laai dit outomaties elke keer as jy 'online' is. Jy het 'n
kontaklysie waar jy ander vriende wat ook ICQ het, daarop kan plaas.
Elke keer as 'n vriend byvoorbeeld ook 'online' is, dan wys sy naam
in jou ICQ program. So jy weet dan outomaties wie van jou
vriende/familie dieselfde tyd as jy 'online' is of nie. Jy kan dan
die persoon direk kontak en direk met hom/haar gesels. Jy kan ook die
program as 'n 'pager' gebruik. Jy los boodskappe vir jou vriende en
hulle lees dit sodra hulle 'online' is. Dit is 'n lekker manier om
ook onnodige e-pos uit te sny.
Jy kan ook lêers direk deur ICQ stuur na die ander persoon(soos
foto's, dokumente ens.). Dit vergemaklik koördinasie. Jy kan ook 'n
entjie verder gaan en 'n klein programmetjie, Qtalk, aflaai. Met
Qtalk kan jy deur ICQ, direk met jou vriende gesels met die gebruik
van jou mikrofoon en luidsprekers. Dit is regtig eenvoudig; jy kan
daagliks met vriende regoor die wêreld gesels sonder om 'n woord te
tik deur hierdie tegnologie te gebruik. Dit is ook baie gewild omdat
jy dit natuurlik vir die koste van 'n plaaslike oproep doen. Daar is
talle soortgelyke sagteware wat jou in staat stel om audio/video
kontak te hê met ander en die gewildheid is vanselfssprekend. Jy hoef
nooit weer oorsee te bel nie.
Jy kan ICQ van die net aflaai deur na te gaan.
Kies net "windows95/98" en kies dan jou streek uit die lysie wat
verskyn. Sodoende sal dit jou aan 'n rekenaar koppel wat in jou
streek is en dus verseker dat jy die program vinniger aflaai. [doen
net 'n "search" vir "ICQ as jy dan by die regte blad uitkom - ICQ99a
is die nuutste weergawe]
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